Video #14 - How to add an internal link to your blog
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all right you're already on step number six after you've added your keyword to your blog title meta

title meta description first sentence of your content and you've added an external link the next thing you

want to do is you want to add one internal link to your blog post let

me show you how to do that okay the way you add an internal link is by

linking to another page in your website or linking to another blog in your website but being this is

our first blog we've got a link to our homepage once you start writing more blogs you can link to

other blogs in your website so since we only have one block let's link to our

website so you can say something like if you enjoyed this blog please share our website with

your friends and family okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the

word website and I'm going to link it to our home page I like the

Bold it I'm going to click this little thing that says link and we're going to put our URL

which is HTTP colon forward slash forward slash my cool Church dot sight rubrics dot-com of course you put your

link and there you go you have an internal Link in your blog and like I said The more

blogs you right you can start linking to other blogs this is good stuff now you want to remember

to save okay and now you have just added an internal link to your blog let's move on

to the next lecture