Hello - nice to meet you!
Watch my introduction video and introduce yourself in the comments below.
Watch my introduction video and introduce yourself in the comments below.
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    Hello nice to meet you I just wanted to make a quick video for you to introduce myself

    so that you know who it is that you are dealing with and talking to and

    coming to meet and zoom classes so my name is Joanne Moya but nobody nobody calls me Joanne at all

    ever so you can just call me Joe it is very very normal here in New Zealand for

    adult students to call their teachers by their first name so I'm Joe I've been teaching English language for

    a very long time I first started to get interested in teaching English when I visited friends

    and Thailand in my early twenties and I am now 52 years old can't believe

    it don't know how that happened so yeah I've been teaching English for a long time

    and I absolutely love it I started this particular project sisters speaking English in March 20 20 around

    the time of our national lockdown and I've met some amazing women from all around the world it's

    been absolutely life-changing for me and I hope for some of you to it's a really special place so

    what can I tell you about me I'm married to the beautiful Simon he's absolutely it'd be lovely I have

    two adult sons Tommy and Luca who are 20 Tommy's 22 Lucas 20 yeah I live

    here in New Zealand and the South Pacific where we are very very lucky to be in a very positive

    situation compared to the rest of the world at the moment in terms of coronavirus so it's a beautiful

    country maybe you can come and visit day it's wins what's the borders are all open it's a

    beautiful place to be so I'll share with you some information about life here in New Zealand

    and about our country so you can see what life is like here and I really hope that

    you'll do the same we'd love to see where you're from what it's like to live

    with you do trying to think of it as anything else I should tell you about me I'm

    a very very keen musician I play the violin and sing in a band when

    I was very young I studied classical music and I played in orchestras and string quartets and things like

    that but these days I play in a band really good fun so I love that but feel free

    to ask me any questions I'm a very open person you will get to know

    that I am not at all like one of those glamorous people that you see on

    Instagram and YouTube and those sorts of places I'm a very relaxed messy no makeup here's a mess

    kind of a kind of a woman so you just take me as you find

    me I'm afraid but I do look forward to meeting all of you in a

    zoom class whenever you can come and join us us we have one free zone class every week here

    and our Facebook group and I certainly do hope to continue to do that permanently I

    love it and of course if you are interested we also have other classes in our new members area

    which is really really exciting so there is information about that all over the place you keep an eye out

    for it sister speaking English membership is starting up really soon we're just started it's going

    to be fun okay so that's me introduce yourself please make make a post or comment somewhere

    and tell us a little bit about yourself and who you are where you're from why you'd

    like to improve your English speaking and I look forward to meeting you soon bye