Acts Chapter 18
Paul's second missionary journey is ending. He arrives in Corinth and meets Aquila and his wife Priscilla who become his fellow workers. After teaching in the synagogue, the Jews opposed him, so he goes out to the Gentiles. Priscilla and Aquila meet a Jew named Apollos whom they then taught him a more accurate picture of who Jesus was, and then he went on and helped all who believed in Jesus Christ and the salvation that comes from grace.
Paul's second missionary journey is ending. He arrives in Corinth and meets Aquila and his wife Priscilla who become his fellow workers. After teaching in the synagogue, the Jews opposed him, so he goes out to the Gentiles. Priscilla and Aquila meet a Jew named Apollos whom they then taught him a more accurate picture of who Jesus was, and then he went on and helped all who believed in Jesus Christ and the salvation that comes from grace.
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