Aspiring entrepreneurs often face a crucial decision Should I take immediate action on a product or idea orshould I wait and save my effort for a future digital business This choice it can significantly impact yourcareer trajectory and your personal growth depending on where you're going today we're going to discuss both sides ofthis before we do I wanna thank today's sponsor which is my newsletter the part time Digital business Irecommend you sign up for this It is free and it acts as a weekly guide helpingyou stay on track helping you grow your brand your business and understand how to build and do thatin the creator economy So join thousands in the group You can find links in the descriptionfor this and what is the case for immediate action taking action now even if it's not directly related toyour future digital business can offer many benefits First it provides valuable experiences and skills that will prove useful lateron any project regardless of its nature it can and should be teaching you something about time managementproblem solving and even perseverance all essential qualities for a successful entrepreneur When you take immediateaction This allows you to build a network and a reputation over time As you workon your current project you'll likely meet people from different areas You'll form different connections that couldbe and will be invaluable for your future endeavors The reputation you build through your currentwork This can also lend credibility to your future digital business Another advantage of acting nowis the potential for unexpected opportunities What seems unrelated to your future goals may leadto surprising discoveries or areas where you can pivot many successful businesses have emerged from products and projects that hadinitially different objectives I used to plan and prepare things for months I knew what I was doing Iknew where it was going and I knew how things would form Then what happened was I would takethings to market and realize wait a minute I can restructure this this and this I can repackagethis I can rebrand this I can make this whole process easier and simpler for myself andfor my audience And then I would go back and I would rebrand everything and I would repackage everythingSo understanding these metrics understanding how to do this is very important Now some opportunities were missedI will never know But once I started realizing this I began launching smaller projects in under 14 days agoI would set for myself this had a much better effect on my overall growth AndI was able to spend less time finding those pivots When I would find thosepivots it was easier to move and restructure because I learned that what I'm creating now no matter howwell I'm mapping it out where I see it going I'm going to run into areas where I canimprove And if I can cut down the time on the restructuring in the improvement phaseby going to market faster then I can get the total package out faster tomy audience so they can benefit from it as well Now the last thing is taking actionreally combats procrastination and builds momentum And let me explain this It's easy to fall into the trap ofconstantly planning and never really executing by doing something Now you're training yourself to be proactive you're training yourselfto be decisive These are traits that will serve you well when you launch your digital businessor when you're just creating your content Now before we discuss this further make sureto follow make sure to subscribe to other videos I have coming up where we will be comparing different contentproduction plans and how they work Now what is the argument for waiting on the other hand of this Thereare compelling reasons to wait and focus solely on your future digital business concentration of effortThis is a powerful force by reserving your time and reserving your energy for your primary goal You can potentiallyachieve it that much faster and that much more effectively When you wait this is allowing for morethorough planning and research you can use this time to study your target market refine yourbusiness model and you can develop a more comprehensive strategy This preparation it can significantly increase your chances of succeedingwhen you finally do launch Now additionally to this technology and market conditions they're constantly changing So by waiting youmight be able to take advantage of new tools there's new platforms new trends that emerge that can really giveyou a more competitive edge Now financially waiting can also be beneficial if it allows you to save morecapital or secure better funding options depending on your project depending on your business starting a business itoften requires a significant investment whether that's finances time it's usually a combination of both and having that solid foundationcan really help make a difference So we've heard both sides So what is the middle ground Whatis the best option for you in reality Uh The best approach is somewhere between these two Whilewaiting you can engage in activities that more directly contribute to your future goals You can prepare more youcan probably make it better This might include building the necessary skills you didn't have in the beginningbuilding a network even creating the right content around your expertise all things to consider and you can work ondifferent projects as you're going through this while you build the long term these can serve as stepping stones allowyou for more of a testing ground to kind of build on the other side When itcomes to waiting this can be the enemy of going to market This can be the enemy ofputting your products and services out there What I ended up doing when I started was I knewwhere I was going where I wanted to go I understood I had to create content around what Iwas doing But I chose to create digital products more in the beginning than waitingtill the end I created a few digital products in the beginning that I could use as anchors for myown content creation Because I did that when I had those moments of wanting to shift and change andmove I was anchored in by the products I'd created in the time I had spent and I couldbuild great content hyper targeted to those products conveyed back to my audience Ultimately the decision between acting nowor waiting will depend on your individual circumstances What goals are you going after and morewhat type of business are you creating I recommend that you go back and think about it Remember thatentrepreneurship it's rarely a linear journey As much as you feel like you have prepared therewill be obstacles and variables that come into play But every experience whether it's an immediate project or careful preparationfor your future business can contribute to o your overall growth as an entrepreneur the real key is justto stay proactive remain open to the opportunities that are coming And I would saycontinuously work towards your ultimate goal of launching your successful digital business Again Thank you for being here andbeing part of the channels If you would like to take a structured course on launchingyour digital business step by step guidance I recommend that you check the channel links inthe description and I'll see you in the next one