Jozef Interviews Ethium 👽 - Essessani ET (#1)
Show Transcripts

Good day to you Hello how are you Perfect Uh Please tell us your name I do not actually have

a name I have a dation that I delivered to the channel which is Ethan Hello

Ethan The channel told us a little bit about you But if if you don't mind II

I would love to hear it from you Uh Maybe you can tell us a little bit

about yourself where you come from Um Anything that you think maybe we'll find interesting

about you I was born on a ship I come from the planet Sisi I

am part of that civilization I am an explorer by nature I explore different levels of reality

different ways of existence that would not be normal to what you as humans considered to be possible I

explore consciousness I explore what it means to be a being in creation Thank you What made you

come uh to earth There was a call Well what what is the purpose of uh you being here to

help facilitate the connection and open contact that is about to occur with you on your planet

What would open contact look like for us from our perspective From your perspective you will

start seeing an uptick in ships occurring around the world Sightings a less of a denial a less

of a way of suppressing those sort of experiences More people will start coming forward because they

will be seen and shown that they can bring those sort of stories forward and not be punished They

will also be given a chance to decide energetically by person by person that they

do not need to necessarily hide anymore So energetically it will raise the frequency of

your people and your planet to the point where you can start having contact with people like us not necessarily

us to start with but there will be other ones that will precede us in the process

of being able to contact and have open contact with other beings such as us or

other species I see Thank you Um You know in our culture there's a lot of movies that depict uh

our brothers and sisters from other planets and dimension Is that evil or bad or violent

aggressive Um I don't get that from you at all Um But how do we um show

or tell people that they have nothing to be afraid of the beans that you depict in your

media in your movies on your shows are your fears You are afraid that we will

treat you like you have treated other indigenous civilizations on your planet So you are

bringing those fears out in beings like us that you fear because when you interact with a

being that is at a much much higher vibration much higher frequency it brings to the surface

those things that you hide those internal beliefs that you have about what is possible and what will

happen when you start having contact with beings such as us right OK That that makes sense Thank you Um

What would uh use the words open contact What would that look like Besides the sightings What would be the

step after How long would it take You are approximately heading into the idea of

the beginning of the window open time open contact U are going through the particular

stage right now because there have been many stages prior to the one you're currently on

that actually preceded this to determine whether you guys were in open or ready to match the vibration

the frequency of having contact the reality where we are on your planet and other species

and other beings such as us Eventually you will have face to face interaction with people and beings

from other worlds For the technology the way we contact and have found it to be much easier

is to come through channels such as the bajar such as RCA through the Conduit in front of you

or other species or their beans We use these as a way because they get the nuance and the colloquialisms

that go along with your particular civilization To distribute information to other beings This is

part of the way of contact happening What Thank you Um What would be the next step in contact

after sightings and channeling such as um this experience Now you will receive a signal There

will also be a mass sighting in such a way that they cannot deny the idea

of us deny the ideas and the idea of extraterrestrials on your planet Right Go ahead But apparently

that's that you on this planet at this time are in the stage where you are reaching in and starting

to have more of the idea of open contact So the sightings the uptick in sightings that you are starting

to see the frequency and the amount because if you look around your world or on your

internet you are having more and more sightings in broad daylight in places where they

can not deny that these things are not real So yeah Yeah I agree Uh uh I see I see

them online quite a bit Um But I haven't I haven't I think I might have seen one years

back but nothing recently How how can I um tune myself I guess to to to have a sighting

You are having contact with us right now We are acting as the way for you

to stick your toe into the experience of contact You are having more open sightings because the channel himself

always kind of knew that aliens existed he was more open to the idea of channeling

and becoming a conduit for us to be able to distribute information So him right now

is your way of having the contact more face to face and being able to

ask the questions that you need to ask to be OK with the experience of

having contact Thank you That that that that's a very nice way to put it

Um When I was a child I loved uh to read books about space and anything to do

with space And I remember being very excited the physics class um to calculate escape velocity Um Is this because

I was tuning into eventual contact years in the future from then Yes Yes You on your planet always

do know and have a hint and understanding of you are more than what you physically see

in front of you So your experience of reality has always reflected that and your interests guide

you down the path to be able to have different experiences whether it's ETS or sports anything those interests

are the thing that lets you know you're on the right track Right Right Same

as uh choosing your or not knowing your life mission is what what excites you

and you naturally turn towards Right Yes If it did not excite you to have the

conversations with us at this time or the channel would you do it Sorry come

again please If you didn't find it exciting to have contact with us and other beings

such as us Would you pursue this avenue Of course not right I see your point Ethan What can

we do to help you connect or to help everyone connect you and us us

as humans What can I do or my friends or people I know Well you specifically are doing it

right now You are asking us questions so we can deliver information and share our understanding our perspective on

the reality of the world that you live in and the reality that we exist

all in Thank you forgive forgive this question But is there such thing of like a better question to

ask you or not Or or is it the the essence of the contact itself

and the exploration of all topics is what's important here It is the intent behind the question

If you ask a question that's intentionally combative to prove you're better or to not

necessarily understand or come from a place of superiority because you feel worthless It's always

the intent behind the energetic quality of the questions that you ask that determines the outcome

that you receive You're right You're absolutely right Oh this is this is good intent It may

sound a little funny but it's good intent here Um I love coffee Um And humans

you know they love their uppers and downers whether it be coffee sugar alcohol all these

things II I guess your civilization is way beyond that um what what is that with humans

and the uh the wanting to consume things will make you quicker or smarter or happier or less or you

know like ho ho how do you see like addictions or consuming of these things From your

perspective many of the earth las the humans on your planet have been told that

they're not good enough that they're worthless So the need to consume something to increase your energetic level

is a representation that you physically do not have the ability to just be energetic or have more of

the experiences Also substances such as drugs are there as teachers to teach you how to have experiences So

it's not a blanket good about it It's really the intent the usage the the outcome I guess that

creates the value there Well the idea of good or evil is more of a value judgment in nature

So you as a being decide what you want to have or your experience of a particular substance or a

particular experience in general It's your choice Remember that reality is a choose your own

adventure story It is a way of looking at reality to decide what you want to have an

experience of and know that no matter what the situation is because you have stories on your planet of people

that went through the exact same situation One chose to look at it in a positive way

and they only ever experienced that And one looked at it as oh my God the world is

horrible So it's your choice how you define the situation The substance is how you will experience the

side effects or the connection And also if you enjoy things such as coffee or tea or any number of

substances who cares Ok good I'll have some Thank you Um I heard I heard that

um you do not sleep or eat Is that correct Yes Uh D do you consume anything to maintain uh

bodily energy We simply exist right We do not require food We do not require sleep because we

are quasi physical in nature We do not subsist on what you consume as food we did

in our past but we no longer eat We do no longer sleep because it is not relevant for us

because we have woken up in the dream and we understand that we can simply success on the energy of

the universe and the way we connect to the world and the reality that we exist in we consume things

such as gravitation waves energy anything the environment produces everything that we need all the time simultaneously That's very

interesting Can you tell me a bit about your culture Do you guys have a planet cities villages

anything like that on my world We have a few structures Most of the nature itself has

been left natural We have temporary structures but we do not generally have structures as

you know them to be permanent They are temporary there to be used and then they returned back

to what they used to be We have many jungles many planes It's mostly temperate

We do not experience the idea of extremes like you do in your world We have three large spheres

that circle our planet epsilon epiphany and eclipse They are giant supercomputers that keep our world balanced all

the time We had motherships where most of our be our people actually are at and they have

ships smaller ships ships such as mine that leave and come and go all the time We have nine

planets in our system Each one represents something more of an idea and technology that we have derived from the

different minerals that exist on those separate planets But we are explorers by nature So we are not there very

often It's phenomenal How many Susan are there at this moment Yeah Currently on this

planet we have 350 million Sasan incarnated into humans growing that that changes from time to time because the

connection itself is hm dynamic We are not completely bound to the physical form So even

if we are incarnated on your planet in your forms we do not necessarily have to stay there But generally

most of the population of our civilization is incarnated on your planet at this time as humans Yes

many of you right But the human would not know the society No but there are

some markers that are very easy to know what to look for if you know what to look for Are

you are you free to elaborate on that No OK How how could I know if I'm Susan or

or other incarnated uh alien being The idea that you thought of space as being exciting is

a dead giveaway I see Fair enough Yeah I I yeah go ahead I did not speak

Oh I'm sorry The animal that is in the room with us is very familiar

with our frequency So he can sense when we are coming and going He can also sense when there

are other beings in the room with us Of course is um it seemed like our world our planet

is in turmoil There's seem to be a lot of floods and uh what we call

natural disasters and some wars What why is all this happening right now You on your planet Understand

the idea when you're going towards the end of a term a end of a semester in school where

you take a big test correct Yeah All the turmoil all the pain all the suffering

all those things that you have been going through for years of your time have

been a test to see how far into the dark how far into the pain you can go Also once

you shift up to the higher frequencies higher levels those things no longer exist So you have to

get it all out right now Thank you III I think I understand that What

maybe you can shed a light on this Um Ho how many of us need to awaken to

get it in order for everybody to say OK that's it like we're done with this and we're

gonna move to a peaceful beautiful life If all of us approximately you need to reach

the point where 10% of your population has energetically shifted to higher frequencies It's not a approximate number but

is a product approximate percentage that will cause a cascading effect on your world to spread

throughout the entire population Roughly 10% Thank you Are you familiar with the term 100 monkeys theory Yes W

would that apply here Obviously not 100 but 10% will be the 100 monkey theory uh kind of thing

Well it's not it's people making conscious effort in order to shift their vibration to a higher frequency state It's

not so much the idea of the hunt earth monkey where they spontaneously write William Shakespeare It's more the

conscious effort that you are taking to actually shift yourself to the higher frequency Right Thank you Well you

got a great sense of humor too I have to say we find you hilarious Thank you Um you

know I can imagine And uh you can imagine I read a lot of these science fiction books when

I was a kid Um and they had wonderful inventions like a little box that

uh provided energy for you know a whole house or whatever Um II I don't know if we'll

reach the point of uh a gift of free energy from your kind But could I

I could imagine if we did reach the point of free energy or tesla energy or whatever it

is That's not my I I don't really know anything about it Um The world will fundamentally change like most

of our society and life will completely change if we reach a point of free or

asymptotically free energy Do you think we're on on track for that Yes As a matter

of fact you have been given this technology in the past but it was suppressed via those that were

in power at the time that were stopped from delivering it to your masses The idea

and the negative aspect of your collective consciousness that wanted to conquer and rule suppress the idea of

those sort of devices that have been delivered to your people from time to time

eventually in the years to come you will see a world that is free of greed but it will

take some time It is not something that will happen overnight right In a lifetime you think Yes that's good

Just remember it's all a process It is all a process to be able to shift your

world from moment to moment Many of you humans are not particularly ready to have such

a large jump to a reality where you do not require greed or money or technology that could

change your world because you're not ready Yeah we are Yeah So when you are ready as a collective you

will make the shift instantly Right Yeah I see I see because a lot of

us are still um tied to the idea of ego and money and matter and

how much I have and I have to have more than the other Yeah Yes Right With it Well you

you said the technology was introduced So so the technology does exist uh suppressed by

powers that be would powers that be released this energy or we'll have to re release

it from another source so to speak uh to bypass uh whoever is holding this technology uh secret Now eventually

when you are ready as a collective you will start seeing it arise everywhere You as you shift

into higher frequencies will naturally see these things develop and become part of society You will

need to move past the idea of greed and you need to dominate others to fully integrate that

into your society Right And and I think you hit the nail on the head here because I think

reading the the need to dominate others is probably uh the biggest problem on this planet

right now Yes And you think this is all can be done within a few years Well it will

take a few decades It it a few decades is fine But ho how do I how

do I talk to someone who only sees power and us versus them versus saying you know like these

guys on the other side of the line on the map they actually they're OK guys too

be the example The more you fight another person with this particular experience and point of view you buy

into their idea be the example for those that need it with the understanding and

live and be the living example of what it means to live in this way Right Yeah Yeah

Yeah I see I see Right Absolutely Um I wanna ask you a little bit about the money as the

dollar the currencies and the Cryptocurrency Uh No these ideas uh I see them as a form of

en energetic exchange I heard you saying to someone that money will still exist Is that correct Yes But

eventually it will be abandoned right If I have free energy I don't really need

money because everything is available right Yes So ultimately when you reach the point you you

have free energy around the world and stop polluting stop trash in your world you will ultimately find that you

no longer need the idea of money right It's the same it's the same vibe I get

it Yes Um What's the deal with Cryptocurrency I mean nobody knows where that Bitcoin came from Supposedly nobody

knows if it's real and then uh people treat it as real What is most of the things

in your reality Most of the things you value only have value because you give them value But

yeah yeah I mean you're right Uh According to this it doesn't really matter who invented or not invented

Bitcoin Yes Uh But as humans we always obsessed with these little details For some reason you have

seen the show Rick and Morty correct Uh Mino there is a scene in that show because this channel is

a fan of that show particularly where the idea of money that was brought onto the planet from another

civilization lost all value They shifted to the idea of pants being the most valuable thing Things only have

value that you give to them You are ultimately the person who empowers everything You're ultimately the person

that gives value to the world that's around you and what you value in your reality Right Right Right Whether

it's cars money jewelry homes all those things you don't need much to live realistically speaking Yes that's true So

those things that you value the only reason they have value is because that's what you

need them to be So Right So I I guess on the same uh line of

thought um we can let go of borders at some point uh police uh armies right Yes Ultimately you

will do that Those things Well that's good Ultimate Um Oh yeah I I understand it's not an overnight process

Um What how do I ask this You know we have an idea of government um

which is which is wonky right now but we do need a structure to run our cities

fix things you know push um shove the snow Um How do we do this in the future

Ultimately you will start functioning much in the way we do where synchronistic those have that

have a particular skill will be there for the common good Right now many of you

come from a place of disempowerment So therefore you see reality in that way that is why you

see the corruption the state of being where you are separate from everything right So

there will be a future where we are fully integrated with other star beings Um We live freely

and we each pursue our dreams and wishes and if we all do so everything works anyways right Yes

that's good I like that Ultimately you will lose the idea of borders the idea of needing

to invade other people to get resources Right Right now you are shifting through the

idea of extreme negativity in the way that you are to help each individual person involved

around the situation to be able to determine what kind of reality they would like to live in

Yeah ultimately ultimately um is is it is it true that the earth population is on a um

getting smaller Will it be smaller in the future less poor people Many of the souls that

are here at this time that are experiencing your planet as it is are here because they're

going through the shift with you because they could see this was the time to grow

energetically as a soul in such extremes that you on your world had a extreme

population growth because it needed that many people that decided they wanted to come through here at this time

There are actually more souls trying to come to earth right now to be able to have

the experience of being human and ride the shift and are there enough uh vessels bodies for these souls

No no Do you project that the earth population will will shrink or expand in in say

the next 10 or 20 years you will see a decrease in your population You're

already starting to see this happen right now right But ultimately it will reach a

stable point with your population to where you're not experiencing the idea of not enough it will reach a homeostasis

a point where it is imbalanced more harmonious population for your entire planet Right Can you give me an

idea of like how long to reach that point of what it would look like population

wise Not at this time OK Um Iii I heard or read somewhere the Children

that um born here on the planet after maybe 2010 or 2012 our time are completely different then say myself

and people around my age uh bracket they're completely different Is it is it is it true in

in some way they are the beginning of a new species And what is that species

Homo galactic They are the beginning stages of that expression of a soul on your planet You are a Homo

SAPIEN and they are Homo Glaus They are the next stage in your evolution I love it Is there DNA

different Yes In what way they are expressing the idea of more of the genetic material that was in

your genetic your genetics and it's more of it's turned on because they are approaching the

idea of evolution So therefore their DNA is also expressing the idea of more of that DNA turning

back on that was originally given to you when you were hybridized to begin with right So they express

more of galactic uh alien DNA that is within them already Yes Can I evoke that part of DNA

in me Well if you reach that particular frequency a high enough vibration more the DNA itself will

start turning back on on its own OK What do you have a few more questions OK

Two more You said two more OK What advice uh can you give the people of

earth um to have a healthier life be yourself be more willing to look at those things in your life

that give you challenges and redefine your experience of those experiences be willing to grow and being

able to shift yourself to higher perspectives and understand that you as a being chose to come here to have

the experiences with the other beings that are here with You Understand that you are the reality that

you live in and the experiences of those realities Yes thank you OK My last

question is um what can I do to make the channel more comfortable or is

there anything at all I can do for the channel to help her No you are doing a sufficient job

currently Thank you very much today Good day Good day