Today I want to talk about branding and specifically branding for therapists and healers What does itmean for small business owners uh and self-employed healers therapists to have a brand What deeper purpose is servedby getting clear on our brand After all we're not like Nike are we So firstly what do Imean by brand Normally when we talk about branding we think of logos and colorschemes and typefaces and fonts and taglines But it's really really hard to to point to any one thingand go that's a brand isn't it But of course when we do think of you know mcdonald's and umCoca Cola Apple BMW we normally see their logo in our minds Maybe you know the taglinemaybe a little jingle jingle is playing in your head maybe Um And it's easy to think thatthese things are the brand but that's not it Your logo your tagline your colorsare just representations of your brand Your brand is a combination of elements that alladd up to one thing Your brand is the promise of an experience I'm going to say itagain The brand is a is the promise of an experience It will make people feel acertain way and it will give you a good idea of what to expect from consumingsomething from that brand Uh mcdonald's is a great example When we see the brand or thelogo we know exactly what experience we are expecting don't we It's low end It's fun basedquick food You're not expecting a top level woman experience are you I hope Um and there's anotherreally great example here in the UK and that's our chemists We have two bighigh street brand chemists and that's boots and Superdrug Now when I when you think ofthose names do they feel different to you Now here's the thing you see they they they sell thesame stuff Yeah they do They have cosmetics they have toiletries they have off oo over thecounter medicines Um they sell the same things and yet they have an entirely different theme and normally ifyou go to a uh if if you have an insect bite or something you might go toboots to get some cream to put on it because boots has much more of aa medical a clinical um a more professional feel if if I can say that andsuperdrug is more fun and more frivolous and it's got a different vibe altogether A younger vibe maybe But theysell exactly the same thing This is what I mean about the brand being the promiseof an experience So if mcdonald's depends and Jaguar depends you pretty much know what to expectfrom each of those That's because that brand has given you a feel for it Another fantastic exampleis um yeah around Christmas time or Valentine's Day around then there will be a lotof perfume ads on the telly and here's the thing right Perfume ads they're not going intothe talking about the perfume and say well this perfume will help you do this and umit will give you this feature and this benefit It doesn't just doesn't do that The the ads will giveyou a feeling a sense and it's the promise of an experience So some arefun and frivolous Some want to want you to feel luxurious and expensive and pampered and glorious and others mayhave more of a risque vibe right You're getting the idea your brand is the promise of an experienceNow that's all very well And I hear you say well Kathy you're talking about big companies hereWhat does that actually mean for us For a small business for a small companyor a self-employed therapist and healer That's the thing We still project a brand we of a wheel westill project the promise of an experience whether we like it or not So have athink about this What is the experience that you want your clients to have when they come in contactwith your brand when they see your posts when they read your emails when they watch your videos or geton a call with you what is it you want them to feel Now of course when we focus inon you know what what are what is our brand what represents our brand This is notus being false I know that as therapists and healers that you want the best foryour clients that's just the nature of who you are So think about how is it how do you wantthem to feel when they interact with you Getting this right for you is about staying aligned beingaligned and staying aligned with what really is true to you at the core and to youand your services I'm getting clear on this can inform all of your marketing materials andeverything you put out with out there Now Interestingly I think it's a it's it's a two way thing Ithas both an outward and an inward focus So outwardly your brand is an opportunity to createaligned connection with your clients with your potential clients with your audience meaningful thought provoking and aligned connections But inwardlyyour brand is also important It's an opportunity to create real focus and intention It's almost bringing youback to you who you are bringing your business back to who you are atthe core focus intention and energy but building your business and creating your materials inan aligned what So it's just as valid for us So your takeaway for today I have three questionsfor you I'd like you to write them down Please feel free to put them in the comments I'dlove to see go and see them after this Firstly well what do you want your clients and potential clientsto experience when they come in contact with you and your brand Secondly how do you want them tofeel And thirdly to add another nuance if you like to what were doing here whatare the values they are important to you and your brand They are important to you and your servicesthat your clients need to know about you and your brand in order to know thatthey are a good fit with your services Those three questions write write the answers down or even bettertype them in the comments And I'll put I'll put the questions down there aswell Understanding your brand at the deep level is a really important part of getting your foundations in in placefor a profitable practice uh next week as part of the celebrations I'm running a training uh a muchmore in depth training where I'm gonna share what I consider to be the three essentialpillars to an aligned profitable practice And you'll see how what we've talked about today fitsin the first pillar If you're not already registered I'd love to see you thatit's free and you can register at www dot Cathy hyphen training again I'll put thelink down below and register and come and join me I think its Tuesday at 7 p.m. UK time Tuesdaythe 11th Uh This will be the first time I've shared this framework So I'm I'm pretty excitedto get it out there and I'm gonna go into why the standard marketing practices don't reallywork They don't really fit the needs of therapists and healers I bet you anything you've already foundthat to a degree right And I'm also gonna share why I what I think isthe missing ingredient for many transformational businesses as well obviously as sharing the framework whichgives you the grounding for profitable and yet still aligned practice So the link is www.codot Cathy mouthful forward slash private hyphen training I'll put it below and tomorrow I'll be backsame time same place I've always wanted to say that for tomorrow's business point andI'll be looking at positioning and what I mean by that is how can we standout in a sea of therapists And he is who all seem to be offering the same thing