Okay, we're back.And this app is one that I think that most peopledon't have.And so that's why I'm really excited to share this onewith you.Now, what I would say is this is an app thatwill increase your average order value,but what's more important is,it'll stop you from leaving money on the table.And this app,Claudia, is called Frequently Bought Together.And can you tell everybody what it does?Yeah. So,what it does is it suggests additional products right on theproduct page that you may like.And it makes it easy to add those products to yourcart because they're displayed here.And you can just add to cart,add all of the suggested products,or you can just easily check or uncheck and choose twoproducts instead of the three suggested.Yeah. And it's no discount is what I see.This reminds me of Amazon so much.This is like Amazon in your business and although we don'twanna do all the things Amazon does,this is really brilliant.So, there's no discount here.It's just a suggestion.It's a one click to add that to your cart andyou can increase your average order value.And what I love about this is this is a TinaBar-On's store and she's a coach inside of the Inner Circle.This is just a small project store,but can you share some of Tina's results because it's kindof amazing.Yeah. Yeah.Tina generously shared her results with us and what she's experiencedin the last 12 months is that this app has broughtin additional $2,800in sales,which is 107 additional units sold to existing customers.Yeah. Really good.And if she didn't have this,we, we don't know what her additional sales would be,whether someone would go put all the pieces together and buythose same products.So, it's really,it's really,again, something that you don't have to think about too much.Now again,you are recommending this app for everybody from a startup toa mature business.Tell me why?Well the,it's, you know,again, it's one of those no-brainers.It's that the,the cost of the app is very inexpensive.It's, it's easy to set up and you have the option,you can actually pick products that you want to show,or it has like an AI in it that will lookthrough your order history and see what products people have purchasedand then,you know,automatically present these choices.Wow. So,it's super fast to set up.And, and then I just wanna point out,'cause I think it's important is like this is the,you know,the main product here and that main product is included here.So you know,the person doesn't have to go up to add that productand then add these if they,they just choose this product here and they can choose whichif they want all three or just one of them ornot. So,it makes it easy for the customer to use too.I just wanna point out also,that this is,this is a great demonstration,this product page of a really good use of Judge.Me too.I know.I was noticing the same thing.And see how the star reviews are,are displayed right within the Frequently Bought Together app as wellas, you know,Tina has this great layout on her store that shows howmany customer reviews that this product has received.And now I mentioned earlier that I think that you're leavingmoney on the table if you don't have an app likethis. And I would love it.So one of our favorites,Jen, of course,Acorns & Twigs,has a high volume store.Just put this app on.And do you want to share what happened?Do you,do you have a screenshot of Jen's?I, this is Jen's product page and she has the FrequentlyBought Together,laid out in this way.And so people can add it right here,but she just added this like literally,five days ago,and she has already got 27 orders.Wow. So,you really are leaving money on the table.If you don't do this,don't use it.Yeah. Now,have I got it right that it's $9.99,not $99.99a month.That's correct.And it's called Frequently Bought Together?Yeah, it's on style bundling.It's $9.And I think there is a free trial for 30 daystoo, right?For people.That's correct.There is,yeah. So you can try it out for 30 days.Yeah, no cost and see how it works for your store.Like, what a great app to put on for Black Fridaysales, right?Gosh, yeah,that would be amazing.So, make sure as we're recording this,we're actually in the Inner Circle prepping for Black Friday,getting everyone ready to have their best Black Friday ever.We'll absolutely have to share that in there with them thatthis is a good app.If you don't have it,get it now for sure.Okay, so let's move on to the last one.It's the big one.It's again,something that every store owner should have.We'll see you guys in the next lesson.