In the digital economy Leaders need to cultivate a winning team culture where teams create value even remotely ina network organization with personal power they lead people with position power they manage work they know the difference Sothey manage by head to enforce order and lead by heart to stoke morale they adapt their leadershipstyle to the work situation They nurture relationships with the right enablers to promote agile teen performance notindividual performance to do it well they hone three critical skills empathy engagement and execution Episode one will reviewthe Abex 4.0 leadership paradigm in the context of the workplace in the new normal nourish a climate ofidea meritocracy nurture work relationships cultivate the right culture We will use the results of decades of fieldresearch to provide answers to key questions underlying the paradigm the desired culture a practical understanding of organizational agility therelationships and psychological climate that enable agility and the critical skills of an effective digital leader to continue to winin the network economy of the 21st century Your organization will need a new leadership paradigm Why Because we allneed to learn the art and the science of remotely creating value in a network organization working withteam members from multiple generations The COVID-19 pandemic redefined mandated and accelerated the new workplace newhybrid work from home and work from office arrangements have made it even more difficult toincrease productivity creativity and harmony Whether physical or virtual human interactions now demand higher levels of mutualtrust cohesion candor and open mindedness to create value based on decades of field research wehave formulated the orbs 4.0 leadership paradigm in the context of the new workplace byproviding answers to three key questions First what is the corporate culture best suited forvictory in a network economy Second what relationships do people at work need to nurtureThird what is the psychological climate that people need to nourish What is the corporate culture best suited forvictory in a network economy The answer is a winning team culture a winning team culture champions agile team performancenot individual performance Michael Jordan said it best talent wins games but team work andintelligence win championships A winning team culture is formed by agile teams who are trained tounderstand and practice the five victims of a winning team meaning results process growth and mindsetWhat relationships do agile team leaders and members need to nurture three important relationships willhelp your organization execute with speed and flexibility in the digital economy Cooper operation coord nationand collaboration Lets call them the three CS Cooper operation refers to the relationship between members of the same teamco ordination refers to the hierarchical relationship between a team leader and a team member Collaborationrefers to the relationship between members coming from different teams work relationships constitute the critical success factorfor agility They are the 20% input that will drive the 80% output of the businesswork relationships determine how well technology is used how well processes are executed how well competencies aredeployed and how well the corporate culture is cultivated on a daily basis When the quality of work relationships ispoor the value of having technology and in individual competencies will not be maximized The brilliance of processes will notbe realized and the sustainable advantage of culture will not be enjoyed Digital talents focus their attentionand energy on this element to boost agility to dissolve inertia from silo behavior andnurture harmony while significantly impacting business results What is the psychological climate that agile teamsneed to nourish agile teams champion idea meritocracy where the three CS help teams to get things done withspeed and flexibility Idea meritocracy helps teams to choose the right thing to do Idea Meritocracyis the fuel for the rocket called agility In a climate of psychological safety ideas are expressedfreely without fear of ridicule or punishment Teams that want to forsake The damaging effects ofego are able to lose agility raise productivity and dissolve inertia from silo behavior Ideas are heard and consideredwith a sincere and shared effort to find the best among alternatives with mutual trust and solidarity Teams practice radicalhonesty and radical transparency in a two way communication style that encourages Kandor and open mindedness speed and flexibility fromthe three CS without idea meritocracy to always validate that you are doing the rightthing will bring only disaster The combined answers to the three questions bring us toa practical understanding of organizational agility It is the collective ability of all teams in the organization to do theright thing with speed and flexibility This practical understanding of organizational agility has become the foundationfor building our Abex 4.0 leadership paradigm The corporate culture best suited for the digital economyis a winning team culture which prizes agile team performance over individual performance to do the right thing digital talentsteam leaders and senior leaders need to nourish a risk free climate that promotes idea meritocracy todo the thing right They need to nurture the three CS to enhance their ability to execute with speed andflexibility to do those things Well their leaders will need to hone three critical skills empathy engagement andexecution Empathy enables the relationship called cooper operation digital talents strive for relationship excellence understanding not just knowingwhat the other person sees and feels enables the influence associated with personal power engagement empowers the relationship calledco ordination Digital team leaders use position power when they make decisions They strive to enforce order for process excellenceand stoke morale for people excellence They engage team members with completed staff work and empower them todecide when appropriate to heightened growth and commitment They manage by head and lead byheart execution is enhanced by the relationship called collaboration They strive for business excellence as theywork with other teams within and outside the organization to achieve shared goals They build an agile team networkfor operating and strategic excellence In this episode we learned the orbs 4.0 leadership paradigmin the context of the new workplace We reviewed the results of decades of research thathave provided answers to key questions underlying the paradigm the desired culture the relationships and psychologicalclimate that enable agility and the critical skills of an effective digital team leader Inthe next episode you will take a deeper look at the challenge of practicing idea meritocracy whichcan only be realized when the highest level of unity in the abex 4.0 relationship baris achieved