in this video we're going to talk about a tool called Millie Note It is M I L AN O T E dot com and we're on its page It's free up to acertain amount of cards or notes is what they call these different things that you drag on But the ideaof this tool is that it's very unstructured So if you if you scroll down this page obviously you cansee they have some templates you can bring in So its design oriented you basically create a board and thenyou can nest other boards inside your board for a tree sort of workflow But you can dragon imagesand documents It's very dynamic You can draw on it So it kind of unconstrains the process of task management if you will and or design or even inspiration mood board type um activitiesthat you might be doing in your business So you can corral different things in together and then make listsin separate boards And so you just you have a more dynamic way to use the tool dependingon how you want Okay so let me get down here and see if we can find thepricing Oh there it is Plans and pricing Okay so free is 100 notes images or links and 10upload files So if you start uploading actual files then obviously you're going to hit theplan I actually think I have this year late Um so I what is that That's going to be likeuse this in my business I use this personally for my own business to organize myself because it's kind ofmy brain really likes this tool now that I've kind of figured out how it works forme and I use it with my clients on the regular um in process mapping tolay out the steps visually of what's going on with whatever we're working on for them whether we're buildingup a crm for them or whether we're mapping out um a digital marketing plan It's reallyeasy to use this tool like over a zoom meeting and actually start building out the basics and thenI also use it to document the final result so that they have a plan So I'm using itboth ways So whether or not you love this tool or don't just use it personally oruse it for your business it's a very cool tool So let's go ahead and login It defaults to the last board I had open Um If you haven't checked out thebiz dashboard challenge this is one of the tools that I talked about possibly building your biz dashboard out inSo this is sort of a very linear layout that we can just take a look atreally quick and this is just a new board that I dragged in if Iwanted to nest something else under But you can basically have all these little tools is robust butreally simplistic at the same time So you've got to draw a tool You have an upload tool andadd an image Although honestly I never used to add an image tool like you do this so you canpick from obviously stock images Yeah so they're going to give you that Oh maybe they're givingme oh look they've they've seen That's funny I didn't even I didn't even catchthat So that's a new thing I didn't realize that they were doing they do thisin other places So my board is called biz dashboard and it's giving me biz related stock imagesor dashboard related stock images That is super awesome Okay so there's a bendy for you rightthere or I can upload my own photos But if I'm uploading my own photos I tend to justbring my finder open we'll just do a new finder window open here and I wouldmaybe navigate for this board right I'm just going to close that you can find whatI did with my meal here and move that bag Um I would navigate to my logofolder and I would drag my image in like that but I'm not going to dothat because I've already done it right So I just drag directly from my finder orhonestly I'm a screen snap queen So I'm constantly taking dust screen snaps of justimages especially if it's like a planning or design phase where I just want images tomood board with I just dragging my screen snaps and then I can visually show people what's goingon I also mock up my screen snaps from my clients So let's move out to my so this isone that's just personal Right I'm gonna go all the way to my home I haveall these boards their boards nested under boards under clients I actually coral my client boards because I createa board for all my clients And I'm at them So let's go into one Here'sa photographer and you can see how we visually mapped what we were doing inside her 17 hats crm Sowe had our website in here I had some of her current workflows that we're working for in 17hats We talked about the website the lead form So I visually took a screen snapoff her lead form and brought it in here And then when we started building out the flow ofthis particular answer to this question in her crm leads to automatic workflows that we're sending things This is thefinal version of it's not the messy version um with the steps and the emails because the emailsdon't actually show up in 17 hats When you look at the workflow we broughtin screen snaps of the actual templates that it's sending so that when she has aV eight which she does she can show the V A Hey this is theworkflows is the email here's the name of the email all the things right Um and not haveto explain it So this tool is not just a planning tool or a process mapping tool It canactually be a documentation tool if if your process is simple enough that this works right So you only havesome basic things and then there's arrows obviously you can color code your arrows youcan color code your columns But let's pop up and we'll just create a new board So I'mjust gonna drag a board over here New board I can name it whatever I want I've named itnow It just gives me an icon So I click on that and I can change the iconand see based on the fact that I said demo board It's giving me things right I knewit did it here I just didn't realize So I could pick my little icon Icould upload an actual image So for my clients I've uploaded their logos for me I've uploaded thingsthat make sense for my boards and then I can do all the things don't get lost inthis This is definitely a rabbit hole You can do the custom picker and I think you could evenprobably go and do a hex code likely But let's just do this I love the magenta purplecolor So now that I have this blank board it's just a big grid I've got all these littletools on the side and it automatically pops this up So this is a bonus in thatthey give you example boards So you could bring in a board without content or with contentSo let's just look So if I want project plan that's one of the boards they had on their mainpage or whatever it brings me all the stuff and if I want to if I like this Sothis is essentially a column with a bunch of cards These are boards in that column thisis a to do list in the in the column Um and then there's some images that broughtin If I wanted to keep that content just as a visual reminder of whatwas going on I would actually check this box way down here and just keep example content mood boardsame sort of thing Right Creative brief Now that you can go in here there's more templates Sothere are categories of templates So if you're an agency type person you can go inhere this is more project plan story boarding team planning So you can do more linear things with justum what your goals are productivity This is one for all entrepreneurs solo pros and live Right so inspiration boardJust your basic mood board project workflow So you can use these little arrows just to sort offigure out and flesh out what your project is with cards and things Um team plannerif you have people or we looked at that weekly plan So you could do like an agenda kind ofthing I think they even have an agenda in here More of like a can ban board which islike a tremolo thing where you could do kind of what I did for mybiz dashboard you can do other fancy stuff so you can explore all the templates butwe're just going to back out of this I don't want it I just want to show you the differentelements inside this board So a note is simply a note You just typed text you can format yourtext So like I could make this a heading and they don't give you a lot ofchoices here because they don't want you spending time like making your board pretty even though all of uswill do it right If you have any design tendencies you're going to come in hereand try and do that So I can just write a paragraph text Of course Ican't type I could do got you know like a basically bullet list Um I couldturn that into a numbered list just by clicking it again I can um make myactually let's do this I could make this centered you can do all those things rightI could bring in a to do list and type my items just like I did aminute ago If I keep typing it gives me the option to name my list I can say no thanksI don't want to or yes if I do and I could say today's masks okay now if Iwant to just have these all free floating I can I can bring out arrows you can connectyour arrows to your things that you can do wonky things and change the color You canmake an arrow double sided I actually have to click on the actual elements and Ican make it have two arrows if I wanted to do that If I was process mapping or mindmapping or whatever I was trying to do out here um I can change it to be a dash lineif it's not like a given I can give it different weights you know so you can you can actuallystylized this quite a bit and anything that you create here is a board You can save as a templatefor yourself and your team The downside is it's not like Canada where you can make it a template thatyou can share externally to other Melania users I wish they'd make this feature athing because I would totally be doing it The only way that you can share is youhave to give people instructions to take and highlight the entire board or like what I justdid I just ran my mouse over everything to highlight it or you can do like um command or controla to highlight everything on the board and then commander control C to copy it Andthen you could go out and create another board and paste it in So if I were doingthis drag another board in and then I could do command V to paste that in there Sometimes it paceis a little wonky but it'll be super awesome if we could take the templates that theyhave and actually share it between users But at this point that is not a thing yet So letme go back to my original board here So if I'm corralling things right I canuse columns Actually maybe I don't want that one Maybe I just I could double tap hereand I'll start a new card Our new note I go back and forth between the thenames for things inside Melanoma versus trail oversees all or whatever You can bring out these if youdon't see this one this is a hex color code right That's how they getthe mood board stuff in here If you don't see it under this three dot ellipsis thing you'vegot other options and you can drag these options into your board if there's something you use on theregular So the color code one is definitely when I use a lot So Icould come in here and I could just pop in one of my hex code colors Just type itin there and it changes the name is not always right I don't I don't even know thatdoesn't even seem like a color name to me It seems like a city or somethingbut if I wanted to I could type over that now I have that to highlight ifI needed to grab that really quickly Sometimes it's hard to click in here and grab that but it'ssuper simple to type in here and do that So I could actually bring all these into a board formy branding colors which is kinda what I was doing on the other one Orif I was just trying to mood boards some colors I don't know if you can look you can dothat So I could move board some colors That's not going to be very harmoniousAnd actually they just start pulling colors out look at that that's pretty awesome They'rekind of giving me some color color wheel stuff here and it's giving you the hex codes for those colorsSo if you are in love with this particular lavender which I think is really close to the this year'spantone color um you could grab that and you know start using it So I could corral all these ina more like pleasing manner Like if I was trying to get clients some options this is not pleasing atall Or I could actually put them all in here and make it very linear depending on howI prefer to work Right okay So the other things that you're going to use a lotSo obviously to do links this one is actually a link card So if I typein a link here just paste that in Yeah I'm gonna move that card overSometimes these pop down and automatically rearrange and other times they don't So I just brought in my member ofall platform for the business use the business terms muse So it gives me whatever the images in therewhich isn't always beautiful but it's a link direct to the website So I usethis a lot for clients or for websites that are inspirational websites where I'm kind of looking atum or even links to documents that live someplace online like a google doc or whateverYou can totally bring in your links and then you can also you know start tobuild out other boards like if this was a topic and I had sub topics ah oreven like if this was my team and I had a board for each of myteam members or however you know it worked if this was my socials bored and I wantedan instagram board and a Pinterest board and a linkedin board with my content planning on each of those boardsI could work it that way and there are content planning templates just so you know they've gottena little fancier just recently You can do headings right So here's my heading andI don't know if you can actually I guess you can you can tweak it just withthe basic colors if I wanted to And I don't think you can really change thefont because like I said they don't want you to like go way designing But thatway you can have kind of a transparent heading that if I drag it intoa place it will actually turn white But if I drag it back out it's transparent So it couldjust sit on top here without actually being a card directing things So like you could use thisas well Like if you were trying to do different things out here with your arrows but you do havethe ability to put a label on your arrow whatever my thing is Right You can do that or youknow Yes No if your process mapping or decision tree doing whatever This is anotheroption for a long form note So this is basically a document that you can format Okay so that's nota ton of text but I could do those things if I wanted to come down hereand maybe do it again I could make it bullets It didn't work So I could highlightthese two things and make them bullets and do whatever um sort of formatting I wanted to do withthis guy allows me to export this document as a pdf as a word document markdown plaintext all the thingsSo this was actually a blog post If you're planning content for your website you could dothat and even work in markdown But it basically takes your note text which isas long as you type it right And then at some point it will ask you if youwant to turn it into a document if it gets too long So if I corral this intoa place I highlight that whole column I can change that That's how I get the top bar color Ican just change it like that I can change my color card right So this is where Ican change the document color so I could make it like harmonious It's not absolutely necessary But you know forfor those of us that appreciate a little bit of like you know bling toour tools That's a good thing right You can kind of especially if you're showing it to a clientor whatever you can brand it with their colors So that's just a way umto have a note in an area that is collapsed rather than a full text Althoughhonestly I really like having a note the amount of text that I pasted inthere was not very much So I actually sometimes prefer to see my text expanded because then I don't haveto click in to see what it is I can see at a glance what I'm lookingfor and I can grab what I need So I do a lot of screen stamps and it's reallyeasy to pull a screen snap I can find the right one here into mydocument So I just basically take it from my desktop and I just grab grabit right in So this is actually Melanie pricing that I snapped earlier so and then I can just alterthis just make it bigger Now granted when you screen snap stuff the resolution of this image is going tovary and this counts as an upload So you know so if you're on the freeplan you know obviously creating 100 notes isn't a big deal but if you startto bring in um images then that's going to hit your account So But I love thistool so I think it's totally worth the 999 a month Um personally moving things around is super simple Yousaw me copy earlier So if I wanted to just move okay so yeah it's super simpleUnless you don't grab it right I need to kind of grab it from the top right I haveto grab that this way everything I highlighted is moving with it So if I just wantto move this one I can just grab it and move it if I wanted to highlightthis and move these back over here and then maybe I'm going to dock this over here withmy new board I can um grab this and move it and then the way that Iwas kind of controlling this is normally there's like a little teeny pull dot but nowthat I have the label there I can just grab the label and move it this way If it makesmore sense to have it at the top um I can bring it out so it makesmore sense than I can bring this back I can align stuff up I can throw that imageright in here if I wanted to so that it was corralled in there andthen I could just drop these in here as well But if I'm trying to do a design or aconcept then maybe having things more free flowing is definitely a good thing And then if I didn't want somethingfor whatever reason I can just take it and drag it off to the trash or I tend to justhighlight it and I could delete it So let me just I'm going to drag thisboard out here I'm going to highlight it I'm going to delete it because Idon't really need it there at the 100 cars I think they let you have thatlimit and then you could go and delete to stay under the limit or at any pointyou could upgrade and then it wouldn't be limited at all So that is melonOh and I hope that that's helpful and I hope that you try the tool It's obviously free So Iwould take a play with it give it a run see how you like it And if it if itworks well with the way that you like to plan and track things then by allmeans I um leave me a comment Tell me how much you love it if you hate ittell me why you hate it I'm always interested to know like why people like things and don't like thingsbecause it's usually random and it's totally personal But that is the whole point You're onlygoing to use a tool that you like If you don't like it it frustrates you and you're just notgoing to be excited to even use it and plan in it So pick the one that works bestfor the way that you like to work