Defining a target market for your brand can be one of the hardest parts of the process when you're startingto create online If you want to sell products if you want to market digital products builda following The fastest way to do that is to define a target create content aroundthat target and attract the right people to you from that specific target The difficulty liesin knowing what exactly to talk about over time This is where many people get confused and start toworry What if I run out of things to say to talk about What if I no longerwant to talk about a certain subject These are all normal thoughts to have In thisepisode we will discuss picking a target audience in a few parts the power of a targeted audiencesome limitations of narrowing down your niche and really leveraging growth within that target And choosingthat niche is the crucial step in establishing your online presence and building that successful business Whenyou choose a niche it defines your target audience it sets you apart from competitorsIt really guide your content creation the effort you're putting in while a well defined niche can leadto focused growth loyal followers It can also pose limitations that can really hinder your expansion Why isa targeted audience beneficial to growing your brand And how do you target that down correctly The moreyou can zero in on who you're speaking to the easier it can be togrow and to sell to that audience over time narrowing the niche down to be very specific can allow youfreedom to write without having to search for new ideas all the time brand newideas you can master a certain subject over time which will benefit you and will benefit your audience Whichis the most important thing When you select that target audience you can create your copy around serving thatspecific need If your target is fitness let's say power lifters then you can write about that subjectin as many ways as possible which will talk about shortly narrowing your niche can allow you toset yourself as an expert in that specific area While establishing more authority with each new piece of contentthat you write Some of the main benefits of being very target specific is your audience a definedniche allows you to target that specific audience with very tailored content offerings You can create very targeted products coursesebooks and more that fill a single practical need This is helpful when you're lookingto sell anything as people want to buy specific things to solve Specific problems Sothis targeted audience over time will be more inclined to buy from you because you're you're always sharing and helpingthem solve their problems in that specific area in the content you create and you're putting out there Soauthority and expertise is another issue here to to remember you wanna position yourself as an authority figure inwhatever it is you're doing whether it's online or offline any successful business owner or manager will tell youthey did not get to where they are by trying to be average they set themselvesapart in some form And because of that they were able to get a leg up in the marketAs you consistently provide this value content solutions within your niche you build credibility and trust amongyour audience This leads to that increased influence and recognition differentiation The marketplace is crowded now itwill continue to be more crowded over time with social media the ease of anyone to press record to putcontent out there saturates the market with a lot of content that is not targeted specific So when you focusin on that you can really get a leg up by giving the consumer exactly whatthey're looking for versus being very broad or generalized like the majority of marketers who canbe out there today and relevance to your niche from your content That connection When youdefine this it allows you to create very relevant content that addresses specific needs and challengesof your audience This content is what matters the most If you can create this typeof content over an extended period of time that will help your audience in any way they willstick around and follow you long term This following will be more inclined to engage with your content aswell After they build that trust in you there are a lot of marketers out there If you wannastand out it makes sense to target your content as much as you possibly can If you're getting value herebefore we move on to the next section make sure you follow make sure you hitthe like button It really helps push this content out further And what are somelimitations of a narrow niche You wanna have a direction for your content Where isit going If you don't have a direction then you'll probably quit Most likely the tricky part comesfrom deciding if you stick with one target or you expand to multiple targets And when is the right timeto do that Is there a right time I recommend starting out with one mainfoundational topic that's use fitness again from that big topic you then create three subtopicsYou can start to talk about that relate to the main topic but are not themain topic directly What could those topics be Diet exercise and supplements When you give yourself sub topics you canbroaden the scope of what you're talking about without going way off the foundational topicand losing your audience completely This will give you much more freedom to talk about over timeover the long term which is how you build your authority in the market space short termand long term Now understanding the limitations of narrowing down this is important So youcan see from the consumer side of things think about these limitations When you are defining your own audience rememberyou can always adapt and change things the likelihood you will get it 100% correct from day onevery slimm But if you do then that's great then that's good for you You wannathink about things like audience size One of the primary drawbacks of a narrow niche is the limited size ofthe target audience If you're target is too specialized or narrow you may struggle to attract a specificnumber of followers or customers to sustain this small audience when first starting out So begreat as it will help you grow quicker but you may be limited in how far youcan actually go think about market saturation Some niches are highly competitive with numerous businesses vying for theirattention of that same audience This can work both ways for your brand I believeit always will There's no audience out there that is not being marketed to at some level currently if thereis then you have really found a hidden gem it's easier to deal with saturationWhen you have a broader topic a good role to know is the broader the topic the longerit probably will take you to grow is your target audience Too small focusing exclusively on a single niche maylimit your ability to diversify products and offerings and expand into other markets With itslack of flexibility can be restrictive especially if you want to explore new opportunities or go in a different directionAgain this is different for everyone based on the type of content you create based onyour audience and products overall activity what you're planning to put out there So unless you're picking something thatis barely known or very new you should be OK if you pick a fewsubtopics to create around so you have more reach in your main topic of promotion When it comes to balancehow do you find balance you can leverage for growth in your niche A niche can support and restrictyour growth The key lies in finding that balance that maximizes benefit while it mitigates someof the limitations balance is not hard to attain But it does take practice the only real wayto know what balance works best for you is to write create and test very simplyover time you will get better at your style matching that content style to your target audience andwhat they're looking for Think of each new post video social media update that goes out youwant that to perform better than the last time and this works If you pay attention and you trackyour progress what are some practical things you can start doing today to find agood balance in your content delivery can expand start with the foundation topic write those subtopics out So you're setfor when you wanna grow and expand out Take those three topics right underneath each of themmore subtopics You see how this works this way you're creating that simple content map youcan build on You wanna keep an eye on what is going on with themarket with your audience and what your content is doing over time in the marketBe prepared to adapt change strategies slightly as needed to capitalize on any of new opportunitiesStaying ahead of the curve staying ahead of trends that are coming I would not make anybig moves on a whim but take time to watch what is happening And Idon't recommend creating on what is trending specifically If you're looking to grow over the longterm just stay focused on your subjects stay focused on your goals and your brand When it comesto experimentation don't be afraid to do this form some new ideas new approaches that work When you experimentyou get to see what works and what doesn't just make sure you stay focused on yourfoundation can be uncomfortable But as long as you don't go too far outside of your main foundation topic Youshould seek to try new things you should seek to put new things out into themarket If your content is good if your value is good then it will be a positiveexperience for you for the end consumer While a target audience can be good it canbe bad to restrict growth it can help growth It ultimately depends on how you approach it and how youleverage it When you understand the pros we went over some of the negatives we wentover to give you a good idea what to implement how the benefits work from thathow to navigate creating your own content for that targeted audience So as always you can check thedescription for details on what we went over in this video and I'll see youin the next one