Video #23 - How to read the data of google search console
Show Transcripts

okay good stuff this is very exciting because now that you have Google search console and start

on your website you just opened up access to one of the most powerful SEO tools on the market

and it's free so let me show you the benefits of Google search console check

it out okay so now I am in the Google search console of my cool Church website

or my cool website I think is called you my cool Church dot sight Rubik' yeah here it is

my cool church that side I have a lot you're probably only have one if this

is your first time setting it up so let's go ahead and click on this

one right here we want to click on this property find your website click on it now if you

notice we have no data so there's nothing to read it's going to take about a

week or two for Google to recognize your website and start sending your data you know once you start writing

blogs and put some content on your website but I'm going to show you how

you can use Google search console with an existing website that I have and I'll show you the

data from there I'm going to go to my church website excuse me vo Capetown dotnet

now let me show you something powerful about this tool once you start getting data Google is

going to show if you click performance is going to show you how many clicks

you're getting how many Impressions you're getting what's your CTR and your average position so what is

all this okay total clicks is how many times somebody has clicked on your listing and Google now remember

let me just show you let's take our time here when you go to Google and

I type in how to find a church near meet these are all results these are

called results okay search engine results so what Google does is it keeps track of all this it keeps

track of what someone typed in and the results that show up so when you go to Performance Google

tells you how many clicks you get how many Impressions you get what's your click-through rate and

what your average position so let's look at each one total clicks is how many

times somebody clicked on your listing total Impressions is how many times your listing showed it doesn't necessarily mean they

clicked on it but it showed up okay average click-through rate is the percentage of

Impressions versus clicks so you get 100 Impressions and 10 clicks your click-through rate is 10% okay average

position is the position where it shows up in Google so you got one two three

this is position 1 position to position 3 position for and it goes all the way

down okay and then when you go to the next page to use our so

Google is telling you that your average position okay so let's go ahead and do a keyword

that we're actually ranking for because this gets powerful now it shows you all the keywords

that your website is ranking for what people type in Google so when someone goes to Google and type

in Victory Outreach rehab we showed up 972 times and it was clicked 254 times

click through rate is 15% and our average position as five that's powerful if you

go to free rehab centers in Cape Town we showed up 350 1 times 32 clicks nine percent click-through

rate and our average position is 8.5 that's powerful so when someone goes to Google

and they type in free rehab centers in Cape Town or showing up because we optimize our

blog in our website for those keywords let's go to Google and test it out so

I'm going to go to Google I'm going to type in free rehab in Cape Town free rehab

in Cape Town let's see if our website shows up free rehab and Ka-chow let's scroll down there it is

free we have in Cape Town you can see I optimize I put the keyword in The

Meta title come on somebody what I taught you earlier so when I click on this blog

guess where it takes me to it's going to take us to our Church's website let's check it out there

it is there's the testimonies it's a Blog that's optimized you go to our home

page there's our Church's website isn't that powerful so Google is telling us when somebody types in

free rehab centers in Cape Town how many clicks were getting come on somebody isn't that

powerful how many Impressions were getting what's our click-through rate and are a physician but look at all these keywords

that were ranking for we're only showing 10 but we're actually ranking for 761 keywords let's show

at that and look how many clicks were getting that's evangelism online why because we're writing

blogs let me show you our website if you go to where it says testimonies we

write testimonies look at these are all blogs we put our sermons so there's so much you can do you

could put testimonies you could put the notes of your sermon and every blog you write is going to

help you to rank for more keywords this is powerful stuff and you just got access

to one of the most powerful SEO tools on the market and it's free all right let's go ahead

and get it to the next lesson I'm going to show you some more tips

and techniques on Google search console