ManyChat: IG Welcome Flow
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    Hello Hello I am Meg You're Tool Muse And we're doing a tool tutorial today

    We're talking about meat If you're not familiar with meat it is a chat bot tool that you

    can apply to uh messenger and Facebook I just want to show you the difference between a free and

    a pro account So what we're going to do today you can totally do on a free account You can

    hook up your Instagram and your Facebook We're going to go over Instagram today for just um

    setting up a welcome message basically have automated conversations that you can do It's unlimited um

    up to 1000 contacts and that's across whatever platforms you connect Um It just counts to your people

    that subscribe whether they come in through Facebook messenger or Instagram D MS or whatsapp If you use that

    tool there are lots of features in here for you to dip your toes in without having

    to pay You don't need to go to $15 unless you want to do some more advanced stuff

    and have some custom fields that map to things Ok So let's kind of jump into it

    So I'm going to go into my account over here and Mela Note because I love Mela

    Note I'm gonna take that away This is many chat So I've kind of mapped this out because I have

    this in a different place and we're going to build it in my account But like I

    said you can actually do this in a free tool You do not necessarily have to have that paid

    account My one brand is paid and my other is not so I can do this here

    as well What I'm not covering though on your um once you get into your your account you

    do need to go through the steps to connect Instagram to it and you do

    need to be on a business page for Instagram or have a business account rather

    same with um Facebook messenger It has to be linked to a page it can't be linked

    to a group So once you've set that up then you can come in here click

    on settings click on this Instagram channel and now we're going to go to in automation So this is

    when someone hits start or subscribe When they start talking to you Let's set up

    your automation So we're going to do an edit and this is the prebuilt ones They've already

    set this up for you I'm gonna make this a bit bigger So this is our starting

    stop They say start or subscribe This is already here for you It moves right over to subscribe to

    Instagram So this is an action step I'm going to go in and actually edit this flow so I can

    do that Let's blow it up a little bit more So I can show you

    the other things that can happen It's already set this one But there are a

    plethora of of steps in here Anything that's blue obviously is a pro account but all of

    these other ones you can use but it's set it up So what it's done down here is it's

    actually done the Instagram opt in because that's essentially what they have have done So at this point

    it doesn't really make sense to add a tag Some of these other ones are more advanced features when

    someone gets in and they start doing things and making choices because think of this like

    a choose your own adventure spot marketing It's similar to email marketing and that you could

    present them both options and if they pick one versus the other you could tag them with what their choice

    was so that when you deliver content or broadcast or whatever that you end up doing um they are

    in that tagged bucket for people that are interested in that particular thing A versus B Like for

    my instance it might be um C R MS versus digital marketing email tools or something I would want

    to send the right content to the people based on their choices they've made already rather than

    spamming them with everything that I offer OK But you can ignore it for now the next step

    here is already built for us but we're going to edit it OK So it

    says hey you've successfully subscribed to my Instagram account right Because we're talking about Instagram

    and if you want to unsubscribe again you can hit stop All right So what I'm going

    to change this to is what I already built out here is I want to personalize this a bit

    I'm going to take this text I'm going to bring this over here I'm going to edit this step

    So now I have this editor here and how I'm going to bring first name in is this part right

    here So because they're in the Facebook Eco of all the things right Mada Land Um

    We have first name from their profile flip over here and I'm going to put hey hey

    right there This is the part where I want to tell it It's a bot right I meg

    bot mega bot because it is my bot Megs Damn But here and I to help you if

    you need it right So we've got two options I'm going to create buttons but we also have quick

    replies The difference between buttons and quick replies is that they will be able to go back

    and hit the different button So I'm going to create a button for resources services and then

    chat directly with me because I want them to be able to do that Whereas if I did quick

    replies they would give them options They could just tap kind of like an auto you know autofill word

    or whatever where you tap it instead of typing the whole word out But those responses will go away

    So whatever they tapped would be their journey They won't be able to go back and pick

    another path if you will So I'm going to go ahead and create a button

    here I don't know if it's going to let me put all of this here

    I have a feeling it's not uh c minus one resources and courses OK So now I'm underneath my

    little limit right here and I like the emojis because it's a little bit more personable OK So for

    you all you can do two things so you can link this I could link

    this to the spot where I've got resources and courses or I can actually have

    it do another Instagram thing where I'm asking them more So my path here was to actually do another Instagram

    one where I give them links here at this point or because I potentially have flows for some

    of this stuff that I've already built out that actually starts another flow it just links them into

    something different totally Um That gives them more options outside of this one Uh I can

    do that as well So it depends on your like how in depth you want

    to get But for right now I'm just gonna say this is going to go to another Instagram

    message There we go just under it OK So I have my three buttons here Now

    I'm going to start to create the messages that are going to go off these responses OK So here's

    that So there's a couple of ways that I can move around and do this right So oh here's

    message one So technically I'm gonna kind of do this So I'm gonna connect direct chat to

    that one So I could drag that little response there and then I'm gonna do another one here

    where this is going to go to Well actually this one because I already have one that is one on

    one services I'm actually going to start another flow with this one go That's what I want It's

    like this flow So now it's starting a flow for me So I got a little

    bit more fancy with it So I have a 1 to 1 services flow that I've already

    pre-built that takes them off to that flow based on that answer But for this one I'm gonna go ahead

    and build out the responses that I had there OK So here I could do quick replies right here

    with a text I would add the buttons of what I want them to do Like what service are you

    looking at Whatever sometimes Um That's nice Because then they just go down the path

    and they don't get distracted with all the things but the buttons kind of allow them to come

    back and check out other resources that I want and for a welcome flow that seems to make the most

    sense for me Um But you'd have to decide how that would work for your business So

    I'm going to add a button Now I could link out to where my quiz lives Um or I could

    actually do the quiz here in many chat if I really wanted to But I already have the

    quiz built So I'm just going to go and open a website link done So I'm actually

    doing these with direct links Um If you're on the pro account you can actually

    set those up as bot fields where you have um there's different kinds of fields So there's bot fields

    and then there's um user fields where you house your information So if I had accidentally typed

    that wrong and any of those links I would have them housed someplace else and I just pull

    them in like I do the smart uh fields for user name or whatever If I

    wanted to bring in one of these it becomes a user field that I can bring in

    for my link So that way if I ever change the link to my quiz on the

    website side of things I can just update it in one place and don't have to

    remember where it lives And all of my different flows inside meat at it OK Look

    at that I got it My third button So now I've got three options here The

    welcome sequence tends to be just a bunch of buttons So for this one it's opening this flow But um

    if I had wanted to for this this particular one since I already have a whole flow

    and I go open this So it's that whole big services flow It's scary So

    it's doing lots of things based on what they pick But if I go back so I have my um

    I am in edit mode here OK So I can come back in here and I could

    choose maybe not to do this flow instead let's say it's you guys and you

    want to do um either a list out your different services and have them go off

    in different directions or a service page link or maybe my freebie which for me is kind of

    my C R M quiz Um But you have something that is like a workbook or a download or whatever

    to get them into your sphere or your console call You could just build those out with

    a flow So I'm going to go over here and we'll just delete this We'll

    pretend like we don't need that there And I'm gonna create this and I'm gonna say it's going

    to be Instagram and we're going to build out Now I'm gonna do some quick

    replies Ok So I could make these buttons but I'm gonna actually give them like three choices

    I'm gonna actually give them like three choices here So I said um here can zoom in here

    All right So I've got these three options here These are these are quick responses right So they have to

    pick one of these things Ok So we need to know what it's gonna do right So if

    they hit this what are we doing Are we gonna do a Instagram message or we gonna go

    right out to um a smart delay See how I can do this Either way I can tap into

    this I can do choose next step I can do it that way or I can just drag out my

    thing and say hey I want this to be um I'm probably gonna add a tag here if they

    said they want the group program and I'm gonna add a tag because I can this is

    a pro thing Um So as you see I have all these things that I can add in here

    I can add an image like if I was actually if I wanted to get really fancy with any of

    these things um I can add an image for the group program So I don't know if I have one

    to pull up This is a card So it gives the image and a like a title and

    some information here But this is sort of a um you can make a carousel of

    cards this way you can add a video so you could have a pre-recorded audio or

    video that you would put in here that says hey this is how a group program works

    Um You can use different elements of this and send people off where they might want to go without

    you necessarily have to be in in your D MS all the time So I might go ahead

    and just at my text here I could be I'm adding emoji for my keyboard shortcuts but

    you can totally tap on here and add the emojis right OK So now I have a button

    for that and it has a link So I've got all my things linked out and

    see how my flow kept getting bigger and bigger So you don't have to make yours this complicated

    But you can see how you can actually start doing this And if you wanted any of these

    to actually be a back and forth conversation you can use some of these fields the quick

    responses to get people funneled to the right thing If you were trying to engage them with a challenge inside

    meat you can do that as well And then then for this last one where it's going

    to ping me this is how I'm doing this So if someone says hey I don't

    I don't want to do your ballot I just want to be an action So this

    action is going to notify assignee So for me I can do this because I'm

    on pro Ok So I've attached this but since it's a pro action it may

    not be necessary really you don't necessarily have to have this in here and here for me because

    I am assigning it to myself I am actually going to make a next step here Um After I've

    done that action just because I want to let them know that I've done that

    OK All right So I'm just gonna leave it personable I I'm not gonna go

    into the whole like letting people know that it like if they're pinging me at 11 pm at night

    I'm probably not going to reply to the next morning but that's just sort of a

    given you know it's just like hey this is a nice to have the last bit

    on here be something that you know you're doing as far as like the bot is actually going to alert

    me if I don't already see it through Instagram because I'm getting kind of pinged in both

    ways Um So this is not a necessary absolutely necessary step for you necessarily but you might want to

    have this option even if it's not going to ping you because you will see it in Instagram OK So

    here's my final flow and it can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be But

    this really doesn't have too many steps in it And these literally could just link out

    to the actual resources But I want to show you how you can build out different

    paths right To give them more options it doesn't just have to be one link

    and then they're on their own You can feed them and ask them the questions and then depending

    on what they're picking with your your flow you can give them tags so that you are able

    to come back and market to them based on their interest that they've already you know gone to So I

    just want to show you something really quick I have done this multiple times where I just

    kind of go out and I'm like what And then this is my published version before I start editing

    and I'm like oh my God I lost it I did not So if I go into edit my saved

    version of what I just tweaked is here but I have not published it But needless to say I

    did save this So even if I go back and it looks like it's gone

    it's not gone Don't panic You have your saved version there Um You just have to

    actually publish and if there's any tweaks and things that you need to make that isn't quite right

    and it obviously is going to warn you and have you make those changes before

    it gets published So um other tools that I find really helpful out here is the keywords So

    let me go over here really quick I'm gonna go to keywords so you can create

    a keyword depending on what you're doing So I have one for a program that early bird sign up and

    people can D M me that and they basically D M me the different things that I've

    got here and um it can do a whole flow based on those things There's also story

    responses too but they're very effective I I've sold that way and I have a teeny tiny following

    So you never know the power of it You just got to set it up and you

    know it's just one way that people can come to you So consider money chat Um

    and it's free and see how it works for you since there's no real like you know cost to play

    You can see if it works If you hate it it's a tool you don't have

    to keep But it you know it could actually help you in the sense that

    especially if you're leading people to sign up and get on your list because that's ultimately you want

    to be able to touch people inside messenger um and D MS inside Instagram and

    then also be able to market to them via list So you can do a cycle where you

    know if they haven't engaged on um many chat with you through the places you

    can recycle them into an email that says hey do this you know and it takes them right

    into the whole flow But um you can have to gauge whether or not your subscribers

    are more apt to respond to you in AD M which I think that's the way it's going than to

    open an email and reply from that So you got to go where they're at and engage

    where they're more likely to respond All right That's my two cents Peace out for now