Lesson 4: How to do On-Page SEO
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    Hey hey hey welcome back I'm so happy to see you here today We are on lesson four

    There are only five in total and I could not be happier for you the time that

    you invested in this because I hope you are learning as much as I wanted you to

    when I was filming this course Uh So let's go ahead and jump into it

    because we're gonna start to see now that we understand search intent We have categorized all of our keywords into

    what the different search intent is Now what we're gonna do is see how can we actually

    get people to click on what we are putting on the internet and how do we make sure that

    all of these keywords are in the right place in our title So let's go ahead and jump into

    it So today we're gonna start with the first part of how to do on page seo and

    get Found Pastor And really it comes down to one simple thing and yes this is the shortest

    lesson but it's gonna take you the most amount of time and I don't want to take up all of

    your time having you watch a video I want you to actually take the steps that you need to start

    improving your content and start making it so that people want it Because at the end of the day

    as we saw with search intent people click on things that people write So we need to be able to

    understand what do people want in order to help us earn their click That is the first and hardest part

    is earning the click When you earn the click you are going to start to get people's attention

    That is the very first indicator that people are somewhat enjoying the content you're putting out So if you

    can nail the title you can then go through and use advanced strategies to figure out exactly

    where people are falling off whether or not they're clicking on links inside of your blog posts but

    it all starts with a killer title So how do you write a killer title Well

    first let's back up a little bit because 72% of online marketers say that seo

    content is the biggest factor for getting them new clients It's cheaper and better than ads And really

    you can make one blog post and it'll last six months to a year So why wouldn't you want

    to go through and make sure you have a killer title Why wouldn't you wanna make sure

    that you're giving people a good first impression Because at the end of the day That is what

    blog titles do they give people the first impression of your business and of your content It's

    the first thing a reader is gonna see on Google or on a social media

    post when you are promoting your content and it's go what's gonna either convince them

    to click on your stuff or to make them go away That's not necessarily a bad thing

    Sometimes you want people to go away right Depends on who that person is Either

    way the title is very important And if you are not producing a good title it's gonna be

    very difficult for you to earn somebody's click So how can you make sure that you're writing a

    very good title I actually use a free app called share through Headline Analyzer And it's super easy

    as you can see here in the image all you have to do is type the headline choose if it's

    a it'll add a blog post whatever it may be and then it'll analyze it when it analyzes

    it it's going to give you a score and it's gonna tell you exactly what the headline

    conveys what it doesn't considering titles are super important Why would you not want to use something like this

    the higher the score you can get the better So play around with it it'll even walk you through

    exactly what you need to do This is one of the best headline analyzers I have ever

    used They actually use a lot of psychoanalytic data and they use a lot of

    science to try to make this headline analyzer better So go ahead and go put all of your

    titles here and try to make them a bit better because that's really what this entire lesson

    is about is about getting uh better titles So go complete the workbook for today Lesson four

    work on your titles Think as you are working this does the title compel you does it not

    And again if you have any questions or wanna make sure what you're doing is you know

    the right thing Are you on the right track Ask in the Facebook group use the hashtag questions and

    don't give up one more lesson That is it And then you're gonna know how

    all of this falls into place That is it for today guys I will see you in

    the lesson tomorrow and I'm super excited because that's when I'm gonna be giving you something special All

    right bye bye