Clutch Cargo 52
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    his pal spinner at federal court in another exciting Adventure the big oh no this is terrible I must do

    something I'll send a message to Clutch Cargo he'll know what to do what is it look like

    a paper airplane flew in the window how could that be we're on the 85th floor hey something's written on

    it what is this a spinner it says help something big come at once and it's signed Professor

    Stargazer professors Stargazer why he's the outstanding space Observer of our time if he sees something big it must be

    awfully big come on spin we've got to get to his Observatory right away but the plane is in the

    repair shop clock will take Timmy Murphy's dragster he said we could use it in case of emergency

    we'll take the short cut straight across the desert but cargo I'm so glad you got my message come up

    here quick I want you to take a look at something in here why it's a big thing

    like I said and that isn't all it's headed right this way you mean you mean precisely and

    exactly 4 hours 32 minutes and 12 seconds mountain time that big thing will collide with the

    Moon why it'll crush the moon to bets exactly clutch that's why I called on

    you what are we going to do is only one thing to do we've got to go up

    there and stop it I knew I could count on you clutch but how mmm well let's see keep

    canora's big Beastie is an orbit and Minerva the third blew up on the pad oh dear

    then there's no space Rockets available hey clutch what about Professor knockwurst the rocket wizard good

    boys better we'll have to hurry it's a long way out to his Pad what a

    professor doctors doesn't have a rocket ready clutch if anybody's got a space rocket on the ground he

    will he does nothing but build them and test them I do hope he has one ready otherwise the

    Moon is doomed just ahead we find Professor knockwurst does indeed have his latest rocket ready on

    the launching pad the professor is making the last second adjustment yeah now can nine Professor knockwurst

    hey it's me Clutch Cargo on down never lick her Junt can't spare a minute clutch I'm in the

    middle of my countdown for three back back to no no Professor don't do it wow what a spot

    what will touch to be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo with his Pals

    spinner and family fought in another exciting Adventure the bank acts you remember last time clutch

    and Company had received a strange message from Professor Stargazer something big was on its way soon clutch and

    Company arrived at the professor's they found that something big was about to hit the moon the only

    way to stop it was by run but as they approached Professor not worst path and here Butte look

    at it go that's one I ever beat it Professor I'm sorry you did that why do

    you say such a thing clutch by that was my first successful rocket this year you

    mean that was your only rocket that can reach out into space well maybe it is and maybe it

    isn't why do you ask clutch it's about big X it's a great big thing headed straight for the

    Moon yes some giant on identifiable object will collide with the moon in exactly three hours 28 minutes and 15

    seconds mountain time the shattering of the Moon would affect our ocean tides the Earth will be

    showered with moon pieces we are counting on you Professor knockwurst aye-yay-yay oh my God

    didn't go tell me we tried to Professor but you would already started your condom okay then maybe we can

    beat that big thing yet follow me I still have my first rocket ship it didn't fly low good

    but then who's perfect can't you fix it right there is a week of tinkering maybe there's not enough time

    Professor you'll have to fix it on the way that are now I don't know now he might get off

    the ground but after that who knows we'll have two chances we've got to save that move

    okay clutch boy the flattens and Bloomers old-fashioned ready to start the countdown Roger Professor we're all set

    up here start counting spinner 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 nothing happened what's wrong

    looks like we're about ready to start looks like we're not going to get off for

    a moment there I thought she was going to go well the rocket got off but will

    it really fly be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo what

    gargle with his Pals spinner and paddleboards in another exciting Adventure the big axe you remember last time clutch

    and Company was Stargazer we're trying to stop a big thing from hitting the moon they

    needed a rocket to intercept it suddenly Professor knockwurst remembered his first rocket we're still

    accelerating hey clutch boy how about that for takeoff or Betsy's got more gun up invent than I remembered if

    we continue with this Splendid rate of speed I calculate we should intercept this big X unknown

    object in precisely one hour 28 at 8 10 seconds mountain time but how ever gonna stop it from

    crashing that's a good questions better boy I'm working on it Forward flight characteristics seem stable enough Professor knockwurst but

    what do we do in case we have to change course let's see I got to install the fruits jamas

    then maybe a little friction on the forward proven yeah maybe I should get started already yea

    good idea Professor every second counts Kali clutch you mean we can't stop this thing I

    know it's risky spinner but taking off under repairs is our only chance of stopping big X clutch

    spinner paddle Force come here quick see this now this is us approaching the area of the Moon here's

    the moon up here and look this is big axe moving in fast we're right on

    course on schedule hope our luck holds lucky way down there the Earth getting tenure and tenure we're

    going to my dials we should be nearing our objective big X how about checking

    it out on the radar scope Professor Stargazer uh-huh oh yes hmm very interesting in fact

    getting more interesting by the minute in two more minutes we should hit objective right on the nose

    give it we're not supposed to hit it we're just supposed intercepted why yes of course you're so right

    great better yelled on professor knackwurst and see if forward flu can reject is installed yet how's that

    I say can you have it fixed in two minutes you mean we are already there not

    only are we already there we're about to blow into that big thing it's coming in fast I'd say offhand

    about 18,000 miles an hour professor professor can't you hurry I think I got her fixed clutch give

    her a try fix the guidance system in the nick of time wonderful work Professor knockwurst you

    fixed it thanks clutch keep steering I still have to attach the flag and Boomers yet just what

    Evelyn quick take a look at this still see this is the surface of the

    Moon here is our rocket ship coming in fast straight at it and over here notice how

    it radically big X is traveling also headed straight to the moon no we that's

    strange big X seems to be trying to to follow us precisely hey professor knockwurst or on the

    coals we've got a hunt comment on our tail golly well clutch and Company in the professor's be able

    to shake the hot Comet be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode

    with Clutch Cargo watch cargo with his Pals spinner and paddleboards in another exciting Adventure the pink hex you remember

    last time clutch and Company of the two professors had set out in Professor knockwursts first unsuccessful Rockets the professor

    was building it as they float within minutes after takeoff they were just about to hit

    big X when a professor knockwurst for on the coals we've got a hunt comment on our

    tail yeah sure clutch right away we're coming down on that bone awfully fast any idea what's

    making that thing chases Professor yes I do have a theory I figure big X is attracted by the

    ionized particles in our slipstream our rocket plane is leaving a path of negative charge elements that is

    attracting active positive molecules in that runaway Comet if that's the case we're in luck

    huh if that thing is so intent on following us it will just pull up and keep it from

    crashing the moon but what about us we'll worry about that later spinner hold on to your

    hats everybody here goes still getting closer and closer what are we gonna do now clutch

    you try to outrun it spinner well Dutch boy looks like you did it again we're

    keeping ahead yep fellas looks like we're going to outrun it I thought we were goners for a minute

    according to my calculations the further away we get from that Comet the less likely it is to

    catch up with us us what's wrong what happened what's wrong Rick clutch throttle back the rocket boilers

    off all to blow all Betsy can't stand this place she's liable to blow to be them but if we

    slow down big Axl get us but it's catchy with this again everybody do something quick ordinances rocket point of

    the gonna burst if big axe is attractive to the ionized particles in our slipstream doesn't

    it make sense if we cut the engines it'll stop following us well yes and then again

    maybe know it really has been proven scientifically as yet better do something quick clutch oh no not again will

    touch and Company ever escape that monstrous big X be sure until then for the next

    exciting episode with but cargo but cargo with his pal spinner and family put in

    another exciting Adventure the big hacks you remember last time clutch and Company and his friends

    flying into space in a huge rocket ship were attracting big X by the ionized particles in

    their slipstream but I do something click clutch right you did it you did it clutch big axe

    slow down it's not going to crash has wonderful spinner we lucked out what now clutch first off I want

    to take a closer look at that thing break out the space suits better right clutch

    Professor knockwurst roll the ship to horizontal flight attitude with the air compressors like clutch okay Center all

    set open the space hatch did you hear that golly I'll say it made music when we touch down hey

    professor I think it is watch my boy we've stumbled across the greatest find of

    the century you really think so positive at the musical meteorite the rarest thing in

    space yeah yeah go on and it's composed of pure and Nickelodeon Nickelodeon was the

    rarest of musical Metals its crystal structure enables it to vibrate in perfect harmonics but soccer on

    and taught back to Earth with us yeah yeah clutch it will be is applied

    as a joy of the Space Museum also Professor will tour in using the auxiliary

    air compressor Jets yeah yeah trust the thing safer that way again thank you so much

    clutching spinner you not only helped us save the moon but you brought back this musical meteorite

    glad to help professors what is up on top of big X and so ends the

    story of fudge cargo and his foul spinner and paddle boat and the big X be sure to

    tune in for the next exciting adventure with front cargo