I want you to think of the times when you just feel sort of crappy Nothing'sworking nothing's working You uh get cut off in your car and somebody takes the parking spacethat you're waiting to get into um you just Life sucks It just isn't working Well do you knowThat's because you're not feeling good When you're not feeling good you are naturally just gonna attract badstuff to you What is feeling Feeling conscious awareness How you feel is conscious awareness of thevibration you're in And if you're not feeling good you're in a bad vibration Do you know thatwham just like that you can change the vibration This body you're living in is a molecular structureand it's in a very high speed of vibration Everything vibrates nothing rests People that are feeling good are ina good vibration You can put yourself in a good vibration in a heartbeat Music isa great medium to put you in a great vibration I have I believe Hear the music You know turnit up a little bit Isn't that nice This music is playing all the time in my studioall the time I don't have a plane to slit moved it up so you'll hear it Iuse I have it playing very low I have a button here in the edgeof my desk It's a button that's stuck on the desk And I press that buttonThe music stops I pressed the button Music starts It's my music button Skun Edwardswho's Our uh Studio director he got this little button it's just a little buttonit's only about that big And I stick it on my desk and he says presson it The music stops Press on it and the music starts It's phenomenal Music is agreat medium to cause you to feel good You get chaotic music and you're gonna be ina chaotic vibration but you have nice quiet music playing If you were to be in the studioI have plants here The plants love this energy in this place You know you often say aperson that has beautiful plants has a green thumb No no no no They have created a nice energyPlants are sensitive When you have chaotic energy the plants will die When you havegood energy the plants grow The energy in this studio is phenomenal It's very creative There's nicequiet music playing all the time and the plants love it Plants are very healthy in this studioWell you see That controls vibration Do whatever you can to stay in a beautifulvibration Beautiful soft music When you listen to a motivation recording it could be a record or it couldbe a cassette or it may be now just You know digital Have Good information playinginformation that stimulates you that causes your mind to shoot off in a creative direction Um Idon't mix with anybody that isn't fairly upbeat I don't have a lot of friendsI don't have time for a lot of friends If you're gonna have friends you gotta be yougotta be a friend and I just don't have a lot of time so I only have afew friends but they're very good friends I am very busy all the time and so the friends Ihave I want to treat them properly and that takes time I don't mix with anybodythat is an upbeat I don't want to mix with people that are talking badtimes hard times that are you know into bad energy The people you surround yourselfwith have a lot to do with the vibration you're in You want to be consciously awareof the energy in the environment you're in It's very important and you wanna stayin a very good vibration when you're in a good vibration good ideas flow into your mind You'll see abetter way of doing whatever you're doing You'll improve whatever you're doing and that's really what you want Youwant to get magnificent results make good things happen Control your vibration Control the flow There's an energyflowing to and through you and when it flows into your consciousness it has no form Our thinking givesit form and as we internalize it it controls the vibration of the bodies and keepthe body in a good vibration and you're gonna be working The way you want to work doing the thingsyou want to do Keep yourself in a high vibration music Recordings good friends agood book You get into a good book and it'll stimulate you That'll keep you in agood vibration Try it today All day you'll love it Check us out at Procter Gallagher for tipstools and resources