The WOW Series: The Mania 2, The Duce Mania!
Podcast available at Plain and simply put, I felt the mania! Another adventure led me to Inglewood, California for WrestleMania! Thanks to my daughter this trip was more than I could've imagined. The best part was being with family.
Podcast available at Plain and simply put, I felt the mania! Another adventure led me to Inglewood, California for WrestleMania! Thanks to my daughter this trip was more than I could've imagined. The best part was being with family.
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    if you're wondering what this is all about is about the Wrestlemania experience last W count care Lala

    WrestleMania what do we get so far so far with the rest of them Mania

    the first night there's a two-night event today is the second day we decide to

    come to the free experience at the LA Convention Center so I get the rock out to some music for

    my daughter and do some shopping I was inspecting the shopping so much I'm going to take you

    around for a little torso check it out enjoy all the shirts there's so many shirts different styles from different

    characters bressler's some of the wrestlers we saw last night and other rats are going to see tonight all

    sorts of apparel Undertaker hats little bags almost everything commemorating WrestleMania let me take you

    for a little tour born shirts lot of shirts all sorts of sizes got action figures

    and you know that all this stuff is going to be priced up man