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so welcome Waiting to see who will beyond here live I think there was quite a

few of you who could make it today I'll just hang out here for a second to see who

joins and if I can get it on the facebook page I hopefully can see

your comments as well That was she Kyle Um Perfect Glad you're here Are things going with

you How does it feel with your hands now Do you feel the energy more And before I'm just going

to draw the curtains here for a second because Yeah one second Okay Hope it doesn't

get too dark What Hi Bradley and sherry Oh amazing So happy you're here There's always so much more

fun when you know where you can actually talk to someone and not just be old by

yourself Right So how are you doing How are things going for you And then I'm still interested in

knowing how you're feeling the energy by now If it's gotten better going well it's

about the same well it will come Um one thing you can actually do um is to use your

body a little before healing um where you kind of let make like kind of physical exercises

where you would like twist your upper body a bit and you know like go

around with your hands like this and then the other way and then maybe kind of

you know sort of squatting and upstanding up again squatting and standing up again and it's kind

of like to get the energy flowing in your body and then by the end

also go like that you know this one I hope I'm not making too much

noise when I hit the court here but and kind of sensitize you know your hands like

that That can actually help hey Jill Emma saying I'm glad you're here Oh I should have taken

my lip gloss I'm like I got so dry lips um but that is one way

where you can kind of get the energy flowing a little more in your body

Um and then again also maybe practice I think I said that last time kind of practice like others maybe

even if you I mean you got kids right So maybe you could practice with

one of them where they stand a little apart from you and you kind of pretty far away and

then you kind of hold your hands up like this in front of you and then slowly slowly you

can close your eyes make sure there's nothing in the way okay I don't want I don't want you

to get hurt Um but then slowly slowly kind of walk like step by step very slowly with your hands

up like this in front of you but closed eyes and kind of sends into the

palms of your hands while you walk and then see how close you get and then

you might at some point maybe not the first time maybe not the fifth time Maybe the 10th time right

Um kind of begin to sense that when you actually walk into your kids energy field or someone else

wherever it is it it's a very slight very slight different feeling in the palm of your hand

um and then that is actually like the energy body that you will sense Um and kind of practice

it and as well as then when you get closer one thing in the beginning for me

it was very hard to send anything out here but what I could sense was

when I started from this chord when I started from up here for instance and then when

I kind of took my hand down with my eyes closed and suddenly here you know

boom there I could kind of feel some difference in a like it's a very very slight feeling it's

it's very very delicate okay But then I could kind of feel and that's like the inner energy body Um

so just keep practicing that's what I wanted to say Let me see here Lynn

she says others feel the energy from me more than I feel it from myself I've been working on

circulation issues in my body of all Perfect that's good Um and that will help if you if

you kind of use the exercises the physical exercise and it seems a little weird

that you want to do like really like strong physical exercises and twist in europe but

it's going to let the energy flow easier right And yeah others sometimes we'll feel it

way more So you're also gonna you know kind of have to trust the feedback you get

okay Like when if you're there where you don't really feel so much trust the feedback

you get and then slowly slowly as you ease into it you kind of lean into

it and then it will come to you more and more Okay I hope that makes sense

I'm just going to see here What did Sherry say For sure I love the kundalini right here I'm using

it much more than I was doing now Yeah that happened to me too Uh

one thing I noticed is that since it's so much quicker and stronger that I'm not necessarily

picking up on the little oh let me see here and the little things that I

did before But people are getting very powerful results Yeah it is really quick So obviously you don't have the

same amount of time to kind of notice I think you will find that in time

you will notice quicker as well Well what you could do since you know more you

know more delicious than just one is you can kind of start with you So if you want to get

those details you know that's more for your preference basically But if you would like

to have those details you can start with the Yasui and then you can kind

of fire up the candle in Iraqi afterwards and then give them the boost of that That's I often

do it like that um sort of like preliminary frequencies I kind of use the usually for and then

I kind of give it like full power with the kundalini rocky and yeah it is powerful results They

get they are very powerful frequencies So I'm happy that you can use them and

I'm happy that you can see the effectiveness of it as well Right so um anyone else How

about you Jill are you feeling better now You you wrote something about you feeling all the energy tingling and

you know like sounds like sounds in your ears I think it was How is

that going for you Now Let me know if you were still buzzing or if it's gotten better sherry

That's help I'll try that in a session there skipper Yeah but it's a good way to do it

sherry because then you kind of like separated a bit and then you can kind

of take the time you need for whatever you need it for And then you can always just give

it the full full thing Right Hey I used to uh she says when we do the candle

in Iraqi meditation where does the energy start to come in Is that the root chakra or the top

chakras I usually just feel it enhanced not so much within the body actually It

comes from the bottom of your feet and then up through your root chakra and then up through and out

your arms because it is from from from earth that we take it now We also

take it in um from the side so to speak But it's kind of the entrance point is the

root chakra where like the rocky and and other modalities oftentimes it comes from above pranic healing

that there you would take it you would draw it in from from your surroundings which you also do

you know partly from sorry not from but in kundalini Ricky Um but it is through the

root chakra that's the entrance point of the kundalini Ricky and I always kind of sense and

feel it coming up through my life from the bottom of my feet up through my legs through

the root chakra and then out up and out Does that make sense And Jill She

says yes much better No I'm not busting now but I do feel the power of it Yeah but

it will pass okay it's it's not something that will stay forever It's a face okay

europe Living your frequencies that's what's going on And especially with the high pitched sounds you know And

together with the tingling in the body I yeah I'm pretty confident it's gonna pass soon and it's just

part of the up leveling process where you're up leveling your frequencies which is a good thing We

like that we like to up level we always want to up level if we can Right so just enjoy

it as much as you can even if I can understand you know can be a little

annoying maybe depending on when it can happens but it's perfectly normal Okay so just ease into it and allow

it to happen So it's all good so and yeah well if anyone avails if

you have any questions or something from from this last week let me know Um I have

not been as active in the group as you have probably noticed Um Yes we like

that Yes we do We like to up level Um but that's because I am very

very busy here There's a lot of things going on The manual will also come

I had expected to have it you know the second part of it done by this

week but that's just the way it goes I you know once we're done here I will be working

on that tonight and tomorrow as well to try and get it done and and up for you

as quick as possible So you got that part as well and as well as I

mentioned I will upload because now this is the third mortality not the third level So

I will upload the the original manuals as well for you So you have those for

sure Okay that I can do here either tonight or tomorrow for sure as well So those you will get

so some of you also just while I remember to say it um some of you also will get

the violet flame attunement that will not be today I will do that either during

the week or next weekend I'll just have to find out But that isn't something you

can call in at any time you want once I kind of put it out there okay

so if you want to receive it live I will put up uh um I mentioned

in the group of when I'm gonna be doing it so you have a chance to actually join in life

if you want to but you don't have to okay just to make sure that it's all cool and

as I also explained to you last week you are actually already having the level free

energies in you because that's what I did from the beginning from already for the first level I made sure

that you've got to tune to all levels but you just need to call them in Sherry

says so excited Yes but I was kind of excited to so you're not alone you

know this is the first time as you know is the first time that I'm

doing this for for others like this Um So it's a really it's a it's a big thing

for me also Yeah so um so basically what I want you to do now uh and this

is just more to kind of do it with you here that that we will

activate the frequencies now Um Not because it has to be because you're over there You

could you know in principle you could just call them in right But you know there's something

about also kind of receiving it live when possible or receiving it for those who are watching later Kind of

you can always like receive it later as well right But this time I'm going to do it

a little different I'm not gonna kind of like ask you to I'm not gonna call

your names out I'm just gonna be providing the frequencies and then I'm gonna ask you

all to just place your hands and then kind of and then we'll activate it that way and

then you will call it and to receive it I hope that makes sense You tried it a

couple of times before now so I think it's it's all good Um One moment who excite Okay

Mhm Now I actually already kind of put my intentions before I went live I'm

just going to restate it here for a moment So I don't think you can see I can

get a little out here as you can see me a little better So now

I would like for you to close your eyes and place your hands inside my hands and

feeling my thumbs in your palms kind of connect with me knowing that you're about to

receive the level free activations of the kundalini reiki healing just connect with me as I provide these

frequencies for you sent into the palm of your hands Take a deep breath breathe

out another deep breath breathe out third time and now feel how the energy from mother earth kind of enters

through the bottom of your feet and slowly raises up through your legs past your knees your hips to

your root chakra up through your body and out your arms to the palms of your hands and

then inside yourself stay to yourself and now receive the kundalini rocky level Free master teacher attunement

and activation and allow it to work at all levels Yeah and that is all takes

That is how quickly you can do it Yeah congratulations you are now attuned and

have activated the candle in Iraqi level Free Master Teacher frequencies And you are also

in that observation receiving six additional frequencies that are really really powerful and that are very

specific each of them uh to each their different area I'm going to go through it

now Um There is also a new moon which means that you will also get an

additional healing from me I will probably go live later tonight unless you guys want us to do it

like in the end of the session We can do there Uh And otherwise if you

if you're really busy then we can do it later tonight Yeah Riley Thanks so much

clear I've got to go I'll catch the replay No problem really is here for you so

you can just come back and watch it you know now you get the live activation at

least That's good I'm happy We're here and enjoy your day Um Where was I Yeah So I'm

gonna explain you a little bit about the six extra frequencies that you get there really powerful and they're amazing

and they're very specific to what they do right Um as well as we're going to

go through the bonuses as well for um the sheriff she says tonight is great Yeah okay because that's what

I kind of thought that I would do it later but it's tonight my time though So I

don't know if if that is going to shoot you That might be your morning

We'll see Right Um and what we're going to talk about we're going to talk

about the Cipel method We're going to talk about the radio box We're also going

to talk about cord cutting and cord cutting and releasing hooks Um Also a grounding exercise that I have actually

already kind of talked you know just for keeping the curriculum the right way I

will go through it again here The self protection method is a method to protect ourselves We got

a little bit into that in one of the previous uh lives But you know we'll just do that one

again and I didn't tell you all of it I think so I'll let you

know that one We're gonna be talking a little bit about energetic boundaries between you and and the people you

heal Especially if you choose to do this professionally Uh Something about learning the rules and something

about trusting your inner guidance as well as how to heal and blend multiple frequencies simultaneously and do that in

one time Right So this is what we are going to be covering today Um And Jill

she says tonight would be better for you to Okay well the question is if you're tonight is the

same as my tonight right now here it's 20 minutes past three in the afternoon Hi Nuka

I'm glad you made it Welcome We just did the the excavation actually But I mean you can always

like once it's done here we're done with the live You can always go back and watch

the like the 1st 20 minutes of the replay Yeah Um Where was I Oh

yeah that was about the time zone settings but we'll figure that out I'll let

you know when I do it And then you could either tune in live or or just

watch it on the replay Right So the six attunement extra attunement that you got together with this activation Um

Is diamond Ricky It is crystalline Ricky It is DNA Ricky birth trauma Ricky location Ricky as

well as past life Ricky These are like the six additional achievements that kind of is part of the

core teachings of the kundalini Ricky Now you will also get as a bonus as I

mentioned before Also the flame Ricky but that's a separate thing which I will do separately uh probably

in a few days or maybe in a week because I would like for you to kind of

integrate these frequencies first before we add you know more on top kind of you know and just give you

a chance to kind of integrate those first Um so the first one here uh

is diamond Ricky and basically what that does is he knew because she says something hi

claire I'll watch five minutes now and the rest tonight Yeah it's perfect Uh it's going to

be in the group right So I'm just gonna upload it later Uh so no problem I'm just

happy that you kind of joined them for even for five minutes That's amazing And Kelsey is

here Um so diamond Ricky this is basically um like when we kind of get attuned to the

level free we kind of get this pathetic diamond placed up by a crown chakra and what

this does is it kind of takes all the Ricky that flows through us even if it

comes from the bottom and up Or sometimes if we even kind of like draw a Ricky in from above

It kind of strengthens um and multiplies the frequency So it makes it a very very

strong energy It's kind of like reflecting it doesn't reflect it it takes it in and multiplies it and spread

it out So it's a very very powerful frequency that you get in there and you

can use this like once you before you start healing actually you will drop the energy and then

you use a diamond Ricky to yourself and that is going to boost your your Ricky powers when you

heal Okay so it's going to make the energy is even stronger than what they already are Um basically how

to use this technique is simply to think diamond Ricky Once you fire up your kundalini Ricky

then you think diamond Ricky and that is going to boost the energy powers the energy frequencies to a lot

more is going to make them a lot stronger and this can come in really handy

sometimes and you will know when to use it sometimes You'll just use it for fun to kind

of get the notion of it and and kind of feel what it's like But there can also be

specific issues where it's like okay this one needs something extra I feel I need to to like for

instance with the cancer patient or or whatever I would definitely use diamond Ricky as well and and

kind of give it that extra boost um for whatever reason but you will be

guided to that you will know when to do that So it's as simple as

thinking diamond Ricky and and that's how it goes for everything in this mentality It is so simple right

Um So it kind of strengthens the Iraqi energy with the properties of a diamond makes

it stronger and and and spread out more and more intense so to speak I hope that makes sense Um

and then we have the crystalline Ricky and this is about you know every time we

experience something that is traumatic to us that I mean it can be physical issues

We broke our arm It can be emotional issues It can be you know whatever

we hang on for a second I'm just going to go to this one up here because sometimes it pops

up Um but every time we experienced something traumatic no matter what it is it will deposit small crystals inside

our energy crystals inside our body Okay And especially when we don't deal with it especially when we

don't take care and hand of the problem and kind of like alleviate ourselves off the problem

These small crystals these small energy crystals in the body will stay um Especially also like when we

postpone dealing with it it's not good to postpone things too long because those crystals will

form and they will stay in the body and energy wise it's not a good thing because it's sort of

a block inside the body okay Um and again it can be anything from a broken arm It

can be a spring it can be sorrow It can be a heartbreak It can be when you know

loved ones they pass It can be we have been in a physical accident It it can be

anything basically but the moment that it kind of we get this traumatic sense of it

and especially if we don't deal with it these crystals will stay in our body which is not

healthy in the long run Um So what it kind of does um I'm gonna stick here to like what

what all he wrote in his manual he writes here if someone breaks their arm crystal forms to

hold the memory of the pain and the feelings of the trauma Mhm Um So if we do

not have any unresolved problems or feelings behind this trauma if we kind of have gone

past it then these crystals can be dissolved and healed And basically any kind of crystal around

the body can be healed like that Okay But also we obviously have to deal with the

issues We cannot just you know pretend we don't know and shut ourselves off and then still want to

heal it I mean we have to take responsibility we have to deal with the

emotions we have and we experienced I'll see you Luca it's so nice to see you Um So basically

we have to do that We cannot just abdicate responsibility for our healing Okay Um And Kelsey

she's oh you're going to Kelsey I'll see you later I'm glad you pass by Um So what do you

do here A complete treatment actually of the crystalline Ricky consists of two treatments two treatments not just 12

you do too And each session should last around 15 minutes and both hands must be touching the patient

So this means that this is not something you can do in distance Ricky This

is one of the few things where you cannot do a distance you can only do in person

okay Your hands kind of have to be close to the body in order to

do this So 15 minutes both hands touching the you know the client or the patient

Um and simply allow it to work you will again say crystalline Ricky And that will kind

of make the flow go and it will take approximately 15 minutes each time you have to do it two

times and it has to be physically in presence Now if you want to do this on yourself you

can use the distance healing method but that's because you're healing yourself okay It's it's you are

in your own proximity you are touching yourself so to speak So for you it

will work just to do to use the usual distance healing method That's going to be okay

for you But if you want to do it for someone else if you want

to support and help others with this they have to be close to you You have to be able to

touch them Does this make sense And this is about the only one that you cannot just Dubai distance Okay

I'll check up No I think that's about the only one so kristen in Ricky is very effective in

dissolving these traumatic small crystals in your body but you need to be in presence with them

The ones you're trying to heal now the other one we have here is DNA Ricky and this is very

much about what we have inherited Of crappy frequencies actually created DNA from from you

know genetically from our parents Um So the DNA Reich strengthens the ability to heal D N A

Issues Okay it's you know because it's all part of our blueprint and that part we can

go in and we can begin to heal as well and this is negative spiritual courses that has

caused by our ancestral from our ancestors that we have kind of inherited them This is what we will

heal with the DNA Ricky Uh And it will take about three weeks before you will begin to see the

results of it but also very very effective I have to say I kind of felt the difference

already After two weeks when I used to do it on myself way back in

the beginning when I got it tuned Um And this one you can use both hands on as well

as distance Ricky Okay so here you don't have to be physically close to people you can also do it

with the distance And again what you will do is you will put your hands together and

then you will think DNA Ricky and obviously whom you are sending the Ricky too So

with all of these you will start up the kundalini rocky first Okay You'll set

your intentions you will start up your right you could've been Iraqi frequencies and then

you will say either diamond Ricky or you will say crystalline Ricky You'll say DNA Ricky or whatever

it is you're then working on okay And some of them you can actually do consecutively

So you can do first one thing and then another thing in a session that's perfectly fine But just

stay with one of them for for each time So first you do one of them

and then you do another one of them Don't try to mix them too much Okay these ones

you would want to do kind of by themselves apart from the diamond Ricky the diamond Right

And you can always call forth no matter what else you're doing too Um here it

is just about 3-5 minutes as usual and you only need to do one treatment Okay Where

with the crystalline Ricky you would have to do to treatments that was about 15 minutes each

This one with the DNA you just do one treatment usually 3-5 minutes and it's all good Um and you

can do it in distance to now The fourth one is the third of the fourth into the

forces Have to make sure the 4th 1 is the trauma of birth And that's because you know for

most of us when we get born I think without exception being born can be quite traumatic Okay It's

it's it's it's just like dying It's it's a it's a mighty process and it's not an easy process either

for not even not for the mother but not for the child either Not for us as when we

get into this world Okay Um and a lot of severe trauma that we have are usually actually

from being born Okay It's it's we get you know draft out of our you know our cave we've been

safe and get slapped in the but you know I have to get used to being in these

you know these low density frequencies that are here on earth So it is quite traumatic being born just in

general Um so for the gender way to release this trauma is to use the birth trauma Ricky

Um and you can use it while you're healing as well Okay so what you do here is it's both

for hands on And it's also um for the remote distance treatments So you can use this for both for

both It's called for both if I could speak Uh what you do here is

you put your hands together and then you say birth trauma Ricky again it's the intention driving the work Birth

trauma Ricky that's all you need to do And you give one treatment per person So you only need

to do this once for a client And again it's just the 3-5 minutes It's very

simple But obviously with these ones I will of course kind of recommend you to you know do

it on yourself first and then begin to do it and others once you have done it on yourself and

completed your own treatment whether it be one of the you know the crystalline where you had

to do it on yourself twice you know for about 15 minutes each time or

if it's any of the others do it on yourself first before you kind of try

to to do that and others Okay Um 1/2 I just need a bit of

water Oh that was nice Uh and we also have a location Ricky and this is very much about

healing the not just karma You know we can have karmic bands and ties you know to

other people but we can also have it to place us Places can also inflict their

energy can also inflict on us So sometimes we want to kind of cleanse that karmic band as

well and heal the place he'll the location from whatever has been going on on that

I mean a lot of places there has been I don't know there's been war there's been raped There's

been you know murder torture you know whatever where we go outside in the big white

world Um and we can use location Ricky for these places also even if we're not

necessarily involved with that place ourselves either Um so it's kind of I don't know

if you've ever tried to walk into a building or a certain place and it's just just doesn't

feel good I mean I have been walking into places where I've gotten a clear distinction notion that okay

something terrible has happened here I don't know what but something terrible has happened here I mean it

doesn't have to be that drastic Okay It's just to explain that places hold that energy

to of course of whatever has happened Um and we would like to heal that because it will also if

you know particularly if it's a place that we stay that we live that will inflict

on our own energy and it's going to drag us down and we don't want that So it's important

like when you move to a new place or if you go to a hotel room or

you know when you go traveling or whatever that you kind of use the location right to make sure that

that place is free of any issues that would otherwise inflict on you and then of course

you can still do like I taught you in the previous lives You know about the light where you

kind of like imagine that the healing light that spreads out to all corners right and cleanses

the place so that you can do after as well So you can you can certainly do

a combination of those and I would typically do that making it a combination where would first use location

Ricky and then afterwards I would make the more you know the other cleanse that I already

talked during the previous sessions that's how I would do it Um So what you do here you can again

you can do it both kind of hands on so it's just been you can be

in the room but you can also do it by distance by distance healing as well No problem

And again you put your hands together and then you think location Ricky I mean

and these frequencies are installed in you now Okay it's it's part of your arsenal that

you already have a frequencies so you just need to consciously think location Ricky and you know it will

start to flow once you're fired up location Ricky then those specific frequencies will go to that specific

place That your location that you're healing Mm um and then we also have the past life Ricky I know

there's quite a few of you that have been waiting for that one Um and

this is basically to hell Blockages from past lives This is not a healing where we go in and kind

of figure out what actually happened um but we can usually we sense if we do have blockages we

already know there is something going on that is not and maybe we don't understand what

it is but we kind of get the notion that oh maybe it's something from

a past life that is actually inflicting on me and here you can certainly use those frequencies

as well and here you would use the past life Ricky for that uh to make sure that you kind

of clear out what you can clear out okay of old energetic debris um and again here it's hands on

our remote so both you can both do it in person with the client or

you can do it by distance healing as well um and again you will think

past life Ricky simple as that This one though you will want to do for free

sessions not just one you will do free sessions here and that would be typically those like 3

to 5 minutes each session Okay so these ones all of these ones most of them anyway you can

kind of put together inside one healing sequence if you want mm There is a few exceptions but for the

rest of it most of it you can kind of put them in and say okay so

now we do three minutes of location ready for this place where this person is living and I will

also do the past life right key 3-5 minutes and kind of take them in sequence like that that's

how it works Um Yes and there is also one more um one more exercise you can do and

actually if you're while you're watching here I would like for you to do that with me um and this

is an exercise this is the balancing and I think I spoke about that one last time to this

is a balancing exercise that you can do once a day Right And then once

you do it you do it for 30 seconds and then it will continue for about an hour after balancing

you and you should only do it about once a day So what do you do

here as you put your hands together like this while your fingertips together like this okay I'm going to

put it down here because it's more comfortable for me so it's just your fingertips going together like

this and you will sit with your feet flat on the floor and your back kind of straight So you're

kind of yeah sitting properly some would say so you put your fingers together like this and then you

say to yourself kundalini balance So please do that now say to yourself condone any balance

And you will hold your hands for 30 seconds like this and what it does is it balances your energy

system in your whole body So it's kind of like a quick tune up I

think you can call it right and again the energy will enter through the bottom of your

feet go up through the root chakra all the way up for your body and actually we kind of

come out and I'm not gonna do that right now but it's sort of like coming

out the top of your head going out and then again from the bottom of your feet

you know on both sides So it's sort of like this um doughnut of energy you know large huge

doughnut of energy that you're creating like this that is balancing your whole system It's a really really

good exercise to do and I do it every day And you know sometimes I go to bed and

I'm like I feel a bit and I was like Oh I forgot to make my

exercise right then I just take those 30 seconds And then I'm done So I think it's about

this this this balancing um that you just initiate it is going to continue for the next

hour and it will go up and out here in the top all the way down and up your

soles of the feet again like that And I can sometimes actually sense how my my chakras are

getting more aligned right if they were a little bit skewed before it will feel more straight and aligned

It will feel less I will feel next anxious I will feel more calm I can sort

of sense that everything is aligning and it's not you know going into weird places It's

hard to explain because it's a feeling I have right but that's kind of how it feels to me when

I when I use this uh this balancing exercise and especially if I'm if I'm distressed then I feel it

even more So this one you do once a day for 30 seconds and it's going to

do its thing for the next hour and you can easily go to sleep and continue

every day after that You don't have to think more about it But it's a really really good exercise

and I use it every day you know and again I said I feel weird if

I didn't you know um So this is the balancing exercise Let me see here

Yeah and this I'm going to read up from this is from the basic manual um kind of a

suggestion to how you can use these frequencies So as he suggests Mr ali globalism is that it's

a good idea to first heal yourself with a crystalline DNA location past life and birth trauma reiki treatment before

you kind of start doing these extra things on others Okay so do these things on yourself first

and then you can begin to do it on others Um Let me see here 1/2 Yes and again as

he says then you can go on after Um And usually I don't use these frequencies Yeah the diamond right

here I do but I don't use these frequencies that often Actually I do sometimes depending

on the issue But it can take a little while in between that I actually used these frequencies apart

from the diamond The diamond right is amazing because it boosts your your healing powers even more

I mean sounds weird because it's always so strong but it does okay Um So then you

go on to use the birth trauma healing on others and the location healing for others

and past life healing and then D N A Healing You know And if you got

in person then you can do the crystalline reiki healing as well Does this make sense

to you Any questions What does Kelsey say here Not being able to sleep last night just

kicking in and I need to go lay down for a bit Yeah I didn't

see that message from you Kelsey before now but I did see you goodbye So fair enough you need to

sleep I know how that feels like so anyone has questions to this let me

know And otherwise I will simply go on and kind of it makes sense That still perfect I'm glad And

and and it's really that simple There's not a lot to it It's not like a

huge science It's not like complicated manual And you've got to go and do in this specific and that

I don't know it's that simple You know it is that simple and this is part of why I love

this modality It really is that simple You are tuned to these very specific frequencies that does exactly that

one thing kind of So you don't need more than that You just need to have the intention Obviously

you kind of need to hold the intention that is what you want And then those specific frequencies will kick

in just as I will be taking notes next time I watched this Yes that would be a good idea

That would be a good idea But this part is kind of it's coming to you and I

will write it into the manual Obviously the manual I'm making Um but you will also receive the

original papers uh from that that kind of comes with the modality as well So it's kind of very

shortly described there as well and there's not a lot to it It's that simple This is not

a whole science You just need to know how to do it and it will fix

itself right Um Now what you do need to know is passing on the achievements because

that you can do Now you are marked the master teachers now with this level free attunement and excavation that

you received So now you can also pass on these frequencies to others Should you wish to That's so

exciting Um and this could be really practical especially also if you're like a coach you know and

you want to empower your clients You can offer this as part of your as your

part of your service and actually charge more even if you want to as well Right And you can help

your friends and family then you can empower others to take their own healing into their own

hands and and become responsible for their own healing It's not everybody who wants that but it's

an option at least Okay what does Alicia say Um do we have to think of

something when doing crystalline Ricky or just say crystalline Ricky after Condoleezza Rice you simply say crystalline Ricky So again

you would start up you would fire up your as usual Set your intentions fire up

the kundalini Ricky started on and then you would think crystalline Ricky mm and then allow it for

for the set time That is crystalline Reagan was those 15 minutes I think Right so allow it to

work for those minutes and then you can continue doing whatever else you want to

do Then you could do some location right after that or just a normal record treatment or

you could leave it at that or whatever you feel guided to Mhm But you would

kind of take it in sequence This is like a few frequencies where you don't want to mix them in

at the same time I mean you can do use suey right And kundalini right Getting violet flame Ricky

for instance at the same time three different modalities and actually make those you know work at the same time

not after each other but at the same time but with these six specific frequencies here apart from the

diamond So five okay the diamond right here you can always fire up and then you can do the

rest but the rest of the five left I would do those very specifically and only have that intention and

then afterwards do something else about it with the sherry Say when I'm tuning others This

is as simple as placing hands on setting the intention on what you want them Yeah

So I'd better repeat this for for once watching later when our tuning others Is

it as simple as placing hands and setting the intention on what you want to attune them

to Yes that simple It is that simple like for instance in history right You have to do this

and that there's a whole lot of ritual thing going on right Not here So basically um

you could have the receive if you've got the receiver in person you can have them sitting in a

chair and you know with their hands in sort of prayer position mm And what you

do you would then like hold on top of the receiver's hands So if they have

their hands here you can put your hands there and then you think you know you have the

intention of kundalini Ricky level and then whatever level it is you want to tune them

to seriously I love how easy it is exactly but it is so easy anyone

can do this I mean this is not rocket science right I mean there's a whole rocket

science behind it maybe you know but there is no need to know that in

order to use this mortality to use these frequencies it is that simple And this is why it's like everybody

should learn to heal right I mean everybody should learn to heal or at least if nothing more than at

least level one right Um So what you actually do you kind of hold your hands in that position with

that person sitting with you until you feel a sense of completeness I can take

will simply hold it there until you feel the sense of completeness Now you can

also and this is if you attune them in person if you have a group for

instance you're tuning a good idea you know One thing is you tune them to level one But before you

actually attuned them to level two it can be a good idea and a little

fun also to ask them you know everybody knows if I can go down here kind of like asked them

to feel like this over their heads and over each other's heads if they can feel anything And once you

have actually attuned them to level two then try and do it again and they will

like if they have a little bit of sensitivity in their palms already then they will feel the change

of energy is it's like it's getting wider and even though if it's coming from the bottom it goes up

through our crown chakra so you will be able to fill it up here as well It's and it's a

little fun when people are like oh I feel something you know it's it's kind of a way to

make them sense it more right Um So 40 cm 15" above the head You would try to

make them kind of see take their hands like this maybe from a little far out

and then go through and suddenly here that will send something and then you know kind of pass it

it's a little fantasy Um so in this way they can actually feel the difference between an active and inactive

kundalini because that's at level two it kind of gets fired up properly right where

the level one is sort of preparation for level two um and lenses what do you use for healing

relations subconscious blocks Yeah that one I actually think we should do um a sort of

a master class on I was thinking because I would use more than just healing personally I mean healing is

probably enough but I would do more I would do more So I was kind

of thinking too she if I could put together a master class on that um like with the with

the sort of a method to okay so then we do then we do that we do and then we

do that and kind of try to walk you through that and see how that

would work for you and not just hell I mean because you can just heal it but

not just healed because I like people to take responsibility for their own healing So one thing is coming

to me and telling me I I would like to you know he'll the subconscious dog which is not that

subconscious anymore since you notice it right you got to notice that you've got to know what it is before

you can kind of hell it properly Um Yes master class Yes and learn as well Okay I guess that's

settled one but you know um but well while you can't just heal it okay you can but this way

you would actually invite the person who has the issue and should be more active in their

own healing right And and I that's how I prefer I prefer people to be because you've

got to empower people again right But we'll talk a little more about that that's not gonna

be today I mean you can I will say though you can heal but you again

you still need to have an idea what it is You're healing whether it's you or

if it's someone else right It's you know you can say okay yeah I want to heal whatever

subconscious blocks are there but that is not as effective the same way because the energies

will go Yeah well subconscious box but you know we're kind of here but like give me directions

You know if you want to enter the specific point you've got to put in the navigation gps

right You've got to put in the navigation you've got to put in the coordinates for where

you want to go And it's the same with healing So the more you know about it the

more you know what the issue the underlying issue actually is the better you can

work on it and the better you can also support your client right The better you can also advise your

client as well So you would want to kind of slowly discover what what is the

subconscious block What is the belief behind this issue which often times is also what

makes us physically ill in the end So it starts with with something else going on or something we have

experienced and then that kind of leaves an imprint within us And sometimes there's something we buy into and

then that will turn into a belief and once that belief is there that's what the

program that's kind of running inside our brains and our subconscious mind and it's like

okay this is the way it is and that one is just going to keep

running So the more we can know exactly what that consists of what is that limiting belief

What what is it we believe about ourselves that we deserve or don't deserve or

whatever it is you know the more we know about it the better we can help

the better you know the quicker we can heal it and the better we can

support and help that person as well So master class Yes I can see where we're going I

do need to make the crash course on chakras also but I might have to switch those

two around I can kind of sense that we'll see we'll see I'll figure it out I'll figure it

out back to passing achievements That was where we came from Kind of side tracking here

Um Also another thing to mention about passing on achievements and this was in person we talked about right

now Um you can also attune Children to kundalini raggy but it is recommended that

they be at least eight years old Okay and that's something about growth and energy and so much

other stuff happening right So more than eight years or above is good then you can actually tune

your kids and whatever you have your your friends kids or who might be interested in it they can actually

be attuned to continue writing as well and it is so simple again it's so simple that a

kid will actually understand you know this and there might be something about past lives

and stuff that you might or might not want to do or you might just want to keep it

at the level one for them or maybe level two as well and then kind of weight with

the level free or you might want to give them the level three it depends on the kid

right But that is actually a possibility as well and I age and my kids to

he doesn't use it but he's attuned right because I kind of made sure that that part was

was okay with him but not he was nine I think when I tuned him um so

he is actually uh Cardellini raki master he just does not have the full knowledge of it as is because

I haven't taught him all of that yet because you know when he's interested I'll teach him and if he's

not I won't but at least he's got you know he's got the attunement and it's

all good so yeah um when you then want to do it um in distance it is not much

different I mean you guys have seen how I have done here in the last three times right And

there was a point for me doing that because actually I didn't need to do

it I could just have done it once before we got on the first live and just

asked you to call it in It would have been that simple So for now I've done it in like

two different ways One where I kind of asked you to place your hands and call

it and then I called up your name um and the second one here is just

more place your hands and that's it you know I didn't even call your name now what

I do um again and this is how I do it and I think I

explained that a little bit less time to um I kind of fired up obviously the kundalini frequencies

um and then I set the intention that I want to attune this or that person if it's one

if it's only one person that I want to tune this and that person to level whatever Now

what I do is and I did that with you guys to eye attuned you to all three levels

immediately which is also possible then you would say that you know I wish to attune

and activate kundalini Ricky level one kundalini Ricky level two and kundalini regular level Free master in this

person right in her highest good and the high school of all beings everywhere Thank you thank you Thank you

Please support me doing that right That's kind of how I I stayed at um What I

also do is the first time I kind of made uh an image within my mind that

the energy would rise up from the ground up for the bottom of your feet

all the way up to the to the root chakra and make a cleanse from root

chakra and down then I also made you know the intention that it would kind of cleanse

from the root chakra and up Mhm and activate but that is described in the manual

as well how to do that Um And then you can actually do like what I did especially the first

time but also the others is I kind of drew you all in I did that

today too I just didn't say it but that's kind of what I did so I kind

of see myself sitting with the frequencies and the intentions of wanting to activate and

then I imagine you all around me even you know not just people who are actually

on the live so not just you who is on the live which I know your face right from the

facebook so I know your face Okay so I obviously kind of like connected you to me kind

of like getting you all into the same pillar of frequency that I was upholding here Mhm

But also the ones who I don't know yet because this is the replay this is going to be

on the side there will be people who who's kind of joining in later on at some point

and we'll want to activate and watch this video So they have the option to kind of join into that

energy to because I have a healthy intention that also anyone who actually watches this replay later on we

will be welcome and will be able to activate these energies This is something to

do with the people We're going to talk about it in a little later too But that's

how I do it And then once everybody's connected the kind of sense now is the right time Then I

asked activate This is what I kind of say I say activate and that kind of starts the process

by itself So it's not me doing it I'm just upholding the frequencies I'm holding the

space for this to happen Right I'm not the one doing it It's the frequencies

that does it is the rocky guides that helps to it You know you're my

assistant teachers and angels and all of that Right So I kind of make the beacon of light of

the energy of the frequency I have it here right I fire it up and

then I kind of add in you know everybody's energy I kind of add into that

and this is the same I do when I grew up here and then I

can invite that Even the people I don't know can join in too Don't and then once everybody is

there activate and then the process takes place It I don't have to do that much Okay very easy

very simple Um There is a description of how you could do it also in the original manual that

will also come to you obviously Right And like he says also here to have an uh awakened kundalini

uh means that your body is able to absorb and transform energy Life force energy that comes from

the earth Uh and you're like a rechargeable battery that you need to get recharged once

in a while because otherwise you're on flat that's not you know it's not good So the earth is

sort of a battery charger The kundalini right frequencies are battery there like charging the battery and you're

the battery right And then you can also charge others with that frequency So basically that's

kind of how it happens Um and then he says here yeah if the battery doesn't function probably

the charger will not be able to charge up True its full capacity Uh huh

So clearing the connection to earth which is what happens when we get attuned also

But also when we kind of self heal and all that and put the balancing and

you know the other meditation from level two Um the chakras and the main energy channel

which is the shoshana will return to its natural flow mm And the energy system will return to

its natural flow So the stronger energy flow in the body It will also help yourself to clear stagnated

blocks We have energy blocks from whatever it is we we kind of experience Um

And also particularly and this is very good to know that anyone who has had

kundalini related issues like premature kind of kundalini rising You know I've heard some horrible stories about

people who actually wanted the candle we need to raise and did all sorts of weird things

to make it happen and then suddenly kind of happened and they're like almost crazy

right Um Or it has happened by itself without them actually actively trying to do anything about it But

where I don't ask me why that it kind of like rose but they were not prepared

for it And that's the problem when you're not prepared for it You can't uphold that

energy and it can turn your little crazy right It really can be uncomfortable Also it

can you can give you headaches it can be you know it can be really

painful physically painful as well So anyone who has had those kind of experiences with kundalini you know with the

kundalini rising kundalini Rocky can help them to it can alleviate the problem It can soothe the problem Okay

so it kind of balances it out in a whole different way So it's very

very helpful for anyone who has it is used for that previously attuned them through the

wreckage frequencies and asked them to go through the process and it will help them good to

know Um Yes and there is a process explained in the original manual here that you will

receive when it is um on how to activate because you can obviously make it a

little more of a process or a ritual if you want You know it's very simple You simply have

to kind of state it and you know and then it's kind of passing to

that person and obviously the person wants to call it into right and kind of have

to activate it and do it actively as well Uh But if you want you can

kind of combine it with you know some cleansing or some healing and some different things first and

then you kind of activated in the end if you want So it's all up

to you how you choose to use it and how you want to do it It's very

much about that It's very open for you know interpretation as long as the core

is there Right So you can make it your own in any way you want And that's that's

that's absolutely wonderful I find that these things So that leads us to hang on for

a second here Mhm That leads us to cheap bowls or keyboards depending on you know how to say Am

I actually sure Where is the right way to say it But key is the life force energy Right So

this is basically a ball of energy that we create and this is amazingly helpful

um especially when we want to like attune others that are not present at the moment Um and this

is a little bit like what you do when you previously told you that you don't

need to kind of hell where the client is drawing it and at the same time by distance healing right

That you don't need to do it at the same time right So this is basically

the same it's just a little more focused and a little more intentional where I usually will heal someone

and I will provide it for them to them so they can call it in

just like that but where with the with the chip bowl is like a very very

intense energy that you kind of put into an energy ball and you can also kind

of put it up there for anyone to tap into at any time without you

actually having to be super active about it which is really brilliant This you can use for attunement you

can use it for healings you can use it for basically anything right Because again

it's very much about the intention Um so it's a very very effective very simple and very effective way

of sending not just a Children's but also healing Um and you kind of control what has to be

there for instance I can which I have done already I have used some other modality on top of

that as well I have to say on my website because I know how to do that

So I kind of use what I know but for instance you could have a website and you

could have a button and on that button you can kind of have the intention that the

moment someone presses that button and actually buys then that people you have prepared here becomes

available to them That is your intention Even if you don't know yet who that will be it will

become available to them And once they're on the other side and have actually gotten access you can write

the description of how they have to do it and you put the intention that once that they read

out this description out like to themselves for instance that will activate it and make it accessible

make their people accessible to them and then they can draw that energy down So

basically you don't have to do a lot you can just prepare it maintain it you know check

up it and once in a world that is still full of energy and right

bird and then you don't have to do anything else I could do that with the

distancing I don't do that unfortunately you know maybe I should say because I don't have a

lot of time So I should do that uh even if we shouldn't have shirts but for instance with my

free distance feelings I could do that I could make it cheaper full of healing energy for any

and other things that I could imagine and very strongly indeed And then I could kind of put it to

that anyone who actually signed up for my newsletter wanting to receive a free healing they would

then activate you know they would get the connection to that keyboard that I made with that full healing Well

the full body healing they will get connected to that one and then they can simply

call it in Now I don't do that I do every free healing manually so

to speak by myself intentionally which also means that I have a backlog Now I still have to and there's

a couple of years where I still owe your healing It will come it will come

It's just been a little crazy Um but that is actually one way you can use that Um

and you can also use it if you want to make it a little more intentional like for your distance

clients that you simply put it up and you know fill in whatever has to be in it your

intentions with your healing frequency So it's not just my intention you will send healing into

that ball show you in a minute Um and then you will kind of release

it and we have the intention of the people connecting to it with them receive

that specific those specific frequencies that you put into it does this make sense to you how you

can use this and kind of what it is let me know whatever and I also have to

say that the energy in it is just a strong and effective as you know whatever if you heal

in person and directly or by distance or whatever So the people is it's really

holding the energy just as intensely and it's just as effective when they draw it in okay

so nobody is losing anything by by you know you don't give your clients less quality

by using a cable or cable you know it's it's the same right So it's a matter of preference

probably some of us like to have our hands on and do it you know manually every

time some of us would like to have it just once in a while as

an option for some of the service we do maybe um maybe we would like to put it up

there for ourselves to draw it and later at a time where we are not you know that

much imbalance right So that is another way of using it is when you can feel wow I have

so much energy right now I can totally do this you know then you make a

ball for whatever you know this will be if you have a day where you're feeling down

and low and your self esteem is like shit right And hopefully you know how

why that would be like the underlying issue if you have a habit of not feeling you know a lot

of self esteem and then you would create a cable for yourself for instance and you would fully emerge

all the frequencies all the energies and at full power just like a full healing you

would do and then you kind of leave it there for you to later on when you need

it you can draw upon that energy and it's it's not kind of running out as

such It's there once in a while you know chicken doesn't doesn't feel like I have to

kind of refuel it for instance if it hasn't been used for a long time it was kind

of like to dissipate right So you would want to check in once in a while if it

kind of needs um to get a refuel but otherwise no it's it's there it's working

and you can draw upon it yourself as well So it's very because sometimes it can

be really really hard to heal ourselves when we feel like crab when we most need it actually right

It can be really hard sometimes So in that way it can also be an accent way of making sure

you got supply for yourself and don't have to go out and and try and find

someone else to heal you That's another way to use them Now what you do

is basically you start you know as usual with your intentions and you set your intention for the healing

that you want to create which is going to be you know inside that ball of energy So

what what is it you want this ball of energy to to kind of uphold what energy

is what healing doesn't have to give So you've got to have that intention clear

in the beginning and then you will start up your your you know your kundalini Ricky as usual and

then you start with I should have a longer Thank for this one Then you will start

with holding your hands apart and then you will slowly slowly kind of build the energy

inside Sometimes you have to start here sometimes you can start here that will depend okay some will

start out here and kind of get the feeling for where Oh here there it is

okay and then we kind of start here and then you will fill it in you kind of imagine

that you have a bowl of light here and that the kundalini rocky energies goes

up and out and through your arms and into your palms and just pours into

this wall you will make it really beautiful strong a lot of light you know it's gonna be amazing and

then you send the healing frequencies into it as well as any intentions and as well if you want

to do for instance uh location Ricky right then you would put that inside there too

if you wanted to do DNA Ricky then you will put that inside in that ball to

and just feel how it grows stronger and more intense and more beautiful some will see

colors within their in mind side that it's got a color some won't you know someone do I sense the

most you know I don't see as much and more sense I would produce sense

how it would be like this right It's a swirling ball of light going around full of these intentions

on this healing that I pour into it and once you're done you kind of sense when you're done you

know when you're done then you kind of hold it and then yeah let it flow trip

and then you hold the intention whether it should be available obviously and that you have to put

inside there too I have to say you know how is it supposed to be available Is

it when anyone connecting says muse exact words that I now receive the location reiki

healing from Clear that clear some is providing for me when they say that they will automatically

connect it and then they can draw it in or what is it what is the trigger

When will they have access to it Right and the same goes for you obviously it's like

you can better sense into it you don't kind of need to trigger that same way because it's yours you

made it so to speak Um but you want to have the intention and it's there

and then you can just simply draw upon it anytime you want Makes sense Let

me know So it's very very simple and it's very very practical So you can use it

for distance Ricky healings You want to just put out there for whenever later they

wanted your clients you can use it for distance record healings for yourself whenever you need that or extra

support for instance also with diamond Ricky in it Right And just know that it's there and

especially on days where we feel good it's always easier to heal Right So if

you have a day where you're like yes this is like this is an amazing day and

you really feel your own power This would be a good day to make achieve all that kind of

had that energy sort of in it as well as healing powers So and then leave it for yourself for

later So whenever you have a day where you don't feel as good you can draw

that energy and and get refueled by yourself and it's your frequency So there's nothing to worry about Makes sense

I hope I hope I hope let me see that was the cheese balls and maybe

put that one here the next thing is a rocky books anyone have you heard of Iraqi

box before folks I have to watch out here Cool Sure Okay I'll show you

mine this mine now You want to enter it once in a while Okay This one is a

little fool So I got like a rubber band on top I'll show you Yes Well

like that I have like a small crystal dolphin squats dolphin talk And because quotes like

when you heal quotes will never heard of that If someone says no it's a record else explained

that in a moment It kind of multiplies and amplifies the energies Right Just like with the diamond Ricky that

amplifies this one does too This is why I put it inside the box here Oh my

God I need to clean this one up soon Again There's I mean there's even

more right This is clients for instance Thank you Now I make one like this because I also know

sorry Ricky and I have some stamps that I use kind of like distant symbols and power

symbols and stuff like that You don't have to have that You know when you hit

distance he'll someone you write down the name and that and that's basically you know where they live or

whatever And that's basically what's on this paper Right So what you can do with the Reich e books is

that if you kind of have people inside it like the papers obviously you can

charge the whole box with Ricky So what do you want to do Let me take everything out here

for a second Oh wow There's a lot Oh yeah those you find a pretty box you

like it doesn't have to be this small I mean it can be larger if you prefer No

problem This one is actually from my grandfather He received that he was a navigator for S

A S Which is an airline company but when he was done at the navigating school Way way way way

way back before World war two he received this as his present There's like some inscription

here and so on and I inherited this one So to me it has a personal meaning It

doesn't have to you can buy a brand new box for this if you want It's just

me I like to kind of use for something right now If you are attuned to something like actually raggy

or whatever You can place distance healing symbols inside or power symbols I'm going to

show you moment what I've done here I mean I had this one for quite

a few years right I got the hunters fishermen and I got the psyche and the sugar ray

here This is from this is from Missouri raking right You don't have to do that You

can actually what I would recommend you do You don't actually need to have any simple as an adult

You can just have the intention that this is your radio votes Okay just making that clear

But what you can do is you can if there's if you are guided to while you're having you know

if you fire up your frequencies and then maybe have the intention to see if there's sort of a

power symbol that kind of symbolizes distance reiki healing And you know the full power I mean it

could be like a triangle it could be whatever shape way or form the time it comes

to you and then you can kind of draw it if that you know if something comes to you and

then put it in the bottom of the box because that would kind of represent this rocky box

and multiplying the energies now what you do here and what you use it for is

you take anyone that you have healed If you want to give them a little extra You can also

do it like if you want to heal 20 people in one time instead of simply sitting down And

healing each one whichever amount of times or you want them to have continued support Like

there maybe they're going through a hard time in their life and would like to

have continued right key going on in order for them to get through whatever it

is that getting through that extra support Okay you can either do that obviously that you say okay I

do justice rightly healing for you once every week or once every day for a

week or whatever it is You can also put them inside this box what you

do Then you put all you know whoever needs the right it's not a specific

it's more general healing here at least in mind you can have boxes for specific issues if you want But

for me this is more general Put them in here if you want You can charge up for instance like

I have to still dolphin the kouachi energy to kind of uphold the healing energy

Place it on top close the box Once you close the box you send healing radio

frequencies to the box So anyone who is inside and represented inside that healing box will receive the healing So

what you can do is every time you pass by then you can send it

to the Nike Not maybe every time or maybe once a day you will send it a little

Ricky So you kind of uphold the healing frequencies for a longer time for the ones who are actually inside

the box and kind of gives them the continuous support and the continuous stream of Ricky frequencies that they

can take in and use as they needed to And I do this with all my clients all my clients

once I have healed them and I do heal them You know in person sources well not in

person but I heal them personally right Even if its distance ranking feelings but I I sit down and

I used like 15 minutes to half an hour by healing them That's what I do It's part of

you know that's what they pay me for This is what I do Um But then

what I will do after is every time I've done with the client I will put the

client in here I mean again you have to clean it out once in a while

okay So you take from the bottom then you take all the papers out and take the ones from the

bottom so you can make space for new ones to come in in the top and

I should do that soon as you can see right Because I couldn't even close

the box Um But that means that this box and everyone in it will receive

Reiki healing even though I don't necessarily put it like standing actively putting the healing

in it It kind of upholds the frequency Okay and I just amplify it using the crystal which I

have already sent healing frank Reich frequencies to and I know that the moment that I beam he

into this box because it's there it's gonna amplify the Reiki healing energies to everyone who's

like below it So I always put this one on top like that Does this

make sense So this is a way where you can actually support someone who's going through

a tough time right Or maybe they are physically ill for a while and you do

actually do you know like physical treatments or personal treatment so to speak where you either have them inside in

in person or you do distance right healing sessions with them maybe once a week or once

every second day or whatever you have agreed upon for whatever period of time Um But this I

do this as an extra service there's none of my clients that no this I all of my

clients I have put inside here too you know and then once you know we've been some rectitude when I

pass you know happen to think of it to kind of keep the energy going but

also to support them and then obviously you've got to clean it out on the bottom once in

a while then you kind of take the oldest ones out and kind of either burn the paper throw

it out or whatever feels right for you right Um So there is sort of a continuous

flow in it too but this is very efficient and very you know it's amazing an

amazing way to kind of give extra support So I usually also tell my clients

well this healing is going to continue for the next seven days right I mean I

could just state the intention while a healing which I also do but I also put them inside

here and then usually they will actually get more because I don't clear them out

after seven days you know I do that maybe once a month or once every second month or

something like that then I will kind of clear up from the bottom right That's how I

do it Sure just have to go But I'll catch up on the rest later

No problem Sherry Amazing You were here have a good day So that was the right key box another tool

in your toolbox and I'll just have to put this together here because now I made a whole mess of

it like that I'm gonna put it to the site Yeah No Yes I just

had to think Next thing we have to talk about is the aesthetic cord cutting and

you know you know how we cut energy courts and you know um and hooks as well So the difference

between hooks and courts um there are a little bit of the same kind of related energy hoax and

identity courts courts are not as bad So to say kind of it still drains the fuck out of You

still takes your energy right So when you have you know energy court unwanted energy cords or

something about where you get obsessive thoughts of a person or a place or a

thing or negative self talk or feelings from said person right Uh place a thing Um you can

feel sick and drained when you think or spend time with certain people places Um or sometimes

even when you cut contact actual contact with those people you know the attachment kind of comes back keep thinking

of them and that's because usually when we connect with other people everybody we we are in

contact with we will have some sort of especially people we love opportunity and we have in our life

that we care about There will be a sort of a cord between our hearts So we connected So you

will always have a sort of connection to to anyone you kind of have in your life right

But sometimes that connection can kind of go to for instance the solar instead where it kind of takes your

energy instead of appropriately from the heart and equal Um and this is when there's imbalances in in the

relationship somehow Okay And it seemed it seemed very often in uh in love relationships where if

there is not the balance uh where one part is more interested than the other for

instance then you know it kind of becomes an obsessive behavior What is that person doing with the

jealousy that data and that will mean that there has begun a court down here at the Solar You

can't see that here But okay at the solar instead of like The mutual balanced one at the heart Um

and we want to cut those cords right Energy hooks is basically a little bit the same But

oftentimes comes from that other person into us I mean and if we're not conscious

it could be us doing the hooks into other people as well Obviously it's it's an option

It's a possibility but that is a little more hooks are a little more invasive and they

will drain you more They will kind of it's a little bit like energy vampires right They kind of

suck your energy basically That's that's what's going on And you know that's the short way of saying it Um

and this is where you you know signs of that would also be where you kind of feel

unable to move on Um Again obviously you can't stop thinking about the person just like with the energy

cord Um you might even have frequent conversations in your mind with that person for instance You know if it's

someone who is not good for you but you just can't leave them you know you're

you're stuck you can't move on Um you can have arguments in your mind with

that person for instance as well Right now I'm not talking about I'm not talking about when

we just are pissed off with people you know because I can easily walk around having a whole you know

telling off one specific person you know that I care a lot about but that has been behaving like an

ass right And I'll have the whole discussion in my mind right That is not an energy

cord that is not because they are hooked into me sucking my energy I mean

it's heavier It's it's it's it's stronger It's more negative It's it's you know it's it's like I

I really feel drained when I'm around that person or even just thinking of them it kind

of sucks the energy out of me like that I would very likely be an energy hook not just

a court brand energy hook what they kind of hooked into me and kind of

take my energy And the interesting thing is when you start cutting courts and especially hooks um when

you kind of cut them and begin to heal them and and you know hell you're part of that

whole thing they will often seek you out again and see if they can create a little more

disruption and drama to kind of suck you back into that energy one more time then you start all

over again Right It has been seen so many times for a lot of us I think

that we have experienced that and it's not particularly pleasant right So there is nothing

wrong about having courts with other people because we have especially the ones that we care about But

it is a problem the moment that there is an imbalance and that those courts

go to somewhere else either or solar plexus shock references is very you know it's our

power point so oftentimes this is where either the courts of the hooks will go to

instead and that will you know drain us and make us you know uncomfortable it will make us unable to

move on If it's very strong again we can be almost obsessed with that person

if if if there is an imbalance if it's not a balanced proper relationship from

heart to heart right Um so what we actually want to do is um there are

different ways of doing this and again it's the intention it is the intention that kind of drives the work

And obviously I have to say that we might know that there's a court or sense that there

is a court or or a hook from someone we personally love or maybe your

clients have that sensation but they also have to want to release it Okay so we

can heal it and we can we can cut it and we can sort of hell it but

if they are not interested in actually letting go if they are not interested in actually moving

forward it's going to come back sooner or later Right And it's just what it is it's just

nice to know and be prepared that in order to effectively heal you know courts and hooks like

that after they've been severed You know we have to be willing to let those people go

and not kind of reinitiate and not kind of drag them back into our lives

and not you know we we want to have the peace now we're ready for that piece were

ready to let go We do not try to seek it out one more time

and that's obviously where the healing is going to be most effective because we do

have a free will So I can cut all the courts I want I can you know

release and clear and heal all the hooks that has been there and you know the signs

of that all I want But if I ultimately don't want to let someone go for whatever reasons

it's going to come back sooner or later right So you have to be willing to let go you

have to be willing to release in order for this to work super efficiently at least

Um basically there are two ways to do it and it's basically the same process whether it's a court

or hook Okay what you will want once you fire up your reiki energy and all that whether it's with

yourself or if it's on behalf of someone else Okay But you will want to kind

of imagine that there is sort of a rope going and usually I mean since into

it but usually it will be from the solar okay Um it can be other chakras as well but usually

it's going to be the solar shock because that's how power center and what is happening here

is we're giving our power away by allowing the hook or the court Um and you can do

sort of the karate chop you can kind of gather it and then separate with

the karate chop throwing it away and you might have to do that several times Okay so it's a little

bit like when when we disconnect from when we've been hearing someone else it's a little bit the same So

we do that Although if you have a sense that it's it is an active hook

not just the court but it's a hook you might want to kind of see within

your mind So how are you kind of release the hook gently and let it go back

to that person right And the new shield kind of imagine that there's mirror like

facing outwards so that whenever they try to put the hook into your again is going

to go back to them and send it back with love don't send it back with hatred okay You

know just with love send it back and it's also very very important and the person whether it

be you or whether it be someone else that you can't you forgive you have to forgive

forgiveness is one of the greatest most amazing tools you can use in order to clear yourself of shit like

that basically it is if you forgive so you will have to be able to forgive not saying

it's okay but you have to be able to forgive in order to release it Uh

huh And just make sure that you kind of in your mind's eye put up

these energetic mirrors that whenever that person will try to put that hook those courts back with with the negative

energy in it that it will be reflected back to themselves with love Okay now it's important to

understand as I said like if this is someone we have and that we have

a court with someone in our lives that we actually love right We don't want to

kind of get rid of them we want them in our lives but we just don't want to

have the negative energy that has been going on We want to clear that and release that It

is important to understand that when we sever these kind of things and begins to heal it it does

not mean that the love bun is going to be broken Okay so nothing is going to

happen to you know to that part of the connection it's always that's going to be there as long as

we wanted right But the negative part that's the intention that we hold that is what we are letting go

Mm So we want to kind of gather the energy if there's a cord right As well as the

hook we want to unhook first and then we kind of want to gather any

courts and then cut the courts and what we also then see in our mind's

eye while we're healing while we're healing We also want to see how we heal and repair that

area where the court has been stuck into and sometimes it might be here sometimes it might be

more than one you know chakra it could be here and here as well as our solar

shaka as well so you know there can be several cords from one person to us

and the other way around what we're interested in is keeping the heart connection If it

is you know all the other ones we don't want if they're negative let's go you know let them

let them go So we want to kind of sense into where is it needed Does it

feel like there's anything here or is it just here and then we want to cut

it and then we want to heal the area we want to them he'll intend you know with our intention

to like pull golden creative substance around the chakra you know and kind of heal that wound energetic wound that

has been left after you detached after you cut and make sure nothing is there And then you can

do the usual cleansing process as well if you want um but again you have to be

prepared or at least advise your client is a client that you know they have to

be able to let go of the shit they have to forgive whatever has been

going on in order for it to be really effective because otherwise if they keep thinking about it

then their intentions is on all the crap that already happened then you just healed and you cut the cords

and maybe even removed the hook or whatever and if they keep you know going like that

in their brains is just gonna you know invited in again and we don't want that so they have to

be ready to release and they have to be ready to forgive and let go that's very important Mhm

um Does this make sense to you I might actually add like an exercise Have written exercise to the

course side I think on this about cord cutting and energy hooks because there's a lot of people who

I know there's a lot of people who need that knowledge basically and you don't always

have to heal use healing You can kind of teach your clients how to do that just

pictured in their own mind but that would be without the healing but obviously you want

to heal the relationship you want to heal that you know the area where it has been kind of

stuck into that energy body of the person that you're healing So obviously you want to heal that area but

you also have the intention you want to heal the connection that it was just going to be loved and

whatever has to be released is released you know with love and forgiven kind of the whole situation

and then picture how that person will feel or yourself if it's yourself how you will feel

once it's healed so the stronger we can keep that intention the better it is the

easier it's gonna you know more effective the healing will be basically right So any questions makes sense Yes

it does right then it does Um but we have to let go and sometimes we

don't want to and then we come out and ask someone else for help you

know help me let go This is sure we can heal Yes we can cut but

ultimately we also want to to kind of let people know that they should want to let

go right and they have to be prepared to release it if it's you know if

they wanted to be effective because obviously destroyed back in um then we go to the grounding

exercise and that one we have already talked about actually a lot last time I

think it was and the grounding exercises about sensing our the bottom of our feet

and feel how we make routes that goes down the kind of spurs out from the bottom of

the feet all the way down into the ground and go deeper and deeper and deeper and spread out And

this is this simple exercise in itself If you're kind of feeling out of it this exercise in

itself just take yourself give yourself like 10 15 20 seconds to feel that down for the ground

is going to ground you by itself And then again you can also draw up

energy if you need if you feel you need that well there's a lot of sun coming in here

If you feel you need it you can continue and then draw up energy and energize yourself

as well But the grounding part is important that we do on a regular basis

to kind of keep ourselves aligned not getting caught up with what is going on around

us Hmm um what you can do also once you're actually doing like the roots making the roots down

into the ground right Then you can draw up the energy and I kind of mentioned that

also with the with the shepherd balancing actually last time But I'm just repeating it

when you let the energy come up and then you let it rise up to just

is going to work No problem till I'll talk to you later I'm happy you're here You let

the energy come up through the through the legs enter your group chakra And kind of imagine

that one the root shock like a flower like like the flower bud could be a

rose or any kind of flour you like as long as it's red And then you kind

of imagine it to open like that once it's open you go up to the next

chapter it's orange see an orange flower bud Uh huh Make that one open And then you go up to

the next one right Yeah sorry your solar That would be a yellow run right See how the flower

but opens and up to your heart opens your throat open your third eye open and

open the top open and then you sit like that for a little moment and just let the energy flow

You don't have to do much about it Just feel it coming up all the way

from the you know the ground up for your legs all the way up for your shotguns And when you

feel it's enough what you do here is then you close the upper but again then

you go to your brother was shot right here and you close it go down to your throat It's

the Blue one right Close it kind of like close it and like at night when

flowers close at night right when you close and you do that the whole way down sense

how the energy goes back into the ground and then you release this exercise is amazing It not only grounds

you but you can also use it to heighten your own um sensitivity to clairvoyance

and you know your spiritual abilities so to speak because it is one where you act what you're

actually doing here is you're activating your chakras and then you learn to close them down again It will next

time you do it you open up close it down So basically what you're doing here is you're opening

up for clairvoyants and for you know whatever you want to use it for whether you are

traveling you want to do readings like you know intuitive intuition and intuitive readings Um mediumship being a channel for

whatever you know this is a very good exercise Not what you would have to do if that

is what you want It Once you got up here everything is open You would

also make sure obviously to protect yourself If you want to go more than just like opening

and closing by yourself then you would certainly make sure to protect yourself But what you can then

do is take your intentions for what it is you want And then that is a way to practice

to to get into the more spiritual part of all this work Um whether it be channeling messages or

whether it be clear orient reading of someone else But always remember to have access and ask

for permission Okay if you before you start reading someone else right Just like with the healing

we always want to have the permission before we start doing that This is a very

good exercise to start you know to teach yourself how to open up and close

down at will and in command Mm And then you can take it a step further

by you know protecting yourself and then state your intention of what it is you want like if

you want to read someone else can for India whatever It's it's a very good

exercise and the ground you a lot too As long as you remember to close

yourself down again after Okay always remember to disconnect close to yourself down after I

hope this makes sense Mm Self protection method We talked about that uh I can't remember if it was last

time or the time before that but that was like the extreme uh you know where I put up the

metal box I don't know if you remember but kind of when we feel threatened if

we feel someone is trying to read us without our permission or you know there there's

weird weird stuff going on that really is uncomfortable and we don't feel safe then to put up this energetic

metal box that kind of covers were inside a cube sort of a metal cube where nothing evil can reach

It's only Love can pass through Okay but that is a very effective the shield It's the stealth

mode That one is very effective and it's also very drastic Now Another way to kind of protect ourselves

when we go out and about in the daily life without being that drastic You know without going into

stealth mode because that's not healthy to be in that mode all the time Either We need to kind

of let energy flow as it's supposed to you know once in a while without always being inside of one

of those Um But that would be too kind of imagine and I think most of you might have heard

of this one before but kind of imagining again that the energy comes up for the bottom

of your feet all the way up through your body all the way up here at the top and kind

of goes out again a little bit like a donut again But this time shaped like an egg Okay

And I kind of maintain it and I sense that I maintain it from my solar chakra and kind

of like projecting it out and up and around me and this kind of protects me Okay it's

a milky white energy field around me where love can pass in It can pass both ways

but there's no crap that can harm me And I have used this so many times way

back when I had to commute every day and I had to sit on the train because there

would always be a lot of weird people in the train And they would always

kind of notice me They would always find me you know And that was a

little hard because then that would force me to interact with people when I actually

didn't feel like interacting at all right And I kind of felt they invaded my personal

space So I would kind of start the egg from my solar and sort of make it X shape

all the way around me And then I would kind of continue the energy from the bottom

of my feet all the way up in the top Like inside that egg mm And just knowing that

nothing can kind of harm me Nothing can hurt me It actually kind of makes you slightly invisible

It's all the weirdos out there You know Not always a guarantee but slightly And if they even approach you

you can kind of deal with it way better than otherwise And this is also

extremely useful For instance if you have a spouse that you know you're going to have an argument with

later or you have got to have a serious talk with them or something has

been going on at your work You know that you need to go and have a talk where you can

explain this and it makes you really nervous For instance making the Milky White egg is going

to support you and help you to kind of maintain your energy in here And then nothing

evil can come through nothing bad will come and get you It can't pass through the same way So that

is going to help you stay more clear in your mind right It's going to help you maintain

your own energy and not leak your energy out to others So the Milky white egg

I put it out here all the way around me kind of X shaped and then I maintain my own

energy field within that egg where it kind of just goes around now you can do this once a

day for a period of time but don't make a habit that is every day Okay You also

need to take a break and maybe you do this for maybe like a week or

two weeks or three weeks if it's really you know hard whatever is going on and you feel you need

that extra support you could do it for three weeks in a row but then I

would take at least a week or two weeks off so to speak before I would do it again

you know But I I you know I don't think I've ever kind of kept it going like that

for three weeks Um that much I would do once in a while I'll do it for a couple of

days if I felt the need of the support and then I would kind of let it

go and forget it and then I would do it again next time You know if

I was in the train and I was like oh shit you know it feels

weird to me I just need to put this out here and especially when we are fragile inside

Okay this is where it's very good when when we feel insecure when we feel fragile there's

a lot going on that we're not sure we can cope with or that makes us insecure or

we have to go out in the world and deal with someone else but we are not sure what it

is We receive as well Elliot to ask can we make the intention to become invisible to

people Yes but it's not a guarantee And it's not like you're gonna disappear physically right I mean you're going

to be there but it's more that I don't know if you know this feeling

but you know sometimes I am like a light in the dark that all the

mouths they see and people are like drawn to me for some reason right And I am not doing anything

I'm sitting in the corner and the train all by myself and they might enter all the way down there

on the other end of the train and they will find me It's kind of like they're drawn

to me you know Um so basically this kind of shields you a bid and

reduces the the risk of them actually noticing you And even if they notice you it's gonna be

easier for you to keep that interaction without you know getting brothers as much And

I am an empath Right So I feel it a lot when I need my own

space you know And it's not when I sit on the train it can really be disturbing

to me if people interrupt when I try to have my own space This is why I

got a car because you know I prefer to be able to do my car right Um so they

will still find me but it's going to make it easier for me to interact with them that way

Um Well the higher you vibrate the more invisible you will become too whatever surroundings you are to whatever

people are around you that are not a match to that But it does take a while before we get

there right in the end they simply won't notice us and be busy with whatever that it's

not like they don't see us I mean but they simply don't register us and notices as

such Um And the same for you You will more notice that people who are around your frequency rather

than than actually getting drawn into or or interfering with whatever lower frequencies that is happening

around you You just won't notice it the same way Usually at least depending obviously of

what it is right I mean if there's a massive fight right outside your door you will probably notice it

okay Um But it is kind of the you know the higher our vibration is the less we will

notice the things that are not a vibrational match and the same goes the other way around So the higher

you vibrate the less those at that frequency and at that level the less they will

notice you too And rather try to find someone else who are closer match to where they are

So we don't become invisible you know as this ball club as such But it does help first of

all to kind of keep other people's energy is a little bit of a because there's a lot

of people walking around out there who do not do their yeah spiritual hygiene who are

not aware that they are actually pushing in on someone else's energy that they're actually wiping

themselves off on other people and kind of putting either their bad mood or you know maybe they're

just a little weird or you know it can be a lot of things that

kind of affects other people around them because they're not aware of boundaries that way And here this

egg the Milky White they can be really good where you might still have to interact

with them but it's not going to touch you the same way It's not going

to get into your energy field and wipe off on you the same way This this makes sense I hope

so So this is how you would use it And again also if you know that you have

a difficult conversation to make with someone that makes you nervous or you're afraid of what

will be thrown in your face from that person For instance the Milky White a could also be

a really good exercise too Can I like uphold that one before the conversation So

it's going to help you to stay more clear and not get attached and involved

in whatever is going on in the conversation It's really really helpful I've used it so much

uh that I don't know the last 20 years I think is something that I've done

that um in so many different kinds of situations you can use it in all kind of situations where

you feel insecure or uncertain or that you kinda want to try and keep your own space a

little more I hope that works Again Then we're gonna talk a little bit about energetic boundaries between you and

the people you hear it's not a long thing but this is more from the perspective

that as hell is a lot of times we give a lot um and we also

have to make sure that we don't give too much you know because that is not

appropriate either Even if you want to help people we have to obviously uphold our own boundaries that is

important but it is also important to again empower people to take responsibility for their own healing that

that we are not the ones only providing them with the healing I don't know if this makes sense to

me I'm going to kind of say it one more time here because we want to empower and not disempower

okay And we don't want any of our clients to become sort of um addicted to us into

our healing or or you know just being in contact with us It is important that we recognize if

there is an imbalance obviously people come to us I want to get a healing and obviously we are here

to help them get the feeling when we idea that whether they pay us or not right perfectly fine there's

nothing wrong with that obviously Um but there is something where we have to make sure

that because there's a lot of people that would want to abdicate the spiritual responsibility and just put it on

us so we can take care of them but they don't want to do the

work themselves right And this is our what we have to do is we have to kind of like

invite them to do the work within themselves uh with our help for sure for as

long as it's appropriate Okay obviously we're gonna be there and help them and heal them and all that

but we also want to invite them to actually take responsibility for their own healing It's very

important um and also that they don't get sort of addicted to us Okay so if you at some

point feel that you have a client and it has gotten a little too far that

they're kind of addicted that all the time that you need you to fix it they need your take

on it Then it is not that you can't ask us about things Come on I mean that's why we're

here also we're here to answer questions right But if you have like a client for a while

and you kind of sense there is an imbalance it is important that you uphold the aesthetics of boundaries that

you put boundaries down for how you want to do it and how much you want to

give first of all But also if you sense that that person might actually get a little too

attached to you in order to get fixed then you kind of gently obviously and

kind they kind of want to break that connection and maybe refer them to someone else right

Um either depending on what the issue is and whatever but either kind of empower them it's always good to

empower right Empower them to take charge of their own healing and maybe give them

some advice or maybe having to refer them to someone else where it's kind of a different dynamic

Okay that can be times where it kind of just gets out of balance and

and we don't want that So sometimes it's enough to talk about things or you put down some energetic boundaries

if you haven't but other times it's going to be a little weird where they kind

of abdicated all responsibility and put it on you to fix them right So they don't

do the work themselves They just want you to heal them and then maybe you can

heal them for the next five years and get paid for it even Yeah sure But is that ethical Right

So it's it's a fine balance because we can have clients for like a whole year for

instance uh when we and the other is especially if you you do coaching as well for instance right Then

you can certainly have a client for a whole year But there is a difference you will sense the difference

The thought will come to mind if that client somehow has abdicated responsibility and rather just want to come to

you so you can heal them then they go back and they go out and maybe

they do the exact same thing again or whatever I mean that is not ethical So then keep people

or you might also feel that it's time for them simply to get someone else to help them even

though everything is very balanced and everything But you kind of sense that now I can't help that person

anymore I have given them all that I know then don't keep them as clients just because they give

you money right then you want them to kind of you know you want to

propose for them to try out maybe some books or maybe try out some coaching or or maybe

another healer or another modality or whatever You know you can sent into what is wrong but

it's very important that you kind of uphold the energetic boundaries uh within yourself obviously

so that you don't get drained and everything works the way that is supposed to work to from you

But obviously also with having your client's best interest in mind if you sense that you can't

help them anymore Or if you sense that that it has become an unhealthy relationship between you and your client

then you want to refer them to someone else right Hi even welcome I just

saw you popped up there Um also what you want to do is be mindful that

you don't you know you're gonna say of course I don't But it happens sometimes trust me but that you

don't accidentally judge your client Now This can be as simple as for instance going

back to the cancer patient I talked about last time how you been Um knowing what

happens in from the spiritual perspective we also know that there's always a reason for everything that

happens right Even if we don't understand it as humans Um and whatever happens we kind of have to

stay sort of neutral You know our clients come to us because they trust us with whatever issues

they have So it's important that of course we listen to them and then they they feel

understood obviously they're here There are clients we're here for them right And we want to listen to

them and we want to try and understand what's going on but we don't want to go over where

we kind of jumped into the pool either And and kind of like you know some of them might come

and complain about their husbands have been doing this and that and that and that

you know and one thing is listening to it and kind of understanding the dynamics and

then support your client in healing her or his part of the story because there's always two

to a story one way or the other right And kind of maybe help your client

understand their part of the dynamics What has been going on from their side that they

might not be aware of for instance but you don't want to jump into the pool with them and

start you know talking about Oh yeah But your ex husband is so such an asshole right You don't want

to go into that lane either Uh so you want to stay non judgmental You want to stay sort

of neutral even though you can understand what is going on and you want to support your client

and understanding what is going on for sure right But don't start judging And also some of them might

come with and tell you things that it might be uncomfortable So it could be something

sexual that they have some sexual issues Or they inadvertently maybe tell you about some sexual activities going on at

home with her and her husband that you were like Oh my God I could never

do that right You don't want to go into that judgment either Okay You want to

stay neutral Your professional Now you can the linearity master right You want to stay professional You kind

of want to listen and try and understand the dynamics for sure But you don't want to judge never judge

You don't know what's going on You don't know the reasons behind it Also you know

people get sick sometimes then we can have all sorts of ideas of why that happened Don't judge Even if

you get the sense that it's because this woman never left her abusive husband that's why she's getting sick

Don't judge okay Because we are all doing the best we can from the position we're in and the shoes

were walking and then we don't know how it is like to walk in someone else's shoes either

So it's just important to stay nonjudgmental Don't judge just be open and you know attentive and and

seek to understand and maybe even you know integrate the spiritual part of it but

don't judge it's quite important and that's gonna make that your clients will trust you even more because then

they will come and feel they can tell you anything that you know whatever they tell

you might be something you would never in a million years do It could also

be the new drugs right And it could be a natural things that well obviously you've got problems because you're

doing drugs got to stop doing drugs right So yeah that would be ideal But don't judge right Maybe

you should explain that well as long as you do drugs you know the healing will still

be there and it will work but it is likely not going to be as effective you know but

still do not judge and obviously if there's something that you simply cannot live with then you've got to refer

them to someone else and just simply let them know that I'm sorry but I'm not

the right one to get the sense that I'm not the right one You don't even have

to tell them why Okay you don't even have to tell them why but simply let them know

that you get the sense that you're not the right one to help them Um but you can refer them

to this or that person or whatever right So you kind of do it general without judging Okay because that

is going to help you as well in the long run of being nonjudgmental I

hope that makes sense Um yes learn the rules and then break them I mean I

have been talking in these master classes here is like what free master classes of two hours each and I

kind of have been telling you how I experienced things how I do things in the short way I still

need to do all the small incremental videos they will be at the site at

some point You know I still gotta finish the manuals for you guys you will get the

original manuals to um what this is all about is this is so simple multi modality right It's

so easy to learn you can even teach your eight year old okay you can

attune your eight year old Children learn in Iraqi Master frequencies no problem And you know the material

is so simple that even they can learn it without a problem Okay now asset

you learn the rules and then you sort of break them So this is again

and I've spoken of this before and I'm going to say it again This is very much about

using your intuition this is very much about allowing yourself to listen within and then do

as you feel guided too So whatever I have said this is just guidelines Nothing

is set in stone Okay so if you get a sense that you would like to

do it slightly differently that is what you're going to do okay don't feel bad about it you know I

don't wonder am I allowed to whatever I mean it's it's as long as it's

ethical it's all allowed then you do it Exactly The way you feel is right now you

might want to have a little guidance and this is why I did all this is to give

you some guidance to get you started in a way that you're not starting all

from scratch and not really knowing how it went to and all that So it's kind of like

okay this is a framework where you can kind of begin within this and then by all

means developed and evolved beyond that and do things your way and not necessarily my way Okay The only

thing I ask you is about the ethics gets the ethics please please please remember the ethics of it right

that we don't heal people who didn't ask and all that Okay But apart from that

you know really by all means go and do it your way and if you feel

the in traditional the guided to do I don't know things in a different way then that's

how you do them It's really not worse than that and there's nothing that nothing bad is gonna

happen with it Right So just make sure that you kind of trust your inner

guidance Okay Um one thing I wanna before we trying to close off I want to

explain to you about the rope technique and how you can actually blend in and makes several frequencies at once

So where you don't necessarily do one and then the other after that And then the

third like for instance the shoe Iraqi then kundalini Ricky then violet flame ready then something else kind of breaking

it off But where you can actually channel it out at the same time it's very

simple also it's called the rope technique So what you actually once you're in your healing you

fired up your kundalini regular frequencies right Um And your healing and then maybe you say oh you get

the notion that so you're right it would be good for this person also So

what you will do is you will sort of imagine ropes coming out of the palm of your hand

okay to your client whether you be doing a distance or with in person it doesn't matter So you

will be healing You've got the kundalini radio frequencies going and what you will see for you in

a my entire first you will say for instance if it's a shoe Iraqi sorry if

it's a sewer right You want to fire the ASU Iraqi while you still continue having your

kundalini radio frequencies going here and you're going to have it like a rope imagining the rope going out to

that other person with the kundalini radio frequencies following the rope And then at the same time

you're going to think of security for instance if that is what you tune to

and that you will kind of feel like come down at the same time while you still feel

the kundalini coming out your hands you will then feel the coming down out your hands and maybe

give it another colour I usually give kundalini a green color and also he has

a purple for me it might be different for you So I have this green colored

rope coming out of my hands to my client And now I also sensed how

the purple road comes up and out my hand and it entwines around the Green one

So it kind of mixes itself into it and goes into the recipient as well So

simple very simple Now you can do that for instance if you got violet flame

Ricky that is a sort of to me violet flame and you will be attuned to that in about

a week or so Violet flame ragged to me is sort of more pinkish purple

where it was always more purple purple Well violet flame for me is kind of a pinkish purple color that

I will then also draw in and out my hands at the same time whether

I already have the grand green and the purple Now there will be the pinkish purple as well going

at the same time It takes a little practice Okay because you really have to be able

to hold the intention of both having the kundalini going and then the usually going at the same time and

then maybe even something third like the violet flame ready Right But it is entirely possible And

then you kind of just use them all at the same time And it really is helpful

to kind of imagine the colors and then your mind side that each frequency has its own color and

how it sort of mixes together and goes into your client or you're the recipient of the healing I

hope that makes sense It is a little abstract maybe But that is how you would actually do more than

one Okay in one time because sometimes it's we don't want to first do this and then do that

and then do a third one We just want to do the whole thing as we get

intuitively guided to and that's how I do it Usually I don't even use the rope I just call it

in and let it flow at the same time right Um so I don't go first one thing

and then I closed that off and then another thing And then the third thing I

simply I started with kundalini always you know Well not always no sometimes actually start with the

three first but I fire up the frequencies then I bring in the next then I bring in the third

might even bringing the fourth and then the fourth goes back and maybe even the second goes back But

then the second the third and the first to keep going you know so it's kind

of and then sometimes I feel as you give them a little more so it

kind of becomes a symphony like like where you're playing the piano Certainly like you

have all these tones you can hear the voice you can activate them by hitting the

court and then you kind of hear the music the sound and then oh it

needs a little bit more of that needs a little bit more of that Oh now we take a

little bit more of that So to me it's more sort of playing the piano energetically that and

and kind of it all you know the sound comes out of my hands and into the recipient on

the other side I think that's the best way to describe it it might sound