Good day to you all Good day Good day How are you Perfect and you you're very wellThank you What would you have for us today Ethan We delivered the idea of pull the trigger What doesthis statement mean What part of you is triggered when something gets pulled What aspectof your being What aspect of your way of looking at the world is triggered by those things in frontof you Who pulled your trigger The answer is you you pulled your tur anytime you're faced with thingsthat cause you to be in a state of anger of pain of suffering outside of physicalstress Typically when you are in a state of survival of fear this is theaspect that actually triggers you in your daily life You are given chances to decide whether you would chooseto forgive choose to let go choose to hold on to your pain that you choose to allow yourselfto be run by When you look at the idea of being triggered and who pulledyour trigger The answer is simple You did not to blame anyone not to cause any suffering But if youreally really look at the idea of the pain that you are going through at any given moment Manytimes It is an internal state that is causing most of your pain It is the beliefs youhold on to those grief the pain the suffering all those ideas all those beliefs allthose past experiences that you think you still maintain connection to These are your triggers So manytimes when you are becoming active in relationships your triggers will be pulled We need and youare and and you are interacting with someone who pulls your trigger They by no means are allowed to dothese things but they only do it when you allow them to do it So in this aspectwe would say for you any time in the moment when you are feeling triggeredby another person take a moment and breathe and ask yourself what am I feelingin the moment What is behind this feeling of pain of suffering of fear Whyam I experiencing life in this way Why do I choose these things Because remember it always is achoice in every moment no matter what happens by who it happens to in those timesSo we would ask you who pulled your trigger every day every time you are feeling frustratedwith yourself and the people around you many times it's just yourself or you are going back to a previousevent or previous time where you were a younger person Who could not quite handle things handle yourunderstanding your connection understand the environment around you because many times people allow themselves to be trappedin those times and places because they were young and unable to control the world orallow themselves to be part of the world or understand things from a certain perspective that they couldn't as anadult understand that if you take some time and go back to those events and ask yourself why am Ifeeling it Why is this happening Instead of looking as the child inside of you that isfeeling the pain or the suffering or bringing up previous experiences Give yourself a moment to ask what is happeningin the moment allowing yourself to be more clear and more cognizant as you roll through the worldWhether it's your relationships with yourself relationships with others relationships with your family relationships with your animalsin any moment when you are triggered by your experience take some time to ask yourselfthese things Thank you Mhm Would you um tell us more about the state ofmind who someone who gets gets gets gets triggered The idea of being triggered in the moment comes outof a state of fear Think about it in your daily life when you arein a state where you are being triggered by an event whether it be chem trails whetherit be the government is out to get rid many of those people who arein survival mode are typically in a state of fear A fear of the world not working out forthem how they need it to how they would like it to how they wouldlike to experience life If you don't allow yourself to be cognizant of when it's happeningeven remotely slightly being triggered There is something there that needs to be addressed Very good Thankyou Even people who act from a state of anger many times they are afraid Yes correct trigger ina way is um an emotional response to something that supposedly I cannot control Yes Um Andum realizing that there's no need to be triggered could go once um it's really not threatening tome Uh or I don't have to take it that way No Many times whenpeople interact with our energy it's because it brings up particular beliefs or particular experiencesthat put them in a state of survival So therefore these things are being broughtto the surface But in reality because we exist at such a high frequency compared tomost humans you are coming in contact with an aspect of yourself that has not quite been healed or integratedinto your experience of life right Old wounds as we call it Yes that iswhy we were here to help you go through the idea of integration Thank you What would it takefor someone to move past the point of trigger Which really means if I understand it correctly That's howI see it is to take a different perspective on what was scary or out of control Then it's actuallyjust a part of life that I can embrace Yes it is an aspect of your experience ofbeing human Yes But how did that switch happen At what point does a human say OKUh I don't need to be triggered or follow my ego I can follow the higher guidance Themoment you have truly healed it it no longer triggers you As long as it still triggers you in themoment it will cause an emotion a strong emotion to arise and it may popback up even after you have healed it from time to time So you can get to the deeper rootof the cause of your experience Yes Um www What is a common process for people to pass overthe hurdle of this is scary out of control survival mode into excuse me Um Just just seeingthe big picture It's it's not that bad after all Quit seeing Is it a hurdle Quit sceneis something that you could not get past See it as a challenge unless of a problem that cannever be solved See it more as the idea of I have gone through this experience What has it taughtme See this is always learning situations That's all they really are in all times in allplaces in all situations when you are dealing with anyone that might cause you to gointo a state of fear be open to what shows up and redefine it in a way that'smore positive so you can get a positive effect out of the experiences at any moment Thankyou It's just challenges So don't define anything as a hurdle as something insurmountable A mountain thatyou cannot climb Give yourself permission to see these things for what they are learning situations YesThank you It may be a bit more difficult in the moment especially for those whoare used to uh quote unquote uh get triggered by something which is outside ofthem I'll give you an example Uh I looked at some social media this morning and one ofmy friends keep posting oh my God the world is gonna end Oh my God they're gonna take all ourmoney Oh my God we're gonna and and my my my comment is always um well you know it's it'sa transitionary period It doesn't have to be that difficult Um It's really your your your point of view Yesbut it doesn't seem like I'm making any positive change in this person's mind He hekeeps posting about the fear based beliefs those who feed themselves with the idea offear through media sources through a diet of the world was in tomorrow They will eternallyfeel like this until they allow themselves to be fed by something different right I'd liketo suggest something here for our audience in in the case of uh running into a scary situation that youused to get triggered by Um One thing to do is to think how wouldthat response or reaction uh reaction versus response made me feel would make me feel Ihave a choice Now I can react to it emotionally I can respond to it UmAnd I find that that type of it takes a bit of practice of course Um Yes it'slike a muscle it's like a muscle in any moment you are given any sort of chances todecide how you would like to respond to an event that is occurring in your realityThis particular idea of being able to see things more clearly at any moment choosing to see things more clearlyin the moment it's like a muscle As long as you think you do not have a choice whenyou are interacting with people or yourself at any moment you will constantly see yourselfas a victim when you are going through your responses and your decisions So give yourself a chanceto open up to aspects of yourself to say when you are in more calm state Thatwhat am I feeling in the moment Is it real or is this a previous experiencethat I have decided to act on in a negative way Give yourself the opportunity in your future experiencesto sit down and be calm in time in through your experience you will eventuallybe able to think of things more clearly No one is saying you have to get thisright on the first try but give yourself the opportunity to decide that you would like to experience life ina particular way Fair enough Really there's no other choice but but to to consciously take a differentdirection over and over there is always a choice There is always a choice It is up toyou to decide whether or not you would like to experience your life in the most peaceful manner or theway that is less peaceful It is your choice in all times and all placesYes Uh What I meant is is you you need to make the choice when you getto that moment to respond versus react Yes that is why we come to you like this toin a peaceful state in a peaceful perspective to decide and give yourself a moment that is more inalignment with your being Yes One moment we need to make some adjustments to the environment Let's see what thedog is all about Uh You guys are welcome to put your comments We'll continuethe conversation with Ethan a little bit and then I'll go to the all the questionsin the comments and I have a couple written here right Hey stop Come on Right The dog wasmaking it hard to focus dogs fight I may I also may kick him out of the roomjust because he's being a little he's he's being triggered right now You wanna takehim out of the room I'm gonna do I'm gonna kick him out of the room Ok You'reright We'll get Leo out of the room Yeah He's usually not this barky unless I have someone overAll right Give me a sec Yeah Ok This is unusual He doesn't usually bark this much It isa different time of day We're doing it so well No he I have Ihave clients come over here and I I work on people but he's not usually even this barkywhen I have people come over All right give me a sec All right we will resumethe transmission Thank you The the uh be before we went into the transmission the channel askedme how do you how do you feel the changes since we started doing the work And I said youknow I'm a lot more calm and I don't I don't I don't react so much I more respondUh which is which is I guess exactly what we're going to here Yes When you view everything asneutral in your experience and your way of being it could be positive or it could be negativewhen you are coming at the world and through your experience in this particular way ofviewing the world you have more of an opportunity to see things this way Thank you Uh letme ask you a question that that repeats quite often and I it came through my mind Ihear from other people if someone had a major trauma uh whether it's uh physical traumawar all kinds of terrible things um that could throw them in some kind of aloop but it's very hard for them Not for all Uh but some people are very hard for them toget out of that terrible situation they have experienced or maybe someone they know experience what a personlike that could do to move to s seeing the beauty of life and and enjoy every dayfor what it is Give them space Give them the opportunity to decide how they would like toexperience things Understand when you go through very traumatic experiences structures of your brain because rememberyour brain is not the source of your consciousness It can get stuck in loops because youhave been through a very traumatic experience that has modified those aspects of your brainIt modifies the connection that you have to always go back to this particular connection point Give them space Butalso at the same time give them an opportunity to see that they are ableto move out of the loop that they have been in Because if you are stuck inthe past you will become very depressed When you are projecting yourself into the future too much you will becomevery anxious into your experiences when you have not given yourself direction when you are allowingyourself to be running on autopilot instead of being more active in your experience of life Yes Iunderstand that the past is connected to depression and the future it's connected to anxiety Thereforewe have to be in the moment once I'm in the moment and fully focus onthis conversation with you For example right now I cannot be anywhere else So I cannot be anxious ordepressed There is no other place to be other than right here Right now everything is here Now remember thatit is the second law Yes Um If if we mentioned the laws would you remind uh mentioning thefive laws again please I think it'll be useful The first law is existence has only one qualityit exists That is the only quality that it has That is the only thingit can do is just exist If you exist you exist in all times all placeson all levels just in different forms The second law is everything is here Now all time all space allplaces all levels of consciousness all exist just on different frequencies and parallel realities The third lawis what you put out is what you get back which means the energy thatyou put out into the world is what you receive back If you are going throughThe idea of experiencing very anxious situations or many people feel very nervous around youThey are merely just reflecting back that particular energy that you are putting out in the momentHm The fourth law is the one is the all the all is the one the oneis the all pretending to be the one All that is the one does not knowitself But through the reflection of all that is it has the reflection through all of you and all ofus in existence because it would be not complete without all of you and usand everyone simultaneously in all levels of reality And the fifth law is everything changes But the first fourlaws everything in your reality is a variation on those four laws or five laws We areapologizing But in your experience and in your reality everything is an ex is actually more of a reflectionof your energy at all moments The I would summarize it The the my experience isa summary of all of the previous four laws And I imagine to myself uh these four lawseach move on on a scale and combination of these four scales creates that present realityand experience Yes Right It's all your choice It's all your experience There's no one else out there But youyou may be in consensus realities like we are experiencing currently and having these typesof interactions But it's all you in your reality you're being reflected back to you at thistime A more stop calm stable energy that is being shown to you that you havereached a state where you were able to exist in that particular way Thank you those that resonate with thisinformation With this time with this channel they have reached the point where they have started livinga more peaceful life in all times in all places Yes I want I wanted to ask youum excuse me ra mentions uh densities uh first to seventh I believe could you explain a bitabout those densities and what they mean and how it works Dimension is more like a continentDimensions are like states with inside that continent The whole reality is all that is theidea of different densities comprises the idea of different frequency levels that exist and showyou what your experience is Thank you Uh I believe Ron mentioned uh that welive currently in a third density and we are rising to fourth or fifth amI correct Fourth density You are actually in fourth density You are going through the process currently to letgo of all that is from third density The idea of separation the idea ofnot having enough or not being enough in your reality which because you are shiftingto those much higher frequencies it is impossible to hold on to the particular ideasthat went along with their density With the Thank you with the move to fourth densityare wars eliminated violence anger eventually But the idea of anger more comes out of the idea of not integratingthose aspects of yourself I see uh once once one is integrated there's no need for waror quarrel of any sorts No because you do not see anything separate from yourself You do not see anythingoutside of your experience So when you are getting angry at the world or you areseeing a war happening in your world there is an aspect of yourself that is not integrated So you donot see the world separate from you You realize you are the reality that you exist in allof it is your energy or the collective energy of the census reality that you exist in with many manymany others What would it Thank you What would it take for a a group culture uh states countrypeople to switch from the energy of war you know the person on the other side ofthe fence or the line in the map is my enemy to there are people just like me YesWhat what would it take for an entire culture to switch from the war mode to the peace modeto see the others as themselves You are currently going through that experience right now You are going through theparticular experiences that are letting you decide whether or not you would like to live in astate of war Thank you Let me go with some some questions Here please So I hadthe one question from uh Antonio he's not on the call right now but he he delivered inthe comments earlier and Antonio is asking about Tartar Was it real And what is it Tartar is aparticular idea that is connected to previous civilizations It is more of the idea of the energy that came fromcivilizations such as Moon Atlantis or many other civilizations that have not been recorded The ruins that yousee around your world come from the idea of the megalithic flood that changed the faceof your world and changed the way your seas and your people interact with each other and disconnected you ina way from each other Was Tartar an actual country or kingdom of sorts No it's just theidea of those previous civilizations that did exist at one point but no longer do and wewe just call them uh collectively Tartar Yes Thank you Um I I see photos and drawings of beautifully detailedbuildings Yes And they say Tar from the Tartar era or time Uh And there'snone of these left It's as if they completely got erased they were covered by mud and remember youare shifting to other realities as well where these pictures may not actually exist So they might have existed ina different dimension or timeline But now I'm not no longer the timeline before I cannot find themYes Thank you You make a complete shift at every moment to a different reality Remember thereality you are shifting to matches your energy if it no longer matches your energy to believe in the ideaof a destroyed civilization that they are hiding something from you All evidence from that reality willnot exist inside of your current one right Uh I I believe you said and I've heard the Basharsaying as well that once you change your your point of view and the way you relateto something the person you were in the past and that event completely changed Yes because you are a completelydifferent person We mean this literally at all times all places you are literally a differentperson right At at what point can I activate instantaneous healing You can do it nowyou can do it Now you have beliefs that are in place that say youneed to go through a process to heal But if you are in truly in alignment withyourself and truly in the understanding that you can instantaneously heal there's nothing that can stop you Thank youThere seem to be a high degree of a cancer rate right now More than than before Yes Wwhat is it attributed to toxins in your food and your diets Okay And those people with the cancer asfar as I understand it's also an emotional process Yes Remember all diseases have an emotionalenergetic component to them Yeah Yes So that means that the two people in the same same householdcould be exposed to the same toxins One of them will get cancer but the other won't Yes Andthat's because the one that got cancer has a perhaps a lesser or more negative view of themselves of theworld Yes When the idea of cancer shows up in your experience whether it's atan older age or younger age is different when you are at a much older age inthat particular energetic dysfunction shows up What is eating you This is the question we would ask youat those moments What is eating you What are you allowing to be less positivein your experience Not integrated into your experience What is easy in that aspect ofyourself that you have not truly integrated and not truly allowed yourself to be fullypart of your experience Yes And for the younger age the younger age many times these can beexperiences that the soul decided it wanted to go through at a early age to givethemselves a particular point of view that they could not have had in that lifetime if they werefully healthy Thank you I would imagine that going through such experience would really show someone how tolove themselves perhaps for the first time or again and how to have more compassion to theworld Yes Many times those types of experiences when they do show up in yourlife and you will experience them That is typically what they are there for And the people that heal fromcancer they have integrated that emotional part of them that pull their trigger Yes What aspects of themselvesdo they not love Many times these is typically the thing that's being asked of that person What partof you do You not love What part of your soul do you need to integrate into yourexperience What part have you been running away from for majority of your life Thank you Is isis perhaps my daughter is wrong but is the reason for a high a higher number of cancer rate thesedays If if it if it if it's indeed that is because more people are going throughan emotional process to realizing what they need to let go of and and andthat that um their ego and their their their themselves the higher selves kind of likeat at odds about these issues Yes they are manifesting the idea of denial of themselves and denial of theirexperiences Thank you This is also typically where you get the idea of elderly people going through theidea of dementia they have decided through their life and their experience that they would like todeny themselves the experience that they had in their younger years denying that they are responsible for themselvesSo typically you see in many elderly people in your society that they go through the idea of complete andutter denial of their mental state Right And there is uh my uncle God bless him just turned 97His body is you know not that great but he's laughing all the time and he'ssharp as a razor just as it was He does not live in a state of denial No lotsto learn from him Yes OK Uh Mary Joy is the language of the higher self or soul Whatif I don't do the things I don't want to do I wonder if it's just an excuse theidea of procrastination and dragging your feet to do the thing whether you want to or notIf it is meant for you to experience in your lifetime you will experience it You can experience it ina state of joy where you are connecting to that aspect of yourself or you can experience it throughthe idea of denial and destruction of yourself You can experience it in a verynegative way But if you allow yourself to go through the go with the flow into yourexperience of your connection to yourself you will experience the idea of ease as youmove through your reality Thank you Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah It's only as difficult asyou make it on yourself Yes And you you know I have to say in in the oldworld um we lived on a farm or in the village and and life was in in somewhat ummore simple and in the moment you tend to your garden you tend to yourfamily you tend to your livestock and more or less and you're always in nature No we werestuck in tiny little rooms surrounded by hundreds of wifi bombarded with messages nonstop It's it's hard to justfocus and be in a moment almost Yes This is where the emotional clarity comes inwhen you can have the discernment to know what is right for you and what isright for other people You'll let go of these things You'll move beyond the idea of what is you andwhat is other people What belongs to you what truly belongs to you and what really belongs to other peoplewhen you have the discernment to decide what is right for you You'll move on Yes Thankyou Uh Diamond mind what are the three best practices we can do to complete oursole contracts Even if we don't know our contracts as such Ask yourself what is yourpurpose Ask yourself in the moment in any day or place you feel guided to dothat Give yourself permission It's all about permission You can make it as complicated asyou want You can make it as simple as you want It's all your choice but allow yourselfto be in the flow and use the sermon for what is right for youand have the knowingness to be able to walk your life and understand that you are always on your pathIt does not matter what you're doing You are always there You are the paththat you are on Walk with this Knowing if we would say the three best practices is walkin the knowing take a deep breath at any moment You need to and reallyjust have discernment to know what is correct for you at all times Number one walkin the door number two practice your breathing Yes And number three discern what is right for you Yes thankyou It's not complicated We know that many of you have been fed the idea that you arenot worthy by religions by various people in your life This is not true Thisis never true It could never be true but you are worthy to exist because youdo you wouldn't be here otherwise Yes Thank you Quit fighting with all that is about yourself worth Yes thank you Uh Mary I've heard that in the year 2027 there will be extra terrestrialswalking around on our planet and that all will know that et exists But what isthe walking around not walking around You are going to see a mass sighting a massevent happen that will let you know we are here But these types of sightings are starting tohappen all the time and they are increasing in frequency But you are already going through the experienceof acclimatizing to our existence Yes it's not just one event If we just showed up tomorrow you wouldgo into mass panic and your society would fall apart It's happening all over your world not justin one country not just in one place where everyone focuses but it is happeningaround your world Yes Ethan what was the importance and function of the solar eventon recent April 8th You are going through a series of doorways right now You're going through the ideaof upgrades of frequency upgrades that are happening on your world and your people on through your world aswell I I've felt a shift in in a positive way mentally emotionally physically uh shortly after that event andI wonder if it has to do with the event or just all things come together that way for nowyou went through an upgrade You are feeling the idea of a positive upliftment of yourself andyour experience of reality Thank you The channel also mentioned to me and we spoke about this thatwe both feel uh better stronger physically Yes Ok This is a symptom of the upgrades Ok Thank youJust gonna follow here The you will also experience less time What do you mean bythat Because you are operating at a much higher frequency the idea of time as you know it currentlywill be invalid more in the moment and less on the clock Yes it does notactually exist as you know it right As your understanding of reality from moment to moment is more ofan applicable thing But the idea of living on the clock living in time livingthrough these shorter expansions of of your experience of time don't actually exist beyond yourexperience of it right Some people say that time seem to be accelerating Yes Whatdoes that mean Just what we just said you are experiencing less time So you are experiencing the ideaof an acceleration of your being and of your understanding of your world You're not imaginingthings as they would have you believe Thank you Let let me give you anexample that perhaps uh we we further go into this this topic here um a couple days agouh my friend and I went to the farm and uh visited the my friends the family liveson a farm and we got to stay on the land a little bit and takeher shoes off and meditate It was wonderful and and had a sandwich and then went back tothe city Yes And that was only two days ago and it already feels like two yearsago Time as you move into higher levels and higher frequencies is more fluid in natureSo your perception of time is shifting to those higher frequencies Thank you What about memories Wh wh whwhat what is memory and where is it stored It's not stored in you at all It isa connection to a parallel reality that you are making connection to in the momentIt is how we function that is how we are able to connect to differentaspects of reality at all moment We are plugged in to that particular understanding It sounds like weknow what we're talking about all the time Correct We speak with such a level ofconfidence when we are speaking to your people Correct Yes Yes Yes Well I onlyknow what I know in the moment I don't know anything other than when it is there in themoment And then once it's done it's gone I live this way I live constantly thisway I know this works because I have lived it for many many years So I'm able tospeak with conviction because I've only ever lived this way Very good Thank you You know this came upin earlier conversations and when it comes up now it's a lot more clear to me Yes Andbecause you are moving from a different perspective it no longer triggers those past experiences because you know thesethings are starting to be true for you So therefore you're acting that way Yes And that isthe reason why sometimes I ask you again because I realize that from this point of viewfrom this perspective the answer may be a lot more integrated Yes You notice when wespeak to you we speak in a very patient tone Yes We know this is all part of theprocess when you have asked us in the past when will this thing happen Wellwhen it's supposed to there's no rush Yes Yes Uh Yeah OK The the the earlier uh uhsessions were uh definitely more uh naive uh so to speak Well you had not quite integratedthe understanding we we are bringing forward to and the channel himself was not able to transmit our energy asclearly as he has been able to now because he was also going through a process that allowedhim to more easily transmit our energy to you He's gone through the process We are also going through aprocess just a different process And and I do feel that the connection that the channel myself and you haveis stronger and clear even when we're not doing a session Yes because you are resonating more ina frequency similar to ours So you're able to connect with us much more easily It's no morecomplicated than that It's simple physics Yes Um The other day uh yeah yesterday orthe day before um I spoke with my friend um who I'm working on on aon a health program with um which is wonderful and and my friend is uhcurrently in India um getting some medical procedure and resting and healing and he left mea message saying um you know I I need to take a break until this is done LikeI thought I I can con I while I'm healing uh work on the program but I I really needto rest Ok Yes Um OK No big deal Um I thought about it a littlebit and um not much later after I had an entire realization that my friend is alsogoing through a process where he is uh leaving or removing his past lives and really looking atissues that dragged him down so to speak And it is clear in his way andhe is on his route to become a leader and a guide for others Yes So it is inthe process Yes Each person it looks different for her Yes So II I um Ileft my friend a a quick voice note and uh the response came a day latersaid how did you know it This is did did this come from the channel And I said noII I just knew it I I received it and I let you know we would say this message toall of you to let you know that you are channels We are just guidingyou in your ability to connect to yourself in a more holistic way When thechannel keeps saying there's nothing special about me He means it he's just showing you that youhave the ability to channel for yourself have the ability to connect to your higher So connectto your ability to connect to other aspects of yourself That do all exist simultaneously that you areall part of all that is So therefore you all have the same abilities thathe does It's just he expresses in a more open way than most people are typically ready toYes you will never be given more than you can handle at any moment Very true inthe process of myself receiving this message It was it was it wasn't loud but itwas clear and the thought went through my mind Am I imagining this And am I being egotistic oris that my job to give him the message Typically the person who delivers the message is theirjob But the idea that it is egotistical typically when in this coming form more of an egotisticalstate it has kind of a negative twinge to it when it's just being given information that isto be passed on Typically it is very light and it is very quiet in nature But use yourdiscernment of when and who to give it to Thank you Uh Faith Williams I have been receiving somethingshow this uh I called morning messages and I heard others are experiencing the same thing upon wakinga word word or a phrase will drop into my awareness Where is this coming from yourguides You are all reaching a state where you can start having more active relationships with yourguides where they are just giving you the idea of information easy discernment determine whetheror not it is coming from your higher mind your guides or the lower ego that is in astate of fear Could you elaborate a little bit more about what happens when the ego isin a state of fear It goes back to the title of this particular transmission pulledyour trigger those aspects of yourself that are not fully integrated and typically those people who are actingfrom that particular state will be very egotistical in their receive of information It is theidea of being able to be open to those aspects of yourself No more complicated thanthat When we say this stuff is simple we mean make it simple allow yourself to see things simplistically insteadof making them complex in nature Because many times that is what the negative ego does Thelower mind the physical mind thinking it needs to do more than it actually is When you arereceiving information from your higher mind or your guides they give it to you in the mostunintrusive way they can thank you Thank you OK Uh Sarah Y the zodiac sign cancer which is ruled bythe moon which is the mother Yes that is the question which is the mother It is afeminine aspect of yourself When you have the idea of a moon show up in your chartthis is the feminine aspect of yourself Whereas your sun sign is the masculine aspectof yourself If you look into these particular signs You will see that they haveparticular characteristics that show but you do have aspects of many other signs inside of your astrological chartin your energetic state So the idea of the mother is more representation of the idea of thefeminine state in your experience and how you choose to show yourself Thank you Uh Dolores can my brain injurybe instantaneously healed No need to heal slowly The cancer is shrinking and healing I understand ifthese answers are inappropriate at time at this time the idea of a instantaneous healingis possible It is completely possible You could completely heal in a moment but youonly ever heal as fast as you believe you can If you do not have the idea ofI can instantaneously heal from this thing because remember we are quasi physical in nature My people whetherit is Rolka the BCHAR or any other ones that have come through shale these particular beings that I dowork with quite often We as a people instantaneously we are energetic in nature So when one body is brokenwe instantly just shift to a new version that does not have the energy Wedo not get sick we do not eat we do not sleep right Would you like to remind us howthe Sasan is come to be physically We are a hybrid species We are a mix of 50% genetically grayand 50% genetically human We were created in nature in our terms of understanding we are around 10,000 yearsold But because we were created in a laboratory as it were we had kind of a head startin our understanding and our connection to all that is we are your descendants energetically Andactually we are actually your descendants but we are thousands of years ahead of yourfuture We come to earth to help guide you and give you understandings that couldnot have been delivered otherwise because this is the function that we act because we are abridge species Thank you Ethan How did this sunny move from physical being to a quasi physical Ittook some time The idea is there was a being on my planet that was born and livedfor three days in the process of being born It instantaneously connected all of myspecies to wake up to our full existence Y Yeah you mentioned that being before that wasa sunny beam Correct Yes What happened during those three days Everyone completely woke up and became telepathic Wewoke up to the dream we woke up to our experience of the dream and realized that our physical bodywas not as important as we were making it We move beyond the idea of being purelyanalytical in our nature to being fully integrated into our being which allows us to be able tocome through people like the channel which is one of my past incarnations A a at what partUm have the society developed their sense of humor We always had it because ofthe way we were created We have your sense of humors the idea of puns Yes Alsoremember we do communicate with you in the way that is most applicable if humoris the way that we can come across to you to be able to havethe colloquialisms to be able to actually communicate with you in such a way that you understand us and getsthe point across in a very light way So we can speak to you at all timesThank you And I truly appreciate it Um Simply because from personal experience when I cameto North America I had no idea the colloquialism and and I did not understand any of the puns YesOK This is where the idea of communication blooms in We will communicate to you in the way that'smo most applicable for you Whereas if we are coming through a person from a different civilization or a differentsociety we will be translated through what's appropriate for them Thank you Um Does your experience with other beings orraces you've helped or are helping now somewhat similar or parallel to what you've seenwith us Because you have gone as far into the darkness far into the negativity beyond what istypically normal for most species in most planets you had to be guided through anexperience differently than those species Also Remember the way those species communicate is much different than the way humanscommunicate the languages that are spoken to them Mm Have a different style to the moil Thank you Ihear a lot of talk about uh new technology coming to earth in the nextfew years Can you tell us a little bit about what's going on What to expect Where wouldthis come from Many of the technologies have been given to your people via ideas through sources thatare not able to be controlled But these types of technologies have been appearing onyour planet for many years At this point many old technologies will be rediscovered that were used in ancient timesprior to your civilization We'll give you a different perspective in a different way of living They willnot be repressed because at that time those particular people that have been repressing this type of technology willno longer be in power Thank you We we really we we we are really looking into the age wherewe're moving from ego based fear based society which each controls each other but some sort ofhierarchical pyramid structure to more of a I guess uh plentiful society Peaceful Yes your technologywill reflect this particular understanding What about um medical technology What what can we expect What what what's the futureof a hospital or a doctor The future of your medical technology will change and grow and adapt to thesociety that it will exist in You will not see your current system for too manymore years because it does not work for the whole Correct Remember at this time you and your society andyour the way you have jobs you use people you see them as things instead ofliving beings that require different thing different ideas and different energy to work Some people prefer to work 30 hoursa week Some people desire to work 60 to 70 hours a week or more Yourtechnology will reflect your level of understanding as well Your medical systems Thank you And and andI guess there will be new technologies not even fathomed at the moment Yes Based on energy crystals orwhatever it is The idea of crystals themselves they hold a resonant frequency that is easier for you toactually personify than trying to remember to hold that frequency at any given moment So all that those types ofbeings are there to do is to teach you to get into a particular frequency I see I seeThank you So once I get to the frequency I can I'm open to otherthings that I was not able for me to to see or fathom before Yes Right OK As you saidto the channel before when you spoke previously the idea of the mushroom teacher Yeah it'sjust there to teach you to get into that particular state Yes Yes Yes Very good And and thisis why everything everything is a permission slip right It just takes different forms The the um messageI had for my friend regarding his healing and and and becoming a leader and a teacher Where did thatmessage come from And and who passed it to me his higher mind spoke to your higher mind andyour guides gave it to you so I can give it to him in in in this realm Yes Whydid I know that answer The moment I asked you the question because we are speaking to your higher mindright now right You are never not connected to your higher mind right I was thank youI was mentioned to the channel one of our chats that it seemed that the level of premonitionI'm receiving is increasing all the time Yes time and space are becoming more malleablemore open to you to be able to see the future or the past to be able to see timeand space as fluid to see things more like us Thank you II I did havein the past uh some experiences where I look out the window and and theactual physical reality seem to be malleable Yes It's all malleable It's all my own Have you seenthe movie Interstellar Uh Yes The scene towards the end of that movie where he moves through a black holeinto a higher dimensionality Yes Yes This is how we see reality This is how we see the shiftingprism of reality and time and space That is a visualization of that understanding Thank you I Iwill have to review that by LA Coin OK At this time we will take three more questionsOK Thank you Uh Diamond Mind will social media be removed eventually due to its effect on disconnected disconnectinghumanity it will be shit it'll be changed it will be changed to something morereflective that is conducive to your collective actually being cohesive in nature It will be not separated but eventuallythe idea of needing social media to connect others will fade away because I'll just call youin my mind Yes you'll be more like us when you are telepathic in nature and people cannot hideanything They will have connections to others So why would you need to go on social media to findout about the person you were thinking of Uh Yes Mm Do you see usmoving into more of a lo local and locally organized uh culture and communities Yesyou will start to be in more natural environments So you will start to spread out instead of beingconcentrated in large cities But this will also take time Remember this all takes time this is notinstantaneously how your society will just transform in the next moment unless you really believe that that's whatwill happen Yeah Did you say more or less concentrated in the big cities less w which wasin part the the reason for my trip on Saturday to uh to look if um ifI can find a place to live out of town you are naturally energetically shifting yourself toplaces that are more reflective of where you are energetically It's part of the communication is partof the evolution process OK Very good Uh My last question would be and and after thatI will ask you to summarize today Um And my last question would be uh pulledthe trigger Should we pull Should should we pull a pun on someone Should we pull a trigger Wesee someone who is going in the wrong direction What is it even a right to go tosomeone and say hey like you can take a different look at life or you don't have tobe so scared or angry or anyway or should I just leave them alone tolet them go through their own experience We would ask that you have patience andask then why why are they triggered in the moment Why are they allowing themselvesto be there but have compassion and understanding for them and yourself when you are going through thoseparticular times and spaces be open to the idea of the frequency of compassion atall times have compassion for yourself And then it's more easily open to the idea of having compassion for othersbecause kindness does start from your inner state So at all times in all places donot purposely go about triggering people unless you find that interesting But you also have to be willing to staywith the person and allow them to see why they are triggered be kind to yourself and othersIt's not there just to destroy people not to destroy their understanding of who they are butbe open to the idea of being around for people when they need it It's your choice Thank you Wouldyou like to summarize today's subject please We already did Thank you very much for today Good dayGood day