I have a great idea but I'm worried about how to present it Will people like it will Ibe able to present the information correctly I get these questions all the time and there isa simple answer the faster you start the sooner you're going to grow I used to wait fordays before taking an idea and starting to write an article or make a video And thisreally ended up holding me back in this video I will discuss the five steps Igo through from starting to finishing quality content in a very simple process you can follow ifyou're stuck or you're unsure where to go from where you're currently at before we dothat I recommend you join the part time digital business newsletter This is my newsletter andthe sponsor of this video This newsletter is free to join every week I publishan article that I curate that I believe is the most important topics for you Building your digitalbusiness learning how to monetize and learning how to create better content This newsletter willcome directly to your inbox join the group There are thousands of people highly motivated individuals allgrowing their digital businesses together You can find links to this newsletter in the description content creationhas really become an essential skill Whether you're an individual whether you're a business or an entrepreneur aseasoned marketer or you're simply someone with a story to tell all of these personas All of these different usecases should understand the process of transforming ideas into tangible content or digital products I believe this is very criticalin the industry especially if you're looking to earn and you're looking to earn as quickly as you can Theproblem most people don't know where or how to get started So great ideas get wasted in thatwaiting period The solution is to follow a simple process run your ideas through that process and get betterat producing that high quality consumable content on the other side So the first part of thisis organization organizing your content ideas effectively You start everything with an idea This is thebrainstorming phase the exploring various concepts phase What is working What is not working What can I talkabout What can I not talk about Ideas can come from anywhere personal experiences trendsevents in your life casual conversations the key is to remain open and receptive to finding the inspiration I recommendyou keep a note in your phone or on your laptop for ideas only Don't just pick oneidea Jot down 25 at a time These ideas will give you more ideas And overtime the compounding effect you can build on each piece of content find new contentLet's say you're in the music teaching space start by writing down 25 topics music related that youcan naturally carry on a conversation with Like this examples would be music reading music writing how Ilearn a song how I write a song best places to find dot dot dot Music related the more ideasyou write down the easier it will be to create content from those ideas Now numbertwo how do you go from pen to paper with your content Ideas When you have thatidea you wanna start flushing it out The pen to paper phase is where you begin to give structure andsubstance to that concept So start by outlining the main points or sections of your content If you're writingan article this may involve creating a rough draft or detailed outline for a video project you might begin witha storyboard or writing on a script The goal here is to take that ideaabstract idea and turn it into a concrete plan of action Don't worry about being perfect atthis stage Just get your thoughts down and organize them into what's called a logical flow This is also thetime to conduct research get your supporting facts lend the credibility to what you're putting out there asyou write out your ideas you may find that concepts evolve or they go into different concepts This is allpart of the process Most of my initial ideas never end up exactly the way they started atthe end But that is how I get them targeted to what you my audience is looking for versuswhat I am thinking I want to create on now before we talk about tailoring your content make sure tofollow make sure to subscribe each follow Really helps push the content out more and givesyou the opportunity to be notified as soon as new content is published Now number three howdo you tailor your content to your targeted audience and do it the right waywith a solid foundation for your content in place You now want to consider whoyou're creating for Understand your target audience is very crucial for crafting those ideas and making sure those ideas areengaging Ask yourself some questions What problems are you trying to solve What kind ofcontent does your audience want to consume And how do they prefer to receive the information I run all ofmy content through these questions because I wanna make sure I am speaking directly to you and solving aproblem directly for you I do not put out random content Everything is done witha sole purpose Each piece of content you put out should have a purpose to guide a readerto take an action when you get good at this process will really help you anticipate questions or objections youraudience might have This will allow you to address those proactively But more importantly when you getthose objections back you can craft your products craft your new content to help solve those objectionsThis is how you get better and better over time Now number four how do you formatcontent for publishing and for your products Now that you know your target audience who you arewriting for you can begin choosing the best platform to format for your goals Will your idea work bestas a blog post as an ebook as a podcast episode maybe a video series The formatyou choose the platform you choose should align with your content goals and your audience preferences If you're planning tocreate a video format then you want to start thinking about video platforms If you're planning tocreate a blog post or newsletter you wanna think about blogging platforms the formatting you choosewill relate directly to the platforms the type of content you're looking to produce which takes usto number five launching an iteration The final step in this process is to launch your product or launchyour content share it with your audience or your potential audience This involves choosing those platforms those channels toreach your targeted audience more effectively Are you publishing on a website Are you sharing on social Areyou distributing through different marketplaces I teach more about this in the content production system Courseyou can find links in the description and I always recommend you start with atleast one platform or two platforms Max master those platforms then add in another I seetoo often people start with too much too fast I was guilty of this as well And instead ofexcelling in one all of them become mediocre and it takes a lot more time takethe time to master one platform and the skills you learn from that platform will help you withthe next follow these five steps When preparing your next content ideas the results will speakfor themselves If you want to go further if you want to build your content system out if youwanna follow a step by step course I recommend you check the channel links or the description andI'll see you in the next one