Acts Chapter 5
The death of Ananias and Sapphira is often misunderstood, being less about what was given and more about hypocrisy. How this was addressed is clearly the work of God. The Apostles continued proclaiming the truth, however the Jewish leadership reacted negativily to this. However, the results were not what the Jewish leadership expected. But a highly respected Pharisee advised them how they should address these new teachings.
The death of Ananias and Sapphira is often misunderstood, being less about what was given and more about hypocrisy. How this was addressed is clearly the work of God. The Apostles continued proclaiming the truth, however the Jewish leadership reacted negativily to this. However, the results were not what the Jewish leadership expected. But a highly respected Pharisee advised them how they should address these new teachings.
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