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    once you've uploaded your product to JV Zoo the next thing you will need to do is

    create a buy button in JV Zoo In this video I'm going to show you how to create

    the buy button with just a few simple steps Without further ado let's get started right now Go to the

    seller's dashboard in the sellers tab you will find your product list here make sure you've

    already uploaded at least one product If you haven't done so you will not be able to

    see this page in this video You are looking at a rather mature account I've already uploaded a number of

    products for demonstration purposes I'm going to single out one of my products I am how to pack click

    on buy buttons and wait for it to load when the page is loaded You will

    see that there are a few options of by buttons with the codes below it Pick one

    and copy and paste the code to your sales page and that's all there is to it

    Thanks for watching