Ethium Channeling #3 - Part 1 (Nov 21, 2023)
Show Transcripts

Good day Good day Hello Hello Hello This is Joseph here and I'm here together with Laurel and

Amanda How are you Perfect Great Whom do we have the pleasure of speaking with

today Ethan The one you spoke to before Thank you very much for coming here and

uh making yourself available to us Um I'll start with some questions that I have and from

my neighbor who's not uh here with us in a moment And then um if our friends wanna

ask something well I see Amanda had a question already Uh Amanda is asking uh Hi Ethan

where are you from S a Sonic Where is Assani Ethan It is 400 light years in the

direction of the Orion constellation and another reality that so if it's in another reality I

suspect that we would not be able to locate it with the technology that we have here

on earth at the moment No it would be invisible to you at this time In the future

you will have the technology to be able to view our world and many others that

exist simultaneously in other realities such as ours Thank you Ethan Uh When we spoke

last you mentioned that you you are quasi physicals Would you please explain to us what that means The

idea of quasi physical nature is that which exhibits the idea of physicality and can

have the experience of being physical and can create a body and also shift to

the idea of non physicality and spirit because we exist in such a way where we are

completely awake to spirit in the idea of all of it is we are able to shift back

and forth between the idea of physical and non-physical So we are able to connect

to spirits and our ancestors and our other incarnations because we exhibit and live with the

idea of being multidimensional in nature So we can shift to other realities such as

yours Thank you Um Ethan you mentioned before that the Sasana are the third hybrid race Correct Yes

Who who created the Sasan And how long ago the beans that you refer to as the

graze because they knew that they were dying out in their reality And they are a version of humans

from a reality where they destroyed themselves and had to mutate into what you consider the grace

They tunneled into realities like yours and realities that were similar to theirs where they destroyed themselves

They passed on the knowledge and moved to the understanding so they could continue their civilization I see Um Do

any of these uh uh sorry Uh how long ago were the Easson created by the grays by our time

L I in my understanding of time 10,000 of your years in the future 10,000 in the future No we

have existed for around 10,000 of your years I see Thank you Uh There's a question from

Amanda here If you're here now what is happening for you at this moment in your world

Are you meditating Asleep or at both places At the same time I am on

my ship I am in a state of repose I am in a state of connection This

interaction is happening for me in more of a blink of an eye I do not require

the idea of fully being here all the time I see Um Where is your sheep

located now Ethan the North Pole I suppose Do you usually stay there or or you'll

go around if you were able to see us at that time where we are

you would see merely a blob we come and go as needed My ship stays

stationary and I moved to different places simultaneously because I am quasi physical I do

not necessarily require the idea of a ship but it is necessary for the idea

of contact that you are going through at this time So the ship served as some kind of a conduit

a tra a transformer of sorts Yes I see Thank you Are there any other Asani ships uh

at the moment in in our star system or around the earth Yes I am on a team of

s si that are helping you with the contact process on your planet I am a clarifier Thank

you Are there any other ships from other beings and other races Uh circling planet Earth at the moment Yes

but they all serve a different function than we do Some are helping with balancing your population Some are

surveying each different race that is interacting and helping you through the process at this time Is there for

a different reason than we are We are first contact specialists in nature I am an explorer

I am exploring consciousness through the channel right now and his experience of reality Thank you That makes sense Um

I've heard uh from listening to the Bashar and and other beings uh channeled for us

that there's AAA law of free will which means no interference that um no one is allowed to interfere

in the uh in what's going on down here Uh Could you clarify this for me please Yes you

are being given the opportunity to decide whether or not you would like to expand into the

stars with us and do it in a safe way or you will be given

the chance to destroy yourselves It's your choice right The the ss the sorry the

graves that destroyed themselves with any of them left at all in my time No I see Thank you

There's another question from Amanda here I've had a strange connection to Orion over the past three or four

years Specifically the arrow I see in the constellation Do you think there could be a connection to a

Sasan for me or any message I meant to have from there That is not a sign the particular race

that you are speaking of that you have a connection in is a reptilian race that is

part of the Ancient Orion energy that you as beings have worked out of that particular

energy that would destroy yourselves in your reality Um Could you elaborate on that a little

bit with meaning of this Um the Orion and destroy yourself in the ancient Orion systems they destroyed themselves They

went through many wars and eventually they had the idea to take the energy of war and destruction

and depression and move it to other systems like yours to be able to work it out in

a way So your understand the idea that I am a counterpart of the channel

in that way your connection to that particular system is through a counterpart Thank you Ethan Would you be

able to um connect us to Amanda's counterpart We are speaking through them right now Do they have any muscle

test for Amanda One moment The idea that has carried you Ford to this point is no longer necessary to

push yourself in the negative direction Thank you Anything else for that They are speaking on

the idea that you are the transformed state that they experienced in themselves in that lifetime Thank you Uh

I mean to type another question here why is it no longer necessary What changed you have moved

past the point where it is necessary for you to maintain that state of being Thank you That

makes sense Ethan do we all have counterparts um from other dimensions or beings which

are counterparts of ours so to speak Yes you have parallel counterparts on earth and other time

periods but you also have counterparts in the stars Thank you I've never heard that before Um Would you tell

me if I have any counterparts on the planet at the moment or any other

dimensions or spaces you have So I have counterparts that you are connecting to currently four in your

past and one in your future you also have three particular species that you are connected to two in the

Pilates You have very particularly strong connections there You also have a connection to the ancient Orion

systems Remember that even if it's in the past as you determine it or understand it to

be it actually exists simultaneously It is in your world right now everything exists simultaneously

It does not necessarily in the past as you understand it it is around it is not necessarily

in the past as you understand it but it is in your it could be

in your future because everything is simultaneous So all past all future all exist simultaneously

just different frequencies different levels of understanding right Thank you Thank you That that that's good Um Regarding the three

specific the two paladins and one Orion um are you able to um convey any messages from them for

me Or generally speaking one of the P plains wishes you to know you are on the

path you are meant to be you are not there you are not wrong for taking the path

that you have taken Thank you Ethan Uh You mentioned the orions Now in our present our culture uh the

orions have kind of a bad rep uh um negative Uh I don't know if you know that

phrase Uh they they they looked upon somewhat negatively and they're said to be large and violent and live in

some caverns and they they are negative in nature Um What can you tell me about the orions if

they're here what their purpose is and so on the Orion species that you speak of were

the ancient past orions They are not the current species that lives in that way

They have moved past that understanding that way of existing at this time because they have

done such things as distribute the negative energy that was so dark in their society to yours and

many others systems Thank you Does that mean that a lot of the negative energy that

we see here on earth at this present moment Um is it influence or was handed at

handed down to us by the orions Not necessarily you from a soul level knew

that it would help work out that particular energy to come to a system like this

There was a planet called Melde in between the idea of Jupiter and Mars that destroyed itself That was

the first planet that it existed on Then when that planet was destroyed it moved to Mars and eventually

that attracted itself to the idea of destruction And then when that was finished which you guys

are the finishing of that energy you are seeing the plane out of that particular type of energy of war

on your planet right now through the idea of the wars you are experiencing in Ukraine and Israel Yes

I see that Thank you Ethan you mentioned Um Before to me I asked you

um what do we need to do to get to a better uh future more peaceful and fruitful And you

mentioned I believe 10% of people have to be uh so called on the wavelength Where are we now in

this trajectory Are we on this trajectory You are still on a similar path and a similar projection of your

particular energy We are moving closer to your planet closer energetically because we have shifted and

you all have shifted to a point where there are more people waking up You see it as a larger

collective now that people speak of being awake being able to interact with each other in a more

positive way willing to let go of the past Yeah absolutely I I agree with that Are there any um

physical or quasi physicals Orion beings on the planet on the planet Earth right now No there are bases

that people move through temporarily but the beans that you speak of are more on ships There are

some places where there is interactions but no permanent structures Thank you I've seen the photos of renders I'm not

sure if it was a picture of a face on Mars I believe with some pyramids Um

What can you tell me if that's true And if it is what is it in the

ancient or civilization that existed on Mars They had the idea of pyramids that was

passed down to them The idea of the reflection of wanting to connect to the universe

at that time they produced a face that was their way of connecting to more of

all it is and also more of the universe that was them saying I am open to the

universe right Was that a particular face someone's face No it was more of a general

phase OK Uh Amanda is asking can we connect with counterparts that are lighter and more

focused on peace and healing you do all the time What would be a good

way to connect to them They are already interacting with you in your ordering Spaces and

also delivering the ideas to you that just spring out of nowhere right When I

uh I'll continue this line of thought here Um Oh Sorry Amanda typed something How can I know I

am connected That's from Amanda depending on if you're coming from your negative ego U one note your

negative ego will generally pull you down and make you believe that you are worthless The more positive aspect

of yourself the connection to a particular being that resonates with you on a higher frequency will always come from

a loving place Generally speaking most of those beings that act in that way are acting as your guides at

this time The idea is to be non intrusive The idea is to understand that

many of those kind of beings will not necessarily say things all right But eventually you will have a

more open connection to that aspect yourself and other beings that operate on a higher frequency Thank you

on on that line of thought Um I wanna I wanna talk a little bit about thoughts

and memory Uh For example I get a great idea and sometimes I have the hunch

maybe it wasn't me maybe it came to me from the outside Um Where are thoughts coming from Where are

ideas coming from Generally speaking those kind of ideas come from your higher mind You tell me a

little bit about my higher mind What is it It is the non-physical aspect here

it is the more expanded awareness that you will potentially expand into at some point It is the thing that

maintains and has the connection to all the different versions of you that you've been throughout your entire life It's

that thing that actually tells you to go left go right go up go down speak to a random person

because you don't know where it's potentially gonna take you It is the person on

the mountain top that can see the whole land that's telling you go left instead of going

right right Does the higher mind has um its own personality or name or anything like that Generally speaking your

higher mind is the same name as you But when you reach to the level of that non-physical aspect

of yourself there are no reasons to have names in particular unless you want to have a name because everything

is telepathic at that point everything is frequency everything is vibration You do not require the idea

of a name much in the way that us and our civilization do not have actual names right

The name is just there for you to interact with at this time as we move through this process Yeah

Ok That makes sense Um What happens to my higher mind when I die You

move back up to the level of the oversoul Ok Um I'm not very familiar of

these um subjects or topics Could you describe a little bit the relationship or what is oversoul And how

does it relate to the higher mind The oversoul is the larger aspect of you It is that

which is connected to many different incarnations simultaneously It's that that which gives you the

connection to the different incarnations that you are connected to it is that which allows you to connect

to a version of you that is 3000 years in the future a version of you That's an et

it is the overarching aspect of you that is non-physical It is that which all over

higher cells actually connect you that allow you to choose a particular incarnation to be Amanda to be

Joseph to be LA Do do we all share one oversaw or there's several or many of

these oversoul roughly on earth you have 300,000 different overs souls that connect to all the

different people that have ever existed on your planet OK And we have about 8 billion or 7 billion

at the time So each overall will have a 20 to 300 entities that it's um working with

spawned more Yes How many more Well you have the idea of guides your guardian angels those people

that stand around you and kind of guide you generally On average on average most

humans have around five different guides at any given time They do shift they do go out and

do different things but they are there around you at all times Thank you And the guides are

part of the oversoul Yes they could at a certain level Be a person that was your father

in another lifetime neighbor someone who acts as your best friend the worst enemy from that higher

level You understand things differently than you do on the physical plane Thank you Um could you

tell me my immediate family being my mother my father my two sisters and my daughter are we

all part of the same oversoul You are part of the same soul group What and what is a soul

group please A soul group is roughly around 80 different souls that travel It can be much more than that

but on average about 80 different souls that travel from lifetime to lifetime together that act and play different parts

for each other in different lifetimes in one lifetime Your daughter could have been your mother

in another lifetime Your daughter could be your great grandmother or your father You do

not necessarily stay as one particular gender or eth ethnicity in every lifetime you shift around

because that is what works for that particular lifetime the way you were playing it in that lifetime at at

at any given moment So it's possible that my daughter and I were friends or

married or she was my parent at a different lifetime Yes The channel in front of you His

oldest niece was his daughter in the last time that they were together Much of that Actual relationship

has carried over to this particular lifetime Ok And how long ago was that relationship with his niece Was

uh his mother roughly a little over 100 years ago And thank you And these two did

they have any other um incarnations in between that one that we spoke of and and

Kenneth's life right now