mhm Mhm Or in other words you simply write down those actions which you needto make Mhm But here it is visible that it is necessary to divide clearly all actions whichyou need to make and give Mhm Yeah Mhm Yeah This program breaks down into a language more specificallymost often there is a translation directly into machines and frames Since machine codes are essentially ensemble languagewe can consider that there is a transition into the language of the ensemble That isthe high level language Mhm Mhm For you to decide how these actions should be prescribed inthe assembly you sort of abstract away from all these year low level operations that isYou no longer need to know about all these registrations about some data memory cells aboutsome individual commands Mm You simply describe the algorithm that you need to implement and then theimplementation of this algorithm in the commands engaged in a set of a high level languages Highlevel languages in comparison with the plane have three main advantages The first main advantage it immediately catchesthe eye And is that the program in high level languages is much shorter than the program on the assemblyIf you compare the two programs that perform the same action it becomes clear the difference This program is writtenin C language and in Yeah More precisely to say court it has received after the appeal of the programin C language at a comparison at once becomes clear that programming in C language gives shorter programs System Mmhmm The second advantage follows from the first and consists in that the program in a high level language ismuch more transparent from the point of view of the program algorithm record Yeah ifyou look at this program it becomes clear at once the program algorithm considers the number and thenthe number is divided on the counted number And this result is output on thecontact portal That is in a high level language a programmer can concentrate on writingan algorithm without going into these subtleties Of course Well the third advantage of a highlevel language is that it is simply easier to learn several rules of a high level language than tolearn these very different commands And at the same time you also have to understand programming architecture quite well MhmThat is it is much easier for beginners to learn high level languages Besides advantages the first andmost important disadvantage is that no matter how good the emperor is he can never make the assemblycode more compact and faster than a human can A human will always make amore compact and faster assembly than even a good high level language It can do Modern emperorsare quite equality Software product There are many Saturdays thought up So modern kids create really good code but theycan never match a qualified kids programmer Such a drawback of the emperor as creating notquite efficient code looks not so bad when you are a programmer for a personal computer Mhm Modernpersonal computers are very powerful machines that have hard disk capacity accounts in units Mm themcount in units But when it comes to programming microcontrollers then the disadvantages of the computer become verynoticeable because micro control is actually a reduced copy of the computer in the microphoneZero program memory is counted in units Mhm RAM is counted in hundreds and frequency is counted in units heartsThat is such a very weak computer And if you predict for metro controllers than any computer disadvantages greatlyaffect program performance Mhm In metro controllers unlike a high level language one more disadvantage ofthe high level languages is that sometimes the emperor that algorithm that would be registered inthe program not absolutely correctly translates into the assembly code Mhm Mhm More exactly speaking this defect is inherentnot in the whole high level languages but a particular emperor That is If theemperor is not made very qualitatively then sometimes there are such situations that the algorithm thatyou describe is not quite correct Yeah especially often such situations occur when you try to prescribea very fine way Some fool and as a result of a conflict you simply do not understand the subtletiesthat the programmer is trying to prescribe with this code as a result of this misunderstanding between the programmer andthe commenter you get a nonworking code and if you do not know the ensemble language it willbe very difficult for you to understand why your program does not work Unlike thehigher level language assembly is always a very precise language that is all process commands are always executed exactly andcorrectly So if your program in assembly language does not work then in principle it can bea matter of searching for errors Yeah well and the last disadvantage of a highlevel language is that this language hides from you all subtleties of microprocessors work All subtleties of Montolivo playerMhm Right On the one hand this is certainly an advantage but on the otherhand this is a drawback Montolivo Unlike computers can have very different architecture they can havea very different set of peripheral devices which are included in the microcontroller chip Mhm And unlikeprogramming on personal computers to each micro fuel in fact need an individual approach Mhm Yeahespecially if if you are learning high level language programming you don't understand how a microcontrollerworks you don't understand how these commands are executed you don't understand how the microcontrollers peripherals anddevices work And if you don't understand how a metro controller works then of courseyou can't effectively use that microcontroller and worst of all it becomes very difficult to learn other microcontrollers becausewithout learning and understanding how at least one microcontroller works You will find it very difficult Therefore I recommendlearning programming at least one anatoly on assembly because the only assembly will give you an understanding of how anitaly works from within as all algorithms which you put in the program are executed processor as periphery micro fuelworks Mhm Mhm Yeah And if you will understand these basics of work as a wholeit will not be difficult for you to master work What other controllers of course I donot assert that all controllers of programming namely on assembly but at least one micro The controllers shouldbe learned to program Mm What nowadays Very few people programmed on computers In fact becauseit takes a lot of time and you can't make big complex programs on them MhmIt was when computers were very weak when you had to fight for every bite for every clock That languagewas relevant then And now of course programming on the emblem is not as effective as on highlevel languages And the same way anatolia is evolving every year new controllers appear they becomefaster memory capacity is constantly increasing and everything is going towards the but to learn how toprogram the underground controllers at least learn how to program one mike in one architectureI think it is necessary exactly in the language because the only ensemble gives you an understandingof architecture Montolivo and in all video lessons of this course I will show how to program microand at all in the language When you master programming in ensemble language you can write lessnormal programs then you can pass to high level languages such as C language To this end I finished thisvideo and see you later Thanks for watching