PRophecy meaning
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    In this lecture we will discuss what does prophecy mean in biblical context So the essence of Bible prophecy it's

    not merely a crystal ball that reveals the future but it's a sacred communication between God

    the divine and us humanity It's like receiving a letter from the creator filled with guidance warnings promises and

    glimpses of God's ultimate plan So let's explore this through the lens of some verses first prophecy Surely

    the sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants and the prophets

    we see this in Amos 37 So what is an explanation of this here Prophecy is portrayed as a

    divine disclosure revelation from God's plan through chosen messengers for I know the plans I have

    for you declares the Lord plans for welfare not for evil to give you a future and a hope

    Jeremiah 2911 explanation Prophecy often carries a message of hope assuring believers of God's benevolent plans for

    their future prof some prophetic voices throughout history We see here being introduced to various

    prophets who played a crucial role in delivering God's messages in the year that King Uzziah died

    I saw the Lord high and exalted seated on the throne and the train of his

    robe filled the temple We see this in Isaiah 61 explanation Here This encounter with God

    is a an example of the prophetic experience where divine revelations unfold before I formed you in

    the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart I appointed you as a

    prophet to the nations We see this in Jeremiah 15 What is the explanation here

    Jeremiah's calling as a prophet underscores the orchestration behind these prophetic appointments Now what are the dynamics

    of prophecy we have past present and future Bible Prophecy isn't just confined to foretelling the future but

    it has a dynamic quality that entails the past the present and the future So

    understanding this fluidity it can enhance our grasp on the nature of prophecy So what are some verses here that

    will help us bridge this time Remember the former things those of long ago I am God and there is

    no other I am God and there is none like me Isaiah 46 9 explanation Isaiah calls attention

    to the importance of remembering past prophecy as a testament to God's unique authority now

    repent then and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out and the times of refreshing

    may come from the Lord acts 319 explanation Peter's call to repentance here emphasizes the present

    application of prophecy for our spiritual renewal But about that day or hour no one knows not even the angels

    in heaven nor the son but only the Father You see this in mark 1332 Jesus words

    here highlight the mystery surrounding the future aspects of prophecy This should reinforce the need for humility and

    interpretation Now the relevance of prophecy today OK So in this final stretch in this section we are encouraged

    to consider the relevance of prophecy in our own lives the nature of God's messages throughout these

    voices This really extends into the present This should guide us in navigating our complexities

    in our own world What's some good verses here for reflection seek the Lord while he may be found

    call on him while he is near We see this in Isaiah 55 6 Here Isaiah is

    called to seek the Lord It carries a relevance It should invite us to seek

    divine guidance in the present But the one who prophesized speaks to people for their strengthening encouraging and comfort We

    see this in first Corinthians 14 3 What is this telling us Paul's insight in edifying and comforting

    the nature of prophecy This really shows us its relevance in our lives today So in conclusion when we unveil

    the eternal nature prophecy module one the veil over Bible prophecy begins to lift OK prophecy in the

    biblical context it's not a static future telling but it's a dynamic communication between God

    and us humanity They should serve showing us how prophecy is woven into the threads of God's eternal

    wisdom Now in the next lecture we will discuss some key themes of prophecy so

    we can start seeing how some of these things connect