Transitions with Michael Bartlett
Michael Bartlett, astrological coach and master astrologer talks about the challenges with transitions in all parts of our life. In September, we're looking at transitions and what it takes to accomplish them. Enjoy!
Kristine Wilson-Slack
Michael Bartlett, astrological coach and master astrologer talks about the challenges with transitions in all parts of our life. In September, we're looking at transitions and what it takes to accomplish them. Enjoy!
Show Transcripts
I'd like to introduce Michael Bartlett Master astrologer based in Santa Fe Michael is uh also an Astrological coach Andhow long have you been doing Coaching Michael probably in integrating it with the astrology aspect probably just likethe last year or so just seeing the incredible value of being able to help people with their naturalcycles inherent with how their system relates to them I think it's a really good match and itspans so many parts of our lives So I think um you know I I actuallyhad a couple of thoughts when I was um looking at this today there was a quote that hadcome up about how we live a transitory life and the word transition was it just poppedout at me because really this is a month of transitions So you know the first question Iwanted to ask you was do you think that this whole life is transitory that we're from birthto death And is it something that really is is something that makes up our whole entire you know ourwhole entire being while we're on this planet What do you think I'm smiling because it'sjust such a wonderful like large you know what do you call it 60,000 ft view of lifeRight And yeah I mean the truth is it it can only be translator I'm remindedof the song did called um Life For Rent Because when you think about it we are whateverwe are when we're not in this physical body we're there a lot longer than we are inthis physical body If we believe in something like a soul which I do Ibelieve in reincarnation I believe we pop up when we go through these life lessons to becomeBut you know in the space of transition I mean it's very interesting because alot of our lives we like to decide for the transitions we like to focus onSo if we think of birth you know the moment of coming separating from our mother coming out of ourmother having the umbilical cords cut breathing separately on our own That's a huge transition to birth and thenon the opposite end of life And and there are so many that go of course on as our lifecycles uh continue throughout our lifetime But then at the end when the when the mortal cord is actuallykind of memorial coil they call it you know when that's actually sliced we let go we release the physicalbody and we return to whatever we were all along beforehand We put such an emphasison those two things particularly and we tend to forget Well I don't think we really tend toforget We don't we don't focus as much on even some of the smaller transitions that we havein life I think we have in our society as we know in so many cases about how likehow our human minds and behaviors or conditions are very polarized in a sense And so we havethese things that we like and these things we don't like and we like birth but people don'tlike death for some reason I don't know why As they say no one's really I meanthere have been people of course have nde near death experiences and have come backand have expressed you know certain experiences that they've had and some of them most of them fit into ageneralized stereotype of experience And then there are those few outliers who have no experience whatsoever Andso the truth is any of us talking from this side of the veil It it's really merelyconjecture even what I'm saying I mean I I have no idea whether what I'msaying is actually true but it is what my sense is over my lifetime and the experiences I've had Andone thing I like I'm an astrologer as you stated before One thing that Ireally appreciate about astrology is helping us to understand that there are cycles in ourlives based on the various planets and each one of their rotations around the sun provideus with an understanding of different relationships with those parts of ourselves Excuse me And what'sso nice about it is learning that they are a cycle which is a circlerather than a seesaw or an oppositional energy It's like learning how to how do we be how do weget to experience each aspect along the circle so that we're able to handle thedeath the rebirth the the living in between all the different transitions that we go through whether it'sfrom birth to being you know birth being you know being simply born or going from toddler stage toinfant stage or from a teenager to a young adult or whatever all those differentstages are and how they signify these these major collective ways in which we ashuman beings experience The what do you call unfolding of our life It it seems tome that change I mean I kind of wrote this down as when I was listening to that projectquote change is inevitable right Change is is absolutely something that's going to happen whether we like itor not right And it's about dealing with that change and those transitions are about dealing withthat moment from going from one state to another state right And I think it's interesting thatI mean there there could be something as small as changing of the seasons or changing of you know theway we do take a route work or whatever it might be But it also is something rather largeand you know I'm I'm thinking about change being inevitable and what do we dofor the people who maybe not necessarily accept that change or want to go through that changeThat's a really good point Um And that's another aspect that I really appreciate about astrology is because they'rebroken down into what are called these three modalities cardinal which is initiating energy energy which is thevery um the the beginning of the season Um throughout the year uh there's fixed which people tend tobe a little more set in their ways They're not as easy to sway uh kind ofventures in the stubbornness at some some points depending on if they're trying to be pushed UmThose are the fixed signs and then we have the mutable signs with the fixed meaning the highest point ofthat season And then we have the mutable signs which are that in between So like whenwe think of um um you know spring time before before uh march before Aris time during Pisces timewhen we have that transition between winter and spring we get winter storms and the next day it'sreally sunny and then the day after that it's raining again it's that sort of a blending backand forth And if we think of how should these signs and how each of those modalities kind ofwork and if we have planets more planets in certain parts of these modalities we're more than likelyto their their life influence our behavior and our perspective on life And as weknow some people as you said really don't appreciate change They do a lot of things in their lifeto make sure they don't on the extreme end of that would be something like hoarding RightThat's something that really you know I'm not going to let go of anything because everysingle thing has meaning and as we know that can be something after a certain amountof time and can be oppressive and even um and can even mean death for that person inthe long run because it creates an unsanitary situation or something happens where all of that collectionis falls on them and they're suffocated literally Yeah Literally Yeah And and I meanthat's I mean I think that's an extreme example of being stuck But you know um you knowthere's all kinds of ways of being stuck right And I I'm not sure what you've run into I'verun into things like people who aren't sure what they want to do about their jobs They want tostay in a career or they want to move to a career or they want to move to anew company or they may not like the actual physical job that they're doing theywant to do a different type of work They want to move their house they wantto you know change their partner whatever it might be And you know II I see a lotof that Do you see when you run into those kind of things Do you see alot of it And what do you do when you're when you're working through that with somebody I I thinkwhat you're kind of saying is is reminds me me this quote of it's better it'sbetter the devil you know Right Yeah There's this fear This is not not even a fear I mean ifwe think not too long ago the idea of having a being so egocentric and hubristic in our approach tolife because of our special skills that we all have would have really been slapped down Wewould have received some sort of a way in which oh you know don't get too full of yourselfYou know we were taught kind of these like subtle ways of not really beingtoo much So it kind of creates this split in the way we're in relationship to how we'reexpressive and how we're not And I think at times especially like during transitional times is how dowe do that periscope viewpoint and see the view and go like oh my behavior in this area isnot really working or Wow I really need to end this relationship or I reallydo need to step out of this job because um it's not that the glassis greener but I've been here for you know 20 years I'm not making anyI'm not getting the bonuses I promised whatever whatever the things are whatever those when you startto add up and you start thinking about it because again there's some you have to pull yourself out ofyour position to create that observer to have that observer to see you What areyour pros and cons list I mean that's actually really I find sometimes the easiestthing to do is just write down whatever that that situation that's going on write it down So youcan put in kind of black and white and it comes out it's no longer partof that unconscious process of where you're dealing with it or enduring it because Ithink there's a way in which we have been taught from our ancestry that we need to do that Andwe have this new generation that's coming up and definitely showing us that it isn't allabout work which kind of a kind of an odd it's really messing with a lotof our generation you know mid sixties generation and early sixties and fifties generation people because we wereso many of us were taught such a huge work ethic right Yeah especially when you haveparents who came out of that depression era who were who were you know to talk about hoarders But youknow that kind of mentality like I may not have it later So cherish it Now I clearly remembermy father saying to me that you know you need to get into a place and you needto stay at work and be there for 30 years and you will benefit from it at theend And that that stopped being true during you know my beginning of my careerNow it's not even close to being true Right So change is constant Right It's almost likeyou have to embrace that transition Exactly And then what you're speaking to in that sense iskind of a security orientation Right It's that thing of oh it's much better Againit's it's an it's kind of a twist on the aspect of the devil you know but it'sjust more of this part of um oh I'll be secure here and they willtake care of me and we know that they don't necessarily have one's best interest at heart let aloneif they're even aware of you on an individual basis Exactly You know you youtouched on it a little bit but I want to go back to you you said somethingabout being when you were talking about being stuck and it ends up becoming you know maybe AAA negative partof a cycle What other things do you think happen when you or what do youencounter when people are being stuck What do you run into I run into it A stuckhas a sort of defensive pattern around it So um there might be a wayin which if you start to share something like an observation or you want to reflect something backand you're met with kind of a no or you just feel that no really present inthe person's field Sometimes there's this you know people there are those people at lives whereyou know you can't ask them certain things Right And it's not even and it's youjust know that And so it's it's one of those aspects with it So um that's one partof it and I like to think of with that is how to um something along the lines of likehow's that working for you How is how you know bringing it into something whereit isn't you don't really want to engage that defensive structure because you're just gonna get they're just gonnabear down right You're just gonna go like oh you know you're just another one of those people whodon't understand me or don't see me or whatever And so I think in those places it reallyhelps to sort of ask the questions in a way that is um that is bothleading and yet not leading right I do I use a technique called reflective inquiry which basically II if you said something to me about um about you know I don't know hoarding or something you knowwe were talking about it just I don't like the way those they are treating meSo yeah I would reflect back to you and say that you you said you don't like theway that they are treating you Can you go into that a little bit more And it'sone of those aspects that makes you stop kind of like what you said about writing things downIt's one of those things that make you stop and go back into your own head and saiddid I say that Did I really say that Did I say those words Right Andthat helps to actually um put something out there that that it's a stop It's a it's a aspeed bump There you go That's what I'm asking Yeah it's a speed bump YeahUm Do you um how you know I know that doing the inquiry is something thatum helps me and like you said you may ask them a little bit of a question that kindof gets to a different place But how do you think that people need to take that next step toget out of being stuck being in the middle of a transition and not being able tomove beyond it I think first and foremost is um because sometimes there's shame wrapped up in it Sometimesthere's just it just might be one of those patterns that they're not even awarethat they're carrying on from mom and dad you know stuff or survival technique they've gained alongthe way Um so it's really kind of um II I kind of do what I call soundingin a way I kind of like ask leading questions around it Kind of like what you're talking aboutwith the reflective questioning it it just to kind of see what their relationship is to itand also what the relationship is to self responsibility because there's usually kind of a componentand if if a person is willing to take the self responsibility then isn't even an easier wayto kind of present that and work with it And so I I think thatit's one of those things of helping to see where they are Maybe even like since we'retalking about we've talked about cycles within how transitions occur is kind of mapping outhow that cycle works for them right And seeing where where is the likelihood withinthat cycle of experience So um it's it's one of those things of that takes time Firstof all I think it's important for us to realize that there aren't any mistakesuntil we start becoming aware that we're doing it and it's wrong for us Then I think it starts becomingthen we know we're making mistakes But it it takes a while for us to some people it takesa really long while to be slapped upside the head with life in certain ways to golike oh I don't really want it anymore If you know that life in five chapters RightIt begins I walk down the street I fall into a hole I don't knowhow I got here And then the last chat I love it Like I go todifferent streets and we all have as many chapters as it takes to realize that sometimes we haveto walk down a different street Right Sometimes we have to um the endurance of it because dependingon how we were raised depending on what our own personal psyche is like andhow we're able to deal with this in life Some of us can really take on a lot Andso there's a way in which we some of us have to kind of be broken in asense or kind of be to exhaust ourselves or like my friend Aaron Aaron um Sullivan who's aworld known astrologer and phenomenal astrologer She says like with Scorpio it has to get sick andtired of itself It's this way of like learning Oh you know these the why have thesedramas Like when you talk about your reflective inquiry questions it's to help people Do youwant to stay in a state of victimhood or do you want to be the actor inyour life Right That's kind of what it comes down to and some of us learn andit's easier to kind of step back But the truth is if we don't find ways in whichwe take control and take charge of these different parts of ourselves Then we're just kind of at thewhims of life and and it's going to be it's going to be an interesting journeyYeah that's true Yeah You know I you as you're talking about this one of thethings that popped into my mind was um what's maybe one of the biggest transitions you see for Imean obviously don't name names but what's one of the biggest transitions that you've seen in your clients thatyou've walked through with them Sorry there we go I would say the biggest one Imean part of I would say probably the biggest ones have actually been the onesthat I've experienced in relation to especially when I started learning about astrology how certain things werehappening in my own life but then were mirrored by these larger cycles that were unfolding as portrayedby the astrological placements And to find that synergy and to find that sort of um for me it wasa bit of a like realizing that I'm not the only one who has to endure thisor other people who have had these experiences before and they found ways to survive Like uh myuh astrologer mentor here in town Tom Brady who is not the the football player um woulduh would explain that you have to you know we have to face these experiences and theJupiter gives us these opportunities And sometimes we think it's just these things that are going to beblessings and blessings and blessings But Jupiter really is just this aspect that expands things So ifyou're going through a kind of a difficult or challenging time and you have a Jupiter transit it'sjust going to make that much more aware so that you have to deal with it or address it Actuallythat's a very good question Uh Can you explain trans in astrology and maybe how that reflects into somebody's lifein transition Well I love that I mean to be honest that's transits and transitionsI mean it's a perfect segue in that regard beautiful way Um So when you're born all theplanets were in a certain arrangement around the solar system and from our vantage point here around the earth andthat creates what we call the astrological chart and the world's all the planets continueto move on Of course they don't stop staying in that one moment so they continue to move forwardSo wherever they are and whatever moment you want to check on them is what wecall a transit And you can compare the current moment of what planets are in relationship to the earthas to how they were when you were born And those create aspects or relationships between the planets show usthat we're likely to have a challenging supportive at times But also where we are like you say in theprocess of our cycle because each of the planets makes an orbit around the sun Some of themgo around really quickly when we think about it every 28 days when we think ofthe moon and then the longest being out there with Pluto being some 240 years As far as the cyclewe don't even know None of us humans have lived lived long enough to be able to have thefull cycle of that experience So it's so each of those cycles create aspects of transition asthey're going through So the easiest way to think about it in this intimate wayis every 28 days the moon does that in its relationship with the earth and the sunand how we witness it from here on the on the planet So when you you know thatold story that they talk about that there's always an increase in the emergency rooms during duringfull moons And then there are different experiences that are had at different times ofthe planet or or how the tides are usually higher during the full moon when the supermoon just happenedrecently which means it was at its ay which means it's it's closest place to the earthIt makes the waves even stronger and heavier which is adding to some of the hurricanes thatwere going on Mhm That you know I find that so interesting because so many people arelikely to say well you know the planet zero have an effect on us But weknow we know that the sun has an immediate effect on us We know themoon has an immediate effect on us It's it's definite that these other things would alsobe you know highlighted as as far as having an effect we live here We're part of the universe We'vegot to embrace that change as well as the change is within us So yeah interesting What Umso I don't know if we actually talked about what is the the most the biggest change maybethat you've seen maybe in another person but I know you talked about yourself So um there wassomething else that you were talking about and I wanted to ask about it Um Mistakes that's what you youhad brought up mistakes and that you know that we don't really understand or realize thatwhere we're at is not necessarily a mistake in general but a mistake for us right And I wantedyou to talk a little bit about that Well it's I think the easiest way toexplain or at least how I see it is those of us who were raised in abusive households orplaces where we weren't honored in the ways we need to be seen and treated wellWe were raised with what we would eventually call something like normative abuse meaning that we'reused to this certain level of treatment from people And we don't think about it um becauseit it's how we were raised I was raised in a pretty emotionally and physically abusive household And soI made it ok for friends to not abuse me physically but abuse me or treat me poorlyAnd I didn't think anything of it because it was very normal to me And I took thatas long as I was able to take that What do you think since you bring that up Whatdo you think jolted you out of that What made you change I think having enough experiences ofit and seeing what it was like on the other side of the going like wowI truly would rather be by myself than engage excuse me with that sort of behavior or thatsort of person being raised by narcissistic individuals It's very easy to be drawn by the charisma of anarcissist And it's very easy to especially someone who maybe has some empathic abilities aswell And so they're able to draw you in from the ways in which they treat youbut it's a very intoxicating mix That's how you were raised And so it takes a while to go likeoh this is this is a trap that I don't you know again I don't want to walkdown the street again I want I I finally you know gone I've gone downthe street and as many times as I need to to realize or I mean myother analogy It's kind of funny who comes in is you're never going to get chocolate milk out ofa well Yeah And so the metaphor is like if you think if your parentshave never shared with you compassion and love and acceptance in a way that you knowthat really is important for you and meaningful for you At a certain point you have to realize thatyou will never get that chocolate milk from that Well yeah and having to search for it in other placeschange is something that takes like you to your point earlier It's a cycle It takesit's a long it's a it's a lifelong journey right For some I mean in some you know maybeif they were able to get it really quickly I mean some individuals come in with sucha secure sense of themselves and they're like oh no hell no I'm not dealingwith that And and I think individuals who we have around us help model newways for us to be because having been born and raised in a certain environmentwe have certain ways that we look at life in that way and we don't really see thatthere's other opportunities until we're in relationship with it Mhm Mhm Well thanks for yourtime Mr Mr Master astrologer Michael Bartlett Um It's been it's been a good talk Um Let me askyou one last question Always a pleasure connecting with you Of course I I love talkingwith you So let me ask you one last question What question did I not ask you thatI think is that you think is important for transitions and knowing about change the image to me is comingis is is the image of the ocean and I'm thinking of of going out and surfing or going outto the body board or just body surfing and and they are coming in very strong in onearea but over off to the right or off to the left you see that they aren't as strongand so you go over to that area and go around them And I think it's it'sabout learning how to navigate life and learning where we need to take things head on and goright into the way versus where we need to kind of go around and and and learnit and and I think it takes time Um And I think that's always the hardest part for us whenwe're younger is we have this idea that um that we just need to go through it or weneed to just push we can persevere we can we can just run up that mountain and makeit And yeah you really can you have the energy and you have the lifeforce to be able to do that But do you really need to And that's justsomething that I think as we get older we that's the question that becomes amore profound and more you know existential like do I need to do do I needto put for this amount of resource or you know as one gets older as onebecomes more mature and has had more experience and work And in life we getto understand that life has way more choices than maybe we thought when we were younger And sothat's again this aspect of being able to when we can kind of rise above or step backand take that you know 60,000 ft view of uh what you know if life is transitory how can Itake the most advantage of that How can I enjoy it the most way What's what'sthe way in which you know like when I always thought of when I lefta job I wish I had known how long it would take for me finding the new job Becausewouldn't that be really a nice way to experience a vacation in between our jobs But nowe're usually they're spreading away Oh my God I'm never going to find a job againThere are no jobs out there and actually you know here we are right now where there'sjust such a plethora of jobs being offered but really no one wants to do thosesorts of things that have been done in the past And especially for the pay of how thingshave been going on when everything in life is so expensive now And so here we're in another majortransition period And as this um we're we're really kind of going into a new generationalphase that we're kind of getting inklings about And it'll be interesting to see howsociety deals with this next aspect of major transition on an individual level as well as how we handle iton a collective level And and I think that's a really good point that we are not always just intransition everything is always in transition So it's not just about the waves that we're surfingThere's a bunch of other surfers out with us and the waves are different in differentplaces And so yeah it's a I think it's it's learning like you said to ride those waves andmaybe learning how to enjoy the fall every once in a while and you pick yourself up andyou do it again And also it's funny because I'm thinking of this video I saw onInstagram yesterday It was so hilarious because there were these two people that were doing these exercises and itlooks like these people are doing these like really strong push ups But then you see in thebackground that the person's dogs walking and what is the wall Oh it's interesting It's this perspective of like ohthis person's just standing and pretending like they're really working hard to like inspire other people Andit's like huh you know it's just you don't always take how other people doit You know everyone has their own relationship to how they go through transition And I think it's important toreally honor it And one part it's funny because one thing that's important about transition that I think is fallingeven more away from our society now is the honoring of it through ritual We we do have power forthe newborns Um but the idea of funerals and memorials are really getting lighter and lighter and lighterand the idea of of even putting an obituary where do you do an obituary for someone who's movedyou know 17 times over the course of their lives and where you know how do you honor someonein that way How what do you do with the social media aspect of that individual What do youdo with their intellectual property that is spread across all this media Wow that is a really good point Imay have to talk about that Maybe at the beginning of the year we'll talkabout we'll talk about ritual I like it Rituals are very important I think it's something that the more thatwe can engage in that it's an honoring of it And what's interesting right now forthis particular month in September is most of the planets except for two Mars and Venusare in what we call a retrograde motion Meaning that from our vantage point hereon earth it appears that they're going backwards Of course we know none of the planetorbit backwards in time But it's simply like when you're driving on the freeway and someone speeds up nextto you and you slow down it looks like you're really going backwards but you're reallynot it's just you've slowed down but it's the view point But what this gives is this opportunity for allthese words that begin with re and so during this transition time it's really important to do those things Likerest review reconsider revisit reconnoiter reconnect relax I love that That too Well thank you somuch for your time I have enjoyed this conversation I'm hoping to share it with others and um and ifyou have any other extra thoughts that you think of afterwards I would love tohear them Sounds great Thanks for having me on Chris Always a treat Thanks