Grace L - Healing in the Present 3Sept22
Healing in the Present
Healing in the Present
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    I wanted to share with you this is quite an for me it's quite dramatic it's experiencing God's truth

    in action so I'm going to share a little bit teaching and a little bit

    of testimony and hopefully we're going to see some well I'm not going to say

    hopefully we can expect to see a release of more miracles in our midst we've already seen

    quite a lot healing and God doing amazing things but there's an upgrade so I

    just I want to kind of share yeah I'm going to share I've kind of been plagued with migraines

    since I was 15 years old the most horrific things and over the years I've got

    better or not it's never gone you know I'm not I was really poorly when

    I was little when I was young debilitating disruptive to life intrusive in every level and there's been

    a measure of healing all the way through I've been to Healing conferences and I've had healing

    and it feels like it's on an elastic band it will go and then it comes back so so

    over the years I've kind of had this kind of healing up to a point and I am a

    lot better and God so kind because in that process of not fully being healed in he's

    pointed out foods that I should take out of my diet to help me get

    better and so even that you know some people have looked at me as if how

    is that healing that's kind that's good God knows that there was something deeper that was operating that I hadn't

    got the faith the or I don't know I hadn't got the grounding to deal with or I

    was I don't know don't understand everything so so so he would come and he would say you

    know about lactose and gluten and all these things and I'm still not ready to change from that even

    after today but I want to tell you a little bit so I'm on holiday in Italy and it

    was amazing but I started to read I started a book I always take a book on

    holiday a spiritual book to kind of retreat regard and it was all on the fire of God

    in the fire from the throne room and I've been transported Into the Fire literally in the past and I

    was it was about 14 years ago and every time I've had a actual encounter

    with God it's been fire and I oh yeah well not everyone but ninety percent of them have

    been embodiment of his fire and and I began to say God you know I in

    my in the visitation in the encounter I literally the room went and I was in white fire in

    it and it was amazing but I jumped out and I started to feel like she repents that he

    jumped out and I asked God to consume me completely with his fire well I started to I

    cried every day so I thankfully I was on holiday thankfully I've got really good painkillers and we managed

    to read enjoy a holiday but it was it was still challenging and so anyway I'm

    thinking there's a connection here the fire of God's coming this is coming up so there's

    something that God wants to heal so I've learnt over the years repentance is good if things come up we

    learn that as a church don't we we don't get distressed about it we say

    well what got what's God bringing up for healing so well we try not to be we deal with

    it when we do don't we go guys yeah we kind of clean all that muck

    out but yeah we reposition ourselves don't wait and so anyway I started to declare this fire

    over my life and I came home and it was getting worse because even in the light I

    would migraine at glasses cap so light was coming in and I started to make declarations a few two weeks

    ago this is not right this is symbolically wrong because I stand in his life

    I stand in the fire and I shouldn't have to be in darkness so I started

    to declare and then over my life has started to start declaring we looked at it

    in church in the prayer meetings didn't win we started to declare healing and then the climax

    was last week Lorenzo she's not on this morning but she had their Ms and God has

    promised a we did a 21-day fast and God promised her that he would heal her of Ms and

    the way I met Lorenzo was through healings a festival you know so she's known

    the power of God and the life she's known the healing and we made a

    covenant together on prayers on zoom and we went right I said I'm going to start declaring

    I'm Healed of migraine and my eye is totally healed and you're going to start declaring that you are

    totally healed from Ms so those of you who are on prayers we started to

    declare it as I thank you God that I am healed I am made whole thank you God that

    I am free of migraine so then the challenge came came and I'm going to lead you to some scriptures

    and things in a moment then Friday morning I think it was so I'm declaring

    all this I am healed so I'm I just want to and I hope you're starting to apply it to

    your own circumstances you know so I started declare I am healed I am healed and then I wake up

    Friday morning with a migraine so this is pretty unraveling for me because if I've got to go

    through all day the pattern is not pleasant it you know a lot of this I

    don't show in public I've learned to deal with it you know a manage it people that have pain learn

    pain management don't you and I would life would it yeah life would have shut down

    but my family will see me when I'm when I'm low and I've learned how to manage it so I

    knew what to do but I start to declare I am healed and restored but I can feel this

    anxiety that's rising up because the pattern is that it gets worse and worse through the

    day till it's and if a don't take anything it becomes unbearable you know some of you

    have seen me when I'm wrong and it's yeah so anyway I'm starting to feel

    this Rising because I'm declaring I'm Healed okay and then I I'm starting to think I need to talk to

    God about this because he's your father is name and there's something I've learned about him that there's a difference

    between coming Garden telling him of this isn't working to say what should I do what

    shall I do and I went to him I went in my bedroom and I said

    God what shall I do shall I take a painkiller because are you going to

    heal me in a few days or do I not have any painkillers I'm dealing

    with all this and I'm I've learned over the days I'm starting to wash cleaning we're going to look at

    this washing clean of anxiety and fear and discouragement and the temptation to go under

    to be discouraged these are demonic things that robbed us of our healing okay so I'm going to

    talk this this is a biggie so I hear his voice so clearly I'm in my bedroom and he says

    to me from the words of Matthew he says to you be it done according to your

    faith so he clearly puts the ball in my court I'm so now I'm on rappelled because I've

    got a choice it's my faith that I'm going to take a tablet and believe for him tomorrow because

    I know he'll do it or do I step out in faith and trust him so I made the

    decision to trust him and all day long I am washing clean a fear of anxiety this

    is really important guys it underpins your Miracle it underpins your ability to receive from God discouragement I'll just

    take tablet you know so I'm in here I'm working all day and I'm declaring I am healed

    and I Stand My Ground and like to declare and it's so intense the battle that

    I'm going I start to declare over myself that pain migraine I've never felt it before it's not mine

    so I'm starting to disown it I'm starting to lose from it and it's not mine but it is

    intense and I'm feeling I'm feeling it do you know what I mean this is a

    battle you know and I think sometimes there's a lesson I've learned over the weekend

    and going to look at how Jesus deals and with this I miracle that he does for the Blind Men

    because I thought wow when I looked it up on my gosh be it done

    according to your faith was an eye miracle and now I'm still declaring full healing for

    eyes you've had a taste of healing it's been contended but it demonic spirit will contend it

    because he's has you captive and I know this might be not what we want to hear but

    it's the truth and so what it uses is your fear your anxiety and you discouragement to rob you

    of the blessing so the goodness of God leads us to repentance because we start to repent

    and I wash clear of my fear and I wash clear of my anxiety and I declare

    I am healed this migraine is not mine it is not mine and I'm declaring all day and

    it's so intense that even when I go home I don't even mention it at

    home I just say I'm tired because I don't want it to come out on my mouse and

    I don't want anyone to say oh dear because my spirit might connect with that when I was

    healed of the brass slum remember the teaching on that as well watch what comes out of here

    that's for another day so as we begin to stay in that something amazing starts to happen now

    when I was about 14 16 years old this might sound strange but this is the

    you know this is gloves off testimony I remember being in horrific pain with a migraine and

    things were really bad at home it was a toxic environment but God had me stay because

    he wanted to develop me and teach me how to stand it's not a teaching you here much

    today is in and he took me out when I stood so anyway I actually I didn't

    understand all the spiritual stuff but I do remember this Darkness coming into my room and it was

    like it was a messenger with this thing of migraine and I remember saying Go away

    leave me alone I don't want you now something happens as I start to declare I am healed

    I am trusting God I am free of migraine this is not my migraine this

    is not mine starts to happen that dark presence begins to manifest behind me and then the

    scripture begins to change over my life and I start to declare I am walking in the

    light as he is in the light and we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Christ

    is cleansing me from all unrighteousness and I start to see that scripture I am

    crucified with Christ the old Grace with migraine is dead but nevertheless I live and the faith

    I live I live by the faith of the life I live I live by the faith of

    the Son of God who loved me I'm walking away so as you start to

    declare your Miracle you start to declare things by faith God starts to have something to work with because because

    then he starts to partner with what you're saying because he's saying are now I've got something I can release

    my flame into because she's confessing my word I'm so it's tart stew Catch Fire

    and I literally felt the dark presence I'm breaking I thought I'm not under you I'm not under Darkness I

    am walking in the light as he is in the light and for the first time

    in almost 40 years and I had to deal with a fear of going to bed with

    them with a migraine because it was still there the pain not intense but it was

    there because usually when I fall asleep with one I wake up in excruciating pain so I have to wash

    clean of that fear I'm not washing clean and I fall asleep and I wake

    up in the night and there's no migraine and I go downstairs to pray and laugh at

    the vision the father gave me but what came into my mind was UN peacekeeping Force and I

    realized because I taken territory I have to keep it you know when a piece of he's keeping Force

    goes in it holds the territory because it can still be contended so I started to say thank you Jesus

    that you're releasing your angels thank you Jesus this is the territory and I gained territory but today I'm

    still keeping territory because given one tiny inch the enemy will try to be my master again and

    we do not accept the role of Darkness doing the only roll over our life is the kingdom

    of heaven so in the scriptures these are while I wait for my Miracle just

    I'm looking forward to giving them away to someone who needs them so Jesus he says here in Matthew

    have mercy on us son of David when he had gone indoors the Blind Men

    came to him and asked do you believe that sorry the Blind Men came to him

    and he asked them do you believe I'm able to do this yes Lord they replied then he touched their

    eyes and said according to your faith will it be done to you and their sight was restored so

    you know do we have to have this elaborate Faith where we believe God and yet the counter scripture says

    we only need the faith as size of a mustard seed so what's going on why is

    it that you know why does he even say that isn't it a bit mean what do you want me

    to do what is it you want well it's obvious isn't it but he wanted them to confess it from

    their mouths and he's like do you believe or the fact that they follow Jesus isn't

    that obvious that they were believing the fact that they obvious isn't it don't you

    think if they were shouting out Jesus have mercy on me why did Jesus ask

    them do you believe you know I don't get it but if you look at it this way

    the seed of Faith had brought them to follow him but around the seed of

    Faith there are many things that stop the growth of that seat the redoubts there

    are fears there is discouragement which is one of the enemies biggest tools so it didn't happen

    oh well maybe next time and what the Holy Spirit and what I learned over this weekend

    on a brand-new level was that I need to repent and cleanser every fear every

    day out because it underpins your miracle and as you do that so Jesus when he got

    them to speak it I believe he was establishing their faith you go remember they've

    been blind a long long time this is huge do you know what I mean I

    mean it's it's fine if you're in complete darkness and you're crying out your crying out from your pain but

    God wanted them to cry out not from their pain but from faith so he was creating

    an environment for the miracle oh come on he was creating an environment and it may not

    be that you need a physical healing over your life tonight maybe it's freedom from

    depression or negativity maybe it's a freedom I don't know what it is maybe it's

    that I don't know there are many things that God wants to Destinies he wants to bring forth

    over Vince way you know we're praying you know and it is a little seed

    it is a seed but we have the promise many times over from different people that this

    is we're going to become a massive truth and not because we say it because he

    said it yeah so and I was thinking when I when I was picking these blackberries you know

    I was getting stung and there were these Nettles all around but they were big and they were worth it

    you know to mean and I felt like the holy spirit's say isn't that like the miraculous we

    can see the fruit we know what God wants to do in our lives but the enemy or

    plant Nettles and you know and it's like when I stood on one lot of

    nettles another lot of nettles caught me at the back of my leg and I'm like

    but I wasn't put off yeah you deal with the Nettles you deal with the fears so there's nothing

    wrong with a promising there's nothing wrong with what God wants to do in your life but we have

    to clear out the Nettles the negativity that comes around the promises of God Amen how

    many times do we have be be truthful I felt so fragile when God said to me be

    it done according to your faith that that was unraveling it put it in my court I

    had a choice I took a risk and it was from in from my personal Viewpoint it was a big

    risk and today yeah but you know what I've learned I was really avoid few this morning

    because I'm really standing my ground because I feel like I've got to keep my Peace

    Keeping presents in it's not a time to relax and often people will have healing and then they'll go

    it didn't really work or Skeptics will say oh yeah he'll didn't really work what if it was stolen

    yeah through fear through discouragement well I say today I don't know about you I will not

    let the enemy steal my healing and this morning I was so encouraged when his word

    he said that there is a release of angels coming to strengthen and I was like

    who that is amazing because sometimes a little bit of the Heavenly Host just coming to give you that strength

    is just what we need so we move into the miraculous we another thing about the

    miraculous is that it's really important that we based it in the present moment not

    in the future when Jesus said to Martha remember when Lazarus was dead he said you know I am

    the resurrection and the life oh yes I know one day he will rise again and Jesus say no you

    don't get it because I'm here Resurrection is here now and I heard a story once about a pastor

    would prayed for a lady with cancer and she was miraculously healed restored and then a few months

    later she came back again and she died and he was devastated and he was like what

    went wrong and if you know it's it's your fragile aren't you it's risky like my friend

    who's got term anal cancer you know I mean it's like maybe that's what's you know this journey

    I'm yeah we're going to see life she's in a 40s and she has a destiny a garden a

    life the anime better watch out I'm he said to God why I'm remember I

    asked him why I don't come I am telling him he's wrong ask him truthfully

    what went wrong what happened why why why and God said to him she stopped believing that the healing was

    in the present now and saw it in the future you know because you know

    if you've seen it in the future then how can it line up with now yeah I am healed now

    there is no time in heaven Miracles are healing is he says I am so we have to line

    up with I am if we see it in the future there's something lost and yes we might have to

    work with that talk to God about it real line and that's okay that's why we so believe

    in our church that it's no judgment don't we guys it's we just sometimes we got a thrash these

    things out in the presents we got to say we're not aligned we're not right we're not

    in the right place and we have to get into life see God release everything that he wants

    to do