Acts Chapter 11
The word that Gentiles also received salvation spread throughout Judea. The Jewish believers took issue with that. Thus, Peter explained all he had done explaining this was the work of the God, for they also received the gift of the Holy Spirit. After hearing this the Jewish believers glorified God, seeing this was God's work. Then, those who scattered because of what happened to Stephen went to Antioch. The Church there grew so rapidly, Barnabas was sent there, along with Saul of Tarsus. Prophets came as well, one being Agabus, who declared a great famine was coming. Therefore, the disciples in Judea sent a contribution to help them.
The word that Gentiles also received salvation spread throughout Judea. The Jewish believers took issue with that. Thus, Peter explained all he had done explaining this was the work of the God, for they also received the gift of the Holy Spirit. After hearing this the Jewish believers glorified God, seeing this was God's work. Then, those who scattered because of what happened to Stephen went to Antioch. The Church there grew so rapidly, Barnabas was sent there, along with Saul of Tarsus. Prophets came as well, one being Agabus, who declared a great famine was coming. Therefore, the disciples in Judea sent a contribution to help them.
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