Clutch Cargo 32
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    Scotch cargo with his Pals spinner and paddle foot in another exciting Adventure Dynamite Fury wish I could tell you

    what's up spinner but I can all I know is that we're to meet a man named Rocky Diggers the

    base of the Mountain Area I'm not mistaken that's our Landing field now let's kind of run

    down doesn't it it's the construction companies private field who's supposed to meet us I'm sure it is

    howdy I'm Rocky diggers construction supervisor for the damn I'd know you anywhere mr. cargo from

    the picture of you and your adventure logbook and these fellows must be your pal

    spinner and paddle foot how do you do sir whoa let's hop in the Jeep and head for Camp

    I'm sure glad you're here what seems to be the trouble Rocky we're supposed to read the damn

    in one month everything was going along fine until just a week ago suddenly things start to bog down and

    began having landslides that slowed us down I've lost three trucks this week all three of them have gone off

    the cliff sounds like sabotage what happens if you don't meet your deadlines we lose the job and have

    to pay back all the money we've earned will be ruined I figured if anybody could solve

    our situation hummus cargo well Rocky that's awfully nice of you but I just wanted you think

    we can do find out who's responsible for the accidents that delays and weird goings-on

    well of course we'll do our best right boys you bet thanks I feel better already it's Rudy should

    get deep and now we still have four miles over to go that's one of our

    trucks loaded with explosives Amina trucks loaded with dynamite molded with as much as you can take that trucks

    brakes aren't holding it will be like pancakes avoid being hit by that truck be sure to tune

    in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo but keep our goal with his Pals

    spinner and paddle foot in another exciting Adventure Dynamite Fury you remember last time Clutch Cargo

    and Company met a man named Rocky diggers who told them about losing for trucks in a

    single week while building a huge Dam as they headed for the dam site a truck loaded with dynamite

    began to roll out of control right towards them I sure hope the driver got out we'd better see if

    we could help somebody up there behind that rock why he's the man who was driving the truck

    hey dog become hear me yeah okay boss what were you doing up there when the brakes didn't

    like I jumped you almost killed us we were right behind you in the Jeep gosh

    if I don't know dad had a rented truck went over the cliff that wouldn't have been necessary

    we don't want anyone to risk his life any more than he has to that's what I think it that's

    why I let her go that's the fourth truck we've lost this week and you've

    been driving each a one-dog be you don't think I did it on purpose to

    you of course not but you could be more careful and checking the trucks before you

    start I'll be more careful that's the biggest I'll go down and see if there's anything left of the

    truck we'd better get along real key we've got lots to do there's the damn much tons

    and tons of concrete steel and man-hours and there's a crew standing around there waiting to blast and

    no Dynamite I see what you mean when you say you're losing money every day

    one of our big jobs right now is to clear out that big Spillway so the

    excess rainwater can run off to prevent floods where roulette Spillway take the water to a huge man-made lake on

    the other side of the mountain you think we can look through the dam you'll bet spinner that's what we're

    going to do now good we went to funny elevator no side and stay back

    in the center spinner Don't Go Near The Edge Laura way Frenchy all of them meanwhile on top of

    the huge Dam grimy dog be peeks into the control room at Frenchy the elevator operator hey Frenchy I

    believe you so you can get some coffee merci thank you very much now let

    me see which one do I pull will someone pull on the brake and save Touch of

    his friends be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with what's called Argo but cargo

    with his Pals spinner and paddle foot in another exciting Adventure Dynamite Fury you remember

    last time clutch and Company with Roxy diggers construction supervisor of the Damned narrowly escaped a loaded

    Dynamite truck almost hit them later as they were inspecting the damn grimy dog be took over the

    controls of the elevator on which they were writing controls anybody here miss chiaki we're all okay Frankie

    what happened sorry boss no man well tell her to be more careful we could

    have been killed you weren't sent here to relieve me why is god well that's it clutch

    you can see the holes we've drilled for blasting now they only had Dynamite we

    could blast and set our damn planes without the dynamite work has to stop we'll

    get you a load of dynamite through Rocky don't we fellas huh us to will go clutch

    we're help thanks fellas we've got to get a load through today if we don't it'll be too

    late all I ask is that you be very careful clutch remember all those other accidents will

    be careful rocking and we'll get that Dynamite truck through I we take a boat and go Downstream

    to town where the loaded truck is anybody sees us they'll think we're going fishing swallow much

    the quicker the better the boats right over there just make sure no one hears about plan oh

    no grimy dog be heard every word and it's at this time sailing on that cable car to the river

    side of the canyon someone clutching his two companions start Downstream and a rubber pontoon good luck clutch

    see you soon we should be back before dark mr. Jagger's as clutch and his two companions approached the Narrows

    through which the river passes are solitary figure awaits at the cliff Edge High Above it's none other

    than dark be the truck driver that must be the Narrows just ahead when we clear that will

    be almost there why do they call it the Narrows you'll save yourself in just a little while

    spinner we're picking up speed look at us go that's because the narrower the stream or river becomes

    the first of the water rushes even as clutch explains the Narrows to spinner grimy

    dog be who was hiding behind a big boulder is busily engaged engaged in the act of

    trying to pry the boulder loose Rapids ahead hold on okay Holly these nails are now now it's

    falling right along Pals oh no it's a deck what can possibly stop that bulldozer from crushing crushing

    company be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo each car go

    with his Pals spinner and paddle foot in another exciting Adventure Dynamite Fury you remember last

    time as clutch and Company and Rocky were talking about getting the dynamite truck through grimy dog be was

    listening to every word as clutch and Company passed through the Narrows on their rubber boat dog be loosened

    a huge Boulder from above hit the deck thank goodness The Narrows our narrow Narrows at

    Foley Boulder was no accident somebody doesn't want us to deliver that load of explosives we can expect more

    trouble from the same Source I guess I'll need another plan looks like we're in

    the clear that's the head is a small town of fuse build that's where we pick up the

    truck load of dynamite hello you Clutch Cargo and Company that's us mr. Digger for me

    to have a truck loaded ready for you good I want to check the truck before we start over the

    mountains I don't blame you after all those accidents there it is I checked it myself

    but you can't be too careful especially when you've got passengers clutch checks every detail of the

    truck the explosives the wheels the brakes and the steering everything checks out fine and soon they're on their

    way I'll check the brakes on this little Hill just to make sure they work fine might

    as well go on up the hill spinner everything's in order people using we're on we're

    on a private road built by the construction people are getting the chain clutch what's the matter

    boy okay clutch let's go almost to the top spinner brakes are out what happened

    the emergency won't hold either terrible fate awaits Clutch Cargo and Company be sure to tune in for the

    next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo our goal with his Pals spinner and paddle foot in another exciting Adventure

    Dynamite Fury you remember last time clutch and Company arrived in town check the dynamite truck thoroughly

    then started for the dam site as they stop to Laura chain across the road dog be cut the trucks

    brake cable clutch and Company were driving a runaway truck what's going on hold on Wow we stopped we're slipping

    back spinner you climb up and pull the trailer release I think I can hold

    it with the low gear try clutch we're right over the spot where Rocky wants to blast

    the spillway hurry spinner we're slipping good boy spinner you saved Our Lives checks clutch it was

    nothing congratulations clutch is save the dam and blasted the spillway area most of the

    credit goes to spinner I couldn't have done it without him congratulations to you spinner you're

    a brave boy oh I better scram out of here hey who's that up there running along the top of

    the dam it's probably the same guy who pushed that older down on us he's

    the one behind all these accidents it's Doug's beheaded with the cable car stand back you guys I'll drive across

    the dam and intercepted he's getting away Frankie more me down quick okay hold on to

    your app that's the truck that's been causing all the trouble Francie let me take over

    those controls we we miss year we pleasure hey Frenchie watch what you're doing up

    there now give it to him here plus please oh please stop it I give up you

    can only me now Monsieur I think he's at it is your mind Rocky grimy dog

    be he could have stopped you dog B's outfit would have gotten the completion contract thanks

    to you spinner and panel foot that didn't happen I knew I could count on you we're

    glad to be of help Rocky this dam is going to benefit a lot of people yeah then the

    next time you build a dam we like to come and help you so ends the story

    of Clutch Cargo and his Pals spinner and paddleboards and dynamite Fury be sure to

    tune in for the next exciting adventure with Clutch Cargo