Acts Chapters 6-7
The Disciples heard complaints from Helenists that they were being overlooked in the receiving of food. Who were these Helenists? How was this complaint addressed? Then the Jewish leadership arrest Stephen for preaching Christ. He then gives his defense, which angered the leadership to the point they stoned him to death. And during this, the most famous Jewish leader was there who agreed with the stoning of Stephen, and aided in its accomplishment.
The Disciples heard complaints from Helenists that they were being overlooked in the receiving of food. Who were these Helenists? How was this complaint addressed? Then the Jewish leadership arrest Stephen for preaching Christ. He then gives his defense, which angered the leadership to the point they stoned him to death. And during this, the most famous Jewish leader was there who agreed with the stoning of Stephen, and aided in its accomplishment.
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