The role and Purposse of systematic Theology
**The Role and Purpose of Systematic Theology** Systematic Theology stands as the bedrock of religious comprehension and faith. It offers believers a structured approach to grappling with bigger questions, ultimately fortifying their spiritual foundations. In this lesson, we will delve into the significant role and purpose that Systematic Theology plays in shaping our understanding of faith. In this lesson we'll explore the significant role purpose of Systematic Theology. By the end of this lesson you will know how to clearly define systematic theology the role it plays in 4 parts and the 4 part purpose of systematic theology. *Scripture for Reflection (Proverbs 2:6):* "For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." Use this scripture to keep fresh in our mind as we go throughout this lesson. Lets start by **Defining Systematic Theology:** It is a methodical approach to comprehend and organize religious beliefs. The term "systematic" implies a deliberate effort to construct a coherent framework for understanding religious doctrines and their interrelationships. A simply way to think of this is a structured approach to the Study of God and Religion (we will be repeating this throughout the course)
**The Role and Purpose of Systematic Theology** Systematic Theology stands as the bedrock of religious comprehension and faith. It offers believers a structured approach to grappling with bigger questions, ultimately fortifying their spiritual foundations. In this lesson, we will delve into the significant role and purpose that Systematic Theology plays in shaping our understanding of faith. In this lesson we'll explore the significant role purpose of Systematic Theology. By the end of this lesson you will know how to clearly define systematic theology the role it plays in 4 parts and the 4 part purpose of systematic theology. *Scripture for Reflection (Proverbs 2:6):* "For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." Use this scripture to keep fresh in our mind as we go throughout this lesson. Lets start by **Defining Systematic Theology:** It is a methodical approach to comprehend and organize religious beliefs. The term "systematic" implies a deliberate effort to construct a coherent framework for understanding religious doctrines and their interrelationships. A simply way to think of this is a structured approach to the Study of God and Religion (we will be repeating this throughout the course)
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    The role and purpose of systematic theology OK Systematic theology stands as the bedrock of religious comprehension and faith

    It offers us as believers a very structured approach to dealing with the bigger questions that come up It

    should ultimately help strengthen our spiritual foundation strengthen your spiritual foundation In this lesson we will go into the

    significant role and purpose that systematic theology plays in shaping our understanding of our faith By the end

    of this lesson you will know how to clearly define systematic theology The role systematic theology

    plays in four parts and the four part purpose of systematic theology So let's give a

    scripture here for reflection as we go Proverbs 26 for the Lord gives wisdom from his mouth Come knowledge

    and understanding Use this scripture Keep fresh in your mind as we go throughout this lesson Now let's start

    by defining again systematic theology It is a methodical approach to comprehend and organize religious beliefs The term systematic implies

    a deliberate purposeful effort to construct a coherent framework for understanding religious doctrines So a simple way I like to

    think of this is a structured approach to the study of God and the study of religion we will be

    repeating this definition throughout the course So it stays fresh in your mind Now what is the role of systematic

    theology This can be broken into three parts We will start with a scripture and then we will explain

    each part So part number one is clarity and understanding We see this in psalm 1 19

    So in systematic theology this is our road map right This guides us through the intricacies of

    different religious ideas making them accessible and making them much more comprehensible easy to be understood So think of

    it as the scripture says a lamp to light the path Now integration is number two

    we see this in James 15 If any of you lacks wisdom he should ask

    God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to Him This integrates various teachings

    and doctrines found within religious texts bringing together the different elements This helps us create a more unified view

    of the religion So we want to have a unified view as this is where false

    prophets misguided teachings can arise and they do you see them everywhere If there is one unified view

    it is the view of God So not our opinions but fact we should seek that wisdom from God and

    Bible always go back to scripture always keep it in context by checking those facts back to the

    context of the Bible The Bible is the wisdom God given to us Number three is

    defending the faith First Peter 315 is a great example here But in your hearts

    honor Christ the Lord as Holy Always being prepared to make a defense to anyone

    who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you yet do it with gentleness

    and respect So systematic theology really provides a foundation for explaining and justifying those beliefs

    giving us a defense against skepticism or criticism and doing it in a humble way not in

    a way to attack someone but to help get that point across there will always be skeptics that's inevitable

    But we can use this to get better at defending those arguments the more you know the easier it

    is to give those correct responses in the right manner It's not just about being right it

    is about conveying the message in a way that will really help someone and help someone

    accept it without being on the defensive Now what is the purpose of systematic theology

    We're going to also break this into four simple parts ok Relationship with God morality spiritual growth and understanding

    So let's first talk about a deeper relationship with God Jeremiah 2913 For I know the plans I have

    for you declares the Lord plans for welfare not for evil to give you a future and a hope

    then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will hear you

    you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart

    So this aims to deepen our relationship with God giving us an understanding of God

    who God is and who is our role in the world in God's plan This is all about learning

    that we all have a unified purpose to serve God as well as individual callings individual purposes and

    talents specific to each of us to you And I we all have different talents We were

    given to find those talents As Jeremiah says we are to seek and find God with all

    our hearts and the rest will come Number two is guiding morality and ethics We

    see this in Proverbs 35 to 6 Again trust in the Lord with all your heart and

    lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight

    This is a great verse It assists us in the moral and ethical decision making part providing a framework something

    for us to follow aligned with religious convictions to guide our choices We are to

    trust in the Lord by doing so He will make our paths straight He will guide

    us where he needs us to go when we try to do it ourselves is

    when the problems usually tend to happen Number three is fostering that spiritual growth Philippians three verse

    to ask questions and to seek answers And number four facilitating dialogue and understanding So in a diverse world Systematic

    Theology what it does what it hopes to do is foster that interfaith dialogue how by

    providing a structured framework for comparing and contrasting these different faith traditions So in this lesson we

    learned what systematic theology is it is a methodical approach to comprehend and organize religious beliefs So

    we took that definition a little bit further than the previous lesson Now the role of

    systematic theology we also covered clarity understanding integration and defending the faith Now the purpose of systematic theology is a

    relationship with God morality spiritual growth and understanding So great job in completing this lesson please refer to the

    worksheets complete for this section as needed and take the quiz and the next lesson we will discuss

    the historical development of systematic theology So you can start to understand where it came

    from and why it is so important