A collaboration work by Dan Girma (Ethiopia) & Beate Gördes (Germany) during the Lacuna Festival 2023.
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    • Beate Goerdes
      Aug 17, 2024
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      A collaboration work by Dan Girma & Beate Gördes during the Lacuna Festival 2023. This artwork was created by two artists who have never met. Artists signed up for a project entitled ‘Metamorphosise This’. The Lacuna curators asked to provide an incomplete artwork for another artist to collaborate on and finish. They used a spreadsheet formulae to randomly assign each artwork to another artist. Original Media: ink and block print by Dan Girma, Ethiopia Finished Media: Video with Old Radio Advertisment Video, Editing, Production (c) 2023 Beate Gördes "DO YOUR SHARE" is a short film presenting a rapid sequence of photos captured by Beate Gördes (Germany), showcasing various urban scenes, including storefront mannequins. The images are displayed in a high-contrast black-and-white style with Hard-Edge editing, imparting the film with a decorative quality that mirrors the advertising landscape, fashion, and lifestyle. Overlaying these images is an upper layer featuring a black-and-white graphic by Dan Girma (Ethiopia), portraying the portrait of a person adorned with conspicuous jewelry and expensive handbags. Accompanying the visuals is a rhythmic soundtrack overlaid with original vintage American radio recordings of a host providing advice and appeals on managing family finances frugally. This message is specifically directed towards the younger generation, urging them to play their part. While this attitude towards younger people was commonplace in the 1950s and 1960s, primarily concerning private family financial matters, it is used ironically in this short film. Today, it is the younger generation that publicly advocates for environmental conservation and resource preservation, highlighting frugality as part of a broader societal dialogue.
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