LET IT BE OBVIOUS - Channeling Ethium #26 - NO CAPS
Show Transcripts

Good day to you all Good day Ethan Today we would like to bring to you the idea

of allowing it all to be obvious obvious in your expectations obvious in your sensibilities obvious as to

when you are interacting with others and yourself many times humans on your planet act from a place of confusion

act from a place of not really wanting to do what it is they came to do So by

allowing themselves to make things confusing they put up a barrier and put up a

barrier in themselves and with others it will transmit itself in its interactions through you when you are

connecting to another person and they will create barriers in their ability to connect to those things

within themselves So many times when you have the idea of people lying to themselves lying about who and what

they are they will create these kinds of distractions in these kinds of abilities to actually connect to more of

themselves and everyone around them So the idea is let it be obvious when you are interacting

with others and yourself whether is the things you see in your inner world or in your outer world Let

them be obvious as to what they actually are in your understanding and your ability to fully commit and

fully be in your presence and yourself When you are truly engaged in yourself you are allowing yourself to be

fully engaged in every moment of your life At this time we bring this particular understanding

the particular vibration and frequency through our ourselves and the channel to let you give

yourself the permission slip that everything is obvious when you truly look at it from a

fully integrated standpoint in yourself when you truly know who and what you are and you know truly

and you're able to truly look at other people This gives you the opportunity to decide what and how

you would like to exist As So in the sense that the channel just described to you prior to

us connecting he was able to see from a very obvious place what was blocking

his crown chakra by having this example prior to our connection It made us have an opportunity to

point it out because it was obvious when you're coming from a particular level in your particular

way of understanding that the things that you hold on to those internal struggles those internal places block your

ability to receive the guidance from your higher self and your higher mind when you

don't make them obvious Thank you Ethan What would you suggest for one to be more

in the flow and allow themselves to receive the obvious pay attention to your vision Your vision

is about yourself the illusions that you allow yourself to live in the delusions that

you have incorporated into your life and decided that they are true If you take a good honest look at

yourself it will be obvious Don't make the understanding the way that these particular energies these particular experiences come to

yourself If you give them simple explanations and allow yourself to fully integrate and fully be present the

illusions themselves the lies these things Many negative beliefs that humans hold on to will be

obvious You Oprah complicate things because you are in pain and you are trying to create blocks to other

people to not be able to be hurt by them But you know this is all

good and dandy but in in in real life in this life at least it's sometimes not

so easy I mean you think you're in the moment you're doing the right thing and

and maybe it's obvious that you're not but at the moment too much ego I don't

know many of you have had the idea of negative belief systems that have been reinforced through your experiences with

other humans So therefore the understanding and this is where the river meets the road

is using your ability to actually engage in yourself and what you have to offer to others That's very

good You're talking about uh absolute honesty with oneself Really Yes Yes This is the point This

is the point when you're fully honest with yourself everything is obvious everything is at a

place where you are able to fully see and engage engage in your experience and engage in your ability to

fully see who and what you are and what you have done to yourself and others That's true When

you're acting from a place of integrity the idea of lying to yourself is not a real thing Absolutely true

This is more of a process to learn than than a one time Sally I'm I'm I

got it right Yes You understand of the idea of going to a gym when

you want to have a particular shape to your body Uh Of course many of the things we have described

to you and others when you practice these things they become a natural part of

who and what you are Yes Thank you Would you please suggest how I could integrate uh

some of this practice into my day to day routine Take a moment at each time when you feel

conflict in yourself even just the most minute amount of conflict in your interactions with others

conflict in yourself conflict in any way shape or form take that moment and really

thoroughly ask yourself whether or not you're hiding whether or not you're using some illusion about another person

to decide that this person is the most perfect person to have in your life in your experience or

are you putting expectations on to what that person needs to be or the situation or

anything that if you're honest with yourself truly and utterly honest with yourself you know these things are not

correct for you Yes I also know that personally I feel like a little contraction If if I

wanna go towards the wrong direction my body will just cease almost you know sometimes it's a

micro movement but I do feel it and then I know that direction is the wrong

one You are listening to your internal guidance system your ability to fully engage with yourself

and who you are That is a majority of the process right If you're honest and we may we

honestly say honest to the highest extent you know what's right for you Yes absolutely And and

I think one of and thank you for this and one of the ways that I think personally for

me and probably for others to practice this with the consumption of uh whatever we

consume uh drink and eat So if I'm honest with myself I know exactly how much coffee

I need in the morning to feel uh awake but not too much to feel to have

a headache Yes If I consume too little it may be not so great if I consume

too much not so great But if I go by my protocol that I know works for

me That's also honesty isn't it Yes Yes In all those situations you're honest with yourself and really listen

to what you need Well sometimes I'm honest with myself that you know I shouldn't be eating something

sweet at night but I still eat it Why do you choose to do that Mhm

Um to cover on something else that I'm I'm debating it's it's a distraction Why

are you running away from yourself Why are you running away from the present moment There is no other place

than that right Thank you Thank you Um I have some uh questions from the chat if that's

OK Yes OK Record of Sigma What's the significance of birds flying straight at me or near my head

You ask for guidance you ask the universe to give you messages Sometimes it will throw

it directly at you What are you not looking at What is trying to get your attention Continuing

Rico's question Could we say that anything around us is really reflection and a symbol

in some way all things are reflections All things are symbolic in nature and they

are symbolic because I manifest them or because the universe wants to tell me something Yes you manifest

them into your reality because your higher mind would like to say something to you In your experience You're

being given opportunities in signposts to tell you you're going positive directions because remember synchronicity

includes positive and negative synchronicities It is not just purely I feel great because this great thing

happened it is revealing to you the stop and the go and the hold here for now Thank you

Mary For almost four months I have had migraines severe pressure in the head Dizziness and tinnitus

I can't do anything Why I get that And what can I do about it Many

times when you're opening up to higher levels higher frequencies these types of experiences do happen And also

in many cases you could potentially have a blockage in your neck and the connection between

your lower and your higher phy physical being is being blocked by a muscle a nerve

interaction But many times you are being blocked in yourself and your energetic systems when you are receiving higher

dimensional information when you are not quite open to that level of experience Thank you Uh Please guide me

through if I'm only manifesting or inviting uh events at a certain level of frequency why would I receive events

that are more too much for me to to um to receive because you are defining them as too much

to receive too much for you to actually experience You are never given more than you can actually handle So

if I'm uh going back to our our title today uh if I'm if I'm obvious if I'm honest with

myself all these events I should be able to handle you are never given more

than you can handle You Create your own reality you will create your own experience as to how

and what you want to be You are being given negative experiences the idea of

being overwhelmed It's because you are defining it in that way If you really are honest with yourself in

in that honest to God state you will see that you can actually handle them if you break them

down in a very simplistic way instead of making them overly complex and defining them in the

aspect that you cannot handle what you are being given So if someone is uh

is having tinnitus or or or whatever these symptoms and I was asking what can I do about it Understand

and redefine your connection to them Many of these types of signals are interpreted in a negative way

in your culture by blocking the particular frequency that is come trying to come through you're experiencing it in the

way of tinnitus So every every pain every ailment every feeling great every breath is is a is a

is a feedback mechanism for me to the universe and back Yes it is a complete system right

Thank you We would also suggest if you are having severe interactions that are hindering your ability to function you

might want to go to a doctor and actually have them look at it We would

not give you the suggestion to not but understand there are actual explanations as to why things

like this happen right And and from your perspective going to a doctor or taking a medication for example is

a permission slip to be better to heal all things of permission slips right So ok so

something was bothering me the other day and then magically of course on youtube comes

this video and and he says maybe you maybe you like it in magnesium magnesium So

I pop some magnesium What do you know I'm not bothered by it anymore Many of

you have insufficient nutrition in your diet The way much of the human civilization is set up Currently the

nutrition in your diet is less natural less able to deliver you what you need

other than the feeling of feeling full If you go to a more natural diet filled

with less of the toxic build up in your system you will find many of the symptoms that you experience

health wise actually disappear but to be obvious Yeah I agree Uh the North American product especially

up north here in Canada is not that great comparing to when I go visit the family in Israel

or maybe Costa Rica Nicaragua Any other warm uh weather Yes But ok Um But my question

is well can I heal myself without going to the doctor without taking the magnesium Of course Yeah What's

the mindset I need to achieve for that The idea that you must overcome or allow

yourself to integrate into your experience is that you are perfectly healthy the way you are But if

you have much of an understanding or you have integrated into yourself that I am

not healthy for these reasons Until you fully let those reasons go You will continue to experience health health

right OK Thank you Um Diamond Mine is asking how can we remember Excuse me

how can we remember more of your teachings Ethan You are able to return to these recordings at

different times correct Yes Be willing to review the transmissions when you need to and practice Take

the energy that we bring through the channel and take some time and allow yourself to integrate be patient with

yourself and understand that you will not get it perfect right on the first time and allow yourself to integrate

the energy into yourself We are speaking slowly for you to bring it into yourself

and allow yourself to have patience and be kind to yourself and how you approach

it Yes Yes Uh myself for example I review these videos about three times on average uh

by the time of processing and then listening to them one or two more times Usually the

couple of days after that helps me to integrate the learnings and also um to

to keep the connection alive so to speak Yes Be obvious The obvious you did not learn

things without practice when you were growing up Correct Correct Well you're still growing up Yes Thank you

OK Uh Diamond mind please Can you scan my chakras and which of them need work

The hot choco mainly Thank you Mary Can you you need to work through the idea of grief

in that case what are you grieving in your heart that is blocking your ability to connect to yourself

and your upper and lower chakras together Thank you Mary Can you scan my chakras please You are into your

second chakra There is the idea of connection that is being blocked to yourself and to others Thank you Rico

Sigma What's my strongest parallel reality connection Incarnation speaking one moment male mid to late twenties about 200 years ago

the idea of not being able to be with your family and be in yourself

and finding a home within yourself and who you are So Rico was a um a

young male 200 years ago and was likely by himself and this experience taught him to

be with himself Yes OK good You are going through a time period right now in your

world where you are redefining what it means to be in yourself and who you are as well as

what does it mean to be a person whether it is a man or woman masculine or feminine to

decide if you would like to have a society where you are very androgynous in nature but also have

a society where you can fully exist as yourself You are going through a period of exploration culturally speaking energetically

collectively speaking where you are trying to work through these particular ideas I I couldn't have said it

better Um with regards to you you said the word androgynous right Yes Yes You know it's hard not

to notice that maybe until uh four or five years ago they weren't androgynous looking

for lack of better words in terms of people persons um around and uh and today I

see especially here in Toronto many many of them many of those particular souls are what you refer to as

star seeds that typically incarnate as the other gender So they are going through the process of saying

is this really me have I am I really this thing I normally am a man but

this time I am one so many times you will go through the idea of being

the opposite gender in order to balance out your energies as it were Oh OK So explain that to

me uh most of these that I see are born as males and the person I saw today for

example um was very feminine looking but clearly was born a male uh perhaps had uh uh some plastic

surgery done or whatever I'm not sure and and and and played and acted as female Yes So he

was he typically incarnates as a woman Sorry he typically incarnates as a woman OK And

why is this phenomenon happening uh on on a greater scale now Because you're in a time period

where people forget less Many of these people are saying this is not my normal body Why

am I not in my normal body Why am I not my normal particular way of incarnating Because

you forget less You are having more of these experiences of people saying I would like to be what I

normally am But they are also going through a period right now where they are deciding whether or

not they would like to fully explore one gender or the other one energy or the other But I understand

you contain both right Because the all contains both Yes Right OK Um Ethan I I've

listened to uh channeling with uh P A earlier today and he was mentioned that we've cleared

the Karmic era if I recall correctly of about 2000 years Yes One which is

related to the society more And now we move into another karmic area of more of self growth and exploration

So we came from a society that everyone doing together the same thing to more of a

personalized experience If I understand that correctly Yes you are going through the idea of integration

Currently you're all deciding who you want to be Yes Yes Yes And that's why we

see a lot of uprisings and people picketing and and demonstrating and all that Yes

they are deciding which state they would like to live in which state of being they

would like to live in the place they would like to live OK Good Um Ho what about phenomenon

That we see recently where students of certain faith or religion go to a university and and they

camp out there but it's usually followed with uh megaphones and and other students can be there It

it it gets a bit violent What is this from You are going through birthing pains And you also

understand the idea of radicalization Yes these particular beings decided to incarnate in a way that expresses the pain that

you as a culture have internalized What will be with them Please repeat what will

be with them I mean what where where where are they going How how are they gonna complete their lives

with so much anger Eventually they will go through experiences either they will live their entire life with

this particular energy or it will be expressed and eventually released when they no longer have

the issue that draws them to this particular state of being or want you to express themselves in

this direction Thank you And and those who incarnated and and and is into the the opposite gender Yes

Um Apparently quite a few of them commit suicide because of some drugs that they're being given

How do I how how do I view this How would you like to view it We're not going to

tell you how to view these things because this is the point of choice this is your decision to

make Is it right for you to take or do what they are Doing sorry

Is it your choice What do you think of these experiences I think it's their lives Yes What

does it have to do with you Nothing I'm just curious Um they go through all this uh

painful process and then they end up killing themselves Not all of them are some and apparently a

large like like a higher percentage in that group many of them are taking themselves out of your

reality because it no longer matches who they are Ok Ok Ok That that makes sense

They just OK All right It would be obvious That would be obvious Absolutely Ok I got a

couple of questions here for Mary if that's OK Yes All right I saw an advertisement on youtube about

two months ago One of the three advertisements was strange UFO S and extraterrestrials could be seen I never saw

this advertisement again And then Mary also asked what do souls look like These are two different questions from Mary

Typically most souls appear as orbs the idea of seeing a advertisement because you are

actually in fact interacting with a being that is an extraterrestrial In your understanding In actuality it gets

you to go a particular direction that you might lead to someone like us Come

again please If you are be given the opportunity for advertisement for aliens and also many

of you do see into other realities do see other experiences for momentary gaps where you are

see into realities where aliens already are integrated into the society Right Right Right Right You

were given a preview as it were Right It Yeah Yeah OK I see it Thank you Speaking

of souls Ethan you mentioned earlier there are contracts made prior to incarnation Yes How does one

um finds out contracts that he made as a soul The themes that you play out in your

life the things that reoccur over and over and over again many of you are working

through the idea of what it means to have self worth and self love and unconditional

love from a higher perspective right OK Thank you But let it be obvious what are the reoccurring themes in

your life What are the reoccurring things that you seem to experience over and over and over again

The relationships you have in your family with your friends with many of the people in your

life These are typically the contracts that you made So therefore let it be obvious Yes Um What about

a relationship change Either for the better or for the worse Um Were the contract here many times

when you are going through the idea of contract changes as it were you have ended an experience with another

person an experience with another soul where you have finished the contract Many times when you do not allow these

relationships to move on you go through the idea of the relationship souring becoming painful to stay in the longer

you stay in it If it continues on in this painful way you are receiving the energy that

lets you know it's time to move on Thank you Yes let's see One second Please remember the

more you hold on to your past situations the more pain you hold on because many of

you have been told that suffering is noble The idea is of suffering needing to hold on to that

particular experience You don't need to hold on to it all that long The universe is giving you synchronicity to

let you know that you are done in this area In this way it is ejecting you one way

or the other It is giving you subtle hints at first and then eventually it becomes

very obvious that you need to move on from your situation to new situations to

decide that if you want to play out new themes because you are in the age of

transformation So many of you are finishing many many old things that are obvious if you really

look at them in this light Sure thank you Um This just happened yesterday I think uh a couple of

days ago my friend says to me oh I keep seeing 1111 I see them like you know a

couple of times a few times in in in in a short span of time

I said well let's let's sign you're in alignment My friend said what's alignment And I said you're in

the flow you're one with the universe but it kind of didn't go through it's not relevant for him

to understand that at this time at one point or another whether this incarnation or another he will

get it be ok with them not understanding be ok with people in your life

not understanding who and what you are But when you come from a higher perspective and allowing

yourself to be fully in line with who and what you are and with your higher self with your totality

of your being you will naturally gravitate to this particular understanding that everything is working

perfectly Yes absolutely And I think as a father I started to get it Um I

I do everything I can for my daughter But you know it's it's still at the end of

the day it's her life and and uh although she's a child still um I try

to guide her and protect her as much as I can But at the end of the day

like she's going to make her decisions right Yes OK You are being given the

opportunity from that perspective to transform the relationship as the child ages to higher levels higher experiences

to carry along your energy with her into your future and her future Don't allow and don't insist

that the relationship needs to stay the way it is now or let it evolve into a new level where

you are able to fully engage with who she is right now and in the future Thank

you very much for this Yes Uh I think I think we we're on the right path there

Yes Many of the humans on your planet get stuck in the idea that relationships never change Relationships have

to be this way or relationships have to be this way This person has to bring this thing No one

has to bring you anything You are in a cohesive relationship that you are deciding whether or not you would

really like to engage But if you are being given negative synchronicity to by another person that is saying they

are done with the relationship with you Let it go Yes Thank you Let those relationships

go and do not hold on to them because they will eventually become toxic to the

point where they had hurt both of you Thank you When a relationship time to

end perhaps you'd be presented with a situation that will allow it to happen Yes Usually if you listen

to it right away it happens gracefully The more you do not listen to the

synchronicity that shows up in your life it will get harder every single time Yes

Yes Yes Thank you I wanted to ask you something slightly different here Are you

familiar with the raw channeling that happened in the 19 eighties Yes thank you Um I've listened

to uh almost all of them many several times over and and and I think it was a very good

preparation for me to do this this work now Yes And I wouldn't be surprised if you told

me that the guides have shown me that those recordings for me to start practicing towards this Is it that

obvious Yes it is Well there you go Thank you Um I've been thinking a lot about out of

the three people that uh did the uh the work Don Elkins caught my mind because he was asking

the questions Uh the channel kind of like I am Yes I was wondering if you can uh um connect

uh Don with us and perhaps send any messages or or advice from Don to

the channel And I you are connecting and acting in the same way that he acted in that situation and

being given the opportunity act from that point of view the person that channeled the raw

information that particular information was delivered at that time So it could be integrated and become part

of your society and the energy that comes along with the understanding and integration of

the knowledge from raw Yes OK I would like to thank Don for his work and for preparing myself

in the channel for this work Yes Those urges those desires that lead you down a particular direction

such as the channel had a distinct desire to become a channel He had no direction

he had no one to actually guide him down this path And one day because he reached the proper vibration

In order for him to connect to us it allowed him to become a open channel like he is now

it was hard At first he more resonated with the idea of people like Bashar more

with the idea of like other Sasan channels He never resonated with the idea of being the one

asking the questions because that was not his path Sometimes I jokingly think of the channel myself as Moses

and Aaron Aaron was speaking for Moses because Moses had a stutter He didn't like to

speak with the groups Many of those particular channels that exist in your history work channels were

conduits for other beings and it requires many times a facilitator It acts in a

more physical way for the person who isn't necessarily adept at doing that particular job

So having people in pairs like this acts in a more cohesive way instead of trying to pile

everything on one person Excellent Everyone has a job Yes Um Would don have any final advice

or message for us but we already delivered the information Thank you I have a few more questions

on the chat here Yes Thank you Diamond Mind Are there any practices we can use to boost

our frequency quickly in the moment we are when we are struggling or feeling overwhelmed Be honest with yourself be

honest with yourself in all places in all situations when you are struggling really look internally about who you are

And if you're honestly really wanting to have that experience wanting to know and if this is right for

you and many of the situations where you are feeling overwhelmed and your understanding of what you are going

through If you take a moment and breathe and allow yourself to become centered just breathe

The simplest things in your society are deemed to be way too simple But many times they

exist purely for that fact this fully engages you and allows you to become centered And

really look at those things When you take that breath you will know if it's right for

you whether it is a job whether it is a relationship be honest live in your integrity in all times

and all places Thank you I have an example to share about being honest with

yourself about 20 years ago Uh I was in New York City particularly in Brooklyn visiting a

friend um that moved there and my friend said look you can have a job here I'm working for

a company that renovates homes that got damaged in fire And I realized these guys chase the fire

trucks and when the house gets damaged with the fire they buy them very cheap

and do some crappy renovation and flip it Exactly It wasn't I didn't like that

idea The moment that the person in the interview told me that that was the night

where the power went out in New York So the power went out and everybody kind of confused and

I just I just got up and left You were honest with yourself You were honest with your experience of

what you and who you are as a person And you followed that excitement that led you

away The idea of excitement has positive synchrony and negative synchronous You use a negative situation in a positive way

Therefore you got a positive result Thank you It was a wonderful night It was warm

out We had war Uh The ice cream was dripping and the beers were warm It was fantastic

How exciting how exciting and and and back to diamond's question about practice to raise your fre boost

your frequency Be honest with yourself to the point you elated Yes Yes because it is revealing those things

to you when you are feeling overwhelmed in yourself in your experience when you are honest with yourself and

take a moment because it can take one moment to have a realization to say this is not

right for you Let it be obvious Let it be obvious and and you really know it in the moment

Yes Yes You it it you can physically feel it in the moment Yes Yes OK Uh Vowel madness

Question Can you expand on the connection between Toth and the the Atlantean and Hermes

Triages The idea of tote which was his real name was part of the same species as raw that

particular collective He came into the society that you refer to Atlan Atlantis He was a teacher He brought

information and technology into that society to teach them to help them grow When it was obvious that

that particular civilization was going to destroy itself and be destroyed by the Cataclysms that happened

He moved on to the idea of Egypt and he has been known by many different names in

your history Thank you What are other names that Tote was known as Hermes Oh ok And many other

names if you look them up many of the similarities that you see in your history books between different what

is referred to as gods which are just really beings that they did not know or understand that they

were just people too right You stay behind it on your planet to help guide your

people in antiquity to rebuild itself And he was he was incarnated into a physical body Yes

but he was also a alien that was channeling through many different beings as well much in the

way that I am going through the channel currently right While he was incarnated did he

know that he is uh not that person but toad Yes because he exists to such

a high frequency When he was coming to those people he was fully engaged in who he was and

also he was physically here right Did Yeshua know Yes When you are coming from the

particular level of fully realizing yourself coming from a state of pure enlightenment You have a

full recognition of who and what you are in all places and all times Thank you Some

of the channeling that I've been listened to listening to speak of sort of a mass awakening where

this mass awakening is maybe not instantaneous Um but people start to remember who they are Remember

their past lives Remember their the other side of the veil while incarnated Yes you

are going through an age of enlightenment So lighten up Thank you It is challenging

You are all going through the point of ascension This is the point of the ascension

itself and you are doing this as a collective as well as individually Many of you are waking up

to more of the aspects of who you are and what you are my I feel honored uh to

have this duty to be here Now we appreciate it Thank you And and and

and so is everyone else here on the uh transmission Yes we do not typically deliver mind breaking mind altering

experiences all at once We do not give you all the answers because we want you to

do it yourself It's obvious Yes If you had all the answers it wouldn't be a test

Yes Mary is asking do the Sasan and other beings from the universe have a subconscious and

unconscious mind like us now No this is Sony Beans my race my species We are fully integrated in

all aspects of ourselves So we do not have a difference between a subconscious and a physical consciousness This

is why we are able to fully engage with spirits all around us because we

know they are all just aspects of ourselves right So so Sonny wouldn't feel anxiety or stress No

because we do not find these things in a negative way So we do not experience in

that particular way OK The channel himself is a what you would refer to as a previous incarnation for me

But in actuality I am 10,000 years in the future from him The question has been asked what

would I do as a human I am going through the idea of and experiencing through the channel the idea

of overcoming challenges through the experience of channeling Yes by connecting to the channel in a more active

way and seeing the experiences that he has gone through in his understanding and his way of

dealing with things It has given me an expanded view that I would not have as just being a Sasan

I see I see I see Very good very good Thank you Uh Mary What can you say about the

crop circles There is an evolution from simple to complex Are they becoming fewer and

fewer now They are being reported less but they still exist The simplistic way of when you

are starting to interact with different consciousness different aspects of your world different ETS as it were simple is

the easiest way to learn how to communicate right When you are being given the basic thing eventually it

grows into the more complex things that tell you more just by looking at them right You have the

idea in your schools When you are first being taught how to read you are just given basic

words So many of these particular crop circles that have arisen that you have seen evolve into these

gorgeous images This is like reading a book Fair enough Thank you Ethan I wanted

to ask you about uh Yahweh and Elohim If these are if this is the

same being and if and what kind of being uh this or those are it's all aspect of all that

is it is different aspects of the one Can you can you expand on that a little bit

please Do you understand that there is all that is the creator of all things

the all that is expressing itself as everyone in creation and everything in creation Yes these are another

aspect of that being It doesn't matter what name you give them It's still the same being I see

I see I see OK Um There has been the number 100 and 44,000 total

around but I don't understand the context Perhaps you could put it in context for me

please You are all the 144,000 that are here to help the ascension process that humans are

currently going through on your planet You are the beings that volunteered to come to earth to express themselves and

show that there is another way and help this earth this planet to be able to actually function and

move through the transition eas more easily by volunteering to be here and allowing yourself to actually connect

actually show that there are higher frequencies and in different ways of living and you all incarnated in different

waves to prepare which was the initial wave which which is what you saw 50 40 to

around 40 years ago two help that first initial wave grow and expand The generation passed the

channel and the generations coming henceforth they will create new things right You understand that I've heard of

the idea of Dolores Cannon She expresses these ideas in her book the information that was delivered to her was

there to put it in the mind of your collective to understand what is occurring So in this idea

and these many people that you are seeing connect being connected to the information it is there to

help remind them of what they are here to do Thank you What what's the significance

of the reason for this particular number 100 and 44,000 Do you understand that there is the idea

of the oversoul Yes there are only 300,000 over souls on your planet at any given time the

of all of the negativity through your history for thousands and thousands of years because there are only

overcome the 300,000 For all the 8 billion people on your planet Currently there is still only

Yes OK OK But it is shifting constantly You are shifting to different overs souls You're shifting to different

versions of reality that match the one you that you choose and energetically match in any given moment

I see And 100 and 44,000 they are also shifting between these 300,000 oversoul right

It was um I heard this long time ago and he stayed with me There's

someone has an ax I have a pen here in my hand but similar and they use the ax and

then the head of the ax uh breaks So he puts a new head in the ax and then

he keeps using it and and and the the wood part of the ax breaks So he puts

a new wood part now both parts are new Is it the same ax Yes

In in comparison with um us switching uh realities um all the time is it still us We recreate ourselves

over and over again with every moment Yes you're making a new version of yourself You the physical aspect

of yourself is constantly being remade But the soul the higher perspective that never changes right And all

these experiences that I've accumulated in this incarnation where did that all go It never goes away Everything

you've ever experienced every person you've ever met everything you've ever done everything you've ever

learned it's still there Can I access it once I pass over Yes you do

that all the time But the idea is in this physical experience and this physical incarnation you

are taking that understanding that perspective and integrating into your life and bring you to that

higher perspective that when you race to a higher level a higher frequency this information becomes

available to you at all This is what you refer to as people who are

psychic They have just raised their frequency to such a high level that they were

able to receive and interact with the information that is available to all of you all the time It's

just in a more active way than you as humans currently can do Thank you There was also

a mentioning one of these videos I was watching uh of of an event an

event that will cause a mass awakening of sorts Yes What is that The idea of actually seeing us in

person will blow your mind You are still a ways off of that particular experience but not

as far as you think OK All right I have a few more questions from the chart If that's

OK we will take five more questions at this time Five more OK Diamond Mind Ethan I

remember you mentioning the channel needs to raise its frequency to 100 and 50,000 cycles per

second How many is mine currently And uh when doing meditation how do you move

into a gamma state by allowing yourself to be in the flow state We will not

give you your current vibration by asking the question You lower your frequency I see what

about when you live in a pure state where you flow this is the gamma state

This is the flow state This is the channeling state This is what allows the

channel to connect to us Yes Thank you When I when I ride my bicycle which

I've been doing since a child I feel I'm in the gamma state Everything is amazing I'm just

floating around Isn't that obvious isn't it Hell yeah Thank you OK Four Uh I'm gonna skip Rico here Well

I I'll give you the questions anyways Uh Rico Sigma What's my vibration level It

was higher a minute ago Yes Go to the flow state Mary how can we communicate through

the crop circles or with the crop circles The idea of communicating through the crop circle is because

it is in a obvious place it is on a wider level that by engaging with the crop circles

themselves This allows you to actually communicate in a visual way The idea of pictographs from your and petroglyphs from

your past Communicate through your history Currently you have many crop circles around your planet because you have many crops

you have many fields That is a very easy way to communicate with your culture and

your planet Sometimes it is actually the consciousness of your planet actually communicating to you and your

people telling you a story of what it means and why are those crop circles usually

in the same area in England They are more than just in England They are in North

America and they are in other places that are not necessarily ported to the larger population What's

the point of creating the crop circles If no one can see them the people that are there can see

them and not may not necessarily be there for the collective but it is there

for that particular community Oh I see I see OK Thank you Thank you Thank you Last question for

today please The madness in Kabbalah which of the sides of our body represents severity and

mercy The idea of severity and mercy are contained in both in all aspects It's all contained within the whole

not necessarily the left the right the up the down it's all contained within the idea

of the full tree of life the full aspect of yourself It just depends on how you define that experience

Thank you I I it's it's our conversations are becoming more and more fascinating Yes because you are and

the channel has moved into a state where he is more receptive to our frequency and able

to more fully express the communication Yes we made you good day Good day Thank you so