Minor prophets
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    Introduction to the minor prophets Welcome to this section Welcome to this part of the course Welcome to the

    discussion with the minor prophets Going to discuss this from scripture These 12 books like Hosea Joel

    Jonah they might be short but they are packed with big lessons that are still very relevant today Very

    important So what will you learn in this section One relevance of the minor prophets learn

    the significance about the prophets and uh how their messages still have relevance in today's world We're going to

    go through this step by step Number two prophetic divisions discover the distinction between the former prophets like Joshua and

    the kings and the latter prophets like Isaiah Jeremiah and Ezekiel And then we will discuss the 12 minor prophets

    as a whole helping you to understand the organization of the biblical text Number three

    future leader prophecy gain insight into the prophecies of a future leader from King David's family

    line A figure later identified as Jesus Christ in the New Testament Some contemporary application see how the teachings of

    the minor prophets They're not just historical narratives but they provide advice They provide wisdom that can really guide our

    lives today Let's start with the 12 minor prophets who are they Let's list them out Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah

    Jonah Mica Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah and Malachi So in the Bible these books they're treated as their

    own section Each of them sometimes people call them the 12 or the book of the 12

    The Bible it puts prophets into two main groups the former prophets like Joshua and kings and

    the latter prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel and these 12 minor prophets So we've discussed the

    major prophets the latter prophets Now we're getting into the minor So these prophets talked a lot

    about a future leader from King David's family line who Christians believe is Jesus as it is explained

    in the New Testament probably familiar with the story Let's dive a little bit deeper into what these

    prophets talked about and we'll use some Bible verses like we do to give specific examples So first we see

    Hosea shows us God's love Even when people forget Him he doesn't forget them And Hosea 219 I will

    betroth you to me forever I will betroth you in righteousness and justice in love

    and compassion Now Joel ok we start to see some similarities here Joel warns us about a big day

    coming called the day of the Lord tells us to be ready in Joel 21 blow

    the trumpet in Zion sound the alarm on my holy hill Let all who live in the land

    tremble for the day of the Lord is coming So we're talking about Jesus coming Christ coming predicting

    these prophecies that would later occur Now Amos talks about how important it is to live right

    with justice and fairness for everyone in Amos 524 Let justice roll on like a

    river righteousness like a never falling stream Obadiah we see warns of a nation called

    Edom about being too proud thinking they're better than everyone else And Obadiah 13 the pride of your heart has

    deceived you You who let live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the

    heights You who say to yourself who can bring me down to the ground So we are speaking of Christ

    we are speaking of Christ of a savior coming You're seeing similarities here And in Jonah it's a story

    about a prophet who didn't want to give God's message because he didn't think the people

    deserved forgiveness Jonah for one But to Jonah this seemed very wrong and he became angry So you see

    the similarities with these minor prophets with prophecies that they're saying Micah reminds us what God

    really wants from us to do What's right love kindness and walk humbly with him and

    Micah 68 he has shown you oh mortal What is good What does the Lord require of

    you to act justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God Now Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Hag Isiah

    and Malachi OK Each of these have their own messages about following God being brave looking forward to a hopeful

    future So each minor prophet OK what do we see here What are some similarities here And remember again we're

    going through these a little bit quickly please re watch the video delve a little bit deeper

    into some of them If you like we're going to do that later on But what do all these have

    in common Each prophet adds their own voice to God's bigger story Teaching us about

    love about hope about humility these messages they're not just old stories but they are

    lessons lessons that should be guiding us today And when we go back and look at these minor prophets

    we see all their predictions we see the prophecies that have come true and we

    see the overall central them message which is focused on Christ which is focused on Christ as the

    savior So what did we learn What did you learn in this section in this

    lesson So number one now you should understand the importance of the minor prophets have

    a general idea of their messages why they remain so relevant to today We also touched on the distinct

    categorization of prophets as former prophets like Joshua like kings and then the latter prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel the major

    and then the 12 minor prophets which we discussed here in this lesson We gained insight into

    prophecies concerning future leader King David's lineage later identified as Jesus as Christ In the New Testament

    we went over some of the core messages of specific prophecies like Hosea Joel Amos Jonah

    Micah as they were conveyed through the interpretation of the verses through the prophets We also touched

    on some of the practical guidance that was offered by the minor prophets teachings particularly in regards to justice kindness

    and hope Ok These will be recurring messages that we see throughout this section throughout

    the minor prophets In the next lecture we will discuss a little bit deeper into

    the minor prophets and we'll start to break these down more to give you a clearer overall understanding of

    the minor prophets