Video #7 - How to activate your SEO plug in
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okay now that you got your website up and running you got your blog installed now you

want to add what's called an SEO plugin and the cool thing about the website that you just

built it comes with a free SEO plugin so I'm going to show you how

to activate that now so keep it locked okay what you want to do is you want to go

to your dashboard all right your WordPress dashboard and you want to go where it says

plugins now yours is going to say it's deactivated yours is going to look like

this what I want you to do is just go ahead and click activate Okay and you're good to go

so now we're going to go to post okay and when I click edit post

there's going to be something that pops up that wouldn't pop up if you didn't have

this SEO plugin I'm going to show you that now if you scroll down see where it

says right here meta title meta description and then it says social you won't have

that unless you install this SEO plugin so you're good to go so let's go to the next

lesson on Church growth 2.0