our in-depth research for over four decades can help you understand the mindset that you need to survive andthrive in the digital economy The yin yang ability to apply optimization and agile innovationis your key to digital enterprise transformation in this episode we will explore the flux nowtaking place from the industrial economy to the digital economy the characteristics of challenges and opportunities of our new worldare starkly different from the characteristics that we have become accustomed to in the industrial era Thenew business landscape has become a treacherous place for those who fail to adapt and avirtual gold mine for those who do now let us understand the flux you have to know thepast to understand the present so in order to understand the world we are in now what we call ourdigital economy we will first of all need to know what has happened in the past what wecall the industrial economy let's start by looking at world GDP The World Bank measures W GDP in constantUS dollars the value of all goods and services produced by all the countries in the world in asingle year the value of GDP in trillions of US dollars is measured on the vertical axis the concerned yearsfrom nineteen sixty to twenty twenty-two is shown as a vertical line on the horizontal axis the red linemarks the year two thousand last year of the twentieth century marked the end ofan era and the beginning of a new one some call it the end of industry three point zero andthe beginning of industry four point zero others refer to it as the end ofthe industrial economy in the beginning of the digital economy and research we perceive the phenomenon neither nor a beginningrather it is a state of flux enabled by technology an ongoing shift in the characteristics ofthe challenges and opportunities of our world now take a close look at how many years ittook our world to produce ten trillion dollars worth of goods and services for the firsttime nineteen years the second ten trillion dollars ten years half the time the third ten trillion dollarssix years clearly accelerating But then look at what happened in the next round theAsian Crisis of Nineteen ninety eight indeed our engine slow down a bit we needed eight yearsfor that only to make a remarkable recovery We needed less than three years to produce the world's fifth tentrillion dollars of GDP another acceleration brings in the six ten trillion dollars in less than two yearsand it's tale the unforgettable American crisis of two thousand and eight for the first time in history World GDPcontracted the decisive action taken by America's new president elect that year made an impact again our world needed lessthan two years to produce the seventh ten trillion dollars of GDP The American crisis slow down the production ofour eight ten trillion dollars of GDP it also spawned the European sovereign de crisis overthe next four years consequently our world experienced its GDP contraction concerted government action spawned remediesthat led world recovery into producing our nine ten trillion dollars of GDP We were shocked by threeglobal crisis only to be flabbergasted by the covid nineteen pandemic that coronavirus delivered our third GDP contraction government leadersacted decisively with vaccines at breakback speed mandated social distancing accelerated a new source social norm onlinemeetings the recovery that followed produced are ten ten trillion dollars of GDP by the end oftwenty twenty two the characteristics of challenges and opportunities of our new world are starkly different from thecharacteristics that we have become accustomed to in the industrial era established ways of doing eventhe most basic tasks are being reinvented the new business landscape has become a treurous place for thosewho failed to adapt in a virtual gold mine for those who do this is the era of disruption inthe era of disruption What are the new rules that we all need to learnto deal with what is the right mindset for the digital economy three GDP contractions within the lasttwo decades per capita GDP has more than doubled over sixty-three years what happened or better yet whatare we still experiencing in the world today Population growth alone cannot explain the accelerated growth of GDPThe answer lies mainly in the advancement and widespread use of digital technology artificial intelligence and robotics will soon befurther accelerated by quantum computing Brace yourself for what will happen when digital transition to the quantum era digital technologyis relentlessly fueling the convergence of three global phenomena a new lifestyle for everyone without exception anew generation of consumers customers and workers empowered by smartphones and AI and the globalization of digital markets learnthe new rules of the digital era that we are still in learn to apply the right mindset forthose new rules now if you do not it may just be too late foryour business and your organization to cope with the tsunami of change in the quantum era you needto organize for business excellence in episode one we explored the flux now taking place from the industrialeconomy to the digital economy established ways of doing even the most basic tasks are being reinvented constantly welive in an era of disruption the new business landscape has become a treacherous placefor those who fail to adapt and a virtual gold mine for those who do there are new rulesand we need to quickly learn to deal with them in the next episode we will understand the new