Video #10 -Keyword in Meta Title
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all right let's go to step number two we've already this step number one put

your keyword in your blog title step number two is you want to put the

keyword in your meta title so let's do that so here we are in our blog

and if you notice because we installed our SEO plugin we have these options here

now your meta title you can type up to 60 characters so let's go ahead and type in good Christian

churches near me all right so that's in our meta title and we still have room for 12 more characters

I usually try to fill it up as much as I can so I'll say good Christian

churches near me check this out or you can put whatever you want I'm at 65 characters I

usually try to stay within 60 oh wait let's see let's take out a 61 okay so all you know

you can make up any title I'm not going to spend a lot of time but you want

it to be catchy so like good Christian churches near me check this out our this

church is on fire because we want them to click ok so good Christian churches near me I'll just

put anything and say on fire okay boom so that is our blog title and this is what's

going to show up in Google alright so that is Step number two we put

our keyword and our meta title let's move on to step number three oh sorry before we move on make

sure you save okay so you want to save now you're good to go let's move

on to step number three