Hello Hello Hello welcome to this master class And I'm so excited to have you here learning with metoday You are going to be mind blown by the end of this course And you're gonna do it allin about an hour Isn't that fantastic But before we jump in to the actual meatof the lessons I would like to give you a little heads up about how this is gonnawork everything you can and what you're going to be able to do at the end of this So herewe are at the course overview and I want you to take a look because thisis gonna happen fairly quickly and it's gonna be super easy for you to understandeverything by the end of the course Lesson one you're going to discover the power of seothat's gonna tell you step by step what you can achieve if you follow this course and you put yourmind to it After that we're gonna look at how do you break the algorithm And this reallyhappens with search phrases A lot of people aren't really sure how search engines work but I've built in alot of additional resources alongside these recorded videos to help you understand how you can break the algorithm andunderstand what a search engine looks for Whenever you start to put stuff on the internet After that you'regonna learn how to master search intent This is the bread and butter of seo andsearch traffic They're not able to look at the bigger picture and understand exactly what it is peoplewant But lesson three is gonna completely squash that So stick around until then becauseyou're gonna love it Lesson four is gonna walk you through the steps of how to doon page seo This is great if you have your own website but it's betterif you're trying to help clients because you're gonna know step by step have a road map Everything that youshould look at everything you should do before you even start writing and what youshould do when you start to put words on paper right before you hit publish on yourcontent management system whether it be wordpress squarespace whatever it is this is gonna work And then numberfive is how to help Google help you At the end of this course I built in something extremelyspecial that I think you're gonna love I'm gonna give you something totally free and I'm gonna give itto you because I don't want you to feel super stressed as you move throughthis because promise me because I promise you this is gonna feel like a lot of informationBut once you sit down and actually go through it you're gonna realize how simplethis process truly is Now before we jump into the meat and bones of this lesson this introduction video let'sfirst take a look at some love This is gonna kind of reinforce everything that I'm tellingyou that way You don't know I'm just you know making stuff up out of thin air Soin order to do this I want to show you this This is my client JohnHe contacted me in November of 2023 I was living in a little cottage in the north of Englandand by chance he found me co contacted me and we were able to get him some fantastic results followingthe exact format the exact program the exact processes that I'm giving you in this lesson 100% and free Andas you can see from John he is making mad sales He's mentioned that he's getting a highconversion rate of people coming to his website 557 visitors 206 clicks After that he made 72 pounds He's reallyglad that he's making consistent sales and he also made three sales within one day that was equal to aboutand to help him get found And if you look at the bottom here youcan actually see his growth before he contacted me He was getting almost no traffic And then what we sawwas a huge spike after I posted all of this content and went through and set up all the onpage for him all the off page And we just started to everything that needed tobe done for him to get results This is totally achievable for you at the end of this course Soplease push through and stay focused because I promise you're gonna hit a point where you're gonna wantto give up But this is only a very short five lesson course and I guarantee you it's gonnagive you everything that you need to reach the same goals for your business and foryour brand here's another client I work for this is Brian and he actually has ablog that's LGBT Q lifestyle stuff And when he contacted me he wasn't really gettingloads of traffic His traffic had kind of died and a lot of his publishing wasnot going as expected He lost one of his biggest clients which was a vodka brand And after we startedworking together we were able to slowly but surely move him back up in the rankings Andas you can see now he's getting around 400,000 impressions and about 10,000 of them are clickingThis might seem unachievable especially if you've been going at seo for quite some time But I guarantee you stayfocused keep pushing through this course because everything I'm giving you is to help you reach these same overarching goalsthat both of these clients had They're not the only clients I have However I do think their storiesare pretty impact which is why I wanted to share them with you But Ihave to tell you before we go a little bit further how exactly does all this work Because they didn'tjust jump in start producing content and then see a massive spike in everything that yousee here Instead both of these clients as well as myself and my first business wentthrough something called the Dunning Kruger effect I want you to look here because on the leftwe have confidence and at the bottom we have wisdom This is gonna be alot of people that you meet online You're gonna find a lot of people with a lotof confidence and not a lot of wisdom But when they start to work and build up thatwisdom build up that knowledge base Everything happens to them in the same process It happened to me ithappened to Brian It happened to my first client that I showed you John And whathappens is the more we learn our confidence goes up up up up up and the more we learnour confidence starts to go down and the reason your confidence goes down is because you realizethat you were at the peak of stupid And if that sounds a little bitharsh just take it this way Your knowledge was not as full as it's about to be at the endof this course And it's not as full as what you thought it was So everybody kind of reachesthat point of mount stupid And at that point they're very confident they can do everythingthey need to As they start to learn more everybody goes down into the valley of despair Thiswas very difficult for me In my first business I couldn't figure out why nobody wanted to work with meI moved to England got a master's degree still couldn't get anybody to hire me SoI started looking online at different ways to acquire clients slowly but surely they started to fall in Butit wasn't anywhere where it needed to be for me to be able to survive I was stillvery much in a feast or famine One month I would get four or $5000 The nextmonth I would be lucky to make 200 So as you can see here not really ideal however myvalley of despair really started to pick up because I started to learn I started to look atprocesses I started to find out what exactly was working and what wasn't And when I started to focuson what was that's when I really started to move out of here into the slope of enlightenmentIf you are stuck in the valley of despair I guarantee you this course canhelp you So please please I'm asking you again stay focused Until the very end the slope ofenlightenment is just uphill Once you reach it you're gonna get better and better making money getting people to cometo your website getting people you know to work with you as clients is goingto become a piece of cake Because the slope of enlightenment is when you foundwhat's working you are refining it and you're making it better So most of you you knowif you're watching this you might be in the slope of enlightenment You might not you mightsee that sco as a part of your bigger puzzle piece or you might justbe trying to figure out something that works That's OK because everybody in this course is somewhere along thisjourney we are all the same Once you figure out what works and you startto fix it you're gonna hit the plateau of sustainability That means people are going to becoming to you regularly You're not gonna have to worry about cash flow issues And as you cansee it's hard I'm not gonna lie but keep your head up keep pushing forward and I promise youeverything is going to get better Now why am I telling you all this It's actually becausesuccess is not linear People are gonna get success faster than others That's totally cool What youshould not do is compare yourself to other people So keep focused on what your goal goalsare keep focused on what your dreams are and keep moving forward Because my success looked a little bitlike this line you're seeing it went up and down and around and at some point I waslike what's going on But guess what today I don't really have that issue anymore and I guaranteeyou a plan all these principles you're not going to have it either So here's what success lookslike Just keep in mind you have a conviction the more you take action the closeryou're gonna get to reaching that personal conviction So push forward there are some steps thatyou can take whenever you are pushing forward to try to reach your goals And that's actuallydivided down into five or six parts which I'm gonna be walking you through now because that'show I set up this course And the biggest and you know most important step which you have already takenis to make a decision When you make a decision you decide that you wantsomething no matter what it is and you're gonna work until you can get it That is step one isto make that decision but that's not all taking a decision alone is not going to help you reachyour goals You can't just make a decision and then abandon it You gotta keep goingright So the second step in my formula for success is to find support dedicate yourself totaking action dedicate yourself to reaching your goals So you've already made the decision now dedicate yourself to it You'regonna push and push until you reach that goal And if you're not sure why that's important Letme share a story of mine When I was 15 I started learning Spanish Everybody told me I couldn'tdo it today I have a master's degree in translation studies I just kept pushingand pushing There were some people that said oh you should just probably speak English but I didn't do itdidn't listen to him I want you to ignore all external sources of information I want youto focus purely on your goal and what you need to do to reach it makethat decision and dedicate yourself to reaching your goal The next thing you have to do is invest in yourselfIf you're not willing to invest in yourself I hate to tell you but you'renot gonna grow We all need help and it is OK to accept that help What Iwant you to do is accept that you need help whatever it may be with find that help investin yourself to get it for me that is youtube thumbnails You're gonna see because I've given you a lotof extra free resources My youtube thumbnail skills are not that great and I'm in the process of looking forsomeone to help me learn this or make them for me My point is youneed to invest in yourself You need to actually do something that is gonna help you to grow your skillsAnd that doesn't always mean spending money on a course It doesn't always mean payingsomebody to do it for everybody This is going to look a little different just accept thatyou need help and do invest in yourself The next thing is to develop your skills If you're notdedicating yourself and doing what you need to to invest in yourself you're never gonna develop yourskills developing your skill set is the single most important thing that you can do You needto spend money on yourself you need to spend time on yourself You need to make sure thatyou're getting everything you need to grow your skill set So you can start making more moneyclosing more cells Whatever your individual goal may be the last and most important thing youneed to do is to create assets If you are not creating something there isno way for you to measure if your skills are developing So as you can see it kind of walksyou through everything from making a decision dedicating yourself doing what needs to be done to grow your skills developingthose skills through that And the last part is to create So as you can see veryclear very defined And again I wanna reiterate that success is not linear What looks like success to youis not going to look like what is success to me or this person or that person So just keepthis in mind as you're moving through this short but rather impactful course Ok keep yourhead up keep pushing forward And if at any point in time you have access to this courseuntil the day you die come back watch it again and try you know to apply it to differentareas of your life It works in more than just business Now important thing that we needto talk about before we go on any further is course statistics Why do some people start an online courseand finish it and why do others not Well the reason why is because most people kind ofjust give up look at these rates The completion rate of an online course is between five and 15% foronline courses with multiple learners and for people that are taking 1 to 1 course it isonly 3 to 6% That's not really that inspiring Why am I telling you this Because Idon't want you to be part of that 97 96% that never finishes what they start Iwant you to push through all five of these lessons And I'm gonna walk you through a way that'sgonna help you do this It's gonna maintain accountability for yourself and for other people take all this informationand run with it and put your heart and soul into it Because when youdo that's when you're gonna see the biggest results So let me just follow this up by sayingyou decided to take action I'm asking you now to dedicate yourself push through that and make sure thatyou finish do find a buddy in the hive to support you I'm gonna walkyou through how that works in just a couple moments and I promise you will develop yourskills and be able to create assets that are gonna get you found online faster now But let's talk aboutthe buzz verse This is everything that I'm doing in my business and I wanna be crystalclear with you I'm still developing still growing this However I do have some things up my sleeve that couldpotentially help you And at the moment there are only two course offerings I have the Be foundSeo Master Class and I have the content strategy kick starter in addition to all the free content that Iproduce on youtube every single week Now what we're gonna focus on here is the befound Seo Master class because the content strategy Kickstarter is not quite ready yet but I have essentially dividedthis into five parts and we can divide those five parts into two sections So lessonscontent with a byte that people are interested in reading watching seeing The second thing I'm gonna do is teachyou how to position your articles so that people actually want to read them After that I'mgonna show you a content flow that you can set up that way whenever you start writing you know exactlywhat to do first next then after all the way until you have a completeprocess then we're going to focus on that process That process is gonna help you refineand get faster So we're gonna take that initial process break it down So we're gonna refine itso that you can get better and faster at what you need to do And then the lastthing I'm gonna do is bring all this into the big vision and show you how you can usethis to help you grow something online that people actually love This is all of myofferings right now and I'm giving one of them to you for free So I thankyou again for being here How does this work Well it's not just a set of videolessons I have a lesson workbook for you as well And it contains activities for each one of thelessons These activities are designed to walk you through step by step and help youbuild understanding So you can download this book from your account which you're going to receiveuh a login and a password for very soon If you've not already make sure you check your spam becauseit might end up there Uh And if it does shoot me a message back that way the next thingthat I send you related to this course does not end up in spam this workbook You cando it in two ways The first is a completely fillable PDF that you can complete digitallyor you can print it out and do it on paper I encourage you asyou're working through these different activities to you know mingle with other people in the Facebookgroup The entire reason this group exists is to help you smash any concerns that youhave or help you understand anything that might not be a little bit clear So make sure that you areasking in the Facebook group questions and make sure you're interacting with other people because that's how you'regonna get the most out of this uh uh B lesson So after that youalso have an action tracker I gave this to you to help you stay focusedand moving forward It's gonna help you track your progress what to do in day one whatto do in lesson two what to do in lesson three move through this andas you finish it because it's also fillable either check it off click a little buttonuse it digitally but it's gonna help you track your process and make sure that youare moving through the course and progressing Now before you are allowed to come into the Facebook groupI do have to lay down some ground rules because we are not here tobe pitching to other people We are here to learn collectively So what are the rules in theFacebook group The first one is no self promotion This group is dedicated to helpingyou learn The entire course is dedicated to helping you learn You might be alittle further on than somebody else in the group but that's totally fine Make sure that you are helpingthem guiding them or if you need help make sure somebody's helping you and guiding you That is thewhole premise of the group And if there's any self promotion I hate to tell youguys but you will be removed from the group just stay focused on completing the courseand working through it Make sure also that you are being respectful and professional We do notwant to be rude to anybody that is not why we are here Make sure youkeep it cool Keep it kind and be nice Don't you know start being rude That'snot cool I hope I'm not attracting that into the group But uh yeah the third thingI want to say is this is a group program This is not a 1 to 1 program Soif you have any questions make sure that you're asking them in the group that way wecan all gain exposure to these and I can go ahead and set up you knowthe responses or let somebody know And if you're gonna do that go ahead and use the hashtagquestion because it'll you know notify me and then either myself or my assistant can go in hereand respond to these questions for you And the number four and this is the biggest ruleis I want you to celebrate your growth If you you figure something out thatyou did not celebrate it in the group If you learn something and you're gonnabe able to immediately apply it and then immediately you start to see results from itcelebrate it in the group Let us know your wins Let us know your struggles because when youdo we can help you move forward Uh And you might be wondering Sean can I sharethis on social media Can I talk to other people Absolutely I would love for you toBut if you are gonna share that you're in this course and you are gonnashare what you're working through or how it's helping you Make sure you use the hashtag skill ups swarmthat's gonna you know let me know that you're talking about me and I can chime in maybegive you a shout out I would absolutely love to hear you on social media and fornow that's pretty much all Are you ready to jump into the course Because that's coming up next andI hope you are I'll see you there That's it for now And I will see you guys inthe next lesson Bye bye