20 rule-t1knx6a74r
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    Quick question. Which one of these three
    account for 80% of campaign success?

    How many believe it's the right message?
    raise your hand...

    a couple

    How many believe it's the right

    how many believe it's the right place?

    how many have no idea what
    I'm talking about right now?

    okay... the answer is the right message
    these are kind of the three pillars of

    what makes a campaign work.

    Andrew Robertson made this clear when he confirmed this through Facebook's data and Google: North America's data that the

    The right message accounts for 80% of the return path.

    and I confirm this also with smaller SMB statistics where it didn't matter what I'm talking about

    B2C or B2B... it's pretty much kind of
    saying the same thing and what that

    means to you guys is that... instead of
    focusing so much of your energy on all

    these placement and timing platforms

    and tech and tools...

    ...it's only about 20% of the impact that you're gonna have when

    someone's actually considering you guys. Right?

    So you need to focus on your
    creative message first and foremost...

    and now that you understand this when
    you see a prompt like this in Facebook

    asking: "are you running the best

    that's not the right question to ask.

    They're a media company course
    they're gonna ask that they're not going to ask that.

    They're not going to

    get into your business about your creative... because it's not what they do.

    The real question is:

    Are you running the best ADS for your objective?