Translating Data into Performance Webinar-33lsv4wtvm
Show Transcripts

We have their founder and chief growth
strategist with us today and one thing

I'll say about note when I think about
noble digital is they have really

comprehensive advertising comprehensive
brand building comprehensive campaigns

they're not always just looking at one
type of thing they're looking at the

whole picture when they build work for
their clients I'm very excited to

introduce Allen Martinez

hello how you guys doing

if you're here to understand how to use
your data to inform a new product launch

or a new campaign a PR activation or
build a brand from scratch you are in

the right place okay

so Google Analytics tweeted that a good

creative marketing campaign can

communicate an organization's message to

potential customers in a novel way that

overcomes barriers and ensures engagement

and I would have to agree with this statement because

I wrote the article

and so thanks Google Analytics
for tweeting this

but let's talk about

the keywords in that sentiment what do
you think is the most important word in

that tweet?

I want you to think about that I'm gonna come back to this slide

in a second and I'm gonna just break
away for a second

to let you know a

little bit about who I am

a bit about my background

I have about 25 billion dollars of media spend behind my advertising work

from working with

brands like these... not just the USA but

that means Europe, Southeast Asia

the Latin market and even US Latin

so I've seen a lot and they were

mostly through TV campaigns and in other
forms of advertising but mostly TV

so you know video is my background but
also I want to counterpoint that by

saying if you know Linda Wyman

she sold her learning platform to LinkedIn

for 1 billion dollars and

she was my web design teacher

just to kind of give you an idea

of my background so

I have this understanding of about

design and when I talk about design

I'm not talking about just graphic design or being artsy

I'm talking about engineering user flows

I'm talking about

maintaining the quality of that user experience

across all your touch points

around a common goal

so I have a kind of a unique background in that

all these experience whether it's
digital or traditional (marketing)

storytelling has given me a unique perspective on data

versus like say a pure data scientists' view on data

and the reason for this is because I'm the guy who has

to take those qualitative insights and
then inform what the build/ solution

should be so, that it actually converts

you know so just to be really clear

data analysts don't do this and

neither do media strategists for that matter

and so this image you're looking at is actually

a set for a video

but what's more interesting is the next slide

which is the client and so

I want to make something really clear

your final builds are exactly where

your strategy will succeed

or will completely fail and die.

okay? and the people in this photo know this.

On this Orbitz travel project

this was a TV spot it ran several times a day

across several channels over a year's time.

so there's about a $100 million dollars of media spend

behind this one campaign.

This is advertising at scale.

so the client is laser focused on the prize

which is the story of this commercial

and I'm going to share this entire process

of how it got to this point

because it applies to even the smallest brands

in fact I used this same

process to get a funded startup to 100
million dollars in revenue

in just 18 months.... and they then went on

to exit for $300 million dollars and so I'll share

that case of you at the very end of this

just before the Q&A

I'm such a teaser or Jeff but you know.

Im looking forward to that
specific point

yeah. so what was the most important word there?

I don't know how many of you said "message"

but that is the key

brand recall is a powerful tool and
it's the best way to achieve the best

way to achieve that is through story and

I think anybody can agree with that if

you think about you know if I asked you
to recall a story you saw a year ago

that you really liked you could probably
tell me the whole story more or less in

a couple minutes and that's what it
really comes down to the story we

understand story you know and and you
shouldn't be surprised by this insight

but Facebook and Google have confirmed
that the right message - your creative

content accounts for 80 percent of the
return path as you know 90 some percent

of your of your visits your cold visits
will not buy in the first purchase so

really it's about them coming back and
that's why we're that message really

starts to come into play and so if you
really respect this figure then we're

talking about that this is more
important than media tech or tools or

sales enablement even it's all about
your message and it also means that all

these tech solutions really have more of
a 20% impact on your campaigns bottom

line... obviously they're really important
you can't just have a message otherwise

if a tree falls in the forest no one's
gonna hear it so you need both but

(message) it plays a much more powerful role than most people realize

I've been saying this for years but thank God Forresters finally saying the exact same thing

thing they're saying shift the 19
billion dollars that all collective

brands use spend on technology and shift
it over to creativity. if you could if

you could represent how much you spend
on creativity as let's say the size of

the earth then that the amount that all
brands collectively spend on technology

is around the size of the Sun okay so
it's way out of balance to say the least

and you know we've over funded
technology and under funded creativity

and it makes sense we just
moved into the technology era and we're

pretty deep into it now but you know the
key insight that it was pulled out of

as it's been done for many years

and this is also why you'll
find that a lot of requests for proposals

are often misguided you know
you have someone internally right in

your RFPs but it's never gonna get
traction or maybe not even attract the

right partners because it's it's not
being resolved by someone who

understands how to read data or how to
design stuff. right? and so great

messaging starts with your product
market fit of course and you know the

greatest message in the world is not
gonna work if your product is not good

or not wanted in the marketplace but if
it is then you just wrap a story around

that and your data is going to help you
inform and shape that message and so

before I move on I just want to share a
story that's relevant because it's

something that just came up like about a
month ago and part of why I'm giving

this webinar and talking about this
stuff I was talking to a CEO of

Inc 5000 company and they make about
$20 million dollars in revenue and he

told me when we spoke he's like you know
I'm giving up on trying to market and

compete against Amazon and what he meant
was that Amazon kept ranking above him

with paid search ads and so he couldn't
complete with compete with her click

okay but here's the thing that for me
that just meant his marketing was weak

and if your whole brand is gonna be
brought to its knees just because you're

you can't over your search ads then you don't have a complete system from marketing

there's so many other channels that to
work from and to be honest if you look

at his website it was more of a direct
response web company and they just

needed a transition into becoming a
brand you know what 20 million dollars

you should hopefully have some money to
spend on developing your brand finally

so you know there is a lot of nuance in
digital marketing it's not as black

and white as people try to make it out
to be

you're not gonna hear me talking about
tips tricks or hacks I'm gonna talk

about this in a holistic way and
hopefully I can show you where you're

maybe missing some stuff and leaving
things on the table so you can have a

better marketing and one of the biggest
points that I really believes that

emotions impact sales performance more
than anything else does and so that's

where story comes into play now this is
our system for success I'll refer this

throughout this talk but this system
will help you use your data to position

your brand in the marketplace I'll show
you how we use it to inform

communication strategy and also how to
craft your creative message okay and

also had a prior to prioritize
everything so I'm gonna walk you through

a case study we're gonna explore biome
and this case study will relate to

anyone from a big massive brand
launching or growing a new product down

to a small modestly funded brand
launching for the first time why because

the process is about the same for either
either situation although the budgets

might be different and the output it's
going to be completely different the

process is the same
and I'll even point out some b2b angles

as I go through this because biome is an
e-commerce brand but a lot of these

principles apply either way so the
product is a the product is a probiotic

so we launched them from nothing
they sold out of inventory three times

in the opening months they grew up about
four times in the past two years since

their launch and they've been put into
big-box stores like Walmart and overall

they've had a lot of success with that launch and technically speaking Biohm is a

brand new category in an existing space
except here's the problem they weren't

Procter & Gamble they didn't have tens
of millions of dollars to launch the

brand as a "new category" so instead of
fighting against all that we decided to

just launch it as a probiotic and use a
an existing market space to develop

our whole messaging platform so
data-driven story telling us what we do

the data insights inform the core
messaging which inform new products that

double their average order value which
got them press which got the more

customers which inspired gwyneth paltrow
to reach out and feature them in goop

which was exciting which got them more
customers which got them more press and

got them tons of repeat business and
glowing reviews and more customers of

course and also gave even their
influencers clear talking points on the

product which got them more customers
and clearer data to work from so this is

that loop we started to get into so all
this gave us the data feedback loop

where our city could tell where our
sales are coming from and I just want to

point out that using data to keep track
of whether you're winning or losing is

just one way to use data. marketers often
fail to realize that data is

multi-dimensional. data can inform what
your message should be who you should

speak to and what your creative content
and builds should look and feel like and

that's the part I hardly hear anybody
ever talking about most of the time you

know you hear people talking about media
part or technical part and so you know

analysts don't build creative elements

and most creatives don't give a damn about data

that's kind of the problem which
I'll get it a little bit right and I

want to be clear I'm not talking about
copyright e copywriting when I'm talking

about message it informs copywriting
copywriting is part of it but we're

talking about informing every single
element I'm gonna get into all that in a

second..but I'm gonna start to dive into the

next phase I'm gonna walk you through
the process of how to use your data to

inform getting more customers yeah
typically walking through the process of

how to use your data to inform all these
elements to get all these results

the brand customer acquisition builds
and then includes messaging funnels

content as well as retention builds okay
so I'm gonna walk you through each of

these phases... so the first one is
determining the position by almost

brand-new they had no data of their own
we're starting from scratch and so this

was a pretty large engagement so we got
involved with raw data and we were kind

of acting like their entire marketing
wing in a way so we had this great raw

data but we didn't they didn't know what
to do with it so we combed through it

asked some questions that helped us look
at the data in a different way and came

up with some groundbreaking insights
that cracked the data wide open we

identified not only who our target
should be but just as important why

should be them so this is where it
started using data to make decisions and

so what we're doing here and just so you
understand there was 50 rows to the

right there was 50 rows down I couldn't
fit all the numbers in this image but

you get the idea of how dense this is
you're just trying to get information

from that data so you want to ask the
data questions

okay so we're we're here on this pyramid
I've been sharing with our system market

position so we ask the question like you
know how big is the opportunity size how

many people use probiotics in the USA
we're trying to understand the sales

cycles for different kinds of users we
were think about developing a product

for children but there really was not a
lot of traction there and we noticed

that women really was the leading
persona that we were looking for and by

the way doesn't this look so much better
than that sheet of numbers in that excel

sheet like you actually can look at this
and your mind can start to see a picture

and this is the magic and this is the
magic and depth data you could give this

same excel sheet to three different
probiotic companies and they could look

at the exact same insights and come of
the totally different direction for the

company based on their brand and their
goals and that's the part that always

gets missed... and that's where you come up with custom

work that's why you don't want too much
automation in your marketing you

actually want to do some custom work to
get a specific message around what your

brands about and so we did surveys and
got kind of a feeling of what they were

liking about our message and what angles
and overall we just want to get into the

psychology of the user why do they do
certain things over other things which

completely influenced our creative
testing which I'm going to get into as

well so now we have some confidence and
look at this data we try to have an

opinion about what it means we started
to develop our strategy and we also had

deadlines so we had to get moving on
this and so this is where you start to

validate and confirm your findings with
your team and your partners this is

where we love to enter engagements right
after insights are clear and validated

we can do that earlier stuff but we tend
to start right here and if we start any

later than this? then you'll rob the most
important beta phase of development

which is understanding your data better
and also developing the communication

strategy from a holistic standpoint so
what does that look like well the right

message informs to write UX the right
design and forms right website flow the

right videos and forms a clear path for
the customer to engage with little to no

friction and so all the thinking is done
right here so the next steps become more

inevitable and you do that with the
client involved the shareholders

involved for us onboarding is super
critical because it gives a sense of

expectations and next steps for your
clients scope timelines budget and the

quality expected and this is actually
when I want disagreements to come up

and not months later after you invested
a ton of money into your builds and

you're trying to re-engineer stuff that
was already built this is how we avoid

all that so and just to be clear these
were scientists that were behind this

product so you know if they had their
way this is what the message would have

been about and that's why we have
strategy we gave him some pushback we

said we don't think this is right and
they they wanted to do some surveys to

find out and the surveys told them
exactly what we thought which is you

know fungus is a scary word these words
are too technical and so we redid their

messaging and we clean it up to make it
more about what they wanted to hear

about you know about the energy and
power they want to feel the balance in

their system and that this is also
regulated industry so we had to balance

all these things and yet have some style
in terms of in terms of what the

messages and going back to what Jeff was
saying you know you give something like

this to copywriter and they know exactly what

they're supposed to write they're not
asking you tons of questions and back

and forth emails so if everything is
clear and that's going to go on to

everything you design from that point on
as well. and so we also had to understand

their sales cycle cycles so using
competitor data because they didn't have

their own data we had to kind of see
what they were doing and maybe start

with that but we were using paid media
and then regulate and adjust it

accordingly once we started to get our
own data and I can tell you right now if

you've never done this kind of flow this
presentation is not enough to be able to

go and do it yourself right out of the
box it's incredibly involved I'm just

trying to give you a high view to kind
of give you an idea and for the people

here that are b2b I just want to share a
b2b example who I'll break away for a

second and say for Telesign which is
the CpaaS a form of a SaaS but a CpaaS

and you can look at them they have
clients like Microsoft they do SMS text

verification and a ton of other other
services we were brought in by their

marketing division to help their sales
team get in alignment with their

messaging so that everyone could be in
sync but also we needed to clarify where

the handoff to sales should happen and
that's another big thing and I don't

think that was clear when we started and
that became much more clear by the end

of that when you're working at scale
these little things become very

important and they save you a lot of
time and money so according to Gong which

is a b2b sales platform their insights
found these they found their data to

their data found this to be true which
is competitive deals are won early when

the battleground was still fertile and
competitive deals are won with the

discovery techniques not closing
techniques meaning that by the time it

gets to a sales person you know you're
now being considered against a bunch of

other people but if you can get your
message in earlier and start to educate

people and they start to identify with
you and your message then by the time

you get to the sales person you know
gets outreach from a customer they're

asking the right questions and if you
don't do that in your marketing if you

don't have your marketing educate the
user then guess who's doing this the

heavy lifting it's the sales person and
that's what was happening with Telesign

so creating your own intent versus
waiting for intent allows you to control

the conversation better and so going
back to you know what was going on here

you know you're doing prioritization with all the shareholders

involved all that all the different
teams you're focused on the largest

pools of money and their biggest worries
and some of you might even be saying

Allen I understand everything you're
saying but I can't get my boss to

understand some of this stuff you know
that's part of it too and that's why we

do this we get them all in alignment and
we make it really simple so they can

understand and so everything can be
built at scale and you're not going

backwards you just keep you keep moving
forwards on the builds right so now

we're building the plan now we're
looking at media plans as far as like

where do we want to reach out to you
know you want to connect your user

journey across the story to be told for
each user across dozens of assets across

email platforms across paid owned and
earned channels like social media, paid

media, TV, the press, etc now some of you
are wondering where where's creative in

all this Allen you been talking about
creative. everything I've been showing

showing you so far is creative if you've
been working with creatives that can't

speak to data then you need to find you
creative work with and I'll leave it at that!

so all this is creative this is all the

the beginning foundation for creativity
but I'm gonna get to the fun stuff

you're probably looking to see and I
just want to reiterate that you know

VP's focus mainly on KPI goals with
their data and that's fine but data

holds more depth than just binary
information and so how does that work so

you know now that we understand what the
brand story should be and all that now

we run it through our own kind of
internal system of just like you know

this custom story around various types
of bills that we could do and see how

they can integrate together and so
internally run that story line through

that periodic table of elements so to
speak that we design all our digital

experiences with so you know our core
competencies have to do with brand

identity messaging creative content
funnels switching cues includes things

like high end videos and so the problem
with all this is translating that data

into you know the insights you have into
something that is actionable and getting

your team to translate that into a plan
that that you can execute or your

partner can execute and so you
definitely need someone creative that

can translate this because it's gonna
make all the difference

and that gap the work to be done there
is what I call data synthesis and it's

you know big corporations do it smaller
brands and medium-sized brands tend to

not have a communication strategist but
you know it's kind of the glue that kind

of takes those raw data insights and
turns it into something actionable so

you can begin producing ideas and a lot
of times you know you use that direction

to inform everything you're going to
make and so this is why your foundation

so critical and not just a brand
identity but the message that's

formulated from your data and then then
you can move into creative execution and

that's the message platform and in just
so it's again going back to what Jeff

was saying like once we understand a
clear message you can focus all this

content around a single idea this is
going to help your customers recall you

better and it's gonna also help
customers remember what you stand for

and this is exactly what Brian Chesky
was talking about when he said designing

the designing of an experience uses a
different part of you bringing the next

scale in the experience what he's really
talking about is that you need to get

the right people doing the right jobs
you can't expect someone internally to

be able to pull this off unless they've
done it before it's it's it's quite a

unique process and even if you have
people that can do this even if you have

a creative team and chi'lan some of your
site Allen we already have a whole

creative team I've had these calls
before the problem is internally you're

running the creative team through number
one a crisis management workflow and and

that's not the right flow to work with
that's great for production once you

know what you're gonna make but when
your ideating ideas when you're saying

what what could this be when you're
running it through questions again like

we did with the data earlier like what
questions would you run it through the

data the same thing we're gonna run it
through a bunch of questions what if we

did this what if it's that

that takes time that takes strategy

okay and that's where you that's why you
want to have a creative person involved

in your strategy and planning phases and
that wait till the end like Jay Patisall

said from Forrester wait to do
deliverables at the end of that whole

process get a creative person involved.

and what does that look like

corporate planning is what we would call designing on my end

designing is not the final

deliverable necessarily designing is the
process of mapping out all your builds

getting sign-offs
so you can help inform your

implementation before you start spending
all that money on production and once

you do that well now you can start to
make your creative content and if you

notice I just jump this gap a lot of
people will say okay we have our data

insights now make the video or make the
website and and you can see how many

steps were missing before that decision
was made so you want to ensure your

point everything you need from your
content builds from your data ok so

before I move on Jeff any questions
before you dive into this the last

section really leads to some kind of
design principles and product design

principles and applies them to creative
really well I thought that the you know

the most important thing I'm with I was
I say this is you know why risk bias you

know you had that pool of people they
were though in that vend

Ben diagram they were data scientists
they were data engineers yep they all

have an answer if you were to ask them
what should our content be they all have

an answer but why risk their bias and
that's what someone who is a storyteller

that's what someone who can take
objective you know data and apply it and

take in feedback and the same thing a
product manager would do the same thing

that a storyteller would do and and and
build on top of that and again like why

risk your brand and why risk your bias
in that message I think you said it

right on that's why you can go from that
platform to creative

very quickly very quickly

and I also say this is an agile
workflow this is very agile this is

great when you when you have a question
like I'm not I know I need to hit this

goal I don't know how to do it. Our flow
is very agile so you don't have to know

that answer we can discover that answer
and we can kind of have a what sort of

looking for a collaboration creative
collaboration where we could have a

dialogue versus waterfall flow we're
gonna we need this video done by this

date and that's very rigid and a lot of
times it's not the best way to go unless

you are printing money if you are
killing it and you know exactly who your

audience and you been doing it for a
year great but a large percentage of

brands out there that need help with
their marketing are not and that's why

you need a more agile flow is to
ask these questions like I know you

think your audience is this person but
what if it's this one and you have to

ask the old ask those questions so with
that in mind this was the marketplace

that we were competing with we wanted
the brand to stand out from the

competition we were seeing lots of
yellows orange in the pink so we decided

to go cool this is the brand identity
that we created for them we were seeking

seeking pattern interruption on the
shelf even though they were not in the

Shelf yet we were planning like things
out because we were gonna eventually get

there we need to think about it now not
like later and again really quickly this

this founder right at the beginning I said
do you want an MVP where we just do

enough to get you going? or do you need
to look like you've been a brand around

a brand that's been around for 10 years?
and he's like I want to look I want to

compete with the biggest brands out
there I need to look legit. I said okay

so we need to do all that we need to do
all this some this is why I'm showing

this case so he's a great case study
because I've done all these things for

any given brand but like to be able to
do it all for one brand is great. we

documented all this stuff so here's one
example here's the brand identity so

check this out on the left is a third
party upsell tool that we added to the

Shopify site that we build for them and
that's what it looks like like right out

of the box right so once you and the
brand brand identities now comes to life

now or in alignment with the brand looks
like you know do you notice a difference

I hope you do because if you don't then
you might not appreciate what we do but

um pretty clear I think you want you
want to buy it you want to buy that one

and let me say that Jeff you would say
that but I've been all kind of see all

kinds of things like no but you might
want to buy both of them but you think

you're buying it from a different person
and that's the commutative no it really

is you think you're buying one from a
drop shipper and you think you're buying

the other one from someone who actually
knows what they're doing right and so we

are a production agency and this is
where things get crazy so now that you

have all these sign offs this is where
you know everything you see is gonna be

built and where we have several teams
working at the exact same time in order

to hit the deadlines that we have and
versus like linear like okay that's done

now let's move this person know it's all
happening and because we have a very

clear strategy in a very clear plan it
was really easy for me to talk to six

different people and my client left my
client out of it didn't have to deal

with that headache that was our how to
for them you know and and now we are

moving into a waterfall flow because

everything is contingent on the last thing you made

the website can't be completed until the photography is done

right the video can't be completed until
the subject is cast the locations are

lockdown and so on so you know there's
six different teams and here's just like

one image of part of the team that's
not even the whole team and so really

you you have to ask this is the part
where I ask the people on this call you

know do you want to do a DIY or with a
partner like Noble and I can tell you

like if you've not done this before I
would not expect you guys to suddenly be

able to do this just like if you know I
were to open up a chocolate factory I

wouldn't be able to figure this out in a
day it's it's a whole other animal right

and yeah how many people feel like based
on what I'm showing you how many feel

like you're already doing this for your
marketing and more or could be doing it

if not say no if you think you could be
doing a lot more so the way to get

everyone in sync is to do strategy with
all the shareholders and I'm gonna share

a flow ok good a lot of nose so and for
the ones that said yes I might have a

little bit more I'm not done yet
so let me show you how we get clarity

this is a low fidelity UX example this
is a completely custom message and for

for us it was like how much education is
needed you know imagine if your

blockchain or SaaS platform you'd be to
be people you're trying to simplify

complex products that you sell into
something simple that can conveys why

someone should do business with you
right so in this case you know everyone

seems to know what good bacteria is but
they didn't know what good fungus was

and it sounded weird and scary right
what they didn't know when you put these

two together is it breaks down this
digestive plaque or on your microbiome

and if you know what that is the
microbiome is what makes you you know

have homeostasis in your body which
makes you basically feel good makes you

feel healthy now I'm gonna show you what
this looks like when we go from UX to

the actual design in the next slide.

left to right > unaware to aware

we're educating the user good fungi it's what
you've been missing good bacteria is

only half the story and if you look on
the right the microbiome this is where

the scientists wanted to start their
message and we would have scared a lot

of people off there's a lot of friction
there no one wants to like greet

before they buy a product so we have to
tease that information out so by the

time you know either they're ready to
buy that day or they might die that but

by over like the cycle of a week or a
couple weeks they have all the

information they need to make that
decision so this also leads into

creative testing

and I want to be really clear here

creative testing is not testing blue
versus purple or changing the

composition I would call that
superficial testing no it's also a waste

of time it gives the illusion of testing
and you're not really testing anything

so what are we talking about here we're
talking about the psychology of the user

and if you've done your homework if you
looked at the data I'm gonna walk you

through each of these and you're gonna
see something new that you didn't think

about because most of you are not the
user okay but this is how they're

looking at it

digestive plaque the hidden enemy

now look at that bounty of food on the table

there's people that have an issue and I

know people like this they can't eat
that food because they have gluten free

or whatever the issue is they have all
these issues with their gut and they

just have to eat salad or whatever
they're in public they don't want to

make the scene whenever and so they don't
want to touch that food now the person

below will eat that food will put up
with the pain they're completely

different persons they're the same
person but the way they behave around

their problem is completely different
and they need a different message so you

can almost say the person on top is
proactive the person below in the gut

picture is retroactive and trying to
solve their problem right on the right

we have the fungus people are just
grossed out that that's even in their

stomach and they want it out that's
another kind of person and then oddly

enough the yoga girl who doesn't have
any problems at all

yeah very a type personality is taking
this because she wants to be on top of

her game that's it and it whether she
needs it or not so that's the way to do

your creative and that's you know this
doesn't come out of the blue this is

this comes from all that strategy work
and planning work that I showed you

earlier this leads into everything the
Shopify website we build the hierarchy

of what they need to know and when and
how deep into the site we push things or

not what's at the top it also you know
the user profiles guide the entire flow

of where you are on the lifecycle right
and so yes a great you know you can find

a great copy copywriter who can write

that's great but that's not enough you
need that message foundation that gives

them the tone that they're gonna talk
about to give them that consistency when

they start creating content you know and
it's not just what the part about

selling your product cause that's gonna
get old you need to get you need to tap

into the mind of the users so they feel
like they're getting a message directly

to them right and so all this is
informed by that strategy even all the

toys that you're gonna use should be
informed by strategy video production is

another animal as you know it cost a lot
more to produce a video than an email campaign

we created a top funnel video
we use custom audience lists to grow

that audience and lead into mid funnel
videos where we get they get to know the

scientists behind the brand
this guy's curing Crohn's disease he's a

legit -- so he's got a great reputation
behind him was great you know great to

film him and get to know him and reveal
a lot about him

in the middle of all this going on

I had the audacity to suggest
that we add even more to our plate why

because I saw an opportunity to make
more money for transaction I asked to

make more products that they didn't have
they only had one product which is the

blue middle $50 product I said we need
more products people might want to buy

more stuff and so and that also led to
the high end DNA test which was like a

their average order value instantly so

you know you can see we're even like
designing the wrapping paper so every

is being handled by the brand the

message is consistent and this is a
dream you know predictable revenue you

have the right message and you're
getting that message out the you know at

scale it's bringing new customers in
high volumes you're nurture funnels are

converting them and maybe you're doing a
CRO tweak here and a targeting tweak

there but while you are printing money
right and now your audience has a

beautiful meaningful brand to discover
you know for audiences to get behind to

share to talk about so you know we're
hitting them in logical ways and

emotional ways and so now we are finally
at the campaign mode you know and I will

just I'm pointing out that a lot of
times people will not go to door so we

need a Facebook campaign and they want
to jump right to seven and I'll ask the

questions that I don't know the answer
to where's your videos they don't have

whereas this they don't have it they
don't have anything they expect to spend

$10,000 in media month to get growth and
yet they have none of this foundation

done and that's why they're gonna have a
hard time that you know if the ground

well it's because now and they know
exactly who they're selling to right

every time they think they know exactly
who they're selling to so I'm selling

are ya know you can be corrected by your
audience but again audience and and and

at the beginning the 80/20 rule
it was 80% content 20% is your audience

your it was the your message is the most
important thing in the way you

encapsulate that message you know you
need a lot less automation in your

marketing than you realize you actually
need more custom builds that are designed

exactly around your audience. automation
is for cash cows so if you're not

running at capacity then your focus then
your focus should be more on innovative

custom solution providers for marketing
challenges right so the question you to

ask yourself before we wrap up in a
little bit here's how will you get these

results is your team capable of
synthesizing that data and figuring out

the direction you know and hopefully you
can clearly see by now that Biohm

success did not come from one thing but
rather an ensemble of things you know

I'm a musician and you have to think
about it like if you're making a song

you have like an orchestra of like 50
musicians and you're making one song you

know and so that that's kind of like how
you have to wrangle all these elements

together. the most important takeaway
from this from today I hope that you got

is that data is key and you need to
figure out a way to let your data point

you in the right direction and yes if
you do it right you can even let that

inform your creative direction if you
need help with that we can guide you how

to do it but I want to show you a
completely different case study if we do

we have little time Jeff can I show you
look at three-minute yeah okay Lisa's

gonna upload this I want to leave this
little last example if you've ever

watched Shark Tank you might be familiar
with these guys they already had their

mid their bottom and mid-funnel already

it was it was nice just that the

way like just as nice what I'm showing
you from her Biohm that was done the

problem is they were not growing their
business they were not scaling and the

part that they were missing was that top
funnel element which was

attract and open up the funnel so they had
more volume of customers looking at them

in this video we're gonna show you
exactly how our campaign for plated comm

helped them get to a hundred million
dollars in revenue in just 18 months

time new on the scene plated calm was a
funded startup freshly financed by shark

tank investors so they needed to scale
up fast noble digital stepped in to help

them launch their national TV spot
plated media to capture new trials and

long term customers it was clear that a
video of just slow motion food shots

would not be compelling enough for an
impactful launch so the foundation for

craving their brand response video
started by interpreting plate its data

and surveys to help us find the seed for
the big idea that position plated as

uniquely as possible in the strategy
phase I had to channel the signal from

the noise sifting through a sea of data
until I zeroed in on a set of polarizing

keywords that helped me transform plated
snoozer profiles into memorable

characters and a storyline that
customers could quickly identify with as

a result of listening to our audiences
needs and concerns that the video I

design containing multiple layers of
communication so on one layer the video

eliminated sales objections for example
platens food is thoughtfully pack at the

but surveys revealed that their

packaging was quite important to our
savvy health-conscious audience so I

handled this by integrating the
packaging on screen without losing the

narrative flow the data and keywords
also helped me focus and identify the

pain points of the urban lifestyle that
plated helped solve so everything was

strategically designed so that when
potential customers saw the video it

would feel as if they were watching a
cinematic story about themselves not an

advertisement when service came back it
showed that 83 out of a hundred people

would try plated upon seeing the video
just once an 83 percent response rate

was a great sign but would the
marketplace match the same result our

video ranked in the top three spot
within just weeks of airing the TV

metrics platform I spot TV confirmed
this I spot score of 8.6 out of a nine

point nine maximum was derived from
their formula which tracks behavioural

patterns from first screen to second
screen searches within a 10-minute

window of airing all driven by three
different calls to action based on

customer actions I spots listening tools
could attribute searches to our unique

links and the results clearly show that
we outperformed

the industry average by almost double
the most profound impact according to I

spot TV data is that our video for
plated outperformed their much bigger

competitor blue apron by twice as much
but only using half the media spend the

video started as a 30 day test that
continue to outperform in its category

for an additional 18 months straight
running nationally several times a day

plated more than doubled their working
capital from new investors since the

videos launch in January 2015
proof that even small brands can use big

brand strategies to succeed and scale
but the story doesn't end there

it's the largest exit ever they can't
tell you what it was but I'm an investor

and I will three hundred million dollars
this is huge and it just gives you an

idea of how the American Dream can play
out on Shark Tank

these guys are classic Shark Tank story
excellent in executional skills and

marketing logistics you know we it's
been a hell of a helluva ride the last

five years and we wouldn't be here
without supporters like like Kevin and

our early investors and you know it's
all the haters out there like we did it!

well I love that video by the way and
I've seen I've seen some other work that

that you've done I have the first

I get the first question that's mine
that's my my -- where have you you jump

through the you jump through the the
phase of that process really quickly

when you yeah when you went from
packaging to you want from packaging to

delivering different packaging ideas for
when you went to three biome three three

boxes what was that yes yeah that's you
skipped over that a little bit and I was

like wait a second wait a second what
what what data did you use to drive that

decision let me start by saying I cut a
lot of slides to make the time I had

more to share that this goes deep I
could talk about that and before I

forget at the table for whoever's still
with us we do have we're gonna raffle

off one of our data products that would
help any brand that's looking they're

like fixed some stuff on their marketing
so be prepared for that at the end of

this so and it's interactive raffle so
you actually have a douche duster it's

gonna be really talked about that might
steal that for future wants to to give

away so okay
so no but keep going I'd love to hear more

about this I've heard so many people-
this was a smaller funded startup so it

was like there was like millions of
people to sign off it was me and the CEO

so he worked really fast with literally
discussions it was me showing them ideas

talking about ideas
I literally just ignited him I said why

can't we do this he said well let me
look into it and he- believe not it took

us just to come at her of weeks now this
was a big brand I might have taken

months because people have to approve
and sign off but that process was just I was

just I was doing best practices I mean a
lot of this is doing best practices and

a lot of you guys I know all my best
practice but no doing best practices

like A++ like kicking ass so to
speak doing best part not just

half-assing it but really going all the
way with best practices and making it

gorgeous and going deep on the message
that it works you know and so a lot of

times people get false-negatives when
they try these things but really it's

just a matter of like applying it in
this case they they had one product I

just knew from basic 101 that you know
there's gonna be people that want to buy

other stuff and and I asked him how hard
would it be and I haven't gave an

idea of the prebiotic he didn't know
what a prebiotic was even though they're

in that industry was kind of something
kind of new it's something that kind of

like gives food for the bacteria to feed
on or something like that and so you

know suddenly they were adding these
products they have their partners and

the labs are over by you know Ohio and Cleveland were all like Procter &

Gamble's at and all those companies that
do this so you know they were right in

the middle of all that it was pretty
easy for them to develop it was more the

concept it was like the idea of like
okay here's the prices of what these

should be and should it be and we need
something that really is like a lot

higher than everything else because
they're gonna be people that have will

have no problem blowing 200 bucks so I
hope that answer your question I don't

know I had the luxury of as a luxury of
speaking with another founder her name

is Jenna Ryan and she had the same
journey with her product is that it's a

solution for UTI and managing a UTIs and
I was I was amazed by the parallels in

and it just it just shows that when you

know what you're doing some things come
out and they're thoughtful and you show

those you know the founders of the
company or you show that the scientists

that they're right but they can be even
more right with someone like ya

sometimes thinking thinking critically
and I had creative lands and there was a

lot it was like that when we started
straited the the owner the CEO had so

many ideas but it was all over the place
there was no organization to it so the

first thing we did was I pulled those
ideas out and kind of showed him and I

prioritize what we should do and I
started putting it into lockstep with

the production as quickly as I could but
you know the process of unwinding those

ideas and making them actionable can
take weeks or months depending on how

deep you want to go it's really yeah
that's important so we got we got a

question about the Plated example did
you feel that that had a larger budget

for multi-channel versus online then you
expected it or you know how did you think

their marketing their marketing budget
balance was for that campaign and what

would you attribute to your success
other than obviously working with you

what would you contribute to the success
in their movie channel strategy yeah

this is a big question to something that
came up Inbound... you know have a whole

these are some of the sides I left out
by the way but so I'm glad that question

came up but um there and I wish I had
them because it's so clear with that

slide but if your ratio of content
versus media you know a lot of times

you're trying this is the truth you're
trying to spend as little as possible on

your content and you're jacking up your
media and that's where things fall apart

and if you don't allocate enough towards
the content and the planning of that

content then doesn't matter how much
media you have or not and so the whole

point is to have enough budget to have a
Content that's good enough quality that

it's going to continue making you money
so all the all these builds that we're

talking about should have ROI built into
it you know you have to amortize

these costs over time if you're trying
to do this as cheaply as possible if

you're using some automated platform
it's going to crank out a video for next

to nothing and then you wonder why it
doesn't work

you to give you know you have to take a look

at that. the budget for this I'll just
say the video was a fraction of what the

media cost yeah it definitely wasn't
cheap but it wasn't you know it wasn't

really expensive it was it was what a
production should cost for something

like that and when you do invest in
content that is of quality

that's when everything's you know your
games gonna change it just it really you

you gotta put a budget that is relevant
to the actual sales goals you want you

know if your boss wants you to hit a
million dollars in revenue if you're a

smaller company once you hit a million
dollar in revenue you know it wouldn't

be crazy to spend five or six digits on
the video I would say five digits for a

goal like that and then have media to
spend and get there because that video

again is gonna last a couple years you
amortize the costs over time and that

basically pays for itself no I think
that's a great a great point and I think

that another big piece of that was do
you need multiple ones for the different

audiences in the other example that I
was speaking about you know the the the

different media was applied toward
someone who knows why they have the

problem versus someone who doesn't know
why they have a problem and in Biohm you

had different wait you know I thought it
was really thoughtful you had you know

someone like me who eats bad stuff and
you know holds their gut like the guy in

the bottom left and then you have a few
me I wish I was more like the yoga of a

person in the top right and I was all
Zen but you have to you know you're

applying that is not just the customer
journey is persona matrix against

customer journey -right it's where
they're at in their life. It's the same

thing as custom content strategy I
mean you really do you do does all of

your content speak to experts and all
your inbound leads are unknown unknown

need they don't even know why they need
this well guess what you've got this

intent clash at every step of the way so
I thought that that was just a well

positioned slide because it showed that
your bias if it's influencing your

content you may be missing the mark and
if you've got a lot of people coming to

your website that are
that are holding their gut and you're

showing them a woman who's doing yoga
you're in trouble right right and

there's also the thing like going back
to like you know creating like look even

in the big b2b (example)there there's a bunch of marketers there there's a bunch of

content there was a market content
market and all that stuff in the company

but when you're in a company that's more
of a management position and so they're

taking something like a brand identity
they have that framework that template

and they're building off that what what
the problem is they needed to redo it

they needed to rethink it you know the
message and so someone who manages

content is not doing that... that's not
their job their job is to produce

content and so you have this um when
it's not working you have to stop and

get off that merry-go-round so to speak
for a second and we rethink what you

actually have to say and then have
someone like Noble build that and then

hand that off to your content manager
who's then now on a new message new

visuals whatever it's going to be and
now it's gonna start working because

you're actually addressing maybe
specific pain points that you were not

before or opportunities that maybe we're
missed or glossed over and you can

execute at that point as well too much
more consistently and efficiently if you

If you know you need a solution definitely
check out our help link you can see it

right there but if

you're not clear what you need and just
need to reach out to us as well and

that's fine and you want to figure out
where a good starting point is we can

chat you can reach out maybe in the same
link or just our contact page what the

offer is is the data matrix appraisal
and the value is about 2,500 to 5,000

depending on how much data you have to
dig into and these are our three

packages it's it's the activate package
it's the beginning that you know we're

assuming you're a company you're
monetize and you have some data to look

into if you don't this package might not
be for you to be honest so hopefully you

are a business but it you know I know it
was in different states sometimes

sometimes you've already done you know
the strategy now you need to map things

out that's the ideation package or
perhaps you have all that figured out

and you just need to produce stuff
that's the accelerate product package

and you can just treat us like a
production partner obviously we get

strategic is you want or not but we I
everything to spec feel free to comment

let me know your thoughts Jeff and Lisa
thank you so much for having me and your

support on this webinar and I definitely
hope we can do it again thank you again

and cheers out I appreciate it yeah
thanks everybody

take care