What Will Happen to Mortgage Rates in 2024?
Find out why mortgage rates are predicted to fall in 2024.
Show Transcripts

Ok Hi Esther Barnes independent mortgage experts just wanted to jump on here and have

a quick chat with you to let you know that I'm back in the office

So today Monday the eighth is has been my first day in the office and it's been a

busy one but a really good one started off really positively and ended positively Um So

this morning I received obviously lots and lots of emails over the festive period A lot of

them from lenders stating that they're reducing the rates So it's all about reducing the

rates at the moment Um So it's a bit of a price war going on

which is a good thing um especially for borrowers So the reason for the um price

drop at the moment is apparently due to the swap rates Uh the rates that le which lenders borrow

from from one another So it's mainly due to that Uh but lots of other positive

things as well um which is inflation has dropped at the beginning of 2023 it was uh slightly over

quite far away from the government's target of 2% but it's going in the right direction Also house prices

um overall annual UK house prices have um increased for the third consecutive month um from

December which again is fantastic It's all going in the right direction So it's a great

great positive start 2024 Um So if you're looking to remortgage you're coming up to

the end of your deal in the next six months then get in touch with me Um It's

a great time to get in touch if you're a first time buyer and you're thinking about getting on

the property ladder you're not really sure kind of affordability wise budget wise then now

is a great time to get in touch with me and book an appointment with me

to have a you know a free consultation um where we can go through your options

Um Landlords um get in touch great time to um you know look at your portfolio Uh Are there

any deals that you're on that we could refinance and get you on a better rate So all

really good So I thought I'd let you know Um and yeah get in touch

with me and I look forward to hearing from you