Acts Chapter 8
After the death of Stephen, Saul brought great persecution upon the Church chasing its’ leaders throughout Samaria and Gentile cities as they spread the gospel. Saul’s plan to eradicate Christianity didn’t work the way he had desired as Christianity only gained more followers. One of these church leaders was Philip. In Acts 8, Luke tells two stories about Philip, the first is his encounter with a sorcerer who tries to buy the power of the Holy Spirit, and the other involves teleportation and an Ethiopian Eunuch.
After the death of Stephen, Saul brought great persecution upon the Church chasing its’ leaders throughout Samaria and Gentile cities as they spread the gospel. Saul’s plan to eradicate Christianity didn’t work the way he had desired as Christianity only gained more followers. One of these church leaders was Philip. In Acts 8, Luke tells two stories about Philip, the first is his encounter with a sorcerer who tries to buy the power of the Holy Spirit, and the other involves teleportation and an Ethiopian Eunuch.
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