Yeah mhm So I am hoping that is working this time it seems like it although facebook shouldhave a filter to kind of remove the wrinkles Um I'm just going to give youa chance to jump on those of you who can make it and I havemy cup of tea well um yeah how are you Mm all good Have you been playing around withthe energy since yesterday It just been too tired I'll just see if if someoneelse I don't know how busy people are I mean this is easter right so peoplemight be busy with family stuff and all that which is fine Um but I justwant to give people a chance to jump on those of them who might havethe time and get my papers ready here Yeah mm ah unlike that I got all my papers because Ican't remember everything my head mhm mm So I thought I wanted to introduce myself a little biteither way because even though that I have had you know most of you have been in touch withone way another before this course it's not everybody who knows who I am and most of you do notno my story either um and not like I'm gonna sure frank chakra it's not like I'm gonna make youknow tell my whole life story but maybe give a little bit of an idea um of what actually broughtme onto this path so my name is Claire summer Clear Soul craft summer I'm the Ceoand founder of Soul craft healing uh and coaching as well as to sign Lab Copenhagen and I havebasically been searching for truth for the most of my life even as a kid I read everything I couldget close to try to understand Hi Sherry welcome amazing that you could find thetime to get online um And I was kind of searching everything and back in the 70s when Iwas a kid I'm 46 today Uh so back in the 70s and especially in Denmark it wasnot like we had a lot of information available in the local library that was way before the Internetright Um so I did get my hands on everything I could and I you knowdouble a little bit into what is witchcraft or what is magic and you know all these thingsand also you know my mother she is quite spiritual and actually had a fewbooks that I read as well and you know already from the age of eight when someone inmy family died I got this concept of that well when we die and that is supposed to beit you know I mean to me that did not make sense Uh so eight years old I decidedthat the thing about having a life and and joys and sorrows and you know all of that ifthat was for nothing it simply didn't make sense to me So that kind of like spurred meon my search I think around the age of 13 I began to understand the concept ofKarma that every time we do an action you know there's a reaction to that Um even ifI didn't understand it fully but it was like I felt right for me and then you beginto understand as you get older But at the age of I mean my parents were they got divorcedwhen I was a kid About three years old I think Um and about the age of 13mother she thought I was a little hard to handle because that was very much like my dad andI got down to to stay with my dad in spain for a while inBarcelona Um and when I thought my dad was a pain in the ass because hewas so close to me and like we're so alike I would come back to Denmark so Iwould be like back and forth quite a few times oh two seconds like that I need to be ableto breathe opening the packs Um now what happened was at the age of 15 in Spain I ran awayfrom home but before that and I'm going to tell you a few things that might sound quite disturbingand I'm not telling you this if you have been traumatized in your life orhave experienced anything similar This is not to kick into your trauma this is simply toohigh Jill welcome It is simply to give you an under like a very short understanding of that Ihave seen things right I have you know not everything was something that happened to me but it has alsobeen things happening to others that I witnessed Um and the more we witness of all those weird thingsthat goes on in the world the less judgmental we actually become many times if we choose to SoI had a boyfriend in Spain I was 14 at the time that was before everything went all wrongUm and one night weapon out in this kind of like kids disco and he was a bitdrunk and we got back and what actually ended up with happening was that heended up raping me at the age of 14 That was my first sexual experience as such whichhonestly looking back yes it did fuck up a lot of things especially considering myown self worth um that I had to work on a lot Um But that is whatit is at 15 I ran away from home in Spain living in the north of Spain for threemonths at the streets with a lot of street punks at the time I like Ihad a Mohawk and colours and safety pins in my nose and all that Uh therebel basically right And I was like I always felt strange I always felt weird I always felt likethe black sheep the one that didn't fit in and I was like okay if I don't fit inI might as well make a point of it because then it's by my choice instead of feeling leftout But I ran away from home and a lot of things happened at the time I I was arunaway and one of the things which was quite traumatic actually was you know we were sleeping inparks and benches and you know going around to these festivals and somewhere in spain and one night we hadbeen sleeping a couple of nights at some benches in in a in a specific park andI had a hunch to go and there was this abandoned house a little down the streetIt was like this weird kind of curvy street and we went there to sleep Ithink we were four or five of us And at about 3:00 at night I woke up bysomeone screaming screaming and I ran out and I climbed the gate out to the street and themoment that I climbed the gate and I kind of ended up on the street there was a womanwho had been raped by Freeman in the park where we had slept the night before who was thrownover this 11 m tall wall and landed down straight in front of my faceall bloody all screaming And I sat with her for about 20 minutes There was some other people there wasa couple making out in a car further down the street and they came running up and the guy hewent up to get the ambulance and has set for this woman For about 15 20 minutes until the paramedicscame and brought it to the hospital Um which was uh huh Also quite quitea trauma right To to kind of witness that and see the evil in the world soto speak how evil people can be and how not caring people can be LaterI heard that she survived and she got the help that she needed and you know considering the circumstances thatshe got as well as she could so that part kind of you know considering thecircumstances that part is sort of okay right Uh and then a few years later I was still searching andI was still confused and I was still very much uh doubting myself and my own worth andwhether it was worthy of even loving myself right Uh and I met up with an old friendof mine that I've known since I was six Um and I always kept hima little bit at a distance because he was like very interested in me and I wasn'tinterested at all And then I happened to meet him and he was like yeah cometo my place for dinner and we'll have some wine and something and that was kind offine And he ended up getting me drunk putting something in my drink and raping me too Yeahso this is two incidents of people that I was supposed to be able totrust that ended up you know doing this to me Um and I have dealtwith that as well as I could and always thought that well it's okay I'm over it And thenI realized like in the hindsight looking back now No I was not okay right No I wasn't And yesthat really really fucked up my my my sense of self worth really for for a lot of yearsBut I did work through it Um and in the middle of my twenties beginningof my twenties also I mean I have a lot of stories I could tell Iwill not tell you all of them But then like in the beginning middle of my 20's I rememberI was in my living room floor kind of wondering why is this world soconfusing Right What is it about this world Why do people keep on hurting each other Why do people keephurting me And not realizing that I was the one you know in my ownsense because we are the powerful creators of our reality I was the one actuallycreating these incidents because I was a very original match I had to go in and beginand look at my own shadows But I was not ready for that at the time AndI was on the floor wondering crying to the skies like why is this happening Ican't deal with this anymore And I seriously considered if I should take my own life at thatpoint but luckily I'm also my father's daughter and I'm also too stubborn to go out and dosomething like that So I was like okay I'll make you a deal bring iton whatever it is just bring it on and I will deal with it now But the deal has tobe that Then it will get better and it will only go forward It willonly get better and better and better Right That was kind of the idea ofthe deal I made with my higher self basically and things did get better and better There was stilla lot of shit going on and then it did take me quite a few years andI was still searching and I was still reading everything I could get But it wasn't actuallyuntil I got initiated into two to Ricky that I began dealing with my own crap to behonest And Hanukkah I just saw you now So you know you guys have joinedthis course and some of you already he is and you just want the frequencies whichis perfectly fine right But some of you I also know are going through a lot of crap in yourlife where you got to like begin to look in and see what you got and deal with that andtake the actions that that are aligned to you and to where you want to be And thatcan be hard sometimes right And this is where this healing also can be really really amazing to allowyourself to feel whatever comes up and begin to let its surface and then you can release it right Becauseit needs to surface before we can release it And we need to kind of feel itbefore we can release it But often we lose we use a lot of energy on suppressing whatever wehave rather than allow it to surface and then we can release it And this is what you can usethis healing modality for but not just within yourself You can also use that for your clients right Andoften times when we have symptoms and in the union the physical we have physical symptoms of oneor another kind but that would usually stem from something else inside us Right And I'm very much if youif you don't have the book Louise Hay wrote the book called heal your life Thatone is an excellent They have a lot of explanations on what is actually going on Wouldn't we haveall these physical symptoms So that would be a good one too to actually use one secondMy kid actually might come home at some point So you might see him kind of passed by andI told him that I would be doing this live So if he came home hewould have to be quiet So it's just if you certainly see my kid wondering behind me that is whyOkay So well enough about me anything and we are a lot here Uh What we're gonnado today we're gonna start with the little bit of history on kundalini Reagan is not a lotit's quite brief And then we're gonna do a little exercise for you to send your handsI know some of you already very familiar with healing but for those of you whomay not be this could be a good thing right And then I'm gonna talk a little I thinkI wrote the curriculum so to speak a little bit about spiritual hygiene We're gonna talk aboutdisconnecting we're gonna be talking about grounding and cleansing a room or house We're also going to be talkingabout healing The comic band that we have with people in our lives as well as situations and qualities healingas well And that part is pretty brief It's not a lot because this youknow this mortality is so easy to learn is so simple but it's still so powerful and that's part ofwhat why I love it and why I'm teaching it to you now right Uh And thenwe're also gonna look a little bit about on the on the bonuses that I toldyou about like for for module one which is about how to energize and activateour hands And a few things we can try and do if we don't really feel theenergy in our hands to start with Also about the intention setting process and ethics like whento hell and we're not to heal um how we protect ourselves our own energy when we heal aswell as the person that we are healing Um and also like the part of selfhealing is is self care right So that's just basically the topics we're gonna we're gonna cover todayso let me have a sip of my tea before I run out of air One second MmYeah yeah so kundalini Ricky has been brought through by a danish man called Enola Gay Players Um And I'mnot exactly sure when but within the last 10 15 20 years I think that's at least how far backI could trace it Uh First I was attuned to kundalini right by someone else butI have since received several attunement from Mr ali Gabrielson The latest one was the 2024edition There's several editions because sometimes he upgrades the energies where they get stronger And the lastone I received was the 2024 But just today I have asked to be attuned to thewill not be the 2024 anymore it will be the 2025 which is even stronger So that'sa good news for you right Um so kundalini Ricky is about and I think I mentionedit yesterday also but for those of you who didn't watch the live yesterday it'sabout connecting to and harnessing the life force energy of mother earth So this is a very groundingfrequency Very very strong and very very powerful and it is totally guided by intention So yourintention when you hear is what actually does the job And this is also why we're going tobe speaking more about intentions were going to speak a little bit about it today and thenI will speak about it some more at level two and your intentions for the healing is whatactually does the job So you activate the frequencies and then you have the intentionfor what you want to happen So one thing is what is wrong right now wrong inour perception but a different thing is what result do you want out of it And your resultsare going to get better if you have that end result in your mind rather than what is actuallywrong right now But it's still intelligent frequency So they will flow to where they're needed ina story right You will have to do hand position and first you do here then you dothere then you know all the way down and while you can also do that in kundalinirick and you can do that You know you can actually make a whole half hour sessionor our session if you watch you and hold your hands different places It's not a problemit's depending on how you prefer to do it but it is not necessary basically you will be ableto sit have activate your hands have your intention clear in your mind and then you cando a healing in as little as five minutes The same with yourself you can doa self healing in as little as five minutes but obviously you can stretch ittoo and do it in any way you want Now I will be teaching you the basics here of whatis in the actual original teachings well the latest edition of them anyway um but feel free to exploreand add and whatever you feel is right for you some of your heels yougot all the modalities You have learned different techniques you can very well blend those into thisas well it's all up to you and this is part of the beautiful part of itbecause it's not Bridget it's not like you have to do it like this and this and this andthis this is not how it works with kundalini Rocky you have the flexibility and the freedom to mold itand use it in the way that you feel is right for you Okay Um so first of allI would like to do I don't know how many of you know you know you got some Rickyalready I can't remember about you Jill if you have Ricky and Lynn this is the first time for Noyou also had some I think I can't remember it anyway right now I wouldlike for you to place your hands on your stomach now you can't see myhands yet But if you place your hands on your stomach and if it's possible for you tohave your feet on the ground It doesn't matter if you're seated at the firstfloor the 15th floor or if you actually see that at the ground it doesn't matter it's theintention and the energy that matters right So if you take your hands and then you place them on yourstomach and you simply just think Ricky and then try to put your focus into the palms of your handsyou might feel the energy rise from the button of your feet all the way up yourlegs all about your body and out your arms and into your palms They feel mind going already nowand then you place your hands like this on your stomach and then you think right here to startthe energy and what the teachings would say is and this is just an exercise right in order to selfheal to have the intention of healing yourself and just let the energy flow again Some ofyou might feel a lot some of you might feel nothing some of you mightfeel a little it could be very different even from time to time Just allow them toto flow because they will go where they need it You don't need to have a specific intentionother than you're healing yourself right now anyway you can have that later if you wantAnd it does say 3-5 minutes in the manual but we don't need that rightnow Okay so right now you can lift your hands and put them in frontof your eyes You don't need to touch just keep it out here Just let theenergy flow and you can go your hands over your heart Just let the energy flow intoyour heart Some of you might feel something going on your heart shock round some of you might justfeel something going on your hands some of you don't really feel much it stillworks There has been people who doesn't feel it at all and when they heal otherpeople they do give results So just because you don't necessarily feel it flowing from your hands it doesn't meanthat it's not there it doesn't mean it's not activated Okay And and you know the exercise that itwill tell you say in the manual always say 3-5 minutes but you don't need to do that rightnow You can just take your hands out and then just wrap them together shake your arms abit and if you want to just get up for a second you know tokind of become wide awake you can do that you don't have to now this is one wayyou can actually also try to begin to sensitize your hands to healing It's by rubbingyour hands together It's hard for you I'll talk a little bit more about thatlater about physical exercises we can do that will actually help the energy flow in thebody Um but we don't usually have to kind of feel the energy too hardor like to move it to kind of force it in order to show you justhave to allow it it's more of an allowance But what helps me because obviously forme as well you know some days I'm going to feel it a lot and other days Ihardly feel it at all It depends on a lot of factors but what usuallyhelps me then is to you know think of the bottom of my feet and how they connect all theway down to the earth like roots flowing out going into the earth and thatthen draws the life force energy up through the bottom of my feet up from mylegs all the way out and I can kind of feel how it will go out into myhands and then I can feel it activate here If you are already attuned to somethinglike a su Iraqi Whether you symbols you could take a sharp right for instance in each or inthe palm of your hands and activate it that way and then just think the kundaliniRicky Um But you can also make your own simple if you find that once you have the energy flowingyou can make up your own symbol whichever symbol you find is easy for you to remember that youcan picture in your mind and you can kind of place in the palms of your hand asa symbol for you that now the Ricky is flowing that you can do also OkayWait A 2nd I just need to make sure my papers out here So the next part which Ithink a lot of you have been looking forward to is the part of healing another person becausewe don't only heal ourselves Uh We also heal the other person and I will get into you know youcan heal yourself by by holding your hands like this You can also heal yourself by imagining yourself in thissize maybe and then just hold your hand cut your hands around it like this and imagine youare in the middle here and then send the healing in that way you canalso write your own name or if it's distinct feeling for someone else that person's name inside a pieceof paper and cut your hands it's a little hard with the headset cup your hands like thatand then have the paper in the palm of your hand and then you're you'rekind of like having the intention that you're sending like a healing to that person in the sameway like before I told you you have yourself here you can do that have that otherperson imagined in the middle in a mini size and then you hear them that way and some peoplelike to use a dummy they have like a teddy bear or something that they then say okay this isthe person my healing now and then they use the teddy bear as the or a dull you knowas the focus point for that person that they are actually healing or themselves forthat matter So there's like different ways of doing it and there's no right andthere is no wrong in this this is very much about how you feel is rightfor you because I will I will say some things here I will give yousome suggestions but in the end it's it's how do you feel is right for you because this isvery much a part of this also it's not a doctrine it is something that is there it isactivated in you and then it's up to you to begin to use it theway that feels right for you now if you also have when you want to heal someone else youcan also do that in person Obviously you know it doesn't have to be distance healingThat's my preferred way of healing is distance healing because it's so easy Um it's veryjust as effective There's no difference whether you do hands on healing so to speak or if you doa distance healing the effect is going to be the same Also whether you're healing like inreal time where the person is laying down and we're seeing the healing at the sametime or if you're healing the person and then instructing that person to actually draw that healing in laterThere is no difference in the effect either it's the same the experience is the same the strength isthe same that the result will be the same as well So there's no difference which is really really practicalas well because energy knows no boundary you know at the subatomic level we are all connected at thequantum level everything is connected but you don't have space and time as such whenwe come into the higher dimensions right Um and as everything is connected that healingwill be there and ready for when that person simply chooses to call it in So that'sanother process it's another possibility you don't have to do it live you can do it beforehand and thenthey can call it in later It's so practice it was amazing Um is there any questionsright now because I'm just you're talking talking talking talking I kind of forget to to check ifthere's any questions So if it is just write your questions and if I don't see them I will getback to you after the the session here and then I will respond after the live Okay nowwhat's your plan now Let's pretend that you have something one and close to you inthe same room that you want to heal So obviously you I want to make sure that your friendis comfortable and they can either be sitting down or they can be laying down That'svery much you know how they preferred or how you prefer Now if you do in person healings I willhighly suggest to you that you have a very thin blanket or something that you can cover that personwith because that's going to make them feel safer Right And when we do in healinglike in person healing Sorry usually we will not actually touch the body either We will keep our handsat least a few inches above the body So we don't touch we keep it alittle bit above Hi Isha welcome I'm glad you could make it Um which means that you willactually kind of keep your hands over the body rather than actually touching the body Now evenif you keep your hands over the body I mean I have had clients who were like they feltthe heat of my hands as I did this right I mean and I could even have itout here and they will still feel the heat from my hands So it it definitely works And we haveall our energy bodies and but that's that's part of the bonus you will get that will makein May uh where I'm gonna be talking more about the chakras and the energy bodies Thiskind of a crash course that you get as a bonus for for this course UmSo what do you say See let me see how could how would a person call the healing YesI mean I have I have this statement and I will give that to you as well that I askedthem to kind of say you know like I'll copy it to you So you get itAnd I because I usually do a distance healings Right So I would send this with the email tothe person requesting the healing Let's short instructions on you know like prepare yourself by beingrelaxed and maybe take a shower or you know whatever way and blah blah blah And then also howto actually call in So basically is their intention and calling in the healing that does thejob right Because the moment you start healing them you're providing the frequencies but it won'treally go into that person at least that's the intention because we don't want to hearthat Something about ethics we'll get into that in a moment But you don't we don't want toheal people who haven't asked for it who haven't agreed It can be a little bitdifferent with animals if you see a herd animal if you want to you knowif you want to heal that animal and obviously that animal is gonna send if theydon't like it they're going to walk away Is that simple And if they walk away then you don't hearthem because then you know that's their choice right But with people with humans we don't healunless we have permission So what you're doing you're providing the frequencies and the moment they make thestatement of science and you know I am now calling in the heating that there's somuch providing for me and I allow it to work on all levels That's basically what I askedthem to say And that's that's like the magic part that is going to activate thehealing to actually enter there personal field so to speak right So I am verymuch about ethics and I'm very much about that We don't interfere with the free will of othersSo but we get into that in a moment But that's basically what I tellthem to do So it's the intention behind it So I'm asking them to say those wordseither loud or in their mind and have the intention also to actually call it and allowit to work Is it ethical to heal this limb Is it ethical to heal other people's petsI would say I mean depending on the situation Uh huh It's in essence they are theones responsible So personally I would Ask the person 1st is it All right If I what you can donow if it's somewhere where you can see there is an animal that is hurtand the owners don't give a shit Um Maybe I would kind of provide the healing for thatanimal and kind of like if that animal wishes to take it in they will take it in Soyou're not healing directly You're kind of like you're kind of how to say that providing the energyand pushing it there So it's kind of standing right before them and ready That's howI see it in my inner minds I I'm kind of like provided and they flow to that doglet's let's say the dog they flow to the dog but they don't flow into the dogI just let them kind of stop right there and then I allow it the dogto take it in or not as it wants to because the dog will know ifit wants to or not But I wouldn't directly he'll just that he'll he'll doesthat make sense when I put it when I say like that I'm not otherwiselet me know because then I have to try and and and rephrase that But usually I would ask andespecially also like the kids of other people I wouldn't just feel that you wouldask the parents because they're the ones responsible they're the ones who have the right you know and even ifsometimes we will have you know we will experience situations where we know the healing that that we can providewill help We know it will help them We know it will feel that person but that person hasa free will right So we don't want to go too far We want to be respectfuleven if we know it helps but they have the choice to say no it's very important becauseif you start healing without people allowing it it's going to come back and bite your ass Youknow it's it's not it's not cool comma okay it will create trouble for you and then even ifyour intentions are the best of intentions and that is some of the hardest of being a healer is whenyou know the answer you know I know this is going to help that person but Ihave to step back and allow them not you know that is their process and we haveto respect that right So I got a little hard on myself and into the into the ethicsum let's go back to healing another person So what you do is when you have that person life Iwould suggest or ask the person if they would like it as a blanket and then makesure you don't touch them Um especially if you're gonna do this for a living if you're going to chargefor it it can be quite important that there is no doubt about the integrity um of when you healsomeone else right We can talk about that a little more at the end ofthe course once we have gone on for all three levels but even now when you're just starting outyou know suggest them to have a blanket if they want to and just make sure youkeep your hands over And actually for me I can't feel the energy is the same way if I touchI mean it still flows but I just don't feel it the same way But if Ihave my hands slightly above it does I do feel it a lot more and thenI can kind of sense what is going on which I can't the same way because it's the touch itselfis kind of disturbs my senses so to speak And then it's hard for me todecipher which part is the energies in which part is me touching Um so uh in the originalmanual there is a prayer that has suggested like this but again you can kindof do it anyway you want right now I'm giving you the original teachings and my take on it especiallywith the ethics part and then you kind of make it your own It's important for methat you make it your own Um what other suggests he says that God orsource if that feels better for you right I ask that we be protected during the session and that wewill receive the guidance we need I asked that I asked that that are those ascended masters angelsand archangels that I needed in this session will come now and give and then you say thename of the heli the one who's receiving the healing the healing he or she needs Thank youThat is what he's suggesting What I do is I call upon my personal team of guidesteachers and angels My Ricky guides and a center right The masters past present and future Pleasesupport me and sudden revealing right frequencies to then I named that person in order forthis person to heal physically emotionally mentally and spiritually And then here then I would include theintention that person has for the healing Um and state them out as well And then I would end itwith the highest her highest good or his high is good in her highest good and the highestgood of all beings everywhere Thank you Thank you Thank you That is my intention kindof like my prayer process when I do it so you might you know thisis a couple of suggestions but you might want to make your own that you know sits right withyou hmm um what I also then do now maybe I should do that I should mention that afterright now I try to stick to the original teachings and I'll explain you for the rest after otherwiseit's going to be mixed up was not as good and then I can't remember what I told you andwhat I didn't tell you right so you're gonna try and stick with it here one second um andthen what you then do like once you have stated that intention the little prayer and the intention then youwould think crikey now if you are already attuned to another modality like oh sorry Ricky or violetflame Ricky or whichever Ricky or whatever you would say kundalini Ricky in order to make sure thatyou differentiate between which energy are actually starting up But if you haven't had been attuned before you canjust say Ricky and then you can feel the energy how it starts flowing fromyour feet and out for your hands Um if you want to make a you knowwhen you have people in for healing uh you know a healing session then probably you will wantto kind of have hand positions and I do it very much as I am guided to there isa specific here just like we did before where you do like with the belly with the head andwith the eyes and then with the heart Um But I would kind of letmy hands flow wherever I felt guided to But these energies are going to go to wherethey need it anyway it's like when you throw a bucket of water into like you know some cement thathas cracks in it then the water goes into the cracks it kind of works the same way inorder to make it whole right Um So you don't have to do the hand positions but obviously the onegetting healed is gonna feel that they get more out of it if you do kind of alittle you change a little around and you might also be guided to okay if Igo here about you know with the heart maybe I'm guided to put my hands bythe heart and then give a little extra healing there And kind of when you feel the energy stoppedflowing from your hands then you kind of move to somewhere else Mm That's a way of doing itUm And as when you end it's important that you kinda again rub your handstogether to break the energy maybe shake them a little But what you also want to do themoment that you start healing someone else you want to maybe I should get up a bit here likethat You want to kind of like gather the threats the connection you have with that person and you wantto make like free karate chops and then throw the energy away So this wayyou kind of break the connection between between you and the one you're healing and thisis quite important because if you don't do this you might end up sending healingto people without being aware of it and that's going to deplete you and trainthe fuck out of you I've tried it it's not funny you know so you have tokind of remember to cut that court intentionally and it's not like the it's not like it'sthe physical action of doing that the desert is the intention but you're kind of like the combination of yourintention and the physical action of actually cutting it You could also do like Asusis that is what actually breaks the connection and I was like now I disconnect from thisperson it's done because otherwise you will end up depleted and getting headaches and all kinds of things and yesterdayI had a headache and I remember that I hadn't done that after you knowtuning you guys after healing and tuning all you guys I hadn't cut those cardsright And I was like oh shit I better you know that actually helped alittle so it's pretty important that you remember to cut those energies after Um And so so you kind ofhave an integrity with your with your own space right Um we already covered the distancehealing where you kind of culture you cut your hand you can cut your handstogether and you can imagine it and you can have a dummy and all that or apiece of paper as well Right Do you have any questions to this Because Ifeel I'm just talking and it's a little hard when there's not other people talkingback at you So you don't know if you're actually making yourself like fully understood oror if there's some information feel you're needing because right now I'm kind of tellingyou the original teachings here and for I found that there's a lot lacking ifyou're just starting out Um so that's why I actually made this course with thebonus information as well but that doesn't mean that I have thought of everything So if you have any questionsplease you know let me know Um I'm good Oh thank you Jill That's perfect thank youMm Um Let me see here Yeah that was hitting another person actually that was the disconnection Yeah andthen we have the grounding exercise and if you have the option makes sense once it's makes sense takingit all in Yeah I know but it's just you know when I sit here and talkyou know it's not I just want to make sure that I'm being understood right Yeah but otherwise obviously youcan also ask questions later it's not worse than that Um But basically it's good to do a grounding exerciseafterwards So if you have outside access you can just you know stand on the groundon bare feet maybe not in winter but at least in summer and just mentally tell yourself I nowground it's really not hard out of that I now ground and you sense yourenergy how how you're the bottom of your feet is connecting to earth And I mean you caneven do that at the first floor you don't have to stand outside You caneven do that at the first floor or in winter right It's not what shoes on it ispossible But obviously the best is to have the full connection of bare feet on the ground on grassor whatever you have but it doesn't take more than that simply sends the bottomof your feet How those routes they go down deep down into earth and I now ground andthat will support you as well So even if you can't go out and do it every time likelet's say you have free healing clients in a row you might not be ableto just run out and ground yourself every time and that's okay Right but it would be good for youto do like in between as much as possible after cutting the courts and then you go out and thenground yourself for a second just a moment it doesn't have to take long orat least once a day if you do hell if you do healing every day that would bea good thing to do At least once a day Like when you've ended allthe hearings or as needed in between right Um Also because if you don't um if you don't balanceyourself after healing sessions in the long run what is going to happen is you're going to beaccumulating too much energy in your body Because it's not everything that is going to be received inthe other end And that is part of the headaches to write And I satwith what was it about I don't know 18 or 20 a few yesterday that I actually notjust healed but also activated Um where I tuned you to the to the levelone frequencies and as I forgot to cut I also forgot to ground and nowonder I had a headache Right So I did go out with my kids later in the in theafternoon I went out for a walk and where I took off my shoes and stoodwith my bare feet in the grass and just grounded for a second And that was really goodReally really helpful because you're rid of the excess energy and you also get some new suppliesinto your body but not more than what you need kind of balances you as well So it's reallygood exercise Um So yes it says here if you're too little energy it could result intiredness and if you have too much energy will be over energized So it's it'sa good balancing Let me see that I don't forget something now if you want to cleana room or a house now let me see here do we have to groundthis They should assist Do we have to ground ourselves if we are healing ourselvesas well Not always but do it once in a while I mean when you do the self healing it'skind of balances itself out But the grounding will still be a good thing to do in generalYou don't have to go out and do that and not every time but just you know once ina while don't forget to do it once in a while That is my adviceBut that is also because it is very very beneficial for you to connect to earth to get thatfull grounding experience to actually have your feet on the ground and let it you know what has to gogo and let come in what has to come in So you don't have todo it when its just yourself Uh but it will be beneficial for you and you know do itas much as you can You know even if you are out you know now it'sat least in the northern hemisphere is becoming summer now So I mean even if you're just outand haven't healed anyone you know do the ground bank exercise for for you knowlike I don't know 20 seconds or a minute or whatever feels good for you right So that itdoes balance your system in a whole different way You don't have to when you just hearyourself when you heal others it is important that you do it if not afterevery healing at least once a day Mm Does that make sense And again you know you can doexactly what you want No one is going to tell you you're doing it wrong Ifyou don't feel for doing it you don't and if you feel fine with it fine you knowBut I would advise it and it's part of the teachings I'm telling you And then again you knowfirst you learn the rules and then you break them because then you make them suit you rightThe only part I don't want to advise you to break is the part of the ethics Okay umnow if you want to cleanse a room or a house for instance it's veryvery simple It's very very simple You can use the remote long distance method I mean youcan understand in the room and then you can kind of imagine that you are sending healingto the room like kind of imagine you you know in your and you look around andyou just kind of being the energy around I'm sorry I need to take the soundof this one here for a second cause I'm getting all these notifications that that's actuallyreally distracting like that Um So that's one way to do it but you can simply think the name ofthe place you want to heal like for instance and I you know most of what I do Idon't go out and do it physically out in the world Most of what I do I do withmy intentions and inside my mind and then I activate the frequencies because it's so simpleIt's a lot simpler than a lot of things to do and I don't want to make things moredifficult than I have to basically So what you would do you would close your eyes probably you know youwould activate the healing frequencies and then you would kind of like let's see I'm clear rightclears living room and then I would like imagine my living room and then I wouldsend healing to that to that place Now sometimes you would be asked to send heating to a place thatyou don't know but that you will learn in level free It's not much different butyou will be attuned to specific frequencies for location uh healing So you don't actuallyneed to have been in that space in order to heal it We're here it's gonna beeasier for you if you had to have at least been at the place you're trying to heal rightOr if you are at it it's going to make it easier But you actually just have to think clearslike for instance Claire's living room room And then you sit there for 3-5 minutes and you will feelwhat the energy kind of takes off it kind of closes off So Kundalini Ricky works in this waywhere it kind of it activates it comes out and you can feel the frequencies flow and thenthere's going to be a point where it's kind of like going down then it's not as active anymoreYou don't feel as much buses kind of kind of like wears off so to speak And then you haveactually healed enough and usually it's within 3-5 minutes Now What I often do is I reactivate them and thenI give it a little more and then I reactivated again and give it a littlemore So when I heal I usually do sessions that is between 15 and 25 minutes when I healsomeone else But what I do is not I don't feel the energy constantly I constantly reactivated So if yousuddenly feel like the energy is dropping off is very normal this is part of how it works andactually you could leave it at that It's just me that feels that I like todo it more and I actually enjoy doing the healing as well So plus every timeyou heal someone else or something else you are actually your party healing yourself too Sothere is an element of self healing always when we heal others or other places other thingsthere will always be some of it the kind of like you know rubs off on ourselves as well ofthe of the healing not after none of the issues but the healing um I'm gonna talka little bit more about that thing about intention and making sure things are not rubbing off on us alittle you know a little later today I just want to go through this first the standard curriculumfirst um so cleaning a room or a house is very very simple you simply have the intention you letthe energy flow and then you you kind of state what it is you're healing and then you see withinyour mindset and when the energy drops off you're basically done right That's simple Really that simple there'snothing else to it I mean it's ridiculously simple and it's very very effective So the next thing Iwant to talk to you about is healing the karmic band and this is somethingabout we always have this karmic band you know around like to those we hold close to us itcould be a family and close friends obviously as well but you know or people that we usedto have close to us as well that we don't have clothes anymore but you know wherewe have had this close connection with then we have a Karmic band with thosepeople um and sometimes that can actually weigh us down and have a sort ofnegative negative influence not just in our minds and emotions but also in our body sometimes evenright So very often relationships will grow stronger you know when we heal the karmic band soeven though we don't see those people anymore it will still grow stronger but it is whatit is and then we don't see them but it will be more healthy as well and itcould be like your mother your parents your your kids it can be old friends itcould be all lovers it can be you know whatever we have and you know I had a shit longlist that I could heal with the karmic band when it was right and I would highly suggest you toto do that especially with the people who have close now obviously but also whatever you have had in yourpast where there has been a close relationship where you kind of like it's not there anymore but stillheal the karmic banned because it will be your healing it from your perspective soto speak sure you're not intruding on someone else just understand that but at least you'rehearing your part of it and that will make it better especially inside yourself right Um again youuse the same long distance healing technique We basically use that technique for almost everything we dowith the Canadian Iraqi unless we do it in person obviously Um so if you wantto improve your relationship with yourself and your mother like in between you and your motherfor instance or your father or whatever uh you could take a note the piece of paper and thenyou write my relationship with my mother and then you kind of hold it in your hands and then that'sthe intention You know you can also do just with the finger in your hand butit's more like the action of doing it Um and then you place your palms togetherand then you start the energy flow Then you think Ricky feel it's like sircome up through the bottom of the feet out your hands and then you start healing justlike that But you have the relationship with your mother as your intention or your father or yourkids or next lover or whatever it is right So this is this is kind of you can also doit for someone else let's say robert robert has a bad relationship with his mother and hewould like to heal it Then you write robert's relationship with his mother and thenyou start the energy flow right It's really not hard and that that and again you cando it both near and long distance Um and usually it will last around 3-5 minutes aswell Sometimes you will you know you will feel that you have to sit there like 7sit there until you kind of sense now it's enough Either at the end you willfeel the energy flow or you might get this little thought in the back of yourmind Uh this is it it's good you know and once you get that that's itSo it's very much also about you getting used to listening to your intuition and the moment you are attunedto Ricky you know no matter if it's kundalini Ricky or if it's a su Iraqi or whateverRicky you will have your writing guides there and you kind of have to get used tosometimes unless you've been doing this before your very in june but most of us will haveto get used to those small nudges kind of like oh this is now it's enough fine or putyour hands here or give this type of Ricky too I mean I have several typesof reiki attunement So when I hear I will you know definitely use the kundalini right Because Imean that's always sometimes I will blend in some ways you ready and somebody flame but it will won't benot just it's like oh I should do the essential like okay then I also put inthe ascension right So it's these notches that does make the difference and that is actually your guysspeaking to you kind of giving you hints on what to do next right Andsometimes I feel I have to do way more active because I also do specific like sacrifices and energybody cleanses You will learn on that level free I think it was can't remember right now butyou will learn that So I'll explain you how I do it Um but it issimply a matter of listening to that much and then just do it It's all about the intention andit's all about listening within trust the notches you get okay It really just trust it is there and youcan't harm someone with it Just making sure that you also understand that you cannot harm other peoplewith these energies You cannot use them for her I mean we can sometimes as said if we don't haveour ethics and our intentions place right that sometimes we will use it to because weknow it was going to help someone with but we didn't get the permission just don't you know youstill don't harm them but you are harming yourself because you are creating shitty karmaeven though your intentions were good right Because you don't know their story you don't knowtheir life choices what they have to learn right You don't know that So if we start buckingin without their explicit consent you know it's no it's it's the wrong way I was goingto say something but that's gonna it's gonna sound too harsh but you know it's overstepping energetic boundariesLet's just put it like that okay just like in physical we don't want people to step up ourboundaries we don't want to step over other people's boundaries energetically either Okay I thinkI'll just leave it at that Um but that was hearing the comic band andthat can help a lot of situation and not just your own karmic bands you can alsohelp other people's like others with their kind of make bands to whatever their parents their kids whatever theyhave right I hope that was clear Is there any questions to this for nowI'm talking a lot I always talk a lot Maybe it's good to teach things then you're allowedto talk a lot Okay I don't think but otherwise again I'll go back andcheck for later for this now if we want to heal certain situations our qualities character traits we can actuallydo the same and again you know it's it's just kind of same way we do itall no matter if we're healing this kind of doing that kind you know the technique the principle andit is exactly the same It's so simple really It's so simple that it's it'sridiculous how simple it is right But it also makes it very very accessible andit works right So you can help heal a situation or a person or a charactertrait um so you could heal jealousy or you can do let me see here how many timesdo we have to do this Karmic bank clearing You just have to do it onceusually once is enough but I mean sometimes you know for instance if you have a lotof shit going on with your mother you might find that you want to do it Idon't know 34 times or five times so as guided okay because like with everything else it's alsoabout like for instance with the storyline and I do when I go into theakashic Records and I clear people what I do it's like an onion where you have thevery crude layers on the top the thick crude layers on the top So the initial clearing Ido in the catholic records will take that first layer that first very crude layer with a lot ofissues and a lot of blocks and restrictions and take that and remove that right And this is a littlebit the same you do here now many times that will be enough for youto feel good and relaxed about it So it also depends on how much work you want todo with it right But once we have taken this first crude layer that oneleaves space for new but final layers to surface just like we take off the crew layers thenwe can see the layers underneath right So it kind of energetically is a little bit thesame It will make space for those you know finer issues to rise and then youcan actually heal that too I would leave a little bit of space in between time wise because weare in the freely reality but we've got time and space So I would leavea little time in between each feeling and not just like on and on and onand on and on the right Would maybe leave a week in between or afew days or whatever feels right for you right But you will probably also sense that thenext time you do it is going to feel slightly different okay And that's because you gointo the layers and you get those some of them is going to be deeper but some of themyou know but finer they're not going to be as heavy usually and then sometimes it makes spacefor something really happened You really will feel released after once you've done the comic band likemaybe the third time it's like wow something really left off there right So a little patience and becauseit also depends on how much we're actually ready to shed at any given time and the same one Ido the work in the Akashic records it only brings up what is ready to be clearedfirst of all but also only to the amount that the recipient is ready to release That brings meinto actually talk about hitting crisis in just a moment as well Um but soonce is fine and you were probably going to feel that things have gotten way better afterthat and then the question is how much do you want to work with it Right Doyou feel there is still a need to actually go deeper or is it fine as itis So that's kind of up to you and also how your sensitive sometimes maybe it's it's going tobe all you needed was that once because it is very powerful right I have done healing sessionswith people were not not as much with the Karmic band healing just in general where one healing wasall they needed you know So you never know you never know It depends I would say so once canbe enough Does that make sense I hope it makes sense Um The situation ofand quality is healing um Yeah you can heal things like jealousy nervousness anxiety uh toothache it's a physicalthing Um you can heal patients sorrow anger you can improve communication singing voice ifyou have a singing voice you want to improve that one You can also send healing for thatum and the same as well you can do it for yourself But then againyou can also do it for someone else right So it is yourself it's simply your intentions using theusual methods or maybe writing it down on a piece of paper and the same goes also if youwant to do it for someone else if you have someone well uh robert is very jealous poor robertI don't even know who robert is but robert is the one who has problemswith his mom right now and who is very jealous apparently officer So you know probablyrobert he has a lot of issues with jealousy that he would like to to kind ofrelease Now you can put that as the intention also and you know write it down roberts jealousy or havethe intention roberts jealousy And sometimes you know when you start doing this work if you haven'tdone heating before as you go along and as you start to heal sometimes you will get thenudge that the problem is actually somewhere else But the root cause of the problem becauseone thing is jealousy but jealousy again is also a symptom right So sometimes your guides are just goingto take care of it And this is going to hell it all And you just holdroberts jealousy in your intention But then sometimes as you go along you will actually get asense of hope That's what part happens You know obviously jealousy usually something to do withlow self worth that stems back from some situation whatever Right So you will get the idea of lowself fourth So actually what you sometimes we'll find that you will be guided to is to forinstance healing the self worth park and then you will hold the intention that this person isgoing to you know feel worthy It's going to feel enough right And you send healing to that instead Soyou might find that your intentions will shift as you are healing Does this make sense So youstart out in one place But sometimes you actually end up in another place because the issue actually stems fromsomewhere entirely different and that is what needs to be healed and you will thenbe slowly guided to it And in the beginning you might not get you know get these notches at allYou know sometimes we just have to get used to doing something first before we can actually kindof take it a step further Right Or you might get guided immediately You might getall the information you need No you start here and yes you have to go there perfectly fine Trustyourself Okay just trust yourself because you've got this you know how to do this This is somethingthat is ingrained in all of us and we have been amount you know using these frequencieseven for a long time they might not have been activated and you until now but they're there and youyou you're born into them Right So just trust yourself you can do this yougot this and when you get those not just just follow them as long as you're ethical aboutit Right That's all I'm asking If anything if I only ask you one thing of this courseis that your ethical about what you do that that's the only thing Okay Um and I can umyeah again it says here too oh no my son is home It also says here likeit should always feel right when you heal if you get this nudge that something is off thendon't do it Okay It's quite important Uh It has to feel right when you start the healing procedureAnd that's part of the ethics as well because there's some things that are not supposed tobe tempered with and we might not understand why Mm um but with practice you're going to beable to distinguish between those different situations Now My son just came home I was just gonna allow himto jump through the living room for a second Hooligans cabinets script the script the script MhmMy 10 year old are you high locked in the tablet in poor I was looking for a tablet Where'smy tap back home I need my tablet Yeah that's how it works Right And yes of course thekundalini right It can also be used in animals and and then places and spaces and allthat and you're gonna learn a lot more about that at level three as well right Um Not just myanimals because animals are animals you just give them the frequencies and they will usually actuallythey will usually walk away and when they're done but they had enough they will walkaway And I had just to give you an example my cat I got two catsAnd a couple of summers and that 2 3 years ago I think it's two years ago Oneof them she's an elderly cat I think she's like 17 or 18 human years now Um Andshe suddenly looked like crap I mean she really looked like all like the fur wasgoing to fall off and she was just laying there like staying by herself outside didn't want to go anddidn't want to he didn't want anything and was in sort of a pain and I waslike oh my God what is going on with her and I'm losing her now I was sure that thiswas it I mean this was it She was she was just I mean I was likeyou know the only we sort of had I couldn't catch her because she used to bewild so I can't put her in the cage and bring them to the doctor right Thatkind of limits things a little bit when you can't do that Um So I was like okaythe only thing I can do is actually heal her and then I just hope for the freakingbest and I was sure I was going to lose her but I was like nevertheless I'mgoing to try this And I started healing her and she didn't move and that was fine And then afterI think like 10 minutes I could see she kind of like moved a little bit likethat I was like okay this is it Now I stopped that was the Nautica now Istopped and I'm like I'm not sure this is enough she's beyond being saved Ithink But I still tried and lo and behold two days after went well 24 hoursa day 24 hours after like within a day and a half or something like that she got back tonormal she got better She came in she started eating she started drinking and I still have her andthis was three years ago I don't know what was wrong with her I wassure she was she was going to leave but she stayed and I am prettysure the healing was what helped her you know process whatever it was that had to be processed and he'llwhatever had to be healed I mean she was obviously not like totally fresh right after it's a littlewhile you know about a week or something but then she was all back tonormal So it's amazing It really is amazing and you can do a lot of things with it Justrespect Also like when they walk away or if you get the sense from the animalthat it's enough to stop Alright just trust that in their intuition Okay so there was a lot of talkingright now I need a little bit more key Is there any questions Let me knowYes just gonna do this Oh I just want to show you something I got thesetwo beauties I always have these ones with me Yeah no and I was so afraid was like oh myGod I'm gonna lose her you know And every time I you know I had a lotof animals and a lot of cats for time and every time I lost one of themhas been such a drama you know I mean one of them would get strangled anddie like it took him 15 minutes to die and I was stood with them and I couldn't do anythingyou know to help him And you know it's so terrible It's like no Icannot do this again right now you know So I was just so happy you know notjust that she chose to stay obviously but also that I didn't have to go through that drama againbecause it's heartbreaking every time is this just a third baby right I mean even if I have mykids and stuff you know so you know you care about them otherwise you wouldn't have them rightI just wanted to show you these two these two used to hey Donna these two beauties are attuned you'regonna learn that also how to kind of a tune objects and all that Um These two are absolutely amazingthey might not look but they are and this one is actually a record keeper And a record keeper iswhen they have like these triangles all over and this one has like 17 of them or somethingit's crazy it's kind of like a master crystal on master parts and then usedto have until my kid actually dropped it the other day it used to havean extra piece here with record keepers on it as well Um but that one kind of jumped offand first I got so sad I was like shit you know oh my god I kind of likeyou know because he kind of food on the floor by accident I mean um andthen I realized well each of those triangles is about knowledge and maybe I didn'tneed that knowledge anymore you know So this one is amazing and they are tuned I have attuned thosealso and actually when I go to bed at night this one will go in myheart and this one will go on my solar and it's kind of a ritualI have every night before I go to sleep even if it's just for a fewminutes and it drowns me so nicely and it kind it heals me at thesame time because the kundalini Ricky right So I kind of get a healing at the same time to umand not just that also obviously the qualities that those crystals have by themselves right So it'samazing This is this is the courts just just I mean a lot of people don't think aboutthe course but this one is amazing I have seven of these actually all ofthem are record keepers but this one is I had the most amazing experience with this one quite a whileago when I got it where I I was laying with them and I held it and suddenly Iwas inside the stone like the core heart the crystal heart of the stone so to speakbecause it did see this kind of a cluster in those beautiful colorism was like and it was like Iwas inside the rock it was like the feeling of it I had and I just I wasat all at the energy that was like it was so wise it was soknowledgeable and it kind of demanded respect and I was like wow that was thisone that I and this is the first time I ever I mean I felt crystals before I sentthem and I love them Um Well that was the first time I ever really connected with acrystal like that It was freaking out I mean something out of this world experience actually Um Andthat's why I also got so sad when suddenly when my kid broke that part of the other day untilI realized well you know maybe that part is all of that So I do have the piece you knowover there But it was like maybe that's just how it's supposed to be right and it's stillthe same So it's amazing I know you get back Hey Donna wondering when this will be posed on theclass side missed part of it Oh yeah But the replay is going to stay in the group for atleast a while So the moment we're done here you can still watch it in the facebook group AndI will upload this part to the course side tomorrow likely maybe later today But otherwise I uploaded tothe course side as well tomorrow Um And then later on oh I forgot tosay that later on I will also add obviously in the manuals and then I willdo some actual recorded videos that are very topic specific So you will on thecourse side you're going to have this facebook video but then you will also have eachtopic very specifically recorded but slightly different like edited videos Like real videos And that's justa facebook live right So yeah and this one is now I've totally forgot the nameMhm It's always when you have to remember I mean I know what it's called It's not like I don'tknow what it's called but it's right now when I have to tell you I don't knowI can't remember how it goes You get them in Um I got one I got a yellow oneover here He comes in yellow and white and then you have them in pink and ohmy God I can't remember the Sultanate when I hold the Cellini crystal There's athrobbing in my palm Sometimes selling it is actually an amazing amazing uh you know as well You knowthere's no it's your donna Yeah of course I mean obviously you want to know can I seethat All of it or what Right What does she said other stones that are good for protection thatyou recommend I've heard of tantalize It's sherry Ask if it's a fluoride Yeah no sure it's not afloor ride It's oh my God two seconds Mhm mm All right Now I'm actually getting totally off topic herebut in a moment we're going to talk about That was the crystal Grits one thatwas not what I wanted One second I mean I have a lot of booksand all kinds of things Um I'm just trying to see if I could that's not the course It's notthat I'm gonna post that later I will also post later It's black Obsidian Uh no no Obsidian Yeah Obsidianis black but this is not Obsidian Um I I will let you know after And as well on onthese ones for protection I'll also let you know upsetting is good actually Also for protection Uh and there'sa few others that you can use as well that can let you know later Um not in the middleof this but after you're done then I'm going to post on the on the facebook group because there's quitea few you can use So we need to go back to that was kind of the core the coreteachings that I gave you there in a very easy relaxed way Um Yes Sherry said usually anythingblackest protection but one of my favorite smoky quartz Yeah And it's right Sherry Yeah all the black stones Usuallya protection for sure It was smoking pot is amazing though Really amazing Mm So to to socialso so is she here now the sun is coming Maybe you should a little bitlike that's so you Jamie and here now Okay I have already talked a littlebit about this a little bit about that Mixing it all in between Right But that'show it goes So I said you will get the content like the topic specific videos later on whereyou can just go in and say okay I want to see the video about thispoem Then you're going to have an edited video that is about that specific thetopic right That will come later in the course side as well as the manuals and that's why I askedyou to please write it down here right now But the risk will come as well Okay Um we havetalked about how to energize and activate your hands just the easy way right now Alreadyin the beginning Um I might actually post another do another video Like one of the topic specific videos Imight do with another exercise I haven't decided yet but that's not part of thecurriculum and all what I'm talking about now is not part of the original teachings either It's it's just whatI believe is a good thing to know uh and helpful to know as well especially ifyou're just starting out Right So we did talk a little bit about energizing the hands and the intention settingprocess as well where it's really very simple right It's not anything complicated or you know overly intricateor anything and that's one of the beauties about kundalini Rocky It's so simple right It isso simple It doesn't it doesn't need much it doesn't take much and it's simply just works UmSo your intentions and having those are actually what is driving is the driving force as well as you areactivated obviously Right But that in combination So so the frequencies in combination with your intentions is whatis doing the job Okay now the frequencies are the ones who are doing mostof the job your you know your job is to guide the intentions and then sometimes you willstep in and be more active as I will teach you later on in the later modules But youknow for now you simply just want to allow those frequencies to flow and have the intention for the healingin your mind which can be hard enough sometimes because sometimes we will find our minds goingto the east to the west that oh no you got to get back into whatit was always doing right here right But that's part of the good thing whenkundalini ready doesn't take that long either You know it takes maybe five minutes and it's done if that's whatyou want and you can always reactivate and reenergize if you want to write um yes I bet aboutethics um I want to say and that's just because to me as I said ethicsto me is quite important that we do not heal anyone who has not giventhe consent and if it's a kid you would usually want to get the consent of the parent OkayAnd it's just you know because it's their kid right It's the kid usually you won't heal some I meanobviously there can be situations where it's like if the kid says yes I would like could could you feelthis you know I just hurt myself that I know you would do it without You knowI mean it's it's always like sends into it and kind of feel when it's all right or not Butin general we don't heal anyone who hasn't given that consent because we would then be imposing orimpeding and there you know personal free will and right and their frequencies without actually being a lot it'sjust like clairvoyance who read other people without having the consent You know I haveyou know heard horrible stories about Caroline's walking up to other people like oh and then they tell them thesethings that those people haven't asked to know they haven't asked to hear it's not you knowand and it's the same thing is like it's not other people's business to readme or to heal me without me having allowed them to do that It's it's it's it's reallysort of like it's very it's very rude to me you know um I have been sitting ina bus once where I could simply I could feel how someone was actually trying toread me and I put up this energetic she'll like putting myself into a metal box kind of likeboom this is like you stay out of my energy because this is not I am notnone of your business You're not going to try to read me I mean really I don't know whoit was I could just feel someone was reading me someone was like probing and that wasreally a disgusting feeling Really disgusting feeling And that's kind of like energetic rape I'm sorry Right But it isif you're not if you're not allowed you haven't allowed people to do it They shouldn't snoopinto your energies right Whether it be clairvoyant lee or or like by with he Imean healing is still you know but it's still kind of don't just don't do itright Um So that also said we have to be mindful of what we promiseYou know one thing is we heal ourselves and we feel things and data but especially if you start usingthis to to getting money as an energetic exchange for your frequencies which you should Imean you can obviously you can heal others for free if that is what you want If that iswhat you're told to do by all means do that And I still do hell some forfree as well as I get paid also for what I do So that kind ofdepends right But I don't just take money for everything I do give back aswell because I do find that an important thing but that's up to you how you want todo it Um But I will encourage you to actually you know get something back from the in general atleast from what what is this you give when you heal because it is an energetic exchangeand there has to be a balance We don't just give give give because in the end we don't haveanything ourselves And if I have to give out something for free for instance I have to know that Ialso have places where I get money in because if I don't get money in from one place youknow how can I go out and do everything for free Because then I'm goingto be homeless and my kid is not going to have a place to stayand I can't feed him and all these things So I try to keep a sort of balance where II do charge for my services but then I also do give some of it away forfree for those who need it So you know kind of create your own balance withthat But the ethics doesn't just go with other people The ethics also go within ourselves rightWe also have to be ethical you know towards ourselves Um How do we put that protective box around ourselvesI can explain that in just a moment because there's also something about protecting ourselves when we healand protecting those we heal as well Um So I will I'll get into that in just amoment but a good question Um so when we um when we heal others one thingis we provide the frequencies and it can be very very powerful right It can be veryvery effective as well but we can only heal others to the extent that that personwants to be healed I will say that again we can only heal others to the extentthat that person wants to be healed And now I'm not talking about once here necessarily obviously hereto in the conscious mind but very much in the subconscious and very much and the spiritual right Sowe can provide the frequencies They're very very effective But if that person deep down simply doesn't wantto live anymore and that's it and has some you know arrangement that now istheir time and that's just how it is You can't heal them from that and youshouldn't either Does that make sense when I say that because we don't know what'sgoing on again we don't know what's going on and you know When you know at level two Iwill explain you a little bit more about the story about Cecilia Is that I don't know if some ofyou saw that on the website um who had cancer and who is now cancer free Thisis not something that I will usually talk about in public but I did because shekind of like no no you have to tell the story like Okay but I'll tellyou about that in level two but that was only possible because he wanted to live okay so many timeswhen we heal there's sometimes we you know we will encounter people who are sick who have certainillnesses or whatever and who actually are getting something out of it I know it soundstotally counterintuitive but there are some people that actually thrives on being sick or they will get the intention thatthey feel they need by being sick or you know that can be all kinds of weird reasons forwhy people are sick and why they actually enjoy being there So sometimes you know we can provide allthese healing frequencies and we could do in time and again and after time and for weeks and weeks andweeks but if they don't really watch a hell all the way inside you know then there's not much wecan do about it really So for this reason also always be mindful of what resultsyou promise Okay always be ethical about what you promise Um and always kind of like makesure that there is a certain understanding that you know Yes I provide these frequencies but it'salso up to you as the receiver to kind of take them in and allow themto work and you know it's it's a combination of you and your higher self and Iusually kind of state that as well um if people ask me if I can healsomething specific I'm saying I can provide them there was a big chance of itworking but I cannot promise you because it will always be a question of youas the recipient you know and your higher self is you who take it into ultimatelythe responsibility of the healing is at the person receiving it is actually not yours Okay So Ijust wanted to make that very clear that we have to be sort of mindful ofwhat we promised to what we can do no matter what results we have had previously that wereamazing And I ever had seen some really almost miraculous results Sometimes we're like wow you know just likeI didn't like wow but that does not mean I can go out and replicated again and againand again because it will always depend on the specific case It will always dependon the specific person and that you know whatever is going on in that person's lifeas well as where they are heading by choice right Either conscious toys or likea spiritual choice Okay I hope that makes sense Um yeah so this was alittle bit when and who to heal as well and a little bit about when notto heal but what we also had like other issues like other times where we shouldn'the'll um and sometimes someone will ask us to heal them and we get this we don't knowwhy there's no obvious reason for it but we get this little no shouldn't and there'sno reason maybe it's even someone we know right But we still get this little weird feelingmaybe or we might even hear no inside our minds And if you do that if you feelit's important for you to listen to that because the reasons for that um Oftentimes have experienced that the timesthat I have overheard it afterwards I was like okay that person turned out to besomething else or someone else or wanting way more for that to a point where it wasactually depleting me And since I am so good I usually give a lot and then suddenlywhen it's way too late I realized I gave too much right So I've been workingon that I'm healing that in myself as well Um but then you kind of figure out afterwards oh shitthat was worth the trouble right Um or sometimes there are other reasons for that No justtrust your intuition I was like well I'm sorry but I'm getting the you know I'm gettingthe nudge that is not the right time for me to hell you so Ican't help you Currently at least maybe later maybe not you know you never know but Currently is notsomething I can help you with or maybe refer them to someone else because maybe whatthey actually need they don't need a healing and it's all perfect You're just not the right one forwhatever reason is not because you're bad or or whatever but maybe they need that specific thing Someone else cangive them So either say no thank you I can you know thank you but no thank you Icannot help you Or if you know someone you can try and refer them tosomeone else So do follow orientation and that also it's it's pretty important Um Also when you're sickand depleted don't here I mean I have had to sometimes like postpone like payinghealing clients and I have had to postpone it's like okay I'm sorry I know we had a session todayI can't do it I have to wait because I'm sick or I feel too tired rightI can't give that because when we're depleted we don't want to even though we are drawing theenergy from from earth and passing them on so to speak It's kind of like it's not ourenergy we give away it's the energy from the earth and it's very important tobe mindful of that Also actually right That that we draw the energy and kind of pass iton it's not ours We give but still if we're depleted if we're very tired if we'resick it is not the right time to heal because then you need to relax and rest Youmight heal yourself but not everybody else right One thing is doing a little bit of selfie andthat's always a good thing if you can if you're in a space where youcan but don't heal others when you're in that state because it's going to deplete you to an extentthat is not good for you It's not going to give you anything even though we always receive whenwe heal others when we're saying it's just not the right time or if we're very very tired youknow then it's better to postpone because you know the energy and the frequency stillwork but you have to be in it as well right with your whole fool you And it'svery hard to have to keep the intentions and the focus and the concentration if you're sick for instanceOkay so that's one instance where we don't want to heal but where we actually want to postpone it ifat all possible Okay Um also and that's the next part like we have to not just protectourselves but we also have to protect the ones we here because when we heal you actually havea risk of taking on depending on how empathetic empathic you are you have therisk to actually take on other people's crap as well as Now I also work in the Akashic records SoI also know that there are so many other things like energetically that can actually jump onto you rightAnd you don't want that So what you do is when you put your intentions before you actually startthe healing and it doesn't matter if it's you know impersonal or distance I mean that doesn't matter Um whatI do is I sort of imagined myself having there's blue light coming from above You can't seeme here that kind of gathers here and grows bigger and bigger and bigger and then it kind oflike slides over me all the way down and below my feet and kind of that encloses me inthis light blue bluish color kind of membrane So I'm kind of it's a protective membrane madeof blue color blue light Okay so that's a protective thing and that one you would put over yourselfbecause that way you will protect yourself from whatever crap other people have that It doesn't jump onyou when you heal it is quite intimate actually healing someone even if you doit by distance but you're actually mingling frequencies right So it is very very intimate and a lotmore intimate than most people think Um now you also have to make sure that you don'tpass your energetic crap and that's part of what I actually put in my intention it's moreof a feeling before I don't say it out loud and my intention but once I sit down and youknow when I kind of like send them myself before actually saying my intention this is alsowhere I will sort of make sure that I think that none of my crab is going to passon to that other person because no matter who we are no matter how much we heal how spiritualwe are I mean we all got crap going on you know to a certain youknow to a larger smaller degree I mean we all do and even if we clear it and allthat just to make sure set the intention that you don't want any like yours is yours right Yours willstay with you That's kind of the intention you hold and then you kind of make that blue membraneand you sort of put that's so you're also protected and you don't receive anything from the oneyou're healing Does that make sense As for the protective box you were talking aboutDonna It's simply me imagining that I am shielding myself It's like a stealth mode Okay Icall the stealth mode where I sort of um imagine that I put out thislike a box around me a metal box It's like bush all you know Hermetically closed to all sides aboveBelow all of them Boom it's like a shield right But the story says it seems like condonein Iraq is more about the power of intention than other forms Yes it is But this is allgoverned by the intention Once you haven't activated it is all governed by your intention or by intention which isactually good because everything in our reality is sort of is governed by our intention a lot more than wethink even our unconscious intentions right Um and what we believe but but yes you are absolutely right about thatAbsolutely right It is all by intention It's all by intention So it's it's importantto be pretty clear about what is the intention we actually send out when westart healing right And sometimes it takes a little practice and I'm not to flickertoo much in our intentions right Um so have the intention and it doesn't haveto be hard it doesn't have to be deep It's just okay this is my intention And you know II often you know try to send it out from my heart from a good heart and thentry and keep that one there while I heal and it usually works pretty damn well So Right AndI think did you get uh what was that Alicia Was you who Oh no donnaabout the about the box Was that explanation enough for you Like I simply kind oflike sit within my men in our eye that I'm putting it up now You don't want tokeep it up all the time Okay This is something you will do when you kind of feel threatened Oror it's it's kind of like Oh there's something going on there's too weird Boom then you putit up but you will only allow it for 24 hours It was gonna kind of dissipate afterthat And you want to have a breathing room as well You don't want to run instealth mode all the time That's not good Okay At level two I'm Gonna teach you another two techniquesas well You could use um that are less um drastic But very effective as well andthat some of you may know already but that's going to be a level two OkayUm as for yeah that was like how to protect your clients also so you protect yourselfobviously with the blue membrane of light and the other way around as well youmake sure that you have the intention that you're not pushing your crap on other peoplethat stays with you because whatever is yours is yours Okay So and again intention um is all that isneeded so just to make sure that that you don't accidentally let whatever goes on in your life kindof inflict on them and the other way around And the last part here is about self healing Weall missed that I'm always that's okay Um And it's very simple Again we already spoke a lot about itbasically I mean you can even guess um would it be possible to do a short video of selfhealing Yeah and I might actually even do it now after I just explained this and I can doit here life then you can watch and you can even do it with me each of youif you want to Um it's very simple I mean I I to me I don't even move myhands I just kind of hold them So it's very simple but if you want to we cando kind of like a self healing each of us uh session together if you want that there's noproblem We can do that right after here Okay just stay in there and thevideo here in the live stream Um So the self healing is very important as well as you always Ithink I've said most of it throughout this uh this life right But because that actually helps us stay groundedand that is the point I mean it only takes you five minutes a dayMax even you know it doesn't even have to take five minutes a day but to take thatmoment where you actually connect to the ground and you allow the frequencies to rise and you activate them inyour hands and now it is already flowing because I speak of it it's kind of funny Umand then you just self heal yourself You know you you heal yourself just for amoment right You can actually do that right now if you want to do this with meum Just ticket deep breath and I assume you have all activated yourself Uh Well you have been you knowby watching the video from yesterday I have activated your but I assume you have all called it inor watch the video from yesterday okay otherwise to use whatever modality you know Soit's close your eyes one moment and take a deep breath and hold it and then exhale So this ishow I do it It's very simple There's really nothing to it Another deep breath hold this moment anda third breath hold it from on Yeah now I picture the bottom of my feet I can feelthe soles of my feet and how they actually can make roots down into theground And I draw the life force energy from the center of the earth and all the way upthrough the soles of my feet Now I feel rich my knees reaches my hips my shoulders up myarms and the palms of my hand and I feel the kundalini Reagan out hereSo what I do and now you can either picture yourself in front of you and hold yourhands like this around you So you have like your body here and your energy bodies around itand then your hands out here and send healing that way You can also write your own namein your palm and cup your hands like that and then maybe have them down here byyou know your belly But this is just to show you okay like that here or likeme I take my hands and I simply place my how I do it I put my lefthand here on my solar my right hand on my heart and then sometimes I will actually change them aroundI'll just hold it a little bit out sometimes I put them down so they touch But usually I'll holdthem above That's what I'm gonna do now And I feel how the energy goesup on my shoulders our department in my hands and into my body Sometimes I will actually give ita color Sometimes I will give it a green color because it's earth So I like thegreen color But especially when you learn how to make frequencies it's good to to be able todifferentiate them And then I just hold the intention of allow these hearing frequencies toenter my physical body and all my energy bodies and allow them to balance and he'll what needs tobe balanced and he'll whether I am aware of it or not but I'd be cinder inside myselfand feel relaxed happy full of joy and love towards myself watch everybody I meeton my way rather in person or otherwise And actually sometimes I will feel theurge to kind of like come with a side and I know that when I do thatit's usually because I'm releasing and I don't always know what I'm releasing but I will havedays where I kind of like not just while I'm healing myself but but also during the day whileI and feel like I have this need to say I know grace where I do a lot ofthat is because I'm releasing So just allow it And then after I mean I don't knowwhenever you feel that the energy kind of stops flowing then you will kind of like so thankyou inside yourself and open your eyes My energy is still flowing here But mm andthen you stretch yourself a bit um like that and what I actually do and I usuallydo that also um when I distance hell as well I mean if I heal myself I don't right Butif I heal others whether it be distance or in person what I actually willdo after I kind of finished the healing and and kind of cut the court and ground what Ido is I go out and then I take a very coke a glass of borderI drink a very cold glass of water and wash my hands in cold water tooThat's another way you can actually break the energy So that's another way to doit So that was it for today I have no idea what time it is and I think I'vebeen on way longer than I expected it to be and I can see there's a couple thatI jumped off because they're pretty busy uh which is all cool So that was it for today andI will get back to you I don't know if it's going to be the same time nextweek or if I'm gonna change the times a little bit around but I will get backto you in the group about that Are there any questions before I kind of jump off Howmany of you how did it work for you Are you still stick with your eyes closed I think youare because there's no comments so it's all good Okay So but if any questionscomes up just let me know in the commerce and I'll check them later if it is umapart from that you're all good Lynn That's good I'm happy to hear effect Um so that is thatfor now and obviously this becoming a manual where it's you know more structured aswell right As well as I said it will be topic specific videos where it's very likeoh this is what I need to know this is what I need to see or whatever So youcan go in and check up on it that's going to be there also it's gonna take a few daysbefore that's going to come but it's going to be there So that was it fortoday So I hope it is you felt the energy donna Oh that's perfect Yeah I mean it worksand you know it's just the idea of seeing ourselves kind of a line right That thatdoes the trick So that was it for today Yes have a beautiful day too and any questionsput them in the group and this will be uploaded soon to the course side and thenthe specific videos will accommodate her together with Emmanuel Much love to you Thank you for lastingso long today by