SEO Live Client Meeting
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    So a couple of things first I'm gonna show you how to do SEO stuff because

    a lot of people are not sure how to do uh Seo stuff but it's actually really not that difficult

    So what what do you know about Seo Uh right now Yeah I know that the

    search engine optimization is like uh those are some important words like uh you put

    uh like that people search for they're like tags right Not really like a tag tags are

    used to categorize stuff Um So for example somebody could put up a tag that this is a music video

    or a blog uh or for education and it's going to just tell youtube how to categorize

    this So when we talk about youtube there are two typess of channels that you can have Um And

    the first channel that you can have is a viral content channel Uh And this is gonna be something like

    Mr who's the beast So these people they just you know they do something crazy to

    try to get people to watch their channel Um So that is one strategy that people use on youtube

    and their business model is going to be view time and sponsors Ok Yeah the second type is called a

    keyword channel Uh So basically the business models are not the same uh viral They want all the views and

    they want um sponsors that way they can grow because the more people that watch the

    more money they get the more sponsors they get So that is a different business

    model with keyword search which is why we have to do research for it After that we

    make the video for it we optimize the video information for that keyword and even the way

    that we edit the video optimizes it as well So I always say the keyword within like the

    or something with uh words in the front that is the keyword that we are targeting by putting

    that keyword in the title in the descriptions and also in like the 1st 10 seconds of the video youtube

    immediately knows what that video is about One of the reasons that so remember these two business models viral

    keyword search One of the reasons that these channels grow faster is because they only need to get people interested

    in what they're saying It's not it's more entertainment not so much teaching And the way

    that SEO works is you have to choose keywords that have low competition So you have to

    look for different keywords that people are searching on the internet and any questions about that before

    we move on because that is absolutely fundamental Yeah I got it Mhm All right perfect

    So how do you start to do seo research for a video or for a blog

    post First of all what I'm gonna tell you you can also use for blog posts Um

    And as a matter of fact what I do is I take the videos and I turn

    them into blog posts with the same keyword that way people can read it or they can

    watch it Um So that's what I'm doing in terms of the strategy keyword to video optimized then

    video into blog post also optimized for the same keyword Um But the difference is

    you have to choose low competition keywords So let me show you um first of all how

    you understand what a low competition or high competition keyword is Uh And I'll give you the

    login information so you can use this app because it's the same one I use But basically

    what you wanna do is go to spy fu log in Uh And then what you're

    gonna do is right here where it says in inter domain URL or keyword you'll

    type something in But we have to be very specific here because if not the competition will

    be too high Let me show you an example if I type in Spanish lessons and I

    want to target this keyword for the USA that's where we want to target by the way we always want

    to do USA and I click search It brings up all this data looks a little

    bit scary at first but it's actually not what it does is it shows you by monthly

    volume How many people are searching for this keyword on Google OK So every month

    a few click on a link to learn about this OK Um I'm actually gonna change this and

    just put Spanish lessons because you'll see it goes up but uh Spanish lessons 1200 out of that

    it has a low click rate OK Um This if it has a low click

    rate we don't do it Uh And the reason why is because it means that when you go to Google

    I'll show you just so we know how it works Oops Mm So for example

    maybe I put in how to say hello in Spanish OK As you can see it pops up

    here and I already have the answer If I have the answer why am I gonna click on something

    else Right So if it has a low click through rate it means that people

    are getting the answer from the top of Google here So we don't want to focus on that keyword

    We want stuff where people are gonna click on it and watch it because I'm making a

    video right Uh Then it shows you how many people are running ads to this word

    Uh And how many people click from that We don't have to worry about this What we really need

    to look at here is monthly volume estimated clicks and difficulty This one is the most important OK Um

    This is a difficult keyword we need to target between zero and I wanna say

    me making something and ranking high with a small business is very low A big business is

    gonna come here have that keyword and they're gonna rank for it OK Um So let me

    show you something else I like to do the questions because these are direct questions people ask on um you

    uh on Google So for example we go here it's gonna tell you questions people are asking and if

    it says KD this is keyword difficulty Uh If it has like this that means zero

    it's a very easy keyword to target and rank for OK But if we do something like this where

    can I get Spanish lessons Because it's 54 this is a hard keyword and that's probably because people use

    it for advertising when somebody types this in their their business pops up OK Um

    So keyword difficulty is the most important for what we're doing right now We want to stay between zero and

    OK I don't want to target something that has low volume Yeah we want people who

    are going to search for a lot more So we need to find a sweet

    spot between volume and density OK Um Let me show you something else Content strategist So

    if we look at this this one says 90 but keyword difficulty is zero And I actually used this keyword

    to make a video and people went through and left comments on it Did you see it Yeah Yeah Yeah

    Yeah Yeah So what I did was I said OK 90 is not great It's

    not in the thousands but over time as you do multiple videos with 90 multiple videos with

    From here this is just the keyword I type in but you can look here for similar

    keywords you can look for other keywords that are on pages that are ranking in Google

    with this keyword So these are called related keywords OK And I'll show you why this is important in a

    minute But basically whenever people write a blog post they set it up like a mind map like

    this So maybe I talk about the zoo so I talk about the animals in

    the zoo Then I'll come out and I might talk specifically about giraffes Then I might specifically have something about

    African giraffes and I might specifically have something about Asian giraffes something like this So you get from big

    to small to small to small These words here would be giraffe African giraffe Asian giraffe um animals

    in the zoo These ones would be related to the big keyword which is in

    the middle OK Um This is important more for writing not so much for youtube but you can

    choose any one of these you can choose similar keywords questions or you can choose also ranks four to

    view the data as long as we get something that has good volume and good uh and

    low keyword density OK So for example on this page you can actually search for it So if

    you look here it can it can you can put keyword difficulty in and we'll go zero to

    let's say 20 because it's very hard to find something less than that But um I want twenties the

    highest As you can see there's two of them there's social media strategist and marketing

    pro that one I would not do because that's very very niche and it's got low volume But um let's

    put this back in and let's change it out to hire a virtual assistant and we're gonna go here

    and we're gonna put it to 20 then apply it So as you can see

    here how to hire a vir virtual assistant in the Philippines how much does it cost to hire

    someone Um And yeah so I actually chose um how to hire a virtual assistant by

    looking at the keyword overview here As you can see it's a bit higher but

    it has higher volume as well So that just means I need to make a better video

    than someone else This would be up to me But what I want you to do is

    try to pick keywords let's say between zero and you know 2025 but they have to be lower

    than that They can't be more than like you know this if it's higher than this I'm not

    gonna rank for it OK Um That's pretty much how you use this when you log into

    it It'll look like this it shows you my website it's growing slowly but it's growing Um And

    it'll show you the keywords I already ranked for We're doing this for youtube though So you don't

    have to worry about any of this All you have to do is go to SEO research Um I'm sorry

    keyword research type in the words you want and see what pops up OK Mhm Um So this

    is pretty simple I'll send you the video as well So you understand how to

    do it But um that's how you do the keyword research but let's look at

    how we choose what to put in here to look for stuff OK Um So the way you do it

    is like this so I want to teach people how to start a business how to

    gather all this data we're we're doing Uh and a lot of people just don't know how

    to do it OK So I actually have personas and what I'll do is I

    will send you the persona because you'll need to read it and understand it But

    one of the uh one of the personas is new entrepreneurs Uh So I put it

    here never owned a business never started a business OK So with that in the

    middle um we have a base so that we can start to choose potential items to look at

    for keywords OK So this is here I already have this Like I said I'll send you the

    document and you can read it But um based on this we have to use our own mind Google won't

    tell us this but we have to think what could these people need help with So for

    me one of the things I see is processes right Uh And then from processes we could

    come out and we could say OK there's the process of doing market research right

    Or we could come out and we could say the process of hiring a va Right So we

    have to think if we are a brand new business owner never started a business never owned a business

    doesn't know anything about business What would they need help with processes Is one of them another thing

    they might need help with is advertising Right Um another thing that they might need help with

    instead of advertising could be finding clients Right Oh can you hear me All I hear is

    uh oh it's because can you leave and come back Because I can't hear you Is it better to know

    Yeah that's better Um This is the hard part This is why a lot of people cannot find

    clients This is why a lot of people cannot make their blog successful This is

    why a lot of people's blog you know business in general doesn't grow because they don't understand

    what people want OK However I think you're in a good position for this because um your your

    youtube editing is a business isn't it Yeah So my question to you is when you look for

    people who are you know interested in your services you're probably reaching out to entrepreneurs as well

    right Um And you're probably reaching out to entrepreneurs who never you know edited videos before

    right So you know how to I think run a business But my question is

    what are some other things that we could potentially put here just to make sure we understand

    what we gotta do Could you tell me maybe two more things that a business owner might need

    help with strategy content strategy right Um One more thing uh one more thing would be

    like uh oh that is a hard one Like the thing with this is if you

    don't know the word in English or the concept in English that's cool Do it in Serbian then translate

    it because you know the ideas will be the same Yeah Yeah Yeah But uh I can't remember now

    any word like not like I don't have any idea for I can think of loads of them payment processing

    Uh apart from payment processing they might need help with setting up a website right Oh You really generally Oh

    OK OK OK OK This part is very general OK But to find good keywords you have to go very

    deep OK So for example with content strategy the first video I did was how to be a content strategist

    and this is a keyword II I chose OK Another keyword that could be here is um we could look

    at Facebook content strategy right We can break these down into further pieces right Facebook content

    strategy uh Pinterest content strategy stuff like this But here's what we do Once we have these ones you know

    not not the middle part not this one Once we have these ones they start

    to get more specific right We will take one of these keywords and we're gonna put that into

    spy fu OK So Facebook content strategy will search for it Now is the hard part

    this actually would not be that bad This actually would not be that bad of a keyword to target But

    um as you can see here 90 monthly volume everybody clicked on it No ads not that

    difficult This would be a good keyword to target um to make a video about

    and we could walk people through the process of it right But not all of them

    are like this So we might need to go a little bit deeper and look at similar keywords So

    if we look at similar keywords oh this one's better right Content strategy intern Facebook this is gonna

    be a little different This is gonna be people looking to become an intern at Facebook So we we

    have to think when we're doing seo when somebody types in a keyword what do they want Do

    they want to learn Are they trying to get a job Are they trying to buy something We have to

    think about it OK Um For example the third one the third one is good I think

    that would be a good one Yeah 123 keyword density I could walk people through how to make a

    content strategy right For Facebook something like that And we get the keyword in there Um We also have one

    for exercise Is that what content strategist Yeah Yeah Yeah we have lots of good

    ones there Um Some of them are quite difficult though Um and you have to go very deep and think

    ok what might this person need help with Um and one of the things that you told

    me already is that like a lot of the content in my videos is good and can help people But

    that's because I look at stuff like this and I think ok if they need help with this

    here's what I did maybe it can help them OK Um That's pretty much how you do

    the keyword research Um So let me show you um how we can do this What I'll do

    because I have one moment Where is it performance dashboard So because we have this this is the content calendar

    What I will do is I will shift all of these over one Uh And

    I actually let me do it right now I'll shift him over too Let me do it No Um What's

    going on here I will see if I can insert one here Basically what I'll do is

    I'll move all of this over Um by two B will become keyword ideas OK C

    will become yes or no Uh And D will become search volume E will become difficulty Does that

    make sense based on this I'll be able to see the keyword that you are saying

    we should do Uh Then I'll also be able to see the keyword difficulty I'll be able to

    see the the volume and then I'll be able to say yes or no And

    I think as we go through this and do it you'll also get a bit better at

    it understanding what we can do and what we don't Because honestly this is I think the most difficult

    part for most people to figure out what to do that And because you know growth

    is slow people just quit But I do want to show you something like your

    channel is not gonna blow up or your blog is not gonna blow up If you're targeting keywords that are

    for you to get a lot of traffic this way But by doing this you already understand

    what people want you're producing the content for it Uh And then if you set

    it up the right way eventually you can give them a lot of free stuff without actually telling them

    what to do that way They wanna come back and work with you Um So

    what do you think Jenko Yeah I think I think this is easy dude Come on OK I'm not

    joking like this is fucking easy Once you get into it I promise you you're gonna be like

    what the fuck do I do Because you're gonna see we're gonna be like yeah you're

    gonna be like oh this is a great keyword and then you look at it because it's got a lot

    of volume You're gonna be like shit It's too hard It's the keyword difficulty is too hard You

    have to be very selective and find a sweet spot between keyword difficulty and number

    of searches Sometimes doing that can be very very difficult Ok Um but this is I

    will give you access to this which is I pay for it So I'll just give you

    the password and stuff You can go in here you know do what you do and put them in

    there and say hey I think this is a good idea if it's not uh

    I could say yes or no but um what's it called Ask the public So 000 another

    thing that you can do if you're getting a little bit lost is you can go to ask the

    public uh and you can put in what it is here right So for example let's

    copy the one I had earlier which is go back to this one and you can

    put it here Facebook content strategy just make sure it's us and then you can search for it once it's

    done it'll give you a bunch of different ways that people type this keyword into uh Google So if

    you see here uh it's it says it's highly searched um in the middle this and the outside What is

    Facebook content strategy it's sometimes searched Um but you can look through and you can see different

    ways people do it like Facebook content strategy for brands OK Maybe we could take

    this now we could put it in here and then we can search for it A keyword

    overview is going to give you the big one But as you can see here less

    than 20 people not not really great but it's easy It's easy to get yours from that But uh there

    are not there is not a lot for them There's yeah there's not a lot of data

    here but it can help you as well Give you some different ideas But I think if you use

    this one it'll be very clear for you and and easier for you Yeah you mean

    like I should make the I should search for the keywords from scratch Like uh you know I make

    uh I think of idea like OK uh youtube content strategy how to the youtube

    content strategist and like uh you know I think of like those keywords right You think

    of them and use the tool I gave you to research them OK It takes

    a long time because you also have to think in terms of the grand scheme of things

    How did each one of these keywords walk people up to buying something that I

    offer So um does that make sense Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Like you wouldn't want to do one

    about Oh business processes and then do one that is about hiring someone to run ads for you right

    Uh You could do it but it's not really coherent They need to be connected but um

    that's it for now Any questions before we go No Thank you so much for explaining this

    Uh No problem