All righty So to recap we are all manifesto here and we are all agreeing to thismanifestos deconditioning experiment So everybody who is giving permission to be here for this experimenthas raised their hand or given me a heart Definitely I love love love the information being informed lettingme know that you're here participating with your magnificent manifested energy This is so new for me Thank youI see it in the chat as well So we've come to the conclusion that this foursteps first we have to come become aware and awareness is our most precious gift andour awareness tends to be spread so thin And what we wanna do is create a container So oneof the first things that we wanna do is draw our energy back So let's take amoment to have our bum in the chair feet on the floor or if you're in a comfortableposition feel free to close your eyes and imagine that all of your energy that'sspread out over on that drama and on that social media and on work andon all of this stuff Take a moment to just draw all of your energy backand begin to fill your container and imagine your container can be as big as theroom you're in So bring all of your energy back because you know as they say about Manifestope people feel our energy before we even walk in the room right So let's createa container for this Make it as big or as little make it as big as you likeit to be Activate this magnificence that you are You are right in the center andit is you're you're the very center and your energy exudes beyond your physicalness And what I'velearned from many manifesto is that they tend to wanna create a barrier and so they will use food asa way to create this barrier And as of this moment it's OK to let go of thatphysical barrier create this energetic barrier It'll be much more powerful Thank you darling Thank you darling for trying Iappreciate you You're awesome very nice very powerful and draw all of your energy backjust take this moment and just be with this And the next we became aware we became aware ofa trigger and this trigger for some of us is a five on the pain scale of 1to 10 For some of us Is it six for some of us it's at an eight and for manyof us as manifesto when we are triggered we go into anger and this is not who weare truly This is the not self This is a reminder we are not in alignment with our uhwith our own energy It could be because we're being conditioned and we talked a little bit aboutthe undefined areas in your chart Many of us have many undefined Many have a couple ofundefined Just be aware of which energy centers are undefined because those are the energy centers thatyou initiate in others and those are the energy centers that others try to condition So justbe aware that's it Just be aware of what those energy centers are Very nice and weare initiating those centers and I'll share with you a bonus at the end What I do toprotect myself as a 51 emotional manifesto Thank you for checking in Nice And thenwe all talk talked about the number eight Bridget shared Thank you so much Bridget for sharing that It'san eight and it's in the nervous system and that it's the anti who I'vebeen Thank you so much for sharing And so many of us can relate Definitely show me a heartif you can relate to any of this as a manifesto I love to be informedThank you darling And even though I've lived comfortably as a manifesto for quite some time I've been Imyself Danny has been living with as a manifesto I learned about this around 2018 So and incorporating itand the work I do has been just hm phenomenal which I hope you can experience Perfect Thankyou It's an eight It's a five It's a six check in with you Allof these parts waking up in the unconscious related to this 5678 The mind is gonna saythis is so woo this is beyond me That's OK You are not your mind Let themind do what it needs to do As a matter of fact the mind has to rememberto focus in on this eight or this six focus in on that number Andthen what's going on in the unconscious is beyond the mind And yet there are so many partswaking up to this A I DS because this is the man anti who I've been for 40plus years not lived as a manifesto initiator unconsciously initiating And it creates physical mental anxietyin my body even though my body was a little bit shy and sharing ButI know how powerful sharing as a manifesto and using my voice can be And as a 56 I'm confusedIt's uncomfortable and fear of projection is real for a manifesto and not repeating thosecycles I'm done with it I'm done with it Thank you Thank you Healing team All of these partswaking up Are you willing to share your knowledge wisdom and understanding so that the wholeness of thehealing team can move together in completeness and communication as one I'm getting a big fat YesHowever Doctor Gary Flint taught me well Are there any parts that are not willing toshare their wisdom knowledge and understanding So I'm still getting a yes it's a weaker yes So thereare and my arm is getting really heavy So there are parts not willing toshare their knowledge wisdom and understanding and that's ok That is ok You do not have to shareyour knowledge wisdom and understanding if you don't want to However we are at an eightwith pain in our life it's causing an eight an eight on the pain scale which ispretty darn painful that we're separate And when you pop up in my experience it affects me on such deepdeep levels and can create pain in my body inflammation So I ask you pleasewe only want you to willingly share your knowledge wisdom and understanding Are you willingto have a conversation with the healing team so that you can make a consciouschoice to share your knowledge wisdom and understanding with the healing team So I'm getting a nice big fatYes Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you So this is waking state hypnosis aswe come into agreements and then come into logical practical conversation right So we're bringing together these magnimagnificent three parts So now the third part is we gotta teach the subconscious or whatscience is now calling the super conscious Wonder Woman I'll talk about Wonder Woman later Butthis part of us is so intelligent but it will not do any of the integration work untilall of these parts agree and I have agreement right here So now we're gonna teachthe subconscious how to do the work and what I learned as a linguist and specializing innonverbal communication This part of us had language before we acquired language on a conscious and unconscious levelSo we acquire language This part of us already had language and its process is separateSo it communicates through imagery and allegory So what I'd love for you to do is imagine we areall manifesto on a digital playing field and we're all the running little man with the bigcircle around him right So we have our big energy container around us and we're the little man rightin the middle So we're all on the playing field and we can see the boundaries and wecan see the middle and the lines and the goals on either side it doesn't matter what side you'reon but we're running to the goal But what's happening is we're stepping in these holes in the playing fieldAll of these holes are preventing us from going straight for our goal We have to go sometimesway out of our way and we got to fix that problem We got to doall these things and we're running into these holes intelligence that you are This third part that you are pleaselike a feather fill in each and every one of these holes in perfect order and perfect sequence Thankyou and healing team Have you agreed on the process for each and every part for its integration SoI'm getting a big fat Yeah So processing is happening So what just happened here All rightSo we became aware I'm triggered with something It's an eight that was the highestnumber but we had fives we had six we had eights Anything above five is gonna require some kind ofrelief right A little bit of stress is OK You know if you're in a three and you're and you'retraining for uh some kind of physical event you know you wanna be able to breakthrough those barriers But when you're beyond a certain pain level in hospitals no thisthis is why they use this tool When you're beyond that you're gonna seek out painrelief and many of us will use food alcohol drugs distractions So what we are doing is bringingall that energy in creating a self directed healing team So in 2001 when I was diagnosed with cancerand told I would be dead In two years I learned hypnosis self hypnosis Ilearned here eft I learned how to use the pendulum and I use these tools on myself Ifound a surgeon who was who was willing to remove the tumor I found anoncologist She was the sweetest lady She said darling if you're not gonna do this you gottagive me a plan So I found doctor mccullough who was willing to work with me And after fiveyears she said you're cancer free So this year marks 2223 years now since that AndI've learned so much and I've shared so much and using this on myself thatmy healing team and understanding how my manifestation energy works started my own deconditioning and healing processThat to this day I honor and respect this meat suit Give it what it needs I'mturning 58 this year Don't tell anybody but I use these tools on myself Number one Ibecome aware awareness is my most precious gift Number two I make the subjective objective and my husband can tellyou we've been together 40 years He can tell you some anger stories He knows aboutmy anger And now he as a generator appreciates this understanding of how both of our energy worksand how sometimes he wants to condition my unconditioned areas right My deconditioned areas my undefined areas forsure And number three is give it over to your healing team and this is what we justdid First of all you take a moment I'm aware I'm aware I'm triggered Numbertwo it's a number give it to my healing team That means I gotta takea moment to get quiet and calm my nervous system That is the fourth step So I'mgonna share my screen with you quickly so you can have a visual of that andwhat that looks like So first is our awareness make the subjective objective integrate it That'swhat we did focused in on the number allowed the parts and the unconscious to wakeup Now the mind is gonna come in and say nothing's happening Your job is to get your nervoussystem quiet and become aware integrate it And then the fourth step is to clear the nervous system All rightSo together we did this we become we become aware right I'm a manifesto I'mvery aware of my anger I'm very aware of being projected on to project beingprojectile vomited on is that fear is real So being aware of your environment and setting clear intentions on initiatingAll right So thank you so much We have about 30 minutes left And so what Iwanna do is I wanna create a space where we can go through this process again sothat it's solidified and anchored in your nervous system So one of the things that we're gonnado to clear the nervous system I've got three things actually I wanna share with you Thefirst one is a breathwork How many moms here how many moms here have ever seen a crying baby orthe baby is just crying and then all of a sudden it takes this breathand then slowly releases it What the baby just did and what we can do we can learnfrom babies is activate the vagus nerve and calm the nervous system So this is a super simplebreath you can use when you're in step three of integrating So step one you became aware I'm ina I'm angry Oh my gosh This just triggered all kinds of stuff Number two you've made the subjectiveobjective You put it on the pain scale It's an eight number three integrated And this is whenyou can use a tool like breathwork The first thing you do is take in three quick sniffs relax yourbelly especially if you're emotional solar plexus manifest her relax your belly Take in three sniffs andhold it for just a few seconds We're gonna go through this a couple times then you releaseit like through resistance through your nose So all of it is through the nose only Sothree se sips of air through the nose a gentle hold relax the belly and then a long exhale usingresistance out the nose So I'm gonna give you an example You can follow along if you likeAnd then once I give the example we're gonna do three breaths All right So here'sthe example I'm gonna talk you through it I'm gonna do the exhale through my mouth soyou can hear it but it's gonna be through the nose Ok So it looks like thisThree sniffs gentle hold relaxed belly gentle out the nose resistance normal relaxed breathing So weare gonna do three breaths and we are gonna do normal relaxed breathing between the breaths Here wego Three sniffs in gentle hold relax the belly out the nose with resistance relaxed breath breathNumber two three sniff Soon gentle hold relax the belly resistance out the nose long exhale relax breath normal breathingand prepare for breath Number three three steps in gentle hold relax the belly resistance out the nose longexhale normal breathing nice job check in And for those who had a number like eight andsix check in with that number Are you still an eight and a six This iswhere this whole process becomes an experiment because you have measurable results And over timeyou can measure and see progress And I do have a 40 day journal If you're interested you can sendme an email to heartfelt awakening at if you'd like the um 40 day journal to go throughthis process every day right So that's a breath work that you can do for step number four and forstep number three So while you're integrating and you're focused in on that number giving it toyour nervous system to process it to the intelligence that you are to reprogram and release what no longer servesbut keep the knowledge wisdom and understanding So that you can make the unconscious conscious through this process Awesome Nowthis is very specific to Manifesto for Step number four But before we go any furtherI wanna ask are there any questions about the four step process And I'm gonna grabsome water Let me give you a moment feel free to un mic yourself or umtype it in the chat All right So with no other questions this um Step fourI have something specific for Manifesto So Manifesto we are about the voice and speaking andprojecting from our voice initiating casting spells if you will becoming more conscious of what we are initiatingSo as a Manifesto who learned um about being a Manifesto and many times before thathaving to stick my foot in the mouth being told I have absolutely no filter Um If you canidentify with that definitely give me some love you know I definitely need some love Um told you toomuch told you're weird you know all that fun stuff So this this this area being conditioned if you willthis powerful energy that is like a double edged sword So this part of us can heal or it cancut apart We have a double edged sword Amen Thank you for the love Thank you Thankyou So with this double edged sword we have I have two exercises I would love to share with Manifestoone that I learned and uh as a massage therapist and understanding the muscles of the face and breathing andlearning how to breathe properly and all of the bones and cranial psychotherapy and how important those things are tobe in alignment So anyway point is there is a space where the tongue should go AndI learned it's called mewing mewing mewing So it's an exercise that I would loveto initiate as part of this experiment with Manifesto to become more consciously aware of whenwe're initiating when we initiate it is through our voice center And the tongue being the instrument of thatvoice center needs to be Hm I want to use the word disciplined but I have a feeling forManifesto there's gonna be that wall that goes up like I don't need no disciplineBut uh I think maybe put in its place properly put in its place uhmight be good because it has a proper place Did you know this Did you know the tong has aproper place So what I'd love for you to do is is join me in connecting with thisand including this in our experiment during the day and throughout the day while you're awake and aware do mewingexercises And what that looks like is you swallow and notice how your tongue goes to the roofof the mouth Try that right now swallow and the tongue naturally kind of suctions almost to the roofof the mouth Swallow again and leave it there and just feel that for somepeople it might feel weird especially if you have a a narrow palette and then swallowa third time and hold it there So throughout the day become aware of your double edged sword Are youusing it consciously Are you initiating consciously or are you initiating unconsciously Take a moment and doam meing exercises and put your tongue in its proper place when you do that throughoutthe day here's the benefits This is why it's good for everyone Not just Manifesto but Ithink it's particularly good for me and Manifesto because I learned so much energetically from this exerciseBut the benefit of it is a nice um jawline kind of face You know people don't believe myage I'm like yeah let me show me my ID you know do the math I was born in thisyear just do the math And um these are the wonderful benefits of it and then being ableto breathe properly at night which improves your sleep which improves your rest cycles which improves a a domino ofeffects of benefits from just doing this one exercise OK Any questions about mewing Yep mew relaxyour jaw So you don't want your teeth touching any questions at all about mewing I came across methe other day I just recently Yeah Yeah It's gonna fall divine timing So awesome divinetiming So when you're beginning with mewing swallow three times versus just kind of get used to it Second drinksome water too third time hold it there hold it there for as long asyou can be aware of holding it there Now what happens is I find myself viewing I meanmy tongue is just there and oh the other benefit I learned So I havethis is just a little you know private information I have um rbfs resting bitch face syndrome Ihave that are you know resting bitch face when I knew totally fixes that totallyfixes that So people with RBF resting bitch face you know what I'm talking about Yeah OK Cool OK Nowthe other exercise I have to share with you is an exercise for the tongue and the tongueis if you look at the tongue and where it's connected you can feel the tongue and it'sconnected all the way down to the tips of your toes and throughout the body through the lungs the hearteverywhere the tongue is connected to everything And as manifesto we have to become very aware ofwhat that tongue is saying because we have so much power behind those words And this second exercise isusing the tongue like pointing it and moving the tongue around in a clockwise and then a counterclockwise rotation SoI'm gonna show you it and then we're gonna do two sets of five OK So here's what it lookslike I'm gonna show you a set of 33 in one direction Three in the other lipsare closed jaws relaxed It looks like this Oh burn baby burn All right I don't knowif I can do the five Now as you can see you don't need a lot of repsto really connect with those muscles and the tongue all the way down Now I've been also experimentingwith this when I do the exercise I've been stretching my fingers and toes because the connective tissue isall connected So I've been stretching my fingers and toes as I do the exercise So justa little little uh side note there or what I've been experimenting But I highly recommend youguys experiment with this and I would recommend maybe if you've never done this take a little selfieof yourself before and then maybe selfie 30 days after for sure OK Are we ready todo our five in one direction and five in the other Here we go Don't try and laugh when you'redoing that Oh My gosh my face is on fire Anybody else's face is on fire This does magicfor you and free Fantastic OK So step one become aware awareness is your most precious gift Becomeaware of what you're putting your most precious gift on Become aware and marketing knows this And as somebody who'sbeen in business for 30 years who um marketing tells us well actually a couple of yearsago they would say you have six seconds to get your audience today They tell us we have three orless People's attention is spread so thin Your awareness your focus awareness and attention isyour most precious gift Number two make the subjective objective And just this little shiftfor me using this tool making the subjective I'm angry to I'm a nine I'm angry ona nine Just that little shift has really helped decondition that not self And now I'm able to use thatanger for uh conscious initiation And this is a powerful place to be And this is where I want asmany manifesto in this experiment to be because we need to we need you and usinga tool to release from the s nervous system And we talked about a breath workto help engage the vagus nerve to relax the whole nervous system Another thing that you can do is thebonus one dance like no one's looking put on some music dance like no one's lookingit's the best thing you can do to release the nervous system after doing this work for sure And ifyou have dogs and cats they shake it off they know they know they know perfect and thenuh become aware of your tongue That's it That is it Become aware of the most powerful musclein your body That tongue That's it Me too So darlings do you have any questions We wentabout an hour and 15 minutes Which is fantastic Um And I was able tostart recording with some reviews So thank you for your patience with that And um I would love to keepthis uh experiment going So I would love to hear from you I would love to work with youI would love to know how you're doing on this magnificent journey as discovering how your energy worksYou're welcome Susan Absolutely And darling you were an eight Where are you now Bridget Thankyou V If you were a 568 check in where are you now Feeling calmer Sixmaybe so From an eight to a six Yeah we would do a couple morerounds then if we had time but definitely be aware of that You're still at a six focusing on thatsix allowing allowing lots of good exercises You're welcome Can you repeat the steps please Absolutely Thereare four steps and I'm gonna share my screen so that you can see them visually see them Number onebecome aware OK I've been triggered I've been triggered I need my self directed healingteam but the team knows needs to know what you're focused in on So you have to makethe subjective objective I become triggered It's an eight on the pain scale Now the teamknows where to start You're focused in on that eight Everything that is related to that eight is now wakingup in the unconscious The second part of you the second part of you Thesecond part of your healing team then you give it to your healing team to integrate it Andyou take a moment to take a breath as you're focusing on that eight focusing on that eight takinga breath focusing on the eight the 8 may be moving The 8 may become nothing Thewhatever happens then at eight but whatever that H eight wants to say let it say it Focus on yourbreath put your tongue in its rightful place and calm the nervous system And after maybe two minutes 10minutes if you have it 2 to 10 minutes is all you need to connectwith this most most powerful self directed healing team game changer I love turning the subjective to anobjective game changer Yes that was huge for me as well Vera I hope I'm saying your name rightdarling Yeah Definite game changer Making the subjective I'm angry to wow I'm angry That's a 10 That'sa freaking 10 All right I need to let whatever is coming up up handit over to my healing team do some breath work This is the work this is the work and itpays off There are so many more benefits than there are cons of repeating the cycle over andover again So I do the work and then I start to reap the benefits because my mirror world isgonna start to shift This is the power and marketing knows hypnosis I see hypnosis everywhere and as Manifestoyou probably do too You manifesto I feel Manifesto are the have the most refined bullshit meters becauseof the energy We have anybody who's coming at us with bullshit is gonna be repelled Bring anyquestions about that We have like 12 minutes So I would love to open it up toany kind of discussion about this deconditioning experiments Thank you for the laughs Yeah Have fun with itFor sure Game changer Just just that one using the pain scale to make the subjective objective Justthat one thing if you can benefit from that huge huge All right So I would love toclose if there are no more questions Healing team because there is only one Thank you Thankyou Thank you I am consciously aware that this initiation has taken on a lifeof its own Thank you Thank you Thank you to the unconscious for showing up and showing our triggersshowing us what we're afraid of Showing us our conditioning showing us where we're confused showing us thatwe are not our emotions showing us that we are not our mind Thank you Thankyou Thank you Healing team This wholeness No more separation the gift of the triggers Now anytime I seesomething in someone else there's a thread inside me And I heal it inside me I takethat opportunity to bless the part of me that observed it and can initiate a healing starting withme Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you to this unconscious below the decks All of the triggers collectivelyand individually coming together to understand how we individually respond and initiate the collective Thank youThank you Thank you And coming into our wholeness and knowing who we are before initiatingconsciously Thank you And even though the mind might be confused reminding the mind its job is to put thesubjective into the objective give it a number and then to measure its progress and then toobserve and measure progress all around me and that you are not your mind Thankyou Thank you There is nothing you need outside yourself You have everything you need within yourself directed healing team We bring from the five D to the 3D and we must do that throughrest Honoring our resting cycles Thank you Thank you Thank you Sometimes my ring cyclesare purging anybody else have resting cycles like that You're welcome darling Awesome What do you mean bypurging Well um picking a closet taking everything out only keeping what I want and getting rid of therest I love a good cry Yeah Yeah Those are wonderful Yes Yeah Releasing agood cry is a wonderful release Allow yourself to cry Yeah especially if you're an emotionalmanifesto You gotta cry and sometimes I'm crying for others I'm crying for the collectiveI'm not even crying for myself So that might be a purging as well Or a rest cycleI just allow myself to cry Yeah Find what works for your recycles My mom passed on 1023 and Ifound out I was pregnant on 123 I don't know how to fix my emotionseternally Oh you don't have to fix them darling Just let them wave It's like ohI'm going up oh I'm going down I honor them honor them and I I can help with that Ifif that's something you're open to my ping is just lying in my bed and doing nothing perfectBut for some of us guilt and shame thought from thoughts from being conditioned might come upSo that's where you want to purge those thoughts It's like oh here come thoseconditioned thoughts Let's purge those let's integrate those because those thoughts do have knowledge wisdom and understanding because inthe unconscious you can't say I wanna get rid of that because as soon as wesay we want to get rid of that What does the unconscious do It puts itright in our face right So what we wanna do is say come on bringit in my face I wanna integrate all of that lovely knowledge wisdom and understanding but I'mgonna have the subconscious reprogram release What no longer serves So this is where it's anat it's almost an it is a natural it's a natural process of how our energy naturally worksAnd we wanna start doing this consciously because our energy is big and anybody who's repelled by our energywe wanna bless them because now we know they're not for us Don't be afraidof being projected on because part of our undefined initiates they're defined So we may get projected onjust knowing that it's coming you can be ready for it Do any of these exercises dothe tongue exercise to clear out your nervous system dance like no one's looking clear out your nervous system Dosome Reiki work relax the nervous system your nervous system and your awareness are your most preciousgift Danny could you repeat that please When you said about the UN are um are undefined Um um centersare what condition the others when we're in other people's spaces That's what you said Is thatwhat I understood I will say it again So let's say I have an undefined root chakra Mhm Someone whohas a defined root chakra will want to condition my undefined root chakra my undefined root chakra well initiatethey're defined It's it's a magnetism it's a magnetism and in some people it pisses them off andin other people it draws them to us So if I have amplifier thank you Natalie amplifier you amplifyit Mhm So if someone has an undefined ego and other people have defined egosas a manifesto My energy is gonna initiate their ego their defined ego No you're defined youhave a defined ego It's your undefined So my ego is undefined OK Yes you aregoing to amplify a defined ego and they are going to want to condition Do you see howwe're drawn to each other Yes Mhm The magnetism Mhm Perfect Thank you That makes a lot of sensePerfect And then some people are like well I'm told I'm supposed to initiate but I'm supposed to beinvited and all this stuff Well um an example of being an initiator and then being invitedfor example as a hypnotist I initiated this experiment OK But I couldn't just go and do the experiment Ihad to be invited So I went through the proper channels of invitation So as as someonewho consciously initiates for most of the population who are generators and need invitation tobe invited So this is the way this is a way we can do this dance Hopefully that made senseDanny Um um wouldn't we say as manifesto as opposed to saying that we had togo through proper channels of of being invited we'd actually go through the channels of being able toinform Yes that's the that's the strategy I use that's the strategy right Correct So I informedthem hey I have this thing I initiated this thing I got this thing and this thing ishappening on this day and this time I informed that I was invited because that's how I got to youtoday Just so that you know I I actually got to you through Nina Morai and she put up umshe informed on her Facebook page that you were doing this So um oh wowthis is really interesting And it was an invitation Mhm Mhm Yeah And it was a practical way I tooka practical approach because I wanna draw Manifesto who are practical So that's because you're 51 right Correct And thenI speak I speak and I teach from my defined areas So notice what your defined areas areI'm a left angle cross of education Look at your cross and there you have a pathway if you willRight Thank you Perfect Very practical Yes Natalie Correct Awesome All right So we were right withinour 90 minutes I want I wanna thank you Thank you Thank you for being on thisawesome journey with me and I don't think it ends here Uh There will be a link goingout to the replay and I do believe we are going to be making a meditation and addingsome music for some of the work that we did together and that might be availableI'm not sure how that's going to be going yet but I would love your feedback So inform meI'm asking for information What did you like about this What would you like moreof with this And um I can't wait to see where you guys go from here and initiateThank you Danny Yes If you have time I would have a kind of personal question about theuh the cross because I find information that I don't really understand online and earlier you read itand you were like oh yeah Cross of refinement Yeah So from my understanding about see weweren't going to do any kind of uh chart readings But from my understanding of the cross of refinementis I might like you on my team because I'm going to create this this content this pieceof content and I'm going to give it to you to refine it You're going togo through it you're going to dot the I's cross the Ts and you're gonna say mm mm That's notclear Let's make it this way So I'm gonna want to give it to you So thisis this is you're on this mission to refine things for the collective That's my understanding But again witha grain of salt with a grain of salt But does it does it alignwith who you Yeah Totally Totally Yeah I'm very like precise and correct things even whenI'm not out Oops practically Yeah Gotcha I'm there with you sister I enjoyed being in the manifesto energyand I'm happy to learn I'm not the brightest in the pack Oh for saying that Thank you guys Umha ha So it's taking a bit harder to get your head around it Yeah So your head isgonna be to measure your mind is for measuring your healing teams Got it already Itknows what to do trust it Thank you guys Thank you Thank you