Systematic Theology (Module 3)
Show Transcripts

Understanding human nature the nature of humanity and systematic theology Welcome to Section three Congratulations on being here in

this lecture We will cover the nature of humanity and systematic theology in four parts So

by the end you will have a clear understanding of a biblical foundation know the four parts to humanity and

how to explain them So let's start by explaining systematic theology again briefly and how human nature ties into

it We already know that systematic theology is a field of study What does it focus

on the core beliefs and doctrines of Christianity What is the aim to organize and comprehend these

teachings and scripture in an organized way So one important focal point is the exploration of human nature

as revealed in the Bible So what does this involve examining what the scripture says about human

beings their characteristics and more importantly their relationship with God So first let's explain our biblical foundation The Bible in

scripture serves as a primary source for understanding the nature of humanity that we see

in systematic theology Several key passages help us to more clearly understand how this is put together

For example creation Genesis 126 to 27 Then God said let us make man in our image after our likeness

So what did God do He created man in his own image in the image of

God He created him male and female He created them So what does this mean Ok What is

this telling us Humanity is special Humanity holds a unique place in the creation of God The most prized

possession We are made in the image of Him And this means that we reflect those holy and divine

qualities just as a mirror reflects the image that stands in front of it When you

stand in front of a mirror you see yourself looking back we are reflecting God's character his love his wisdom

So this example of our nature really sets us apart from the rest of creation

This reminds us of our purpose which is what to glorify and honor God in

all that we do So being created in God's image This also means that we have

been granted a high position a big position in the greater plan of creation Unlike any other

creatures we've been given the ability to reason to think and to make choices for ourselves

We have been entrusted with the stewardship right With taking care of the earth the animals

the resources this privilege it comes with the responsibility to care for and protect the world around

us We should treat it with reverence acknowledging our connectedness with all living beings Ok Now the fall of man

we see in Genesis three verses six and seven So when the woman saw that the tree was

good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes and that the tree was to be desired

to make one wise She took up its fruit and ate it and also gave some

to her husband who was with her and he ate So the disobedience we see here right about him and

even the garden being tempted The first temptation giving into that temptation had a big

impact on humanity on us today by choosing to disregard God's command to follow the serpent They introduced

sin into the world This introduction forever altered our nature and our relationship with God disobedience

It created a separation between humankind and the divine This resulted in guilt and shame and a

longing for reconnection Eternity is set in every human being's heart So since that moment the

course of history human history has been marked by the struggle against sin our journey you and I is

filled with both success and failure So we strive to regain the closeness we once had with God

We will always fight with sin no matter what while we are on this earth So this shifting it shaped

our existence This defined the path we now walk as we navigate the consequences of amens disobedience

and we seek that redemption reconciliation with our creator Now let's talk about redemption we see in Romans

five verse eight Another great example God shows his love for us in that while

we were still sinners Christ died for us So the redemptive work of Christ on the

cross provides a way for humanity for us to be reconciled with God and restored to a right relationship

Our salvation Christ paid for that through his sacrifice He offers forgiveness of our sins

the opportunity to experience true transformation and true spiritual renewal It is through Christ only

that we can find hope and healing the possibility of eternal life There is no

other way Jesus ultimate act of love and sacrifice It offered us a lifeline for all who seek that redemption

and a chance to start fresh in their journey of faith Now let's talk about renewal Second

Corinthians five verse 17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation The old has passed

away behold the new has come So we are new creations in Christ Through faith in Christ We can experience

powerful change within ourselves We become new we become transformed versions of who we once were

with the ability to live a restored and righteous life So this change it's not just a

surface level difference but it's more of a deep transformation When the deep transformation happens the

surface level transformation becomes that much more prominent with our thoughts with our actions with our beliefs

with this faith we find hope forgiveness but ultimately a sense of purpose as we're going towards eternity

As we walk we not only discover a stronger connection to God but we're also building that desire to a

positive difference in the world to make that difference showing compassion being kind to others all the

important things So in summary nature of humanity it is complex It is multifaceted Yes First

we are created in the image of God which reflects our divine origin We also carry the burden of a

fallen state sin in the garden Adam and Eve brought upon us by that decision So this

fallen us it affects every aspect of our being Secondly our design as human beings is very unique and remarkable

We have been intricately crafted with individual talents with our emotions our abilities Yet in

our nature is the potential for deception as our hearts can and often do lead us

astray It is important to recognize guard against these negative impulses and desires that can often drive our

actions Where do these desires come from Satan and Satan schemes So now there is hope in our fallen

nature in our fallen world through the grace and sacrifice of Christ We can find that redemption and

restoration that most of us are looking for So embracing this hope it allows us to develop a deeper relationship

with God understand our true identity and what that is and discover that purpose which we were created for

So in the next lecture we will discuss the doctrine of sin which will help explain

the nature of humanity a little bit deeper understanding sin and its doctrine In this lecture we will discuss

sin in four parts We'll discuss the origin the consequences redemption and repentance So by the

end of this lecture you will be able to clearly explain these four very important pieces and understand ultimately

the redemptive work of Christ and how it all works and all ties together So

let's start with the origin of sin The concept of sin lies at the core of theological doctrine

Tracing its origins back to the disobedience that we saw by the first human couple spoke

up in the last lecture was Adam and Eve As recounted in the book of Genesis their

rebellion against God's commandment do not eat from this tree It marked a pivotal moment

in human history Ok This moment introduced sin unleashed sin into the world And now we deal with that

every single day and we will continue to in Genesis 36 we see when the woman saw that

the tree was good for food that it was a delight to the eyes and that the tree

was to be desired to make one wise What did she do She took up its fruit she ate

from that tree She also gave some to her husband who was with her and he also ate

So we see this act of defiance this really destroyed Ultimately destroyed the perfect harmony that existed between

humanity and God There was perfect harmony there was no sin for a time Ok This forever altered the

course of our existence The consequences of what Adam and Eve did can be felt and are felt today

So throughout all generations throughout the earth and the earth's existence until the second coming

we have to deal with this And now because of this this led to a fractured relationship

between humans and God which is what Satan wants and wanted It is with this framework that the doctrine of

sin it really takes shape exploring the nature consequences and means of redemption for humanity in

the fallen state that we are in Adam and Eve the story of Adam and Eve

This should be the reminder this is the cornerstone for understanding the theological significance of sin

It's simple sin came into the world through Satan Now we fight with sin and we I'll try to get

back to God Ok There is a Brokenness There will be a Brokenness within the world and the need

for redemption and reconciliation with God It grows greater with each generation in part two the nature and consequences

of sin So sin it's not just isolated it's not just a single act It is a

continuous pervasive force that affects every aspect of our existence It goes beyond a single action and it really gets

in and infiltrates our thoughts our desires motivations the Bible teaches us that all individuals

without exception have sinned and fallen short of God's glory We are all sinners does not

matter how great our relationship is We all sin On some level we are tainted by

this nature which corrupts our hearts and it leads us away from righteousness So we see in Romans 623 great

verse for the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ

our Lord So how do we get that eternal life in heaven Having Christ living

in our hearts OK The consequences of sin They reach far first it results in spiritual death Separation from

Christ separation from the creator This is the ultimate goal of Satan the only goal So sin creates a barrier

between God and humanity hindering our communion with Him in this separation It leaves us feeling empty feeling restless searching

for something to fill the void within our souls Where do we search for this in the world and worldly

material things OK Which are the systems of Satan So secondly in these broken relationships with others what happens

Dishonesty unfaithfulness selfishness really can breed This breeds a lot of mistrust and Brokenness causing pain and

division in our interactions with one another separating us OK From that community separating us from people seclusion

Sin is not limited to individual actions but it is in our very being Ok It permeates

within us its consequences They're both spiritual and relational leading to that big separation from

God and those broken relationships with others This is ultimately what Satan wants for our lives to be alone

focused on the world When we understand this nature the consequences this should compel us

to seek reconciliation to seek forgiveness and redemption Where can we get that redemption only in one

place from God through Christ Now part three is redemption from sin The doctrine of

sin It's not hopeless Ok It's not a hopeless narrative And systematic theology really emphasizes

the redemptive work of Christ as the solution to the problem of sin How do we

solve this through Christ He already has solved it So Jesus sacrificial death on the cross

provides forgiveness and that reconciliation giving us a way for humanity to be restored to a right relationship with

Him in Romans 58 But God shows his love for us and that while we

were still sinners Christ died for us died for our sin paid for our salvation This redemptive work is

the heart of Christianity So through Christ's selfless act through his crucifixion is offers us forgiveness

Now who can get this forgiveness Everyone who believes in Him as the perfect sacrifice he

bore the weight So we didn't have to for our sins taking upon himself that punishment that we

ultimately deserve and still deserve So through his bloodshed on the cross sins power is broken We

are set free the act of redemption It not only provides forgiveness but it also the very importantly

restores our relationship with God What does this do for us It gives us the opportunity to

live in harmony with His will Again we all have that same opportunity If we just ask

a doctrine of sin does not leave us without hope Instead it points us to Christ's redemptive work This

work offers us that forgiveness that we are all looking for And part four is the call to

repentance and transformation Let's go to Acts 319 See a great example of this repent therefore

and turn back that your sins may be blotted out So what is this telling us Acknowledging the doctrine of

sin leads to a call for repentance and a transformation of our own lives What does this involve It involves

a turning away from sinful behavior and turning towards God So we are shedding more sin

every day every month every year turning more towards God accepting the salvation offered through

our faith in Christ So to summarize this lecture the doctrine of sin explores the origin nature consequences of

our human disobedience It shows us the redemptive work of Christ What is this redemptive work It's

the solution to sin Christ died on the cross paid for our sin took care of our sin with that

salvation That salvation gives us a path to be forgiven to be reconciled with God

and transformed the call to repentance This stands as an essential response to this doctrine This invites

us to turn away from sin and embrace the transformative power of God's grace So in the next lecture we

will discuss grace faith and justification going a little bit deeper into sin grace faith and justification

in systematic theology So in the world of systematic theology there's three powerful concepts that we

want to know and understand grace faith justification These ideas are building blocks in understanding that

relationship between humanity and God So let's start by exploring these principles in a way that is

accessible and very simple to understand So the ultimate gift right Imagine receiving an incredible

unexpected gift like a treasure chest that's filled with love filled with kindness In systematic theology grace is like that

gift something wonderful God freely gives to people We we can't earn this we can't buy this God

gives it to us But because of His great love that is why we get this for it is by

grace that you've been saved through faith And this is not from yourselves It is

the gift of God In Ephesians 28 we are saved through grace not by our own

works through grace and faith So grace matters it's like a rescue rope really helps us when

we're in trouble It offers us forgiveness love hope even when we don't deserve it it should

remind us that we don't have to be perfect to be loved and accepted by

God His grace Is always there for us If we ask now faith believing in

the unseen right Have you ever believed in something Even if you couldn't see it Ok That's

what faith is like in systematic theology Faith is believing in God and his promises even if we can't

see Him with our own eyes which we can't Now faith is confidence in what we hope

for and assurance in what we do not see Hebrews 11 1 great example of this So

why does faith matter It's what connects us to God and it's what strengthens our relationship with

Him It's a source of hope Think of it like a guiding star that leads us through life's challenges now

Justification What does this do It's making things right OK Imagine you made a mistake but someone

forgave you and made things right That's the concept of justification in systematic theology It's like getting

a fresh start a clean slate we see in scripture Therefore since we have been justified through

faith we have peace and God through our relationship with Christ we see this in Romans

five verse one So why is justification matter It's like a second chance It's a new beginning It

means that God forgives our mistakes and he accepts us even though we've been wrong

and we've done things wrong which we will continue to do It's a reminder that we don't have to carry

the burden of our errors God's justification Think of it as a helping hand saying that start again So

this trio of grace faith and justification are closely connected Grace is the gift Faith

is the way we receive it by believing and justification is the result So making things right between

us and God So in systematic theology we learn that it's not about earning our

way to God's love trying to be perfect which none of us ever will be It's about accepting

the incredible gift of grace having that faith to believe in it and ultimately experiencing that justification where

our relationship with God is mended and is renewed So understanding these concepts is like discovering a treasure

chest in that chest We are reminded that we are loved unconditionally that we can

have faith even when life is challenging and it will be challenging Those are the important times

to lean on God to trust our faith to build that faith We can always find that fresh start in

our relationship with God through justification gives us a message of hope and love that we can carry with us

through our journey So in summary systematic theology what are the three concepts we just

talked about in this lecture grace faith and justification Grace is the ultimate gift Ok The

gift we are given freely by God out of his love providing forgiveness and hope Faith is believing in God

and his promises even if we can't see Him and it strengthens our relationship with him That's a good

thing that's giving us His grace through faith And the justification is the fresh start where God forgives

our mistakes accepts us offers us a second chance These concepts they're closely connected They form it

was a very important trio that teaches us about God's unconditional love and the importance

of accepting His grace of having that faith and experiencing justification So how does atonement and

redemption work OK Understanding atonement and redemption and systematic theology We will discuss how these

work how they go hand in hand and why they are so important By the

end of this lecture you will have a clear understanding of both of these concepts being able to define

them and discuss them So atonement and redemption are central themes in systematic theology They

show us the significance of Christ's work on the cross In this lecture we will give a simple explanation

of these concepts supported with relevant Bible verses delving a little bit deeper into the Christian

faith So let's start with atonement What is atonement reconciliation through sacrifice So atonement refers to the reconciliation between

humanity and God that is achieved through the sacrificial death of Christ It is through this act that a

path of reconciliation is opened bridging the chasm between mankind and God We see this in Romans 510 For

if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son Much more

now that we are reconciled Shall we be saved by his life So atonement really highlights the restoration

of a broken relationship shows us the love of God displayed in Christ's sacrifice through his death

Jesus paid the price for our sins reconciling us with God allowing us to partake in the abundant

life He offers that we all live today So part two is redemption What is redemption the liberation

of humanity from the bondage of sin and its consequences through the payment made by Christ It is

a great act of deliverance where Christ's blood sacrifice that's the currency that sets us believers free from the chains

of sin We see this in Ephesians 17 in Him we have redemption through his blood

the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of His grace So redemption it really

signifies that release from the penalty of sin the restoration of us to our relationship with God It

is only through the shedding of Christ's blood through the crucifixion on the cross that that

forgiveness is granted and the true freedom is found So part three why do atonement and redemption matter so much

atonement and redemption address the estrangement that was caused by sin offering us a pathway to

the restoration of a right relationship with God through Christ We can experience that deep sense of

belonging knowing that we are no longer separated from our creator but we're invited into loving communion with

Him So let's talk about forgiveness of sin the sacrifice of Christ of Jesus on the cross provides the means

for forgiveness of our sins We see the depth of God's grace and mercy here through his atoning

sacrifice our sins are washed away and we are cleansed from all that unrighteousness So this forgiveness it's

not earned but it's freely given Demonstrating and showing us the great love of God and the

love He has towards us towards humanity We see in Colossians one verse 14 in whom we have

redemption the forgiveness of sins So freedom from bondage redemption it liberates us from the slavery of sin It allows

us to live in accordance with God's purposes We should no longer be bound or tied up by the

chains of those past mistakes simple tendencies we all have we can walk into freedom and victory that Christ has

secured for us and we should So what is the access to God's grace that

we have here through atonement and redemption We have access to this grace experiencing God's

love and His favor It is through this work through Christ's work that these channels are opened up

to us and invite all who believe to receive the blessings and the love of God blessings we may not

know are coming We probably don't know until we receive this So in conclusion in

systematic theology atonement and redemption foundational concepts that highlight the transformative work of Christ through Christ's death humanity is reconciled

We're reconciled with God sins are forgiven and we are liberated from the bondage of sin So these concepts

matter because they represent the heart of the Christian message OK The love of God

displayed in the redemptive work of Christ offering hope offering us a strong forgiveness and the restoration of that

meaningful relationship with our creator So as we reflect on atonement on redemption we are reminded of the

eternal significance of Christ's sacrifice and should And we are invited to walk in the

fullness of that grace proclaiming the good news of salvation to a world that is

in need of redemption So let us really embrace these truths and live out the reality

of atonement in our lives How do we do this by being vessels of God's transforming love

and grace sharing that with the broken world that we live in So congratulations for finishing this section at

this point We recommend filling out the worksheet and taking the section quiz before moving on

in the next section we will begin discussing the church the sacraments and getting into some eschatology which is the

study of end times and what will happen at the end