hey guys Jeff Kaufman here thanks for visiting us over here at sub 2 eachone of the membership levels that you see on this page was created at the request of both perspectivestudents and current students alike they ask for flexible pricing so that's what we gave them they asked forunparalleled value so that's what we're delivering the in our Pro Plan this is the plan on the left handside if you're looking at the screen we literally provide you with everything you're going to need tostart doing creative deals today yeah okay it's it is the most basic plan these are the essentials but youcan absolutely purchase this plan and start doing creative deals today absolutely everything from setting up your entitystructure to building your power team to to marketing and probably the most important aspectof this entire program is how to talk to and not just talk to you about how toconvert more motivated ours to do creative deals with you right now in this planthere is a limited deal split component of up to 15,000 dollars quite frankly itwas really the only way we could afford to price this this plan solo butthe way we see it we don't want you to stop it 15K we want to help you blowthis thing out of the water we want to get you into six figures all right and toprove it to you if you hit your deal split limit what we're going to do is we're going toto upgrade your membership to our Elite level plan and that ladies and gentlemen is the whole shebangall right that's literally everything that we offer and you're going to get that for life but to helpyou hit that deal split limit we're going to put our money where our mouths are and we're goingto give you access to our private lenders okay you can literally do deals with absolutely zero dollars out ofyour own pocket through this program awesome program take a look at what you've got thereand wait it out let's move on to our Pro Plus plan that's the planright smack in the middle now with this plan we increase The Upfront cost slightly but welower the monthly membership fee to a very affordable ninety seven dollars per month in exchangefor that larger upfront fee we're going to add a ton of value on a value tothis package the Pro Plus Package is our best-selling package and really it's right for just about everybodyokay there is still a a deal split component to this package as well but the terms are nowhere nearas aggressive and the same rules apply as far as having access to our private lender Network so you willbe more profitable upfront with less overall cost with this plan plus all our advanced level training on marketingAdvanced exit strategies oh and that private lender Network that I mentioned just a moment ago you're going to getdiscounted rates you're going to get discounted grates with this plan what does that mean foryou well cheaper money means bigger profits right so there you go also in this plan we'regoing to make it possible for you to buy and hold properties through 0 out-of-pocket Partnerships so youcan grow an Investment Portfolio without the need to bring cash to the table 02 the table all rightyou're just going to start cash flowing and then finally just take a look at the bonuses youget with this plan I mean this is a no-brainer all right let's finally look at the elite plannow this is the plan that is furthest on your ride for looking at thescreen and this is our VIP package like this is the whole shebang this is the bigboy alright this package includes lifetime access to literally everything that we own you're going to getaccess to every piece of educational material every resource every document everything that that we provide in thisGraham you're going to get access to it and you're going to get access to it for lifenot only you're going to get access to it for life but anything that we add into thisprogram you're going to get access to that as well all right so anything in the future you're going toget access to your going to get preferred status on joint ventures you're going to get preferred status on theseline for private lending you get preferred status for private lending additionally you're going to getsome things that are not not included in either of the other two packages all rightthings like training on quality management systems and strengths and weaknesses profile coaching access tothird-party business funding how does that sound and it's inevitable if you are in the realestate investing business you are going to have to do some fix up from time to time guaranteeit on some properties shoot that may even be your Forte and maybe your Nicheis what you like to do so we're going to include our rehabber construction managementsystem for all of your you have work this is a System created by one of my reallygood friends he's an expert House Flipper the guys clip 300 houses in this has absolutely revolutionized how we rehabhouses in my very own business I'm telling you your contractors your employees everyone involvedin helping to rehab your house it's going to love you for implementing the system totalGame Changer okay so you're going to get all this on the elite plan and you're goingto get it for life but there is one more thing that you won't find in either of theother plants you're going to get access to a dedicated support line this line has direct access to allof our coaches and is designed for our high-end and high output clients when theyneed help with getting a deal to the closing table this is only for elitemembers and lastly guys just take a look at all these bonuses you're going to get at each level thosebonuses by the way they will never go away and in fact if we add any morebonuses to any of these packages in the future you're going to get those as well okay soguys thank you very much for watching this video I know I was a little long in the tooth asthey say but I hope this answers any questions you might have swirling around yourmind right now but if it doesn't and you still have questions why not schedulesome time to chat with us about it okay there is a button at the bottom of this pagewhere you can schedule a call to talk with one of us and get your question answered do not hesitateto schedule a call we're happy to talk to you we enjoy talking to people so don'tbe afraid to click that button if you have questions all right in the meantime go ahead and just checkout what's in front of you check out the different levels of membership pick what's appropriatefor you and we'll see you on the inside take care