Acts Chapter 9
Even after Stephen was murdered, the gospel was still being taught throughout the land. Peter, as well as others, were teaching and healing through the power of the Holy Spirit, and many Jews and Gentiles were taught and accepted the truth of the gospel. One of these converted was the most unlikelyist of Jews, Saul of Tarsus. Saul's life changed forever after being blinded by the light, much to the dismay of Jewish leadership who hatched a plan to make an example of him to other Jews that may be tempted to follow Saul's change of heart.
Even after Stephen was murdered, the gospel was still being taught throughout the land. Peter, as well as others, were teaching and healing through the power of the Holy Spirit, and many Jews and Gentiles were taught and accepted the truth of the gospel. One of these converted was the most unlikelyist of Jews, Saul of Tarsus. Saul's life changed forever after being blinded by the light, much to the dismay of Jewish leadership who hatched a plan to make an example of him to other Jews that may be tempted to follow Saul's change of heart.
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