Orbex 4.0 DL Eps 5 Five Dictums_default
Show Transcripts

In the digital economy Leaders need to cultivate a winning team culture where teams create

value even remotely in a network organization with personal power they lead people with position power they manage work

they know the difference So they manage by head to enforce order and lead by heart

to stoke morale they adapt their leadership style to the work situation They nurture relationships with the right

enablers to promote agile team performance not individual performance to do it well they hone

three critical skills empathy engagement and execution In the previous episode you learn the four stages of team development

How forming inevitably leads to storming how unwritten norms formed by the team to manage their differences

will determine how the team performs and how the team can use the orbs relationship bar to stoke

the energy of shared purpose to perform at the highest level of effectiveness with unity of spirit In this episode

you will learn the five victims of a winning team the five victims will help you understand the

key roles that team leaders perform to build winning teams that go beyond results We have

distilled the right norms into what we now call the five victims of a winning team

A victim is a mandate So we're saying you wanna be a winning team fulfill this

five mandates or dictums The five victims will help you understand the key roles that team leaders

perform to build a self organized a self managed or even a self directed team As required by

the circumstances team leaders and members need to cultivate a checklist of norms for each

of the five victims relevant to their situation The five victims are meaning results process growth and

mindset Those key words represent five mandates that your team needs to fulfill In order to deserve recognition As

a winning team leaders perform five important roles in order to fulfill each of those by victims The

first victim is meaning this mandate can only be fulfilled with the ability to practice idea meritocracy

When the victim of meaning is fulfilled individuals are respected and their ideas are heard Mutual trust

and solidarity are important Prerequisites for a climate of candor and open-mindedness A risk free climate of

radical honesty and radical transparency Leaders performed the role of Chief Meaning Officer to turn

the team into a wellspring of purpose and vision leaders stoke morale by making members feel the importance of

their participation and contribution It nourishes them It satisfies the human hunger for meaningful work CEO S lead

the effort to strive for unity of spirit Muon Ubuntu with little emotional baggage ideas are expressed explored and openly

debated to find the best choice among alternatives The second victim is results It is the mandate that ultimately satisfy

what the organization expects from the team Its output is for the next process The other dictums

are easy to overlook this dictum gone results and is considered the most important of the five leaders performed the

role of Chief Executive Officer to focus the human energy of the team under a good

CEO the team ignites Stokes and channels their collective passion and commitment to achieve the organization's business and social goals

The team's leader and members have clear goals measurable agreed co-ordinated realistic and time bound A

good CEO will help members see the existence and work of the team in the larger context of society The

third victim is process It is the mandate that promotes order and discipline in the way

that the team gets work done Results never betray process this victim not only ensures that results

are achieved it ensures that results will be achieved repeatedly and consistently Leaders performed the

role of Chief operating officer to make the team a vital link in the value creation

chain The team produces the inputs needed by the customer the next process on time within specifications and at the

right cost they enforce process excellence with the P CDC A what we call plan coordinate do

check act parallel work performance cycles in the digital economy coo s strike a balance between organizational rhythm

needed for optimization and sporadic actions needed for agile innovation The fourth victim is gross It is the

mandate that turns the team into an institution of continuous learning the business of life

and the life of business demands It not a day goes by without growth learning

experience that growth enriches each other So they are prepared to fill in for each other when it is

necessary They are resilient The leaders performed the role of Chief Learning Officer They help members discover

the knowledge the skills and the attitudes that they need to develop and find ways and means to get them

members believe that the best way to learn is to teach So they cultivate norms of searching online and

sharing among team members to keep everyone at the cutting edge of meeting the evolving demands of work

The fifth dictum is mindset It is a mandate to appreciate the team as a specimen of the

company's culture The team behaves like a forge of human interaction that can be influenced and

with it behavioral norms can be initiated directed or discontinued in line with the core values

or strategic values of the company which they need to know and breathe on a daily basis During the

work leaders performed the role of Chief Culture Officer They lead discussions they instill implant and

inculcate the company's core values They can encourage members to remind each other to avoid violations of the company's core

values or conflicts of interest They celebrate the company's core values through storytelling and actively supporting

the company's corporate culture program Those are the five victims of a winning team We describe the norms for each

of those victims and the roles played by the leader Are you ready to perform your five roles

as a winning team leader In this episode you learn the five victims of a winning team and the key

roles that team leaders perform to build winning teams that go beyond results How meaning turns

the team into a wellspring of purpose and vision for the ability to practice idea meritocracy

How results demands the team to become a source of focused human energy to achieve

organizational goals How process requires the team to become a vital link in the value creation chain by achieving

results repeatedly and consistently How grove mandates the team to become an institution of continuous

learning for resiliency and how mindset mandates that the team become a vibrant specimen of

the corporate culture In the next episode you will explore and understand the parallel P DC A work performance

cycles called P CDC A short for plan coordinate do Check Act that will serve as our framework for prescribing

based on best practice research a leadership style that will help you enforce order for process

excellence and stoke morale for people excellence