Acts Chapter 12
Peter has been captured by King Herod and jailed after James had been killed, Herod planned to have him killed after Passover, with a group of four guards continuously watching him. In the middle of the night, and Angel appeared in the Jail cell and freed Peter. Peter went along with the angel thinking it was a dream, but upon realizing it was real, went to John-Mark’s home. We also find out the fate of King Herod Agrippa who was not pleased at Peter’s jail break.
Peter has been captured by King Herod and jailed after James had been killed, Herod planned to have him killed after Passover, with a group of four guards continuously watching him. In the middle of the night, and Angel appeared in the Jail cell and freed Peter. Peter went along with the angel thinking it was a dream, but upon realizing it was real, went to John-Mark’s home. We also find out the fate of King Herod Agrippa who was not pleased at Peter’s jail break.
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