Acts Chapter 4
Peter and John were arrested and put into prison by the Priests and Sadducees, along with the temple guard for teaching against their Jewish beliefs. Who were these priests and Sadducees, what did they believe, and what was the Sanhedrin? What happened to Peter and John as an outcome of this arrest? The results are not what they expected, and we will look, in this chapter, what the outcome was to both the Jews and the apostles.
Peter and John were arrested and put into prison by the Priests and Sadducees, along with the temple guard for teaching against their Jewish beliefs. Who were these priests and Sadducees, what did they believe, and what was the Sanhedrin? What happened to Peter and John as an outcome of this arrest? The results are not what they expected, and we will look, in this chapter, what the outcome was to both the Jews and the apostles.
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